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[REPLAY] Embrace the Journey: Unlocking the Power of Change | MAG19
Episode 198th May 2024 • Magnetize • Grace Oben
00:00:00 00:41:15

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From navigating the stormy seas of divorce to embracing the unconventional path of choosing to be a stay-at-home mom, Joanne Neweduk's resilience radiates through her story.

Join us as we delve into her triumph over adversity, showcasing her unwavering dedication to personal growth.

Be inspired by her resilience, reminding us all never to abandon our dreams and highlighting the profound transformation found in embracing life's trials.


  • The power of embracing change and stepping out of one's comfort zone to pursue new opportunities for growth and fulfillment. 
  • Demonstrating remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, by using life’s experiences as steppingstones towards personal growth and empowerment.
  • The importance of embracing one's authentic self, letting go of societal pressures, and living a life aligned with personal values and passions.

About the Host: 

Grace Oben is a highly sought-after international speaker, Author, Mindset and Purpose Clarity Coach who is dedicated to empowering women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to find clarity in their purpose, make a lasting impact in the world, and make money living it. With a passion for helping others, Grace has been featured on GO TV, Global News, Podcasts, Magazines, where she shares her valuable insights and inspirations.

Drawing from her extensive experience and expertise, Grace offers transformative coaching programs that empower women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to discover their unique gifts, unleash their potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through her engaging speaking engagements, she captivates audiences with her dynamic storytelling and practical strategies for personal and spiritual growth. 

If you're ready to transform your life, Grace is ready to guide you on your journey of purpose-discovery, helping you unlock your potential, and make a positive impact in the world.

About the Guest: 

Joanne Neweduk, CEO of Fabulous at 50 and podcast host, is an author, speaker, and advocate for women's health. As a registered nurse and Holist Health Practitioner, she champions women's well-being through various therapies and empowerment initiatives at FabulousHealth. 

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Grace Oben:

Hello, hello. Hello beautiful people. Welcome back to magnetize podcast. It's your girl Grace Oben. And today I have the amazing fabulous Joanne Neweduk on the podcast. She is an amazing person. Joanne is the CEO and podcast host of Fabulous at 50. You know, she's changing the aging narrative. Joanne has so much to share about it with us about her. Her podcast and what she does, like, you know, advocate for women's health as a registered nurse, holistic health practitioner, Joanne champions, women's well being through various therapies empowerment initiative at fabulous health. I just love the word fabulous. I think it's an amazing word. So welcome to Magnetize Joanne saw, Yay, I'm sure our listeners.

Joanne Neweduk:

And you are just such a magnetic personality as well. It's wonderful to be here.

Grace Oben:

I'm sure our listeners will know more about fabulous. Right. So what is this all about?

Joanne Neweduk:

All right, well, fabulous 50. So we'll start with that was started quite a few years ago by the original founder is a beautiful woman named Diana Bose and at the time she was setting it out because she was 50 at the time had gone through some health issues was divorce was an empty nester going through menopause like you name it, midlife everything. And she's like I want some girlfriends to play with. So she started a meetup group. And that grew. And then yearly, she started putting on this event where there was vendors and you know, you know what it's like to have these wonderful events, but not on the business level, necessarily. It was more on a social level, it was more like let's just come together as women. And that grew and grew. And so then a number of years ago, I stepped in and onboard as the director for Calgary. And subsequently, I now have sort of taken over the whole thing. And what we offer now really is a safe place for women to come together on a social level. But it really is kind of personal development and all about our health. So currently, which what we're doing now is a little different than a few years ago when the world turned upside down. Right. So what we have now is actually sort of several facets of fabric 50. So for those that live in the Calgary area we have in person, typically monthly meetings, and there will be maybe a social get together, we might have a guest speaker, maybe we'll go to an event we might go to, you know, a music theater or something like that. Just something to kind of bring people together and go Isn't this fun and leave work behind? Right all of our responsibilities beyond. But of course, we don't just have people in Calgary, we have people from all over the country. And indeed We have, you know, people in our Facebook group and in our greater community, from all over North America and and really all over the world we have. So we also offer an online membership. And so Tuesday evenings at 7pm. Mountain Time, you'll find me on zoom with whoever decides they want to show up and then any other people that choose to be members can come to those meetings. And so that's kind of the main way people connect. So of course, like any organization, there's a newsletter you can keep up with us. But we have our blog, and we have our podcast, as well.

Grace Oben:

That's amazing. I'm interested in I'm going to check attend one of your gathering. So your meetings, I want to I want to learn more about it. Because it sounds we'd

Joanne Neweduk:

love to have you there. Yeah, yeah, they are. We have we have a lot of fun. I mean, I liked the months where there's a theme, you know, like we have a good old fashioned Halloween party or Christmas party or you know, we had a lovely Christmas dinner sometimes we invite you know, open it out that you bring your partner you know, we let the men in for a little bit. But it really is just a chance to come together. I think that was the feedback I get from women is just, they like knowing they're part of a community that's so important for our mental health and just, you know as as we get older, it's nice to just have people that you run into and you can share and make new friends? You know, I don't know about you. But for women that are in business and entrepreneurs, they're often they're going to networking and so forth. There's that real contact. But there's lots and lots of women in the world. And maybe they just work in a small office, or if they're an empty nester and their kids have grown, maybe that action where they used to be the dance mom, and it would, you know, they connect with other people that way. I've had the feedback, where it's like, how do I make friends after 50? How do I how do I do that? And I'm like, well show up in our group. It's very friendly and welcoming.

Grace Oben:

Awesome. So how did you magnetize this opportunity? How did this all come about? You know,

Joanne Neweduk:

why? Really good question, um, a number of years ago, like just over a decade ago, or so when I was still in my 40s. I, I went through a divorce where everything kind of turned upside down. Like it was a really gut wrenching, difficult time for me. And I stepped into doing some personal development, I had some opportunities to go in and do a couple of courses. One of them I had no idea what I was walking into, I just had a friend go, Hey, I'm going to this weekend thing, do you want to come with me? And I'm like, sure, right, like, I just, you know, so part of that was I was just open to what is next what is better. But because of that, it got my mind thinking in a different way. Like, as a registered nurse, it's more like I can just get a job at the hospital do that. That's it. But when I started doing this, I started realizing there was something more I was feeling like I was being called to do something more. And there was two, two or three major things that changed my life around that time, was just the mindset that shifted around relationship. So if I can swing into that for just a moment, because it really impacts how this opportunity came. And we can circle back to that is I had to get over the hurt, of coming out of divorce. And I really wanted to have someone lovely in my life, which I do now. And the biggest thing that I think helps me magnetize anything is that I don't list what I want, I get really focused on the value of what I want. So for my personal relationship, it was like what not a list of this is everything I want in demand. Right? Have you ever heard, you know, people do that? Check check. Exactly. So instead, I got really clear on what do I value in this relationship? Right? Mutually loving, respectful, supportive, filled with laughter adventure, and, you know, of course, a wink, wink. And so, at that time, you know, I did meet someone, and around the same time, I also then had this opportunity to step into the leadership role for fabulous at 50. I had done other kinds of leadership roles, working with charities and sitting on the board of directors, but I was kind of craving something really fun. And so, partly why this happened was because I had that solid relationship. And, and, and felt good about that. And I felt good about I'd been back to university for a bit like a whole bunch of things. It was a sequence of things that I was like, I'm just gonna do this, I am doing this, and I made it happen. And so this was the next thing that came about, and it really just kind of landed in my lap. And I said, Hell yeah, let's go for it.

Grace Oben:

Method. I think it just speaks to how much when we are determined. And when we really become really clear on what we really want, how things just falling into place to just walk out. And as you say, just fell into on your lap like, yeah,

Joanne Neweduk:

the opportunity came up. Actually, if I can share the story. I just had a flashback memory. One of the wonderful facilitators that I met during the, you know, that several courses I took through personal development, and I did that's where I also took my training to be a life coach. That was the the first next step kind of stepping outside of being a nurse and expanding in a more holistic way. So one of those gals I'm was turning 50 And I remember sitting with her at lunchtime, and she was like, Oh, it won't be like turning 50 And she was all bummed about it. And I was like, Oh, come on the 50s are gonna be the best decade of your life. And I was all rah, rah. And she's like, looking at me going, you need to meet my friend. And that, of course, is what she, that's when she said, she runs fabulous at 50. You need to meet her. And, and that was actually how I got introduced to this, this whole thing. And so I dearly miss my friend Diana, she actually very sadly passed away, just as COVID was turning the world upside down. And hence, why I ended up being at the helm of fabric 50. Because it really was, would have disintegrated during during COVID. And her husband came to me and said, Can you can you keep the legacy going and what I God bless him, he was like, and I know Diana wanted it to evolve, please evolve it and take it in new directions. That's

Grace Oben:

amazing. It's really great. So what is the greatest obstacle you have overcome in your pursuit of your dream life? And how did you navigate that? Huh?

Joanne Neweduk:

Well, I think by the time we get to the stage and have like, you know, pick a card, pick a car, there's a whole bunch of obstacles, right? Already mentioned one before? Yeah, I think what I'm going to say initially is just I have a saying that I say the greatest obstacle we ever have to overcome is ourselves. And, you know, in any situation, so I could say, you know, one of the greatest obstacles I had was going through the divorce. Looking back in it in retrospect, it was the catalyst that allowed me to now be in a healthier relationship, and, and be doing stuff, I probably never would have stepped out of the little box I was in to do now. But in the most recent years, one of the challenges or a couple of challenges that I've had over the last couple years, has relate to health because in 2022, my dad being very independently doing very well, in the fall of 2021, suddenly, in the beginning of 2022, became very unwell and lived in Ontario. So it was an obstacle to me, in a sense to do things that level I wanted it, but it was out of choice. I made the decision to become caregiver as much as possible. And I was back and forth to Ontario. And, in fact, I think I was there for probably four or five months out of the year at different times. So that takes when you're an entrepreneur that takes a real hit, right, like, so I didn't pause my business, but I put it on Coast. So I was able to honor the obligations already had, but I was not soliciting new new clients, that type of thing. So that would have been it. And then this last year, I've had a couple of hiccups with people that know me. I've had a few crazy hiccups with some migraines, but migraines that come with vertigo isn't the best if you're going out and you're doing events and so far. So I've how do they overcome that? Well, I've overcome to overcome it, overcome, I've overcome it by being absolutely determined, and an absolute resolution that things will get better. There is hope there is a different way. So I have done all sorts of different physios and you know, all, you know, a variety of different you know, chiropractor, physio, acupuncture, high dose supplements, so I'm always willing to look at how can I make things better? And I have I've, you know, so whether it's, there's all different things you can overcome, but honestly, health is one of them. Like I always say that if you don't have your health, you can't have your business.

Grace Oben:

Absolutely. If you don't have your

Joanne Neweduk:

health, I have to put a plug in there as well. Yeah, say it again. You're You're I was

Grace Oben:

I was just saying if you if if someone doesn't have their health, they can have any been really great. Right? It's it's health. I know, first, right? Yeah. It needs to

Joanne Neweduk:

be health first. Yeah. And I don't know about you personally, but I know like part of my story, and I'm sure there's so many women out there as well. There was a time where I completely forgot to put myself on the plate. So, right like it was all about caring for everyone else. I'm the caregiver for my mom. I was caregiver for the kids. I was caregiver for workaholic husband like it was overly. And it really wasn't until I took those courses and I switched. It was good decade 10 to 15 years ago in my life, where I just kind of went, What does Duan one, what makes me happy? What do I need to keep going? And, and, and I've had different windows where I remember writing. It was a questionnaire and it was saying, you know, what's your idea? What is your idea? What are you doing now? And what's your ideal life? And in that window snapshot, I was like, I'm doing what I want to be doing. It was basically asking you if you didn't get paid what we do what we do the doing. And I feel like I'm probably in that position right now. I'd probably still be doing this. I'd be kind of doing it as like something.

Grace Oben:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that question like, if what, what is it that you can do? Even if you're not being paid for doing that? Yeah. And it's so amazing what so fine. Once you find that thing. Once you find that, then it's almost like you've just found that missing puzzle. Right? Yeah. Which, which I think is just amazing. Someone said something, that I'm kind of paraphrasing now. But it's, it's one of the one of the most beautiful quotes I've ever come across. When they said, Life is like a puzzle. Your job is to look for the pieces and put them in the right places, something like that. Yeah. And when I got them, I was like, This is so true.

Joanne Neweduk:

Yeah, putting the pieces together. Or if I can put a little spin on that, like I you know, the way my mind works, I think of it a bit more like a mosaic. There's not always the exact piece, but there's all these beautiful, different colors together. And it is up to us how we want to organize them and what kind of picture we want to bring out of it. Yeah. And

Grace Oben:

I think I found I found it is by Brian Tracy. It says life is like a combination lap. Life is like a combination luck. Your job, our job is to find the right numbers in the right order, so that we can have anything we want. I when I came across it, I was like, oh my god, this is this is brilliant. This is amazing. Right?

Joanne Neweduk:

Yeah. And that got pieces together and yeah, right. Yeah. And I know, a lot of

Grace Oben:

it will be different. Oh, yeah. Right.

Joanne Neweduk:

Yeah, absolutely. The I think my combination or pieces right now, is always knowing that my total being is a combination of like body, mind and spirit. And that if any one is being ignored, it doesn't work together. Right? I liken it to baking. like to say it's like when you bake a muffin, you have the flour and the dry ingredient, whatever it is that you want there. But that's like the body, you know, and, and the liquid is the Spirit in our soul or spirit or energies. If it's not, if it's not there. We're not who we are. And then the flavoring is our mind. It's like that is the spice that we bring to things That's the uniqueness that we bring to the world.

Grace Oben:

I love the way you describe it. I love the way you put it so beautiful. It's for that's true. We live the way my mind works. I

Joanne Neweduk:

like I like working in analogies. Yes,

Grace Oben:

we need we need that balance, right? Because again, if without that balance, then once something is missing, then it's really hard for you to really, you know, enjoy that that totality of life. Right?

Joanne Neweduk:

So absolutely. What

Grace Oben:

What role do you think mindset and belief systems play in attracting your dream life? And how do you how do you work on strengthening them

Joanne Neweduk:

All righty, this one is right up my alley. So first of all, actually the story I shared before I should have saved for right now. Right? So mindset is huge. And I'm actually at I reframing things is one of the biggest things like when we have something that we can easily go on. And so we say on there, whether you want to say negative side or the draining side, reframing it, thinking of it from a different angle and putting it on the, the side that is uplifting. And so I'd learned to do that. And then I discovered something called belief repatterning, which is basically, a system that works with how our brain learns on how to flip into positive thinking, developed by Sue's Casey, and I've trained as one of the practitioners. So that's one of the offerings that I have within my fibrous health. So that's what I use to strengthen. But when I really when I go back to sort of where when I was, I'm going to say back in almost like victim mode, it was like, things were overwhelming, and they were upsetting to me is being able to go well, wait a minute, I have a choice here. So I'll give you an example of when when I was being a full time mom, like right now I have adult children. They've flown the coop, they're all launched. But there was a time where I was super busy with the kids. But if somebody asked me, what do you do? I had this mindset around. Oh, like I had given up my career at that point in time. And I was a full time stay at home mom. And but I wouldn't say I'm a full time stay at home mom necessarily I would I go well, you know, this happened and then take care of my mom and I make all these different excuses as to what was going on. And then one day I went, Wait a minute, this is my choice. I want to be a stay at home mom right now it is a privilege to be a stay at home mom. And I want to I'm still having a long career after but this window of time. And so I started just saying I'm a stay at home mom by choice. Yeah, and here's what's interesting, way more energy, way more solid way more strong. Yet I wasn't doing anything different. Just my attitude around, it changed. It was huge. It was a big wake up call. So now fast forward many, many years. That's what I do. I use a technique with the belief free parenting. And we can do deep dives on what's going on. Because our conscious level of what we think about is like a little iceberg tip. There's like all this stuff underneath at a subconscious level. And we there's simple ways to actually reprogram that, because what we think on a conscious level repeatedly gets driven into our subconscious. And so if we consciously say I want to reprogram something repattern something it's really it's it's like, you know, that rat that goes back and forth. Between the barn in the house with a wheelbarrow kind of that proverbial, right? You purposely create a new pathway. And so something as simple as picking a positive word of the day. And and focusing on it, it might be I don't know, joy, it might be where does Joy show up in my life? Where does Where does laughter show up in my life? Where does contentment show up in my life, purposely thinking of positive things each day actually reprograms the brain.

Grace Oben:

Awesome. That's beautiful. And it's so funny, like the other day, like someone was sharing with me, they just had just learned this. So you call it belief repair repaired on a. So this whole trying to have the mindset shift to become a positive. And they said to me, Chris, for some strange reason now that I'm trying to do that in our work. Now I just am becoming so it's almost like there is this struggle. Now even those other negative believe that those other pains that she wasn't really paying attention to now it's so obvious like now it's almost like, you know, are difficult, right? But which is interesting. Oh, yeah. Well,

Joanne Neweduk:

if I could speak to that, in just a moment, what happens? When we bring it to mind, we are realizing, oh my gosh, and it's like we become the observer. It's like your own mind is having a conversation with what the heck am I thinking about that for? And it's very fascinating. But one of the biggest things that I find is when somebody just says, Be positive, right? Do you ever get that think positive, but the reality is how. So this is a systematic way. There's seven very simple steps. And one of the first ones is to first acknowledge what you might consider is negative or draining. Because if we don't if we're pushing some way, so the way I like to think About It is think of that negative thinking as, I don't know, say it's somebody that's thirsty. And if they're coming to going, I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty, I'm thirsty, right? And you keep pushing them away, they're gonna just keep bouncing back. But if you actually go, I acknowledge you, here's some water. It kind of goes away. Right? So if you acknowledge first, like, I am sad, I am really upset about this. Like, it's really important to first acknowledge, what is the emotion you're having? It's not bad. But then the question is, so how long do I want to stay out about the driver that cut me off? Right? Actually have the right it's like, do I want it to upset me for the whole day? When you start thinking this way? It's like, well, no, no, really? Do I want to be, you know, upset for an hour? Well, maybe no, it's like, do you want to be upset just for five minutes? Like, it's sort of some of this process kind of going? Well, that's not really who I want to be? Right? So then it's about that. So there's more to it. But anyone that feels like I'm caught in that spin cycle of the ad biddies work committee going around in your brain, the first thing is to acknowledge is there in the first place, and then start shifting it over to what do I want instead? So that it's a conscious choice.

Grace Oben:

That's amazing. It's so funny, because today was a little bit of one of those days that there was just so much happening. And I had to do this I had to do that I had. And at one point, I began feeling kind of overwhelmed. And, and then I wanted to ignore the feel it. And then I said, No, you're not going to ignore this flow. You got to acknowledge it. And it's so amazing that you are just saying that, because I had to tell myself no grace, you need to acknowledge how you feel in and then let it like acknowledge, don't just push it aside, say, oh, no, no, I'm not going to feel this way. I wish, you know, just give yourself the moment to acknowledge how you're feeling. And then ask yourself some questions. And it's just amazing that you're saying that because that was the exact same question that I was like, Do you really want to allow your the rest of your day to be this way? And I was like, I don't think so. Yeah, it's been a really busy day, it's been a lot happen. And it's okay to feel overwhelmed. Bad. Do you want to feel overwhelmed, overwhelmed for the rest of the day? And I was like, I don't think so. Right? And that was it. And I'm like, okay, so what do you do different? Right. I'm like, I think I need to listen to some really good music, and I just lead music. And it was just amazing. Having that conversation with myself, right?

Joanne Neweduk:

That's perfect. You did a real belief for your parenting Exactly. Right there. And when series developed this, it really was she needed she was going through her own issues and health issues many, many years ago, thank goodness, he's all well, but people kept saying thing positive. And she's like, how, but then she sat down and went, Well, wait a minute, I'm a teacher, I'm an educator, I know how the brain learns. These are the steps. Now she's not there's many different programs that use this concept. She just organized it in a certain way. And that works very, very well. So good for you for changing. And music is amazing, right? Like, it's one of the things that changes our whole mood and our energy. And the other one is gratitude. Having an attitude of gratitude is huge. And we need to do it more than just give it lip service. Like they've done I get, you know, kind of a little geeked out on nerdiness around science. They have literally put electrodes on people and taking blood tests and all sorts of things while they're doing gratitude practices. And literally nothing changes our state of being as fast as going into a state of gratitude. It's phenomenal.

Grace Oben:

Yeah, it's very cool. Yeah, it's one of the techniques, techniques I use as well. It switches your emotions like this, like so quick. Absolutely. And that it just just puts you in this state of just feeling so is almost like this switch your body just gave you a completely different body, right?

Joanne Neweduk:

It's all good endorphins that are firing. It

Grace Oben:

is it is. So what's the most courageous decision you've made that significantly impacted your life, business or career. Is it fabulous 50 parabolas at 50 or something else?

Joanne Neweduk:

I would say so. I would say so. I think one of the most courageous was taking the initial plunge of saying Yes, I'm going to do that. And then subsequently, like, smaller jumps or so would be, I'm, I'm going to expand that. And now I'm going to launch a podcast, right? Because that was something anytime you did something new, and then to say, I'm actually going to do my own health and wellness practice. So we have fabric 50, which is the side of things, you know, kind of bringing women together. But dovetail with that and, and running. parallel to it is my own private health and wellness practice. So when I right now, mostly, I work with women, one on one, sometimes in group settings. And of course, I'm bringing those skills to the health and wellness symposium called radiate your best life at the end of April.

Grace Oben:

Awesome. So what is what is something that you did that did not go did not go the way you wanted it to go? I tried to avoid the word failure, because to me, failure is feedback. So what is something that you did that did not go the way you wanted it to go? And how did that reshape or shaped your part?

Joanne Neweduk:

Good question. Oh, well, in a way, I just not long into in the middle of COVID. When I was rebuilding fabric 15 imagining it at this point, we weren't doing anything live, we were all just online. That was running along nicely, but it hadn't really robustly got going yet. And I in a sense, got headhunted by a different company that knew what I was doing and said, Come work for me. And so I'm used to working in the healthcare system I'd never worked in, you know, for somebody else's for something like this, but it was pretty enticing. And so initially I did for a while I pause things. So they went and did that. And thank goodness, just around that three month mark, or before, you know, like there's always that probation, they had decided they were a bit of a startup, they had decided to flip and go a different course. And I was made redundant, however, so it didn't go the way I wanted, or the way I expected. But in reality, it was better. Because what I had really realized by then is like, I made a mistake, I really want my own thing back, I like being in this position. And so what it did was absolutely solidify what it is I wanted. And so that I think that's a really good trick for people. Sometimes it's almost like, we can't make a decision on something, flip a coin and have a decision. And it's not that that coin is going to decide what you're doing. But your mind will suddenly be there. Yes. Or like, oh, will really give you an answer on. What do I want. Once I made the decision. I was like, Maybe this isn't right. So yeah, I would say that's it. And so now I'm just really grateful for what I am doing. Yeah.

Grace Oben:

So how do you remain motivated and focus? When things are really not going the way you want them to go?

Joanne Neweduk:

Yeah, I don't know if it's so much not going the way I want. I think what I run into often, it's just like, oh my gosh, there's just so many different moving parts and pieces. So it's a constant mind game, and really good practices to not get into overwhelm. And so I would say part of that is I have a really good routine. In the morning of what I do. I do an energy routine to make sure my body's moving. Make sure all my energies, you know, flight like I feel energized in the morning. I work with sound therapy as well. So I do some practices with sound so that I as a woman feels filled up for and then I can show up with my better game. I can tell the days when I'm just dragging my low tissue in the afternoon. I'll be going I didn't really do my routine properly this morning, did I so I know it works. Right? We need to take care of our self first. It's like putting on the oxygen mask in the airplane first. So I would say that staying motivated. I think I'm having conversations with other women, women within my organization and just other women that are also running businesses as well to really cheer each other on Sometimes I'll I'll pull up something, you know, like a testimonial or a thank you letter that somebody has written so that I go, Okay, I was making a difference in that person's life. And I think that's the mindset that I take is that I can't look at every one at once. I can't say, I'm going to do all of this, I want to be out there changing the world for everybody. What is that? If I can impact in a positive way, one person that day or that week, then that's what keeps me motivated, because then they're going to turn around and be able to support someone as well.

Grace Oben:

So if someone is listening to you, and they feel stuck, what what would you advise that person? What would you say to them?

Joanne Neweduk:

All right, I would say, first and foremost, don't do it alone. Humans are never meant to be doing it alone, going along, turn to someone that you trust. If it's something like on a personal level, if it's something in business, reach out, there's lots of business coaches, be leery of all the flashy spin these zillions of dollars, and, and you'll have a business in a week. It just doesn't work that way. At the course you know, the tortoise and the hare is the hare that wins the race. That's kind of what is like in business, yes, you'll have moments of acceleration for sure. But I would say get support, get support in some way. And if it's something really serious, like, you know, with your mind and your mindset, then absolutely reach out and get support. And know that if something doesn't line up, right away, just know that there is just a multitude of different options out there and keep trying something new.

Grace Oben:

I think so no one is an island and we all we need, from time to time, we need to talk to someone and there's always someone who will say something that will encourage you will give you hope, will motivate to inspire you. You know, there's an answer, you know, so I'd say people are only afraid of what they don't yet know what the solution is. And there's always a solution. Because the next person you reach out to if they don't know the answer, they might just know someone that might just know someone.

Joanne Neweduk:

Absolutely, if they don't. And that's I believe that because I tell people if you know, if you want to book in and have a discovery call with me discover your fabulous, we can have a conversation on where are you? Where do you want to be, and I will be very honest on what I have to offer. But I also because of my connections, I'll be you know, most of the time, I'm like, This is what I offer, I believe it will help you. But I've also had people re go, you know, I actually think you'd be better served with this other practice. And I'll refer them on to someone else because I I just believe that's what we need to do you know, ethically, we can't help everybody. We're gonna have a lot of people. But we can all help everyone, but we can't help them. Bike. Somebody else. I'll put it that way. Absolutely.

Grace Oben:

So 20 Someone needs to find you Where can they find you?

Joanne Neweduk:

Yeah, well, probably the easiest is if the main website that I have is Now we have to be the act is not the out symbol. You're not allowed to use that in a year. So it's fabulous. 85, zero digits, five And when you go there, actually, there's a little thing that pops up and says kind of Hi, do you want to connect? It's like a text message. That text message does not go to one of those weird automatic robots, it goes to me. So give me a little bit to reply, but I will get back to you. That is one way. The other way is just reach me by my email which is Joanne@theoutside.fabulous And reach out. I heard you chat with your grace and and if they want to ask a question or if they want to book in for a discovery call, that would be fantastic. When they go to the website, you can also get on the email list. And there's a little gift there. I wrote up this paper that's called 21 ways to energize your life. Because I think we need little, they're just quick little boosts on that you can incorporate one per day in your life. And you can enter your name and email address and I'll send that to you.

Grace Oben:

Amazing. Thank you Joanne so much for your time. It was really amazing. Have you Magnetized podcast, thank you for sharing your wisdom. Thank you for sharing your heart. And it's been amazing. So that was Joanne. And as I told you amazing, amazing Joanne so check out Joanne and and if you are, you know interested in becoming one of the the part of the community the fabulous at 50 Community, please reach out to Joanne and you will be you stay connected with our amazing women and just have fun. So that was it for magnetize remember, we have a magnetized magazine. If you are interested in advertising your business, we connect you with your ideal or dream clients. So check us out at and subscribe. Thank you. I'll see you next week.




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