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115: Case Study: Reversing Perimenopause, Is It Possible And What You Need To Know About It
Episode 11530th July 2024 • Natural Fertility with Dr. Jane • Dr. Jane Levesque
00:00:00 00:32:09

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In this episode, Dr. Jane Levesque, a naturopathic doctor and natural fertility expert, shares her insights on optimizing fertility naturally with advanced age. For this session, she introduces a special case study of a 45-year-old woman who faced infertility after cancer treatment. Dr. Levesque discusses the approach that she is taking with this patient to reverse perimenopause -  improving cellular health, supporting mental and emotional well-being, and sorting through the past traumas to heal and get a chance at having a baby even at an advanced age. She outlines the personalized treatment plan, which includes high-dose melatonin, parasite cleansing, and various therapies to improve overall health. Tune in for practical tips, expert interviews, and inspiring stories every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.


STOP wasting time and suppressing your anxiety. Let's navigate your fertility journey together, so you can feel more confident and prepared for this next BIG chapter of your life. In Fertility 101, you'll join Dr. Jane, the creator of the Maximize Your Fertility Program, to learn how to enhance your fertility naturally. Participate in bi-weekly calls with Dr. Jane and learn alongside a private community of women on similar journeys.


Every month, Dr. Jane takes on 2 couples where she works with them 1:1 to identify and overcome the root cause of their infertility.



Key Takeways

12:12 Peace Through Fertility Journey

20:23 Gut Health and Parasite Cleansing

27:00 Dr. Jane Levesque's Holistic Approach to Health

29:01 Biological vs. Chronological Age in Fertility

Memorable Quotes

"If you take a year to become the best version of yourself and work with a practitioner, you won't have the same level of anxiety going into your fertility journey or pregnancy. You'll feel good in your body, confident, and able to trust it."
“I always start with the gut. Your ability to produce serotonin and dopamine, absorb nutrients, make hormones, and recycle hormones—everything starts in the gut.”
“I want to get the age out of everybody's mind and focus on your cellular health. If your cellular health is that of a 40-year-old, but you're 32 and freaking out, or you're 35 and worried your eggs are spoiling, take a year to become the best version of yourself."

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If you take a year to honestly just become the best version of yourself and really dive into. And I would work with a practitioner because it's unlikely that you know exactly what you need to do to optimize the function of your cells and how you feel. I promise you, you're not going to have the same level of anxiety going into your fertility journey or going into pregnancy because you feel good in your body, you feel confident, you feel like you can trust it versus like time is running out. Pregnancy is a natural process. So if it's nothing happening or if it's not sticking, something is missing. After having a family member go through infertility and experiencing a miscarriage myself, I realized how little support and education women have around infertility. I want to change that. I'm doctor Jane Levesque. I'm a naturopathic doctor and a natural fertility expert. Tune in every Tuesday at 09:00 a.m. for insightful case studies, expert interviews, and practical tips on how you can optimize fertility naturally. If you've been struggling with infertility, pregnancy loss, women's health issues, or you just want to be proactive and prepare yourself for the next big chapter in your life, this show is for you. All right, you guys, today I want to share a special case with you. Basically, I think you've seen me do case studies, and the case studies are usually once they're done. So once the person has been through the journey and once the pregnancy is good, and sometimes I even wait until the pregnancy is complete, depending on the case and, you know, the desire of the patient to share it, then I can present the information. But in reality, I think what you guys want to know is how I work on cases and the ups and downs that are happening through the case. And so what I want to do with this case, because it's a very special case. And I think that it's a wonderful opportunity for many of you to learn from this case, where I'm just going to share it with you as we go. So we just started, we just received, you know, the, all of the results a couple of months ago. We just started on phase two of her supplements, which is technically the second month of the supplements. And so I want to present the case to you so you can follow along because I genuinely have no idea how it's going to turn out. But what I do want to share is the reality of how we manage infertility and how unpredictable the journey can be. And sometimes it's a home run case and sometimes it's not. And like I said, I have no idea what it's going to be like. But I do want to share the information with you as it goes, because I think that there's a lot of value for some of you who feel like you've been through the wringer and you've done x, y, and z and it hasn't worked, or maybe you're thinking about giving up or you're looking for another practitioner or whatever. I hope that this information helps you and guides you. So this case, I'm going to call her Emily, and I hope that I remember that I call her Emily. So if I make up another, but you hear the same. Obviously, I don't want to disclose her personal information, but she came to me. She's 45 years old. She was diagnosed with cancer, the ductal carcinoma in situ, in 2018. And when she was diagnosed, essentially she decided to go through one round of IVF. She was only able to retrieve one egg from that. And she said to me, to be honest, I don't even know the quality of that. Like, sure, we can test all good, but it, like, she was only able to retrieve one egg. And obviously, that was not a happy and healthy time in her life because she was diagnosed with cancer. And then she went through some cancer treatments. Radiation, tamoxifen for, I believe she ended up being on it for about six months, and she was feeling terrible on it and the radiation and all the other stuff. She kind of. She wanted to try the natural route in terms of treating the cancer, but there was a lot of disconnect in terms of what her family believed that she should do. And we've discussed that because it's like, if I could go back and if I would do things differently, what would I do? And one of her wishes and desires that she would have made the decision herself versus letting her parents chime in and make the decision, because even though our parents are there making, you know, asking us to do certain things because they love us, they're not in our bodies, and their decisions are from fear because they don't want to lose her. And she didn't listen to her gut, and she feels like that is the thing that really threw her in for a loop, meaning it stopped her period. So she had a couple of periods here and there, and a lot of them were stimulated with progesterone, but she hasn't had her own period for a couple of years now. And obviously, when a case like that comes to me, it's like, hey, is there a way that I can still get pregnant. And now she doesn't even want to use the egg that she retrieved. And to be honest, I think that if, for whatever reason, she decides to do IVF, if that seems to be the right option later down the road, what I see is women fixating on the age that they are versus the level of health that they are. I have many cases where they've gone through lots of retrievals, and they had such a hard time getting good quality eggs out. And then when they go through my program and work with me, their retrieval not only, like, blows them away, but it's like. It's just. It's insane how easy their body is able to handle it, how many eggs and the quality of those eggs. And that is because their bodies are now healthier, even though their bodies are older. And so, of course, you know, everybody has told her that she's crazy and she needs to go on antidepressants, and she just needs to forget about having children. I'm not going to be one of those people, because at the end of the day, we decided that her goal is to get healthy. She has some symptoms that have been left over post cancer treatment, her bladder being the main one, where she literally, it's an irritated bladder, for the lack of a better term. That's what she got diagnosed with, but that started after the radiation, so there's definitely some damage from the radiation that her body is still managing from. And then she had some pretty bad insomnia that, you know, she just couldn't fall asleep and then, or stay asleep, and then her bladder would wake her up, and it was this vicious cycle. And then obviously, her hormones are all over the place and nonexistent because of the treatment. And then she's had a pretty crazy history where she was in, you know, she was in a war when she was a teenager, and there was a lot of trauma, and she got her period right around that time. And I'll tell you why that's important. We, as women, have the pulsations of the growth hormone will dictate our ability. Like our. Essentially, they can set the tone for our menstrual cycle for the rest of our lives. So if you have a really stressful time around your period, so whether you're an athlete and you're training an insane amount or you're in a war or there is divorce or chaos or whatever else is going on, you know, went on in your life when you were a teenager getting your period, I want to. And all those things because now when I'm talking and thinking about ovulation and the body stopping ovulation and the ovaries essentially going to sleep, and the premise of this case is us, where we want to try to wake these ovaries up. And the way that we wake them up is telling the brain that it's safe for the body to ovulate. And over the last couple of years, since 2018, it has not been safe for the body to ovulate in. She's had a period before that. I think 2022 was her last actual period. But the point is that her body does not feel safe. And that lack of safety is not just since she started. She was diagnosed with cancer. There's also a reason as to why she got diagnosed with cancer. Right? So we have to look at those root causes and then obviously, looking as far back as what happened in the childhood, what happened in the womb, and she has a very fertile family. Her mom had many children. I think it's five, if three to five. Now I'm blanking. But she's had many children. And everybody, her aunts and sisters, they've all had their menstrual cycle up until into their fifties. So for her to not have the cycle in the early forties is abnormal for her. And I would agree with her on that because she led, and I'm going to say a healthy lifestyle, because there's probably some components that were, quote unquote, not healthy leading up to being diagnosed with cancer. But for the most part, it's like she takes care of herself. She grew up, you know, on organic, high quality food because that's just what they had. They didn't. Similarly to myself, where I grew up in Russia, and we grew our own food, it was all organic because we grew it, you know, and so there's, that's a huge leg up for somebody. And we do see in certain cultures where women are not going into menopause until they're the early fifties, if not late fifties. And that is because the health of the ovary and the health of the mitochondria is really good up until those years. So she's had some pretty big stressful events. And because of that, the way that she led her life in terms of the high level of work that she has put herself through and just not meeting even the right person at the right time. Right time. I say that everything happens at the right time for the right reason, but she didn't meet her person until a couple of years ago. So she didn't even really think about having kids, because for some of us, we don't meet our person that we want to have children with until we're much older. I mean, my sister was in the same situation. She was 37, you know, when she met her husband. And I'm not the one to say if you have the desire to have a biological child, I'm not the one to say that you can't, and there's nothing you can do about it. I'm also not here to instill, like, fake hope or want you to have an unhealthy pregnancy or unsafe, because I'm also not delusional to the fact that your risk of, you know, having a child with down syndrome or autism or whatever, like, having complications during pregnancy, is much higher when you're in your forties. But this is why she comes to me, because what I want to do is make her as healthy as possible, and we're going to see what the outcome of that is, because I believe if she's truly healthy and her mitochondria is functioning really well, then not only she's gonna sleep better, she's not gonna have the bladder issues, she's not gonna have the chance of cancer reoccurrence, but she will have healthy ovarian function, which means having a healthy period and a high quality egg. And we can tell that all by labs, and we can tell that by symptoms. And so I'm excited to share this case with you, because if, you know, I always say, like, if anybody can do it, she can do it, but she definitely just has this really strong desire and belief in herself, which is something that I look for in my patients when I'm taking them on. If you don't actually believe that you can get pregnant or that your body is inherently broken, it's going to be really hard for me to break through that mental barrier. Now, I can send you to some colleagues who are really good at healing the subconscious and understanding why you have that inherited belief that you are broken and you don't deserve good things. But I do look for that in my patients because, you know, don't get me wrong, I can help with some of that, but it's not my specialty. I'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I just recognize when that could be part of the block in your healing journey, because it's. This journey is, yes, there's some physical components, but it's mental and emotional just as much as it's physical. And she definitely has the mental and emotional desire belief, and she's just been misguided. You know, the conventional system has just been absolutely brutal, and they write you off as soon as you're a certain age. And she was really relieved that I was willing to take the case, and I'm really happy to take on the case because our intention is to get her as healthy as possible, and we'll see what happens. She literally has nothing to lose. Like, she has nothing to lose. And when you're looking at an investment in terms of the labs and the time that it, you know, to work with me and even the supplements and the amount of stuff that we're starting her slow, but the amount of stuff she has to do in the will have to do, including, like, we're gonna do peptide therapy and, you know, Sana's. And she's getting a personal trainer and red light therapy and getting a proper filtration for her water and air and all that jazz. It's like, all that stuff is expensive, but at the end of the day, it's the best version of herself. And if she can have peace with that, that she's tried everything and there is no regrets, and it was just not in the stars for her, but at the end of the day, she feels really happy and content in her heart because she knows she's tried everything, then that's what I'm after, right? That's peace. That's peace through your fertility journey. And to me, that's healing. And who knows what happens in six months from now, you know, and where her period will be, if it will come back or not at that time yet, and who knows what will happen a year from now. But what I do know from, you know, experience with my patients and even my sister, where you think that your age is the most important thing, and in reality, it is not, I see women who put the time and effort to get truly healthy and optimize, optimize their cells. Their cells are so much healthier and so much more vibrant than the when they were two or three years ago. And so I want to get the age out of everybody's mind and focus on your cellular health, because if your cellular health is that of a 40 year old, but you're 32 and you're freaking out, or you're 35 and you're freaking out that your eggs are spoiling if you take a year to honestly just become the best version of yourself and really dive into. And I would work with a practitioner because it's unlikely that you know exactly what you need to do to optimize the function of your cells and how you feel. I promise you, you're not going to have the same level of anxiety going into your fertility journey or going into pregnancy because you feel good in your body, you feel confident, you feel like you can trust it versus, like, time is running out. So let's talk about some of the things that we found, the big things in terms of her blood work for Emily, honestly. And she did such a good job taking care of herself through the cancer. Like, yes, she did some radiation, but she also did a lot of juicing. She did go vegan, and I don't know if she went completely raw, but she was like, I went vegan because she heard so and so. The juicing was really good. The lack of protein is not so good. And obviously, the nutrients that we get from, you know, meat, choline, protein, iron, b, twelve, vitamin D, k. Like, there's so many things. It's the most nutrient dense food on the planet. So she, once she's met me, she was already eating me. We just are tweaking the amount of protein that she needs to consume. So she took care of. She also did a lot of iv therapy, like the glutathione, vitamin C, a lot of antioxidants and nutrients. And the reason I say that, because in her blood work, when we're looking at it, there's a lot of greens. There's a lot of greens when it comes to her trig, like triglycerides and her hdl and inflammation levels, and, you know, her white blood cell count and even her nutrients, like, she had optimal vitamin D levels. I don't know how many people, I think like 10% of people that I test will have somewhat okay vitamin D levels, and, like, 1% will have optimal vitamin D levels. It sounds silly, but, you know, most people are not taking enough vitamin D or not taking it with the right stuff, that it doesn't help with the absorption. So she had a lot of greens, but obviously the big reds are in her hormones. So her dhea was in bad, and her, even her free testosterone is like, it's not terrible, but her estradiol is really low, and she's experiencing a lot of symptoms of low estrogen. Her pregnenolone, I would say, is a little bit on the lower side. Prolactin was good. The Fsh and Lh are really high. So obviously she doesn't have a cycle. We didn't test progesterone because we know it's going to be low. But her FSH is at 150 and LH is at 95. So we know that connection between the brain and the ovaries when we see that FSH high. And honestly, anything above ten is the. So think of the FSH and the ovaries like a parent child relationship. The FSH is the parent. The ovary is the child. If the parent has to, can just whisper to the child and say, hey, can you please go put on your shoes? And they go and do it. That's very different than the parent having to yell at the child on top of their lungs to put on their shoes, and they still don't do it. So the higher the FSH, the louder the parent is yelling at the child. And I've seen that relationship restore, right? I've seen that relationship between the eggs and the brain restore. Safety is gonna be the primary goal. The body has to feel safe. The brain has to feel safe. And so we have to unpack why? What is the brain detecting that's not safe for it to restore that relationship and also to restore the antioxidants in the, you know, the ubiquinol, the coq ten, primarily within the ovary, because that's the mitochondria. The higher the level of mitochondria, mitochondria in the ovary, the better the quality of that follicle and that egg will be. And the lower the level of the mitochondria, the worse quality. So when we're thinking cancer and the treatments that she went through, there was a lot of oxidative damage, which means there was a lot of antioxidants that we needed to deal with the oxidative stress. And it's also mentally and emotionally stressful. And we know that she's been through a big stress as a teenager. So that relationship between the brain and the ovaries was potentially already compromised compromise from the get go. And now she's had some big events that happened in her life, and her brain just went, no, I'm not doing this right now. Now, like I said, I believe, and I've been following, and I'm taking a course, actually, with Leah Hechman, who is one of my mentors in the fertility space. And I think because I just listened to her lecture on Poi, and she just, like, casually dropped on how she helps women restore their menstrual cycle, you know, even as they go into perimenopause, I would not have taken this case. But because I just heard her do it, I was like, like, let's do it. Like, we got nothing to lose. And if you're willing. I'm willing. I love taking on new and different cases. As long as we have the same understanding that, like, the worst case scenario is you're going to get really healthy here. Okay? And I don't know what will happen, and this is why I'm sharing this with you. I don't know what will happen in six months or a year from now, but I will continue to share it, especially as there is big shifts and moves in the case. And what has helped with those big shifts and moves, because like I said, it's very, very possible. I see other doctors do it. I want to do it as well. And it, it's, you know, honestly, it's about finding the right people who are willing to do it because it is a lot of work. Okay. And it is really expensive. It is not. Oh, but I took some vitamin C. It's like, I'll tell you some of the stuff that we already started with. And I want to be very clear and open and honest so people don't have this unrealistic expectation that natural medicine is cheap and that it doesn't. My body should just be able to heal. It's like it should, but it's been through a lot. And so we need to understand what you're trying to do here and the level of interventions that we need naturally to get the body back and how to even be able to tell that it's moving in the right direction. So safety and restoring, that's something that we're really going to work with. Obviously, like I said, the cancers, the other stresses has impacted that. And then when we looked at her, you know, she didn't have too many environmental toxins. She definitely had some heavy metals, which is going to be left over from the radiation. Obviously, that's going to impact the mitochondria. She had some industrial toxins, but she's been pretty good at cleaning up the environment. The biggest thing that's happening is her kidneys are struggling and it's not terrible, but I could tell that her kidneys are quote unquote irritated. And this is why she is also experiencing the bladder symptoms. And that radiation has impacted. So we have to heal from that radiation first. And there are some infections. Parasites are highly associated with that. You know, that bladder that's not responding to any drugs or medications. So we started some parasite cleansing, slow and steady, to make sure we don't overwhelm the system. But in the gut, she had some inflammation, a little bit of fat absorption that was difficult, some short chain fatty acids that are low, which are really important for mucosal inflammation. And, you know, her zonulin, which is the marker for a leaky gut, is quite high. So there is some bugs that are overgrowing, some bugs that are. There's not enough of. And essentially, her gut needs a little bit of a revamp. We need to get efficient at getting rid of stuff, and then we need to put in the right stuff to support it, to make sure that the gut, the microbiome is, I mean, essentially, your ability to produce serotonin and dopamine, your ability to absorb nutrients, your ability to make hormones, to recycle hormones. Like, everything starts in the gut. So we always, always start with the gut. So the first things that we did is, I need. I started her on high dose melatonin. I believe we started her, right, with 25 milligrams, and then jumped up to 50 milligrams at nighttime pretty quickly. And that got her sleeping. Instead of waking up multiple times, she's like, three or four or five times through the night and feeling really unrested and groggy and tired and, like, depressed because of how tired she is. And with her bladder, even though the bladder is not that much better. So we started. I also started her on some drainage things, the liver, the gut, a little bit of parasite cleansing. She started to poop a lot better. So she's evacuating two or three times a day, which is a really great sign. The next phase is we're getting into some more parasite cleansing, and we're going to go, you know, pretty. She's used to. She's done a lot of stuff naturally, so I can go a little bit faster with her because she's not new to the supplements, and Selcor being the most particular one. Like, Selcor is my. I love Selcor, but you can react if you're not careful. And so you have to introduce people to the supplements first to make sure that there's no Herx reactions. She's been on Selcor for, like, a year, her, before meeting me, so I know she's not going to react. She still can, but she is at least used to the supplements anyway. So we're starting with some, you know, pretty intense parasite cleansing right off the bat, because I believe that is the thing that's going to decrease a lot of pressure from her bladder. And we're also doing some radiation support. So getting her in distilled water, making sure that she's not getting exposed to any radiation. Believe it or not, there is some radiation that's coming through water now depending on where you live. And I think that's only going to get worse. So we might as well just get her on the, the highest quality source water possible and then making sure that she's actually absorbing that water. So using some really good electrolytes to get that water in and the putting her on some binders that help to support radiation. So if the bladder started to act up when she experienced the radiations, chances are there's still some things that are left over. So that's when the heavy metals, the parasites and radiation, they're really closely connected. And so we're kind of starting to just get after every single one. And then we're going to focus on a specific thing as we go along, depending on how she is responding. But I started her on ubiquinol pretty quickly, just at 600 milligrams. I don't want to go to the 1200 milligrams quite yet. I will in the next couple of months because the primary focus is to improve that drainage and improve the absorption. So then we're not just making expensive pee and poop. We want to make sure that she's actually absorbing the things that I'm going to give her. And I also started, like I said her on the high dose of melatonin. The melatonin is kind of. It has many different functions, but it's a circadian rhythm hormone. It helps to balance the circadian rhythm. And even though she was like, oh, I've taken melatonin before and it didn't really help me, it's like, hey, this stuff is different. This dose is much higher. It also has some methylene blue, which is very powerful antioxidants, supports with mitochondria as well. Antiviral, anti cancer, you know, anti tumor properties, helps with blood sugar regulation as well. So. And that basically that melatonin had some methylene blue in it as well. So for the first month when she started taking. And she basically, instead of waking up four or five times a night, she's now waking up maybe twice and able to fall asleep very quickly right after she goes to pee. Her bladder is not really any better yet. Uh, but her digestion is starting to move. And then I just added, in the second phase, we added really high dose methylene blue. So we're going up higher on that just to see how her system handles it. The higher antioxidants, the blood sugar regulation, even the microbiome support that she will get through that. We'll see how she responds and we started on some more intense parasite cleansing, like I said, to support the gut microbiome. And even though I didn't see in her stool analysis, I did not see parasites. And it is often, it's hard to test for parasites. Like, I've literally had somebody poop out a parasite and put it in the vial and send it off. And they were like, sorry, there's no parasites here. I don't know what you're talking about. So it really depends on the lab. I don't believe it's the lab that I used that would have that. But she. It's really hard to catch those parasites. You're not always excreting them where the eggs are, you know? And essentially we go by the symptoms and we go by some of the other things that we're seeing, like leaky gut, like the inflammation and the inability to absorb fats and the bladder issues that she's experiencing, even insomnia and restless sleep. Parasites are not just subject to the digestive tract. They can very much go in your bloodstream and go all over. So we want to be mindful of that and make sure that we are getting after the things that are root causes. And remember what I said, it's about creating that safety. So that's what we're doing right now. And I'll kind of keep you updated in probably three to four months, depending on, you know, the progress that she makes. Something that I will be. She will continue with the methylene blue. We're continuing to actually climb up higher on the melatonin for the antioxidant properties, but also for to help to reset that circadian rhythm for her and lots of really good relaxation and even like, studies around breast cancer and different types of cancer that melatonin helps with. So it was not, uh, it was an easy choice for me in terms of like, what supplement do I need to help support this nervous system? And remember, the goal is to reset the nervous system and reset that rhythm. We're also going to be adding peptides sooner rather than later because, you know, the primary goal is to. To obviously help her feel better. The sleep is already improving. Get that bladder moving well without any irritation. And really that's because there's radiation and there's heavy metals and like, the body's just trying to get rid of the stuff. And so we want to help it do that and then create that safe space for the body, for the ovaries to wake up. She's doing lots of castor oil packs. She started to exercise because. And primarily lifting weights because we want to build up that mitochondria in her body. And she has some blood sugar dysregulation. It's not much, but it's a little bit. And so we want to build muscle. And even when you're thinking about pregnancy, it's like, hey, pregnancy is really hard on the body. I want you to be strong, to be able to handle the growth of the baby on your system. So she already started doing that. And she'll get. She'll start getting into the sauna very soon here. And also some red light therapy. Those are kind of my go to's to just start right off the bat to help that mitochondria. And then when you incorporating things like melatonin, methylene blue cellcore supplements, it's very, very synergistic. And like I said, because of her age and because of her history, we have to throw a lot of stuff in here to make sure that we can put our best foot forward. Right. Like, at the end of the day, we're on the same page in terms of I want you to be the healthiest version of yourself and. And I don't want you to have any regrets at the end of this journey. And she doesn't want to go the conventional route. She's been through the conventional system. She doesn't believe in it. It has only hurt her body. And like I said, there might still be a time and place for it, for her. But right now, we need to just get her healthy and feeling better. And I believe that's, you know, that's going to be enough to get the ovaries where we need them. And like I said, I'm not delusional in. Yes, there's higher risk when you're older, but I see a ton of 26 year olds who are super unhealthy and they're super high risk for in their pregnancy. And so it's like, just because they're 26, we're writing off, can we just start looking at the health of the person instead of just their age? That's what. Because there's the biological versus the chronological, and I want to look at what is the health of the actual cells versus your biological age that's written, you know, the year that you were born. So I hope you guys find this helpful. Follow along as I share her case with you. And if you have any questions, please reach out on social media. And if you want to be my next case, go ahead and click the link below and fill out an application to work with me and my team will get back to you and see if I'm the right person to help. Thanks so much for tuning in, you guys. We'll see you soon. Thank you so much for listening. To read the full show notes of this episode, including summary, timestamps, guest quotes, and any resources that were mentioned on the episode. Visit podcast and if you're getting value from these episodes, I'd love it if you took two minutes to share it with a friend. Rate and leave me a doctorJane the reviews will help with the discoverability of the show, and who knows, I might share your review on my next episode. Thank you so much for tuning in, and let's make your fertility journey your healing journey.




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