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Have you Met your Spirit Guide?
Episode 3622nd May 2024 • The Goddess Vibration • Tiarra Earls Haas and Ali O'Shea
00:00:00 00:50:41

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In this episode, the ladies dive into the complex relationship between people and their spiritual guidance teams. A spiritual guidance team is a collection of spirits and entities who are there to support and guide you on your spiritual journey. But sometimes, these relationships can become complicated. Ali and Tiarra have both had very unique and different experiences when it comes to their guidance teams, with Tiarra having at one point lost her entire team!

Tiarra's relationship with her spiritual team includes betrayal, sabotage, anger and abandonment - and she shares all of it in full detail. Her experience is very unique but for most, their relationship with their guidance team is one of love and support. Tune in to get the nitty gritty.

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