This episode features QUB’s Rachel Killean, joined by Megan Hirst and Kinga Tabori-Szabo. They discuss the role of victims within international criminal courts, and some of the challenges associated with responding meaningfully to mass victimisation.
Kinga Tibori-Szabo is a legal officer in the Kosovo Specialist Chambers, and was formerly a legal officer working for the legal representatives at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Learn more about her here:
Megan Hirst is one of the lawyers representing victims in the Dominic Ongwen case at the International Criminal Court. Learn more about her here:
Megan and Kinga recently edited a volume entitled 'Victim Participation in International Criminal Justice -Practitioners’ Guide' by Springer 2017. This book comprehensively outlines the law and practice of victim participation at the International Criminal Court, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
Rachel’s book, entitled ‘Victims, Atrocity and Justice: Lessons from Cambodia’, will be published by Routledge in September.