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As a Joie de Vivre Energy Healer Katja Surya Lany supports others to access, clear & empower their subconscious for increased joy of life & empowered agency.
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Are you ready to tiptoe into your intuition and tap into your soul’s message? Let’s talk
Listen in as Jennifer Takagi, founder of Takagi Consulting, 5X time Amazon.Com Best Selling-Author, Certified Soul Care Coach, Certified Jack Canfield Success Principle Trainer, Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and Facilitator of the DISC Behavioral Profiles, Certified Change Style Indicator Facilitator, Law of Attraction Practitioner, and Certified Coaching Specialist - leadership entrepreneur, speaker and trainer, shares the lessons she’s learned along the way. Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to lead with integrity. Humor is a big part of Jennifer’s life, so expect a few puns and possibly some sarcasm. Tune in for a motivational guest, a story or tips to take you even closer to that success you’ve been coveting. Please share the episodes that inspired you the most and be sure to leave a comment.
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Wishing you the best,
Jennifer Takagi
Speaker, Trainer, Author, Catalyst for Healing
PS: We would love to hear from you! For questions, coaching, or to book interviews, please email my team at
Good. Welcome to destined for success. I'm
Jennifer Takagi:your host Jennifer Takagi and today is PATA Palooza Day. I
Jennifer Takagi:love this day and I love all the people I get to meet, that I
Jennifer Takagi:wouldn't necessarily run across with, and you get the benefit of
Jennifer Takagi:the messages. Our next guest is Katya Lainey. And she has to us
Jennifer Takagi:via Germany from Colorado. Katya, tell us a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:about yourself and how you show up in the world?
Katja Lany:Well, first of all, Jennifer, I'm so happy to be
Katja Lany:here with you and the listeners today. So thank you for your
Katja Lany:warm welcome and destined for success. Yeah, that's definitely
Katja Lany:a title that sparked my interest. And from my
Katja Lany:perspective, I would say, success is not happening here.
Katja Lany:Because I have found on my own healing journey, that it's the
Katja Lany:figuring out mode, the mentor, figuring out man, that kept me
Katja Lany:so stuck. And I am so so grateful for the mentors I've
Katja Lany:worked with for facilitating to me that shift from the mind into
Katja Lany:the body into my heart and warm because that's really where the
Katja Lany:magic lies. And now that I am talking to people that work with
Katja Lany:me, I am speaking of the shift from mentor figuring out mode to
Katja Lany:tracking mode. And it really is all about staying with that
Katja Lany:tracking what's going on in my body and really being very
Katja Lany:curious, whatever comes up, as I'm tuning within and right
Katja Lany:there, it's really crucial to have somebody who holds you
Katja Lany:accountable to not give up too soon. Because, as I have noticed
Katja Lany:myself, when when when I did it for the first time, there wasn't
Katja Lany:really a thing coming up, there was just a big numbness. But
Katja Lany:then when I had that stick with it knits. What eventually
Katja Lany:happened for me was that I had this felt sense of the first
Katja Lany:emotion. And when I stick with it longer, I could tune in to
Katja Lany:that emotion whenever I wanted it. And then that one emotion
Katja Lany:was joined by many emotions by all emotions. And then after
Katja Lany:even more time, I eventually got to that place where I could not
Katja Lany:only have that felt sense of my own emotions, but also I could
Katja Lany:feel other people's emotions in my body, even before they could
Katja Lany:feel it. And there's so
Jennifer Takagi:I love this a lot, because I often talk about
Jennifer Takagi:how you have to be still. And like hearing God, you have to be
Jennifer Takagi:still to hear your inner voice, you have to be still. So I'm
Jennifer Takagi:loving this whole train of thought. But when you say, I
Jennifer Takagi:can't remember how you put it now, I sat with it. And then I
Jennifer Takagi:had this emotion. What did that mean? Like? Are you just being
Jennifer Takagi:still are you meditating? Are you working with somebody and
Jennifer Takagi:they're guiding you like, what what does that mean?
Katja Lany:What I mean was that is just having that intention to
Katja Lany:notice whatever is coming up when I'm attuning within. And
Katja Lany:that is in such big contrast to what I used to do this mentally
Katja Lany:figuring out and shifting that to tracking in your body in your
Katja Lany:viscera, what's, what's there and just sticking with it. And
Katja Lany:keep asking that question. What does my body want to communicate
Katja Lany:to me? And
Jennifer Takagi:so when you do this, and you're asking those
Jennifer Takagi:those really great questions. Are you sitting still? Is this
Jennifer Takagi:something you do just walking down the street? Is it just like
Jennifer Takagi:second nature for you now? That's what I'm hoping to
Jennifer Takagi:embrace and figure it out for myself. Yeah.
Katja Lany:I would call that meditation. Okay, for me, that
Katja Lany:means Yeah. sitting, sitting still, and having that intention
Katja Lany:to find out what the body wants to have me no.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. And again, we often don't sit
Jennifer Takagi:still, we often are in a constant state of movement,
Jennifer Takagi:whether we're physically moved me moving or mentally moving, we
Jennifer Takagi:just are constantly go go. And I, I've had some knee issues
Jennifer Takagi:lately. And I was very disappointed because I had been
Jennifer Takagi:working out my knees had been better than they had been. And
Jennifer Takagi:then like, the gig was up, it was like done. And somebody
Jennifer Takagi:goes, well, how much have you been traveling? It I was like,
Jennifer Takagi:well, that shouldn't matter. And, like, in November alone, I
Jennifer Takagi:went on four different turnips. And so like, when you're gone
Jennifer Takagi:that much, and you're not taking care of your body, then it not
Jennifer Takagi:tuning in, it's gonna scream back. And one way or the other
Jennifer Takagi:is gonna stand up and yell, yeah, yeah,
Katja Lany:that's a minor thing that I wanted to comment to.
Katja Lany:When people are in their head space, it's just so noisy there
Katja Lany:is this mental chatter going on that is just so loud. And that's
Katja Lany:overriding that voice of intuition that I want people to
Katja Lany:gain access to end. I would describe it in in a way that I
Katja Lany:was in this second guessing stage that is, so no matter when
Katja Lany:I'm coming from that mind space, right? I try to make a decision
Katja Lany:I try to figure out and next step, and I immediately second
Katja Lany:guess what my mind is coming up with. And that's so frustrating,
Katja Lany:and it just drives people crazy. It should drive me crazy. But
Katja Lany:when I can drop from there into my body, and listen to that
Katja Lany:intuitive knowing that is always there, but sometimes not really
Katja Lany:accessible to you to the mental noise, then I am really guided
Katja Lany:to what is the best next step for me, what is the best
Katja Lany:decision and this second guessing isn't even an issue?
Jennifer Takagi:I love that there's a meditation I was
Jennifer Takagi:guided to a number of years ago. And one of the things he says
Jennifer Takagi:is, just throughout the day, ask yourself, what is the next best
Jennifer Takagi:step I can take? And like that curiosity and asking. So when
Jennifer Takagi:you I get caught up on time sometimes. And some people do
Jennifer Takagi:meditations in there for a very long period of time, like, a
Jennifer Takagi:long time. And then there are other people that do short
Jennifer Takagi:meditations. And so is there a shortcut? Or does it have to
Jennifer Takagi:take a long time? Or is it just being so incredibly present in
Jennifer Takagi:that moment that you feel it and no, it? Is it just practice? I
Jennifer Takagi:don't know if I'm asking the question, right. But maybe you
Jennifer Takagi:get locked out ski. Yeah.
Katja Lany:It's it's certainly true with meditation as it is
Katja Lany:with so many things that practice makes you better at
Katja Lany:what you're trying to get at. Yeah. So of course, when you
Katja Lany:just died out meditating that way, then it might take a little
Katja Lany:bit longer, but you can surely get to a point place with just a
Katja Lany:few breaths out already enough to hear that intuitive wisdom
Katja Lany:that we are aiming for. And I often say, when somebody is in a
Katja Lany:state of freak out, it's totally possible to calm down with just
Katja Lany:a handful of breast. And the difference is that in our
Katja Lany:everyday life, we are used to breathing unconsciously. But
Katja Lany:it's important to shift that unconscious breathing, to
Katja Lany:breathing with intention to breathe consciously. And that's
Katja Lany:that's where the magic lies.
Jennifer Takagi:It is so important because we ended up
Jennifer Takagi:holding our breath. Years ago, I was trying to quit smoking. And
Jennifer Takagi:in one of the books that I was reading on, you know, God has to
Jennifer Takagi:quit. I've since quit, I quit in March of 2007, I think it was.
Jennifer Takagi:But one of the things was when you smoke, you take a drag off a
Jennifer Takagi:cigarette, and then you like suck it in a little deeper and
Jennifer Takagi:before you exhale. And so one of the problems is you quit
Jennifer Takagi:smoking, and you don't know how to take in a good deep breath.
Jennifer Takagi:And hold it for a second without the cigarette like because you
Jennifer Takagi:think that's the only way to do it. But we can obviously do it
Jennifer Takagi:with that. Do you have some tips on breathing? Because breathing?
Jennifer Takagi:I'm obviously the breath of life. If you don't breathe,
Jennifer Takagi:you're dead. Right? So their options? Choice. So do you have
Jennifer Takagi:any suggestions on breathing and breathing mindfully? I guess?
Jennifer Takagi:Yeah,
Katja Lany:it's so funny. You should think that breathing is
Katja Lany:something that is easy, right? But it happens so often that we
Katja Lany:unlearn the natural way to breathe. So my tip would be just
Katja Lany:watch little baby, they are experts at breathing the right
Katja Lany:way. And when you when you are together with a little one, you
Katja Lany:can see how they're so in their lower belly, and you can watch
Katja Lany:them have their belly rise on the inhale, and then fall on the
Katja Lany:exhale again. And when people are very stressed and not
Katja Lany:breathing in their lower belly, they're breathing way up higher
Katja Lany:in their body. And it can look like this.
Jennifer Takagi:I love that. So people who are on the the audio
Jennifer Takagi:version of this that she inhaled her, her shoulders rose up to
Jennifer Takagi:her ears, it was like up and down, up and down, up and down
Jennifer Takagi:with the shoulders. And I resonate with this. I've been in
Jennifer Takagi:physical therapy and it's for my knee. But I was there when I was
Jennifer Takagi:like, Hey, can you help me with this shoulder? It's just really
Jennifer Takagi:tight. I don't know what I did. But all of a sudden, I don't
Jennifer Takagi:have the mobility in this shoulder. As she said yes. And
Jennifer Takagi:she's kind of moving my shoulder around. And she found like a
Jennifer Takagi:sore spot. And I was like, there she is you need to bring
Jennifer Takagi:Jennifer, I can't stretch this out. If you didn't bring it. I
Jennifer Takagi:was like maybe you should quit that. And then I'll try to
Jennifer Takagi:breathe. But it's really hard when you're when something
Jennifer Takagi:hurts. We naturally hold our breath and tense up right when
Jennifer Takagi:what we should do is take a really deep breath and what do
Jennifer Takagi:they say breathe through it.
Katja Lany:Yeah, yeah. And those stressful experiences that
Katja Lany:we have been going through in our lifetime they are held in
Katja Lany:the body. So the wrong thing to do is really what I used to
Katja Lany:think was the right thing is to put more information into my
Katja Lany:mind. I was always thinking, Oh, I just need to take that one
Katja Lany:more course. I just need to read that one more book, but it's not
Katja Lany:about adding more information to the head. It's about subs
Katja Lany:tracting the stresses the trauma out of the body. And that is a
Katja Lany:big insight that it's not about adding more information. It's
Katja Lany:about pulling out the trauma from your nervous system from
Katja Lany:your physicality.
Jennifer Takagi:And so is that what you do when you work with
Jennifer Takagi:clients? Do you help release that you remove that? Tell us a
Jennifer Takagi:little bit about that? Yeah,
Katja Lany:I am working as a would be energy healer. And I
Katja Lany:have found that not all the people are familiar with that
Katja Lany:term, it's just a French way of saying, joy of life. And that
Katja Lany:makes so much sense. Because when somebody is in this pattern
Katja Lany:of wanting to figure things out mentally, and self sabotaging
Katja Lany:them, that sucks the joy of live right out of you. And it really
Katja Lany:is important to shift that pattern that default, to a place
Katja Lany:where I am more curious about what's going on inside of my
Katja Lany:body and being with whatever is coming to the surface there. And
Katja Lany:then feeling everything that's bubbling up fully and
Katja Lany:completely. And I have become such a big advocate of feeling
Katja Lany:all the fears, because that's really what they want, they want
Katja Lany:to be felt completely. And when somebody is describing this
Katja Lany:challenge with being stuck or trapped, somehow, that is what
Katja Lany:that is all about. It's feelings that are trapped in in the body,
Katja Lany:and they want to be felt fully and completely. And there's
Katja Lany:really no way around that. And if somebody says, I'm just too
Katja Lany:scared to commit to that, and it's basically only a
Katja Lany:postponing, but as I said, There's no way around it, if you
Katja Lany:want to get unstuck, then this is what it is really about to
Katja Lany:really have that felt sense of any and all emotions, whether
Katja Lany:that is fear, or sadness, or anger really go into that felt
Katja Lany:sense of the emotion. And once they are felt completely, that's
Katja Lany:when they are really integrated. And you can have that
Katja Lany:breakthrough that you are so yearning for.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh, I love this and the work I do.
Jennifer Takagi:Because I do energy healing work also. And through the work and
Jennifer Takagi:the in the studies, they're showing that a trapped emotion
Jennifer Takagi:such as fear, or terror, or abandonment is roughly the size
Jennifer Takagi:of a fist. And so if you've got multiple trapped emotions, which
Jennifer Takagi:we most do, because it's live, right? If you have all these
Jennifer Takagi:trapped emotions and size of a fist throughout your system,
Jennifer Takagi:then oxygen isn't gonna flow well, blood isn't gonna flow
Jennifer Takagi:well. Toxins aren't going to flow out well. And that's when
Jennifer Takagi:you end up.
Katja Lany:Really talk those fists out of your body, you
Katja Lany:really need to fear the emotion and it is certainly doable, I
Katja Lany:have done it. So anybody can do it.
Jennifer Takagi:Right? Right, that we you know, we don't even
Jennifer Takagi:we're not even aware, right? We're not aware. So that goes
Jennifer Takagi:back to as we're getting closer our time. That goes back to the
Jennifer Takagi:idea of meditating or being quiet, however, that looks for
Jennifer Takagi:you. So that you can be quiet and start noticing what's going
Jennifer Takagi:on in your body. And then breathing so that you can get
Jennifer Takagi:the right oxygen and breathe, breathe like a baby, get those
Jennifer Takagi:belly breaths. I had a coach Cheryl and she would always say,
Jennifer Takagi:I want to see a belly breath. I want your belly to rise and then
Jennifer Takagi:fall. So that's that baby breath there. And then that last part
Jennifer Takagi:is really just feeling the feelings as they come up. So if
Jennifer Takagi:someone wants to work with you, what does that look like? And I
Jennifer Takagi:think you have a free gift for our audience. So what do you got
Jennifer Takagi:for us? Gotcha.
Katja Lany:I do have a a free gift. And it's a PDF called
Katja Lany:three tips for safety and security. Because I have noticed
Katja Lany:that without the sense of safety, you can't even begin
Katja Lany:doing shadow work like this, you need to have that sense of
Katja Lany:safety first. So that's why I'm offering that as a free gift to
Katja Lany:people to to get those those tips, and it is through the body
Katja Lany:through the breathing, that the sense of safety is created best.
Jennifer Takagi:Oh my gosh, I love that. So those of you who
Jennifer Takagi:are on your phone listening to this podcast episode, it'll be
Jennifer Takagi:in the show notes. So you just have to scroll down a little bit
Jennifer Takagi:and click the show notes. Grab the link and get this PDF three
Jennifer Takagi:tips for safety and security. That is awesome. So let's do
Jennifer Takagi:that. Is that the best way to get in contact with you? Or do
Jennifer Takagi:you have a website or someplace else that you would like them to
Jennifer Takagi:connect with you?
Katja Lany:I usually connect with people via email and that's
Katja Lany:very easy. It's my name Or I can
Katja Lany:also be very easily found on Facebook so people can reach out
Katja Lany:to me there via Facebook Messenger. All right,
Jennifer Takagi:and that's Katya KT, ja, Lani, LA and why
Jennifer Takagi:is it Laney or on Facebook. Gotcha. This has
Jennifer Takagi:been so great. We were trying for the last couple hours to
Jennifer Takagi:make sure we were going to be able to connect and I'm so happy
Jennifer Takagi:that we did. Thank you for your insights.
Katja Lany:Thank you Sandra. Thank you. Oh
Jennifer Takagi:I'm Jennifer Takagi with destined for
Jennifer Takagi:success. I look forward to connecting with you soon.