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How to Know If You’re REALLY Ready to Market Your TPT Store
Episode 1120th December 2021 • The Creative Teacher Podcast • Kirsten Hammond
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Are you a TPT seller wondering if you are REALLY ready to market your TPT store on other platforms?

Maybe you've done a little dabbling here and there in email or Instagram, but you'd like to find out if it's something to focus on - or maybe you need to stick to product creation or revising your resources and listings. 

Let's do this quiz style! Get out a piece of paper or open up the Notes app on your phone. Follow along and listen until the end to hear your quiz results!

If you took the quiz and got....

  • Mostly As - You're probably not ready to commit to marketing outside of Teachers pay Teachers just yet - and that's totally okay! Focus on creating resources and growing your TPT store.
  • Mostly Bs - You’re getting close to being ready! Continue to focus on product creation and revising your resources and product listings. Consider starting small with an Instagram account, TikTok account, or Facebook page.
  • Mostly Cs - You’re ready to market and may even be ready to expand your marketing to other platforms! Focus on revising your top marketable resources and use your influence to market with a blog, Instagram account, or even run ads to your store.

Let's connect!

Mentioned in this episode:

Register for Spring Fling 2025!

Spring Fling 2025 will take place on March 14-16, 2025! You can register for free or upgrade to VIP using my special affiliate link! You'll love hearing from a variety of teacher business owners!

Register for Spring Fling 2025!

Need a (better)email marketing platform? Consider Flodesk!

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Kirsten 0:00

Hey there teacher friends, if you're listening to this around the time it's published, it is almost one of my favorite holidays. I'm super excited because my son is just old enough to kind of understand, you know, the holiday season and all of that. So we're doing some really fun stuff making some gingerbread houses. And we have a little advent calendar going on with Paw Patrol themed but he's really enjoying it. And we even have a little elf named Arthur, that kind of looks over and make sure he's being good for Santa. So it's been fun around our household. During this time. This week's episode is a little different. We're going to be thinking about how to know if you're really ready to market your TPT store.

You're listening to the creative teacher podcast, a show for busy teachers looking for ways to engage, inspire and make an impact inside and outside of the classroom. I'm Kiersten, a full time classroom teacher and part time business owner who is all about simple and actionable tips, strategies and resources that result in wins, big or small, to in each week, as I give you my best advice on classroom teaching, and starting and growing a teacher business. If you're looking for that extra spark of creativity, you've come to the right place. Let's dive in together.

The question we're asking ourselves today, in this week's episode is, Am I really ready to market my TPT store on other platforms. I don't care if you are already marketing on other platforms, or maybe you're just kind of on TPT. And you are kind of scared to dip your feet into other platforms and get your feet wet. Wherever you are, whether you're on other platforms or not. You are a perfect fit for this episode. And we're doing this quiz style.

So I'm actually giving you your creative action tip right now. Usually I give it at the end. Well, I'm doing it now. I want you to get out a piece of paper or open up the Notes app on your phone and follow along with me as we take this quiz. So tune in with me until the end to hear your quiz results. You may be surprised. Are you ready to get started? Okay, well, here we go. I promise it's not too big of a quiz.

It's five questions because I know this is winter break. So I'm sure you're probably the last thing you're thinking about is a hug. Gotta take a quiz. Don't worry, it's harmless.

Question number one. Where are you at? In your TPT journey? Is it a? I'm just starting out. So maybe you've been a TPT seller for less than a year? Be I've been in it for a bit 123 years? Or see I'm pretty far in over three years. So decide which one you are A, B or C.

Question number two, how many products do you have in your store? A less than 50 products be between 50 and 200 products or see more than 200 products?

Question three. Do people buy your products regularly? Think about all the sales you've had over the past six to 12 months, depending on when you've started your store. So here are the three answers. A Not at all. I get sales here and there, but it's pretty sporadic. B kind of a depends on the time of year sometimes I have a really great month, while other months are a complete dud or C II? Yes, people buy my products regularly and consistently.

Question number four? Do you know who your ideal audience is? A Not really I have resources that could be geared to multiple audiences. And I'm not sure who to focus my attention on. Be, yes, I have resources that sell well with a specific audience, but I have other resources that fit other audiences. Or see, absolutely, I know who my ideal audience is, and I create products for them.

And question number five, how do you currently share your resources with others? Is it a does TPT? Count? That's all I'm doing right now. Be I use one or two platforms, but I'm not really consistent with it? Or is it? See, I use one or two platforms consistently. And I'm looking to expand into other platforms. If you ever need to pause or rewind, that's okay.

But I'm going to share with you the results of your quiz. If you have those answers written down. If you answered mostly A's, then you are probably not ready for marketing outside of TPT. And that's okay, what I want you to do is focus on product creation, I want you to focus on building your line of resources in your store, and really focus on which products are selling currently. So think about your best sellers. As of now, when you go in your product statistics, what's selling the best and create more of those, think about ways you can expand on those resources. Let's say you have a really great reading resource that a lot of people love, they love the activity, maybe it's some type of summary resource, think about how you can expand it. So those customers who bought that summary resource can also find other resources. So you're expanding out your reading line to maybe thinking about maybe some type of cause and effect resource or author's purpose, and kind of going along those lines and then getting a nice good line going and bundling it up together. Those are some really great ways to expand what's already working for your business.

But if you're mostly A's, you're going to focus on mostly product creation, and then revisit in about three to six months to see if you might be ready to market outside of TPT.

too crazy, not trying to get:

Now, if you're mostly CS, then you are definitely ready to market outside of TPT. Instead of focusing on product creation, focus more on the revision so revising your product listings revising your resources, and use your top marketable resources. So mostly your best sellers, ones that are getting a lot of views or high conversions. If you're mostly C's, you already may have a platform. And maybe you're looking to expand or you're considering to look to expand. I recommend to use your influence to market with a blog or email. So going into content marketing, you can expand a bigger audience through that. If you have a really big following. You can always get people on your email list or get people to your blog and it kind of flows together if you use it to work smarter and not harder. But another thing you can do is to run ads to your store use those top resources your best sellers run some ads to your store drive to traffic to your store that way.

great focus as you head into:

Thanks for tuning in to the creative teacher podcast. If you enjoyed listening to today's episode, feel free to subscribe and leave a review. I'd love to hear your feedback. You can also find me on Instagram at the southern teach. I cannot wait for you to join me in the next episode for more tips and inspiration. Have an amazing day.





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