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04: Space Leper Nuns - Robert Turk
Episode 47th September 2020 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
00:00:00 00:13:48

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Sci-fi survival horror meets B-movie comedy with the Space Leper Nuns from Starship Infernum, a charming, fast-paced, pick-up-and-play RPG by Robert Turk of Wicked Clever Games.

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Meet my guest Robert Turk:

Music in this episode is from Audionautix:


Robert Turk:

Symptoms of the disease include itching, sneezing, biting,

Robert Turk:

spontaneous narcolepsy, willful disregard for one's own safety, a

Robert Turk:

craving for fish, an overwhelming desire to shout one liners, vertigo,

Robert Turk:

and frequent public urination.

Robert Turk:

Incubation time seems to be about 14 seconds and the contagion is spread

Robert Turk:

through bodily fluids, dirty toilet seats, crisp high fives, awkward

Robert Turk:

hugs and prolonged eye contact.

Robert Turk:

To minimize the risk of infection, before I put the toaster in charge, I temporarily

Robert Turk:

outlawed eye contact and toilet use.

Robert Turk:

I tried to forbid high fives and hugs, but HR would not let me.

Robert Turk:

In a possibly unrelated event that nice colony of leper nuns we picked

Robert Turk:

up hitchhiking on the side of the hyper route after their shuttle

Robert Turk:

bus broke down has gone missing.

Robert Turk:

my name is Robert Turk.

Robert Turk:

I am an independent game designer.

Robert Turk:

I've been playing games, since I was in middle school, which is.

Robert Turk:

30 plus years now, and have had an absolute blast playing games

Robert Turk:

and played all sorts of games.

Robert Turk:

but in writing games, I want games that are easy to bring to the table that,

Robert Turk:

are not intimidating in their scope.

Robert Turk:

And, Are fun and different to play.

Robert Turk:

some people say my games, the games I write are sort of gateway

Robert Turk:

games, to get people that don't normally play role playing games

Robert Turk:

that are intimidated by multiple books and having to have a college

Robert Turk:

degree to do the math and all that.

Robert Turk:

, I don't, I don't do that.

Robert Turk:

My very first role playing game.

Robert Turk:

it's called, are you mental?

Robert Turk:

It is a card driven role playing game about lunatic superheroes who escape

Robert Turk:

the asylum to go off and save the world.

Robert Turk:

From there I made some slightly more serious games, Purgatory House,

Robert Turk:

was a haunted house horror game.

Robert Turk:

and then Starship Infernum was spun off of a convention.

Robert Turk:

Somebody said, "I don't like haunted houses, but I like space stuff."

Robert Turk:

And I said, "Well I could do that too.

Robert Turk:

Why not?"

Robert Turk:

Um, so, and those are blackjack based games, so they play very

Robert Turk:

differently than what most people are used to as a role playing game.

Robert Turk:

Weird Scouts I wrote that's a game about, magical kids and an

Robert Turk:

enchanted forest, earning badges and exploring the wood and helping

Robert Turk:

monsters instead of fighting monsters.


So obviously a huge scope of work we could draw from.


I've left it to you.


This is your choice, of the monsters you've made.


what's your favorite and why

Robert Turk:

I have to think my favorite monster comes from a scenario I wrote for

Robert Turk:

Starship Infernum the, space madness.

Robert Turk:

scenario it is the, space leper nuns, and right.

Robert Turk:

So the idea behind the whole scenario was, - 'cause this is a pretty

Robert Turk:

serious, heavy, can be a scary survival game - was write a campy scenario.

Robert Turk:

If people really want to play it fun and silly old school

Robert Turk:

Star Trek, they can do that.

Robert Turk:

in my head.

Robert Turk:

When I see the leper space nuns, they've got like the nun habits and a combination

Robert Turk:

between that and like a mummy, because they're all wrapped up in bandages.

Robert Turk:

So when the players encounter them at first, it's like, Oh, well, these

Robert Turk:

are just the nuns, they're these peaceful ladies going about their Holy

Robert Turk:

business, , and then the nuns turn around and try to rip their faces off.


I know Starship Infernum is a rules-light system, but what are


the relevant game statistics here?

Robert Turk:

Starship Infernum is a, it's essentially a

Robert Turk:

one-shot infinitely replayable pick-up-and-play role playing game.

Robert Turk:

you play a full story in three to four hours depending, and

Robert Turk:

how many people are playing.

Robert Turk:

the core of the game is a black jack mechanic.

Robert Turk:

Anytime you encounter something that can kill you, which is almost every

Robert Turk:

round, because this is a sci-fi survival horror game, you play off a

Robert Turk:

hand of blackjack against the dealer.

Robert Turk:

and it's not straight black Jack characters have traits that they

Robert Turk:

can use plus minus one, plus minus two, plus minus three, to adjust

Robert Turk:

their final blackjack score.

Robert Turk:

So if your trade is applicable to what you're doing, you can pull

Robert Turk:

that in, add it or subtract it from your score to move your number

Robert Turk:

around, If you bust, you take damage.

Robert Turk:

If you take three points of damage, you're dead.

Robert Turk:

The NPCs don't have stats.

Robert Turk:

Like they don't have strength and dexterity and all this.

Robert Turk:

They're not going to compare that and roll that.

Robert Turk:

And you're playing hands of blackjack.

Robert Turk:

And the adversaries have health and that's pretty much all they

Robert Turk:

have health and a description.

Robert Turk:

There are some optional rules that the more powerful adversaries, have

Robert Turk:

special abilities they can draw on.

Robert Turk:

And so when you encounter the leper nuns in this scenario, the basic

Robert Turk:

ones, they're, they're basic.

Robert Turk:

They're kind of pushovers.

Robert Turk:

If you were to encounter the, the, um, uh, the boss leper nun and

Robert Turk:

she has a name, the boss of a nun.

Robert Turk:



The mother



Robert Turk:

Mother superior.

Robert Turk:

thank you.

Robert Turk:

Thank you.

Robert Turk:

If you encountered the Mother Superior leper, nun , if you tied

Robert Turk:

against the Mother Superior - she'd be a level three adversary,

Robert Turk:

which means she has three health.

Robert Turk:

You've gotta beat her three times essentially to kill her.

Robert Turk:

, and in blackjack, if you tie, , in this game, it's considered a push.

Robert Turk:

You throw all the cards out, you go again because you keep going until

Robert Turk:

someone wins or somebody loses.

Robert Turk:

, however, she counts, ties in her favor.

Robert Turk:

So if you tie against her, you've actually lost.


what do you want players to feel when they encounter this leper space nuns?

Robert Turk:

Oh, I want the leper space nuns.

Robert Turk:

I want it to be a bait and switch.

Robert Turk:

because in Starship Infernum the entire time, you're on the edge of your seat.

Robert Turk:

the game is built to drive that tension constantly.

Robert Turk:

It's a fun sort of tension.

Robert Turk:

Stress can be fun.

Robert Turk:

This, this gamifies the stress of the situation.

Robert Turk:

Everything's trying to kill you.

Robert Turk:

Everything's going wrong.

Robert Turk:

Things are blowing up and, Oh, here's these sweet space nuns.

Robert Turk:

We've found them.

Robert Turk:


Robert Turk:

Part of our mission is accomplished.

Robert Turk:

Everything's going to be okay.

Robert Turk:

And then no, they turn and try to kill you.

Robert Turk:

So it's definitely, I want that bait and switch there when

Robert Turk:

you encounter the leper nuns.

Robert Turk:

I want that moment of, Hey, we're going to be okay.

Robert Turk:

Oh crap.

Robert Turk:

No, we're not.

Robert Turk:

They're going to kill us.

Robert Turk:

part of what makes it effective is even if you're not a religious

Robert Turk:

person, I think most people have respect for that established

Robert Turk:

hierarchy of people that dedicate their life to service or religion.

Robert Turk:

So I don't know anybody that talks bad about nuns, even people

Robert Turk:

that went to Catholic school.

Robert Turk:

It's just not something you do.

Robert Turk:

Nuns, you think of Mother Teresa, you think of women that are out there

Robert Turk:

doing good works and helping the poor.

Robert Turk:

so I have found in running this game, people are very

Robert Turk:

hesitant to attack the nuns.

Robert Turk:

They don't want to hurt the nuns, even though they have learned that

Robert Turk:

these nuns are these mummy leper - they're going to eat your face.

Robert Turk:

and eventually they get over that eventually.

Robert Turk:


Robert Turk:


Robert Turk:

It's survival of fittest and then it breaks that taboo then it's okay.

Robert Turk:

And it's kind of fun and cool to explore.

Robert Turk:

We're attacking nuns, something you could never do, , on the street.

Robert Turk:

, you'd be vilified for that, but.

Robert Turk:

In the game.

Robert Turk:

Sometimes you can do those things that are not socially acceptable, but do

Robert Turk:

them in a way that is healthy and fun.


what issues or questions do the leper space nuns, ask


your players to grapple with.

Robert Turk:

In the granddaddy of roleplaying games, Dungeons

Robert Turk:

and Dragons, you see a monster, you kill the monster, you get

Robert Turk:

experience and you get its treasure.

Robert Turk:

That's not my favorite way to approach monsters at all.

Robert Turk:

So , the space nuns in particular, it's - your goal in this game is to survive,

Robert Turk:

and the deck is stacked against you.

Robert Turk:

Everything is going wrong.

Robert Turk:

Chances are, you are not going to survive.

Robert Turk:

So the question that it asks you deep down in your core of humanity

Robert Turk:

is when does it become acceptable to do horrible things to survive?

Robert Turk:

Because the nuns are not, they're not evil monsters.

Robert Turk:

They are basically cursed ladies who were doing good things and now will

Robert Turk:

have to eat your face to survive.

Robert Turk:

So they're just trying to do what's in their nature.

Robert Turk:

They're a holy order.

Robert Turk:

And is it acceptable as players?

Robert Turk:

How do you come over that that emotional, mental hurdle that taboo of

Robert Turk:

saying, dang it's either me or them.

Robert Turk:


Robert Turk:

It's going to have to be me.


this is really interesting to me because on the one hand you've got


this really intense moral dilemma here.


You've almost set up the trolley problem.


but you've done, you've played it for laughs.


, how do you manage that balance?

Robert Turk:

well, I'll probably burn in hell for it.

Robert Turk:

Um, no.

Robert Turk:

It is not an easy balance to strike.

Robert Turk:

part of that, that balance comes from the fact that when I run a game, it is

Robert Turk:

very much about the players experience.

Robert Turk:

It's about the story and the journey that they are exploring.

Robert Turk:

Not so much about the rules, even in the games that I wrote the rules for I am

Robert Turk:

the kind of GM that is totally willing to break the rules if it keeps things

Robert Turk:

flowing and keep people having fun.

Robert Turk:

So I think that , dichotomy of the serious nature that these

Robert Turk:

nuns are going to eat your face.

Robert Turk:

They're going to try and kill you.

Robert Turk:

They're also kind of fun and funny.

Robert Turk:

spins out of that naturally.

Robert Turk:

It's we wanted to tell a good story.

Robert Turk:

We want to have a good time.

Robert Turk:

And in a game like Starship Infernum, where it does get very tense at moments,

Robert Turk:

and you do have characters dying.

Robert Turk:

That is part of the game.

Robert Turk:

it helps to let those moments of levity have a second or two to breathe.

Robert Turk:

and it helps kind of punctuate.

Robert Turk:

The horror as well.

Robert Turk:

, instead of it being one straight rollercoaster climb up to the

Robert Turk:

top, you've got some, downs and some ups and some sideways.

Robert Turk:

you're getting, more of an emotional range and a journey out of it.

Robert Turk:

You can get Starship Infernum from drive through RPG.

Robert Turk:

that's probably the easiest way right now in the lockdowns and everything.

Robert Turk:

You can order it on Amazon.

Robert Turk:

And if your local gaming store is open, they can order it for you.

Robert Turk:

My favorite way is for you to support your local game store.

Robert Turk:

, I'll be a hundred percent honest there.

Robert Turk:

That is my favorite way.

Robert Turk:

you can go to our website.

Robert Turk:

Robert Turk:

Occasionally we post stuff there.

Robert Turk:

, but the real value of the website is you can sign up for our

Robert Turk:

mailing list and I don't even send out something once a month.

Robert Turk:

I send out.

Robert Turk:

a newsletter when we're going to a show like gen con or origins, which

Robert Turk:

aren't happening this year, , to let you know what we're running

Robert Turk:

and how to sign up for our games.

Robert Turk:

I send out a newsletter.

Robert Turk:

If we've got a new product, or if somebody puts our products

Robert Turk:

on a really awesome stupid sale.

Robert Turk:

we have a Twitter, we have an Instagram, but really our website

Robert Turk:

and sign up for the email list.

Robert Turk:

That's does that work?

Robert Turk:

Is that, is that a good answer?



Robert Turk:

the game I'm working on right now is called Goblonia.

Robert Turk:

it comes out of short stories and writings that I started doing about nine years ago.

Robert Turk:

and the character that I used to play Gander, stitch, the goblin

Robert Turk:

onstage and storytelling festivals.

Robert Turk:

So it's basically a game set in his world.

Robert Turk:

Um, that one who knows when it's going to come out, I've

Robert Turk:

been working on that one for



Robert Turk:




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