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Oh shit...this is still happening! My ancestral healer origin story
Episode 1116th August 2021 • It's Still Happening • Ash Johns
00:00:00 01:01:15

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People ask me how I got into this work that I do—a combination of life coaching, ancestral healing, ritual and spiritual leadership, and conscious business strategy: 

And I tell them I literally have to share my whole life to see how the dots connect.  I’ve said for years now that life truly does unfold just as it’s supposed to when we follow the breadcrumbs and give ourselves permission to lean into the unknown rather than getting stuck in “waiting energy.”

In this episode I share some of my milestones with you so that maybe it’ll shine some light on yours.

It wasn’t until I got into deeper ceremony with my ancestors and higher self that I realized the issues I was having were always there, even before my birth. People talk about family healing and generational trauma, epigenetics and gene mutation, even how trauma is passed on in pregnancy from the grandmother to the grandchild (affect 3 generations at once). 

And yet when we look at the coaching, spiritual and wellness industries we’re STILL fixated on only your life, what you can control, changing your narrative… 

When really your narrative is the culmination of hundreds before you. 

Whatever came up for you today, share it with me on IG @AshInspires! I'd love to connect with you online at

If you’re ready to make bigger waves and heal your entire lineage, join the month-to-month membership community of Healing Is Happening at

I look forward to witnessing you move forward on your path!  May you and your people be well on the lands in which you get to work, live, and thrive on, and remember, healing is happening. May you walk your path with courage and compassion.



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