In this podcast, Shaykh Kabir Helminski explores a number of topics and concepts relevant to every spiritual seeker, commenting on what it means to ascend in consciousness and how the Sufi tradition, particularly the heart of the Mevlevi order, serves to do that. Tradition, as he says, serves as a template and means of transmission through non-dual gestures of the sacred: ceremony, manners, service and worship. Heartfulness, a key differentiator of the path, begins with the understanding that within the human being is the possibility of opening a window to the Divine.
The Sufi walking into the realm of the Sacred is a return back to our essence; to be, and act, from a place of unconditional love. Shaykh Kabir Helminski touches on the possibility that every soul has a uniquely subjective vantage point within the non-dual unified reality. He provides insightful remarks on our human experience; the different levels of human consciousness, our partaking in a process of conditioning, deconditioning and reconditioning; and, our role as reflectors of the Divine Reality, as modeled in the mirroring of Shams-i Tabrīzī and Jalāluddīn Rumi. The transformative power of Rumi’s teachings, the pedagogy of love, becomes magnified through sohbets, arts, language, and music. This conversation, centered in the heart of its tradition, greets us with love.