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73 - Unlocking Event Success: Krystalore Crews’ Proven Strategies for Filling Your Events
Episode 7318th September 2024 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:18:37

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In the latest episode of The High Profit Event Show, hosted by Rudy Rodriguez, we are joined by guest, Krystalore Crews, founder of Crews Beyond Limits. Krystalore’s background is impressive and multifaceted. She is a retired US Air Force veteran with 22 years of service, a former NFL cheerleader, and a 26-time marathoner. After her time in the military and professional athletics, Krystalore transitioned into a new career as a motivational speaker, bestselling author, leadership consultant, and event leader. She now runs transformative events like retreats and bootcamps, focusing on helping women regain control of their well-being and vitality. As a holistic wellness coach, her approach goes beyond fitness, delving into the core of self-care and personal growth.

During this episode, we explore three major themes that are highly relevant to event leaders. First, building and engaging a community is Krystalore's cornerstone strategy. She emphasizes that creating a space where people feel valued and heard is essential to filling your events. Through social media and email marketing, Krystalore has grown a thriving, free online community. Within this space, she offers monthly five-day challenges, which lead participants into deeper engagements like memberships, masterminds, and retreats. For event leaders struggling to fill seats, this approach shows the power of nurturing a dedicated community.

Second, Krystalore shares the power of structured, value-driven challenges. Her five-day challenge, known as the Freedom Formula, guides participants through five key areas: core values, confidence, consistency, community, and celebration. This framework not only helps her audience achieve meaningful outcomes during the challenge but also encourages them to continue working with her through more comprehensive offers. The structured, step-by-step nature of this challenge is a great example for event leaders looking to create a journey that engages and converts attendees.

Lastly, we dive into the importance of seamless follow-up systems to maximize conversions. Krystalore reveals how she and her team stay engaged with participants beyond the challenge, ensuring that they feel supported and connected. Her use of social proof, including testimonials and live interviews with past clients, adds credibility and encourages others to take the next step. For event leaders, this strategy highlights the critical need for timely follow-up to maintain momentum and turn interest into lasting relationships.

This episode is packed with actionable insights from Krystalore Crews on how to effectively fill, engage, and convert your event attendees by leveraging community, structure, and follow-up. It’s a must-listen for any event leader looking to elevate their impact.

Want to connect with Krystalore?

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Rudy Rodriguez:

Welcome to today's episode. We have a special guest with us, Ms. Krystalore Crews. Welcome, Ma'am.

Krystalore Crews:

Hello. Thank you.

Rudy Rodriguez:

It's great to have you here. For our guests who are getting to meet you for the first time, I wanna share a little background about you as an event leader and your experience in the space. Cool fact about Krystalore is she was actually a US Air Force veteran, now you're National Guard for 22 years, just recently retired, actually, and moved to Puerto Rico. She's also a former NFL cheerleader and get this, a 26 time marathoner. She's ran 26.2 miles, 26 times. How cool is that? You've taken all those lessons that you've learned in your career in the military and high performance athletics, and you've transitioned that into a business as a motivational speaker, a bestselling author, leadership consultant. You've run events, both virtual and in-person, like retreats and bootcamps of the sort, to help women transform their relationship to their wellbeing and their vitality. You are considered not just a fitness coach, but a holistic wellness coach. So really excited to have you here and to hear about your experiences as an event leader.

Krystalore Crews:

Thank you.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Absolutely. Let's jump right into the biggest question that event leaders ask themselves most often, I'm sure you can relate to this, is how do you fill your events?

Krystalore Crews:

Well, I would like to say that organically, through social media, through email marketing, I have developed a beautiful community since COVID. I think the biggest thing is just developing a space where people feel that there's value, that they feel welcome and heard, and they can learn something and grow within the community. So I've been able to create a free community. In that community, I do five-day challenges once a month. I have a couple of different memberships. I have a mastermind, which then leads to a retreat experience in a paradise. So there's a lot of different ways, but it ultimately is the community that sells.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Great. Thank you for sharing that. In the green room, you were sharing with me about your Facebook group community that you've been building for quite a while. I know that the pandemic really led to a big growth in people needing to do fitness online, fitness from home, which really expanded your community. Now that you've grown this free Facebook group, you've started to do, in fact, you have one coming up soon, where you do challenges. Then at the end of those challenges, one hour a day, you give them an opportunity to continue their education with you. So perhaps maybe we can chat a little bit more about that challenge and how you run that specifically and over the course of those five days, so that at the end of that, not only are they getting a meaningful result or outcome, but they want to continue their journey with you into your retreats or into your mastermind program, or just an ongoing fitness relationship with you. Can you talk through how you go through that?

Krystalore Crews:

Absolutely. So I think the biggest thing for me that, especially when I first started during COVID, was all the gyms shut down. People said, can you teach some fitness online? So I figured it out, and then I got on calls with everyone. I recognized really quickly that there were a lot of limiting factors that men and women are faced with that prevents them from achieving their goals. So what I designed was a very clear process that I have used to be able to bounce back from injury, illness, cancer, wheelchair-bound struggles, all the things. So everyone always says, how do you go from wheelchair to running 26 marathons with no medication? I'm like, well, I developed this system, and I've been there mentally and physically in the depths of despair. So I was able to create a five-step system. So I do the five-day challenge where I go through one step at a time, and it builds on one another. So I will just say for people out there that perhaps don't know where to begin, for me, it was structure. As entrepreneurs, we have a lot of ideas. As soon as I have structure to the ideas that I have, I can get really clear and more confident in what I deliver. So really, I have the five Cs, which is my freedom formula. So my five-day course, which is also the premise of my book, The Road To Resilience. So it's all intertwined, and it's all a system. So the five Cs are starting from your core. So day one is talking about who you are to the core, your core values, your posture, and your energy. Day two is all about confidence, goal-setting, and really reflection and understanding where you're at, where you want to go and the gaps.

Krystalore Crews:

Day three is all about your consistency. So your consistent daily habits. There's a workout included. So I teach a little snippet of my 30-minute hit and kickboxing sessions. We talk a lot about our daily habits and our routine. Day four is all about community. So the community and the connection for the accountability and support that you need to be successful. Then day five, my program is all about celebration. So we celebrate first with my team and in the community so that we recognize all the hard steps that we do. So that's the five days that we go through. The next one is next week, and we do this once a month.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Amazing, oh, every month. Okay, so our listeners here could tune into one of your events in your group. That's excellent. So five days, five steps, five Cs. I like that, very memorable. It's also the structure of your book as well. So if they buy your book or go through your book, they follow the same formula over the course of those five days. Brilliant, it's like you thought it through. Hmm, something to think about there. Excellent, so you walk people through your five steps over the course of five days, about an hour a day. Then when it comes at the end of your challenge, how do you engage them or invite them into the next step of the journey with you? Because obviously you know that people get really excited, get really motivated, but if they leave without getting some kind of coaching, education, reinforcement, support, life gets in the way. So how do you enroll them in continuing their journey with you?

Krystalore Crews:

So I do a couple of different things and I've tried this for the last couple of years, since 2021. So I've been doing this almost monthly for a very long time. So I've kind of been figuring out what the system that feels good for me and my team and my clients. There's a couple of things that I've been able to do. So I do a Zoom call during the week. So that way, if people don't wanna get one-on-one, with me or someone from my team, it's a really a little bit of a safer environment for people to join on Zoom. Just come in and answer questions. We do a workshop and we celebrate and it's very just casual. So that's one tip that I always do. Next, I have people within the community come live. So we, my team, actually will nominate someone like a client of the week. So we highlight someone from the community and we will interview them live. So the next one is next week. So Tuesday we'll be interviewing someone from the community who has had results and who shows up and does the work. So they share that testimonial right there live. Then they're available to answer any questions from the community or from the guests and the attendees as well. I typically will wait until day three or day four to roll out what the next steps are. Because I want everyone to be present and give as much value as possible during the event. But I definitely make sure that someone from my team is engaging with everyone and following up, sharing the links to be able to book a call or take the next steps to attend one of my masterminds or my retreats afterwards.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Great. So I'm hearing you say you build social proof with some testimonials along the way over the course of the five days, having your clients or former clients come in and share their experiences. Then on the fourth or fifth day, you begin to share some of the additional options, which I know to be a mastermind retreat, excuse me, a mastermind, that's 90 days. Then a retreat in addition to that, or is an ongoing membership in your paid community. I'm curious how specifically at the end of that four or five day event, do you invite them over? Do you just give them their options over Zoom and you tell them to email you or do you have individual conversations with them? How specifically do you sort and sift and identify and help people move forward into your options?

Krystalore Crews:

So typically day four is the way that I learned the live launch strategy. On day four is where you really roll out the next step that you want them to go to. That feels really good, but I always wonder, is everyone gonna show up on day four? So that's always the challenge. So I've started to kind of pepper in some of the options just casually and especially in the interview and a lot of my community and my team comes on and they're raving about the next step anyways. So it's not like, oh, you gotta wait till day four to see the whole, so it's really a very casual experience for me because I found that waiting until day four, typically some people fall off or it's like they're waiting and then I want them to come to day five as well. So for me, I don't like it to be super salesy and a big presentation. I like it to be a little bit more conversational and relationship building. So for me, that feels better. So I've kind of developed a little bit of my own style versus a very structured program.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Beautiful, so day four is where you share with them their options and then you invite them to have an individual conversation with you or a member of your team or how do you, what's the call to action for them?

Krystalore Crews:

So unless they have been referred or in the program and they're ready to sign up for either the mastermind or the retreat or even the fitness membership, they're ready. The links are dropped so they're available within the chat and that is constantly being managed and engaged by my team. But then also they will drop links to book a call with me. So within the next couple of days, I always try to follow up with as many people personally that have attended the live event.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Okay, got it, great. So you've dropped the links, you give them their options, let them take actions and then you personally will do follow up with people who attend your events. That's a lot of follow up.

Krystalore Crews:

It is, that's why we were sharing, I need you in my life.

Rudy Rodriguez:

That's fair. It's a lot. You actually identify one of the biggest problems that event leaders face when it comes to enrolling people into the event is this notion that you have a lot of people to talk, get to in a very short period of time. As an event leader, there's so much effort that goes into filling the event and then leading the event, come the end of it, you're kind of tired. You and your team kind of want to probably take a break, but you can't because you have to keep supporting people, getting people across the line. There's actually a study that was done by The Harvard Business Review in 2011, where they surveyed 42 US based companies and who generated 1.25 million leads online. What they discovered is that the amount of time that lapses between when somebody expresses interest and when they actually get to speak to somebody, greatly impacts the likelihood that they'll engage and continue forward. In fact, waiting just 24 hours decreased the likelihood of conversion by as much as 60 times. So that's a very common problem that people face when leading events is like, how do I get everybody while they're still in state, while they're in the container, while they're inspired and man, I'm only one person and there's a lot of them. I'm tapped out on energy right now or I need to take a break. So that's one of the problems that we've learned how to solve with our agency that we used to support thought leaders with. So I'm glad you brought that up cause I thought that was a great relevant point to make there.

Krystalore Crews:

I've even thought about reducing the days and done like a two or three day event rather than a five day but I feel like that model doesn't quite work for me either. So, I think ultimately, no matter what, just like you said, having that quick follow-up is really important. People wanna feel like they belong to an experience and I think it's really important.

Rudy Rodriguez:

A hundred percent. I couldn't agree more. So there you are, you've enrolled people into your program. I know you have, I said, your ongoing fitness programs that are paid monthly subscription. You have your 90 day mastermind and you do a retreat. In fact, you have, I think, two on the calendar for next year. We just talked about that. I think it's relevant to our podcast. Tell us a little bit more about the retreats themselves because they are events. How long are they? Who are they for? And what do you do during those retreats? How do you run those retreats to lead people with meaningful results in their life?

Krystalore Crews:

So it's a seven day all-inclusive experience. I don't like to really call it a retreat because it's not about Mai Tais and cucumbers on your eyes. You're actually there to do the inner work and quiet the noise. And yes, you're in paradise, but this is typically the wellness retreats, the revive and thrive wellness retreats. I do a couple, I do book writing retreats and entrepreneur retreats as well, but I'll start with the wellness retreat in particular is for women only. These women do everything for everyone else at the, sometimes at the expense of their own health and wellness and they experienced burnout and overwhelm and some resentment and they just need to take a pause. So a lot of entrepreneurs, busy moms, professionals, athletes that just need a pause and figure out they might be in a season of change, maybe divorce or transitioning their careers or retiring. A lot of veterans too, just retired from the military after 22 years. So a lot of veterans and military spouses fall into this category as well of this transition of like, I don't know who I am without being a spouse or without my business or without the uniform or without caretaking for my parents. So this is an experience for people that are planners and perfectionists and people pleasers for everyone else. I am a recovered perfectionist. So myself and my team actually treat you, the guest, as just a beautiful queen that you are and you don't lift a finger, you don't do your laundry, you don't clean your cup. We know exactly how you like your coffee.

Krystalore Crews:

Everything is done for you so that you can just be there to experience the curriculum, the coaching curriculum. There's some adventure in there and we don't release the schedule. So everyone always says, well, can I have the itinerary? I need to know what to expect. It is an experience that is, we give you a packing list and everyone gets the itinerary the night before. So many people have tried to bribe myself and my team to release the full itinerary and we don't because you're there to just be and be present and be open to the experience. So there's an element of surprise. So I can't give all the tips and tools away but there's a lot of videos on social media.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Okay, perfect. And if our audience wants to follow you on social media what's the best way for them to find you?

Krystalore Crews:

So my website is It's K -R -Y -C -m -A -L -O -R -E -C -s -E -W -S .com or on Instagram and Facebook.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome, we'll make sure to include that link and all those links in the chat here for us. And for our audience, what would you recommend to them if they want to learn more about you and what you do and maybe they want to come to one of your retreats? What would you, where would you recommend they go to learn more?

Krystalore Crews:

So I'm definitely not setting myself up to just have a conversation because there's lots of different offerings and options for everybody else. So we're open to meet you wherever you're at, wherever you're at in your fitness journey, wherever you're at in your health journey, wherever you're at in a way, so we're here to support you and welcome you into our community. We want to support your fitness support system related to doing what we do. So we want to just really have a conversation instead of saying, here's a link and here's a program. Because it may not be for you. It has to be for me. So the first thing you need to do is just to really follow up with me and support the community and the free habit trackers. There's a couple options. Just get to know us, we'd love to have a conversation.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Beautiful, wonderful. As we start to wrap up here, one thing I want to mention to our audience is your personal mission. Your mission is very clear. You are empowering individuals globally to prioritize themselves for at least 34 minutes a day. Can you just share with us a little bit about that?

Krystalore Crews:

So in the mission to empower every person on the planet to put themselves and their health first. They're just 34 minutes a day. So we can reduce the stress level and play a little bit more with our daily life. The 34 minutes of daily tasks. What is 34 minutes of work at all? It's two minutes of preparation, in full setting, and intentions, everything ready.

Krystalore Crews:

And then we have 30 minutes of exercise. So we're going to get this sorted. So 30 minutes including full time. A little bit cool with that. Boxing is no equipment in those spaces. We're going to burn calories. Two minutes of reduction in separation and every single day. How are we doing today and what we can do differently tomorrow. So that's a good 34 minutes.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Awesome. Very cool. Thank you for sharing that. And for our audience, I invite you to follow Krystal. Go to her social, check her out. If you're a woman who's feeling like you were called to go to a seven day all inclusive wellness retreat, I also encourage you to reach out to Krystal and have a conversation with her. Thank you so much for being a guest on our show today. It's been a privilege to have you on and very grateful for what you shared with us today.

Krystalore Crews:

Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Absolutely. You're welcome.




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