Part 2: Mortgage Strategy 2024 / CHA$ING THE JONE$E$
Have time on your hands? You're more likely to engage in low-value activities. Net immigration is high? Expect higher rents and house prices later on. Too much new credit creation? Watch interest rates fall first (price of money falls with higher supply), then watch them rise? New money supply hits asset values first, then the things we need for living. Credit growth can't outpace the production of more 'stuff' (GDP) because then, inflation.
Ready to catch up and review your own mortgage? Make a time with Darcy here.
Disclaimer: Please act independently from any content provided in these episodes; it's not financial advice, because there's no accounting for your individual circumstances. Do your own research, and take a broad range of opinions into account. Ideally, engage a financial adviser and pay for advice!