On today's episode we are going to talk about finding your purpose and why it is even so important to have a purpose. Keisha Richards is a author who writes an inspiring story coming from a place of grief and how to overcome it in the hardest of times. We chat the heavy stuff and so much joy and hope for the future and how there is always a silver lining no matter how small.
Keisha a life coach, author and purpose strategist. Every human born is created to fulfill a specific need in this world. The crazy part is most individual have no idea why they are here and use other events in life to define themselves and miss their "why". She help my clients discover their "why" by answering the tough questions that they have been avoiding until this point in their life. Once we know the why, then she helps them in creating a plan so they can begin to fill that need and begin to live a purposeful life.
Keisha Richards: Author, Speaker, Business/Life Coach
Founder of "Inspire To Aspire Before You Expire"
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