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Era 1 Episode 5 Bonus Discussion with Special Guest Shevaun Rottinger
Episode 5Bonus Episode7th April 2022 • The Bible Breakthrough • The Breakthrough Media Network with Breakthrough Ministries
00:00:00 00:39:22

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In this episode, we further discuss further Genesis 4:1-26 with our own Shevaun Rottinger. After you listen to Episode 5, join us for this bonus discussion!


00;00;03;19 - 00;00;23;22


You are listening to the Bible Breakthrough with Pastor David Engman at Scott Brekke. In this study, we will break down the Bible from B.C. to A.D. chronologically while offering historical context and real-life application for today. This series is brought to you by the Breakthrough Media Network.

00;00;27;12 - 00;00;52;08

Pastor Dave

Hi, my name is Pastor Dave, and this is Scott Brekkie. Hi, everybody. And today we have a special guest joining us, Shevaun Rottinger. Shevaun is the senior editor for the Bible Breakthrough. Shevaun, welcome to the Bible Breakthrough Production. Thank you. And we want to welcome you as well, our listening audience to the Bible Breakthrough. And we want to thank you for joining us today.

00;00;53;15 - 00;00;59;20

Pastor Dave

Ultimately, our goal is to lead you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus.

00;01;00;17 - 00;01;14;13


And this is our bonus video to episode five. Here we will discuss various topics that came up as a result of the scripture we covered in this episode. Also, the show notes will be linked in a description of this production.

00;01;15;11 - 00;01;34;13

Pastor Dave

In this episode, we read Genesis 4:1 through 26, and we discuss the beginning of humanity with the man and the woman in the garden. And here we see how deception and confusion led the man and the woman to sin. And we see these consequences.

00;01;38;21 - 00;01;47;10


The three questions you should be asking yourself as we listen are What is it say? What does it mean? And how can I apply this to my life?

00;01;47;27 - 00;02;16;14

Pastor Dave

And of course, that would be if we actually read the Scripture, and this is the bonus video. Yeah, but we left it in there because let's face, it, that's the questions we should be asking all the time. Right? So, before we dive into this discussion, let's pray. I think I'm going to pray this time. Scott, is that okay? Yeah! Lord, your word teaches us that the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth.

00;02;17;16 - 00;02;37;04

Pastor Dave

And we pray that today that happens that you lead all of us into your truth. And we thank you, Father, for the opportunity to be able to produce this. We thank you for the opportunity to be able to read your word and to be able to discuss it and to release that to those that need to hear.

00;02;38;05 - 00;03;02;16

Pastor Dave

So, bless our time together in Jesus mighty name. Amen! Amen. All right. So, let's review the main or key points of Genesis 4:1 through 26. Would you be willing to just kind of go over those real quick Scott? Yeah, then we could pause if we need to… if we feel led to, however, talk about.

00;03;03;01 - 00;03;34;12


Yeah. So, the first one would be that only God really knows your heart. And Cain's heart was selfish. Abel's heart was not. Also, God is direct with us. He calls us out. And then the third point I think, would be that God accepts us when we do what is right. And then the fourth one is God warns us if we don't do the right thing and sin is also at that point crouching at the door and it's just waiting to control us.

00;03;34;27 - 00;03;37;28


So those are the points that stand out to me.

00;03;38;22 - 00;03;53;23

Pastor Dave

Okay. Before we go into the other three or so points, I thought that maybe we could pause at that and just kind of say, where are we? What stands out? What do we need to talk about? What do you think, Shevaun? Is there anything that we should dive into?

00;03;54;02 - 00;04;27;23


Yeah, the Rhema that's jumping off the page to me in all of that is that God says Satan is, or sin is crouching at the door, and it will control you. It's waiting to devour you. It will control you. I never put those two together before that when Satan does devour us and we get filled with sin, it does control us.

00;04;28;06 - 00;04;52;13


And maybe that's a different perspective on what does it mean for Satan to devour us like a lion. He's in control of us. And that's a pretty serious situation. If somebody is in control of me, then I'm losing my free will. I'm blinded from that.

00;04;52;13 - 00;04;53;07

Pastor Dave


00;04;53;07 - 00;04;54;07


I'm surrendering.

00;04;54;07 - 00;04;55;15

Pastor Dave

Yielding to something.

00;04;55;19 - 00;05;11;16


Yeah. And I would much rather give up. Not that God asks us to give up our free will to him, but I would much rather give up and surrender to the Lord than I would to Satan.

00;05;12;04 - 00;05;32;04

Pastor Dave

What I think is interesting about that is that, you know, in verse six, you know, the Lord is confronting Cain… why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. We talk in our world of family around Breakthrough about, you know, hey, we just want to do the right thing.

00;05;33;01 - 00;05;53;03

Pastor Dave

And we do we want to do what is right. And the reason we do want to do what's right is because that's the Lord that put that desire in our hearts to begin with. But what's interesting is it says if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out. So, it's in the refusal to do the right thing.

00;05;53;19 - 00;06;12;27

Pastor Dave

That sin is crouching at a door like a tiger ready to devour you when you do the wrong thing. Sin is crouching at the door on the outside door waiting to devour you and eager to control you.

00;06;16;22 - 00;06;54;23

Pastor Dave

He says you must subdue it and be its master. And so that's like a circular reference the only way you can subdue it and be its master is to go back to doing what is right. But how often throughout the course of our days, every day, are we presented with the opportunity to do something where we have to think about it and decide based upon our knowledge of knowing the difference between right and wrong, and then choosing to do right or in some cases doing wrong.

00;06;55;17 - 00;07;09;16

Pastor Dave

Can you think of an opportunity recently, Shevaun, where you've been presented with that? Yes. But confession is another… Talk about it....

00;07;09;20 - 00;07;10;28


Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

00;07;13;13 - 00;07;51;11


Yeah. Satan knows that it's really easy to push my buttons when I'm driving. And I try to control that by singing worship songs. But he's very persistent and I'm very gullible and so I fail several times, and it's only a ten-minute drive from my house to the office. And so, I… you know, some days are better than others, but I'm constantly repenting.

00;07;51;12 - 00;08;11;19


Where did that come from? Because it's so easy to slip if you're not on the offensive, you know? A good defense is a good offense, right? Or how does that saying go in sports?

00;08;11;22 - 00;08;11;29



00;08;12;21 - 00;08;23;05


Yeah. It's the offense. That's what's strong. You need to offend yourself. I need to keep that shield of protection up from my armor.

00;08;23;15 - 00;08;23;24



00;08;24;27 - 00;08;45;02


I think you're so… this is funny that you guys are talking about this because the other day I was driving to the office here and my wife had called me up and she had brought something up. And I'm not going to go into too much detail, but it was definitely something that was on her heart and what she had brought up

00;08;45;02 - 00;09;10;19


I felt like, there was… I was stuck at this crossroads, and I felt like this… I could handle it in two different ways. I could take this route, and I knew that's the way the Lord wanted me to go. But it was like I could feel almost the spirit of getting offended, and I went down that road and then all of a sudden what came out of my mouth, I was like, I said something.

00;09;10;19 - 00;09;31;13


And then I was like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe I did that. Yeah. It just did not go very well. But it was… I could discern what was happening. And I had a choice to make. And I'll tell you, I made the wrong one. And then, of course, I kind of backpedaled and I asked, you know, kind of forgiveness and we as a couple worked through it.

00;09;31;23 - 00;09;56;11


But it's not something that just like… oh, it just happened! No! It says it's crouching at the door and it's ready to devour you. It's not just something that just… Bloop! Sin just happened. No, it just came out of nowhere. No, it has a process of taking place in your life. So that's… that was just one little story that came to my mind because it was so recent. But…

00;09;56;11 - 00;10;01;01


And how true! You had to be aware of that.

00;10;01;03 - 00;10;01;14



00;10;01;19 - 00;10;21;10


And you slipped. You knew what the right choice was, but you slipped and took that other path. It's so easy. What I'm trying to say is it's not like, oh, it just happened. No, you slipped. You saw there was two paths and boom.

00;10;21;23 - 00;10;42;14


No, it's easy to. Yeah. And I think we can tend to hold on to that for as long as we want until we know. I just need to… it's a hard thing to do. Ask forgiveness, release it, and go the other way. And just don't look back at that. You know, the Lord's forgiven you of it. So don't go back to it or look to it… Oh, no! Or let it linger, it's like

00;10;42;24 - 00;10;51;02


as soon as I just released it, it was like it was gone. Yeah. Don't, don't sit there on something that you've done before.

00;10;51;09 - 00;10;51;12

Pastor Dave


00;10;53;00 - 00;10;53;11



00;10;54;18 - 00;10;58;01

Pastor Dave

Yeah. So…

00;10;58;04 - 00;11;24;18


What are you? So, I have an interesting question. Why do you think in verse nine, he says, so where is your brother? Where is Abel? I don't know, Cain responds in verse 9, am I my brother's guardian? Why do you think he responds in that way? Because I have an older brother and I know that growing up he was kind of like my guardian.

00;11;24;18 - 00;11;57;19


So even though, you know, technically he's saying, well, he's not my guardian, well, really, if you're an older sibling, you tend to be watch over your younger siblings. So, he should have been that example of watching over his brother, not going out and attacking and murdering him. I'll never forget this story when I was at a church camp once and we were playing this like soccer game and I was playing soccer and one of the other kids on the team kind of came down, knocked me down, and my brother came out of nowhere…

00;11;57;20 - 00;12;00;21


not right, and just shoved this kid!

00;12;01;00 - 00;12;21;28


I mean he just took him to the ground. Now, I'm not saying that was maybe the right way to do it, but he was watching like watching over me, protecting me. And I remember that to this day, like, man, that was my big brother, you know, like, I feel like he's on my side, he’s protecting me. So, am I my brother's guardian?

00;12;21;28 - 00;12;31;10


Well, yeah, you're supposed to be! You're supposed to be watching over and you know, maybe overseeing where he's at and stuff. So, what do you think of that Pastor Dave?

00;12;33;04 - 00;12;36;28

Pastor Dave

I don't... I haven't really given that any thought.

00;12;37;22 - 00;12;38;22


I, I have.

00;12;39;06 - 00;12;39;24

Pastor Dave


00;12;41;14 - 00;13;13;04


Yeah. You would expect your older siblings or your parents to protect you, but they're not always there, and they can’t always do that. Yeah, sure. And think back, Cain and Abel were the only children. They were the first ones and I think by Cain saying, am I my brother's keeper? He's trying to… he knows… maybe he doesn't understand that God already knows what happened.

00;13;13;19 - 00;13;39;17


Maybe he doesn't understand that God wants him and he's giving him a chance to come clean and confess. But Cain's heart apparently is evil, and he's trying to deceive God. Well, you can't deceive God. So, by him saying that, he's just trying to, you know, skirt around the issue.

00;13;39;22 - 00;13;42;11

Pastor Dave

Well, it's the answer of the guilty.

00;13;42;17 - 00;13;43;04



00;13;43;04 - 00;13;44;21

Pastor Dave

Which is defensive.

00;13;44;25 - 00;13;45;12



00;13;45;12 - 00;14;17;18

Pastor Dave

And deceptive and deflected. Right? I mean, if what had happened was completely innocent… like, let's just say… let's say Cain didn't murder Abel. Right? And let's just say God's walking around and he's like, hey, Cain, where's your brother, Abel? How would his response have been if maybe his brother Abel was, you know, I don't know?

00;14;17;18 - 00;14;42;06

Pastor Dave

You know, I think I saw him down by the river down there fishing. Yeah. But instead, his response was defensive. Yeah. And yeah. So why do you think that God rejected Cain's… why do you think he rejected Cain and Cain's offering, Shevaun, what are your thoughts on that?

00;14;43;09 - 00;15;06;02


I don't know. I'm kind of stumped by that because it just says, you know, that Cain brought an offering to God. But reading it over, he brought an offering to God. But Abel brought the first and the purest.

00;15;06;10 - 00;15;06;20



00;15;07;07 - 00;15;09;00


And I think, you know…

00;15;11;03 - 00;15;12;11

Pastor Dave

Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!

00;15;12;14 - 00;15;14;06


Knowing the Bible later.

00;15;14;10 - 00;15;15;05

Pastor Dave

Ding, ding! You hit it! Right on the head!

00;15;15;21 - 00;15;37;23


When the Israelites demanded to have some redemption and God gave them sacrifice, you know, it was sacrificing the best. The first fruits of the harvest, and the purest animals for whatever sacrifice.

00;15;37;25 - 00;16;10;25

Pastor Dave

Right. And so, what I think here is that this is God… this speaks to the knowledge God has as it pertains to looking into the heart of man. You know, God sees the heart of man. You know, God sees everything you do. He hears every thought you have; he knows every motive behind every action. You can’t escape an omnipotent omniscient, omnipresent God.

00;16;11;03 - 00;16;47;22

Pastor Dave

He is everywhere all at once, all powerful, all-seeing and he sees the heart of Cain. Yes, we see him offering a sacrifice. But you know, God doesn't want you to present an offering that isn't being presented in joy. Like it should be a joyful offering, right? Because with the joyful offering comes a blessing for both the recipient of that as well as the one who's giving it.

00;16;48;09 - 00;17;03;05

Pastor Dave

But the begrudging… Meh, here! You know, that doesn't come with a blessing. Here's my money. Or, here… right? Yeah. Who's getting a blessing there? The guy that’s handing it over isn’t getting it, and the other guy’s feeling like...

00;17;03;05 - 00;17;04;03


I don't want that!

00;17;04;08 - 00;17;08;21

Pastor Dave

Man! No blessing, and so God sees this, he sees Cain's heart.

00;17;09;02 - 00;17;28;11


Here's how I take that, I see two of the brothers, right? Ones like, oh, here we go again. You know, you got to do this offering thing… here you go. And I see Abel as like, wow! I get to do this again! I get to do this! I get to bring my offering to the Lord! What an honor that is!

00;17;28;21 - 00;17;42;19


And I'm not just going to bring something, I want to bring the best that I can… every time… because I actually get to do this, right? We have that saying in the ministry, “We get to do this,” we get to do this, bring this offering to the Lord, what an honor that is!

00;17;42;28 - 00;17;50;00


But does it say that it was the first time they gave an offering or that God told them they needed to give an offering?

00;17;50;11 - 00;17;55;22

Pastor Dave

No, it just says that when they grew up Abel was a shepherd. Cain cultivated the ground, and when it was time for the harvest.

00;17;56;00 - 00;17;56;15



00;17;56;23 - 00;18;17;11

Pastor Dave

Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. Abel also brought a gift. The best of the firstborn lambs from his flock. And quite frankly, I don't think it matters what they gave at all. No, it was the heart that God was looking at here. You know? I mean, yeah, Cain did give some.

00;18;18;02 - 00;18;47;23

Pastor Dave

He gave some. But again, maybe he just gave it begrudgingly and God knows that. So, where is our heart? Where's your heart? Where, you know, what does it look like? You know, God wants a tender heart. He wants a relationship with you that's open and honest. And if your heart isn’t tender, then present that to the Lord.

00;18;47;23 - 00;19;19;26

Pastor Dave

And say, Lord, help me, you know, because I don't want to be Cain. I don’t want to murder my brother. Or my sister or whatever. You know, I don't want the Lord to look into my heart and not be pleased. Right? I was just thinking about… I’m going to read this… this is a… kind of a bio of Abel for a second, and it'll contrast that with a bio of Cain. But Abel was the second child born, so, you know, Cain was the older brother in the story.

00;19;21;20 - 00;19;54;13

Pastor Dave

So, he's the second child born into the world, but the first one to obey God. All we know about this man is that his parents were Adam and Eve. He was a shepherd. He presented pleasing offerings to God, and his life was ended at the hands of a jealous older brother, Cain. The bible doesn't tell us why God liked… why he liked Abel's gift, and disliked Cain's, but both Cain and Abel knew what God expected, only Abel obeyed.

00;19;55;07 - 00;20;29;02

Pastor Dave

Throughout history, Abel is remembered for his obedience and faith. I’m going to stop right there, because obedience and faith are what God says about righteousness. You know? To be righteous is to be obedient and have faith, right? And where was I here... Okay, throughout history, Abel was remembered for his obedience and faith and his call. Right there, I should have went farther… and is called righteous.

00;20;30;01 - 00;21;11;05

Pastor Dave

The Bible is filled with God's general guidelines and expectations for our lives. It's also filled with more specific directions like Abel, we must obey regardless of the cost, and trust God to make things right. Amen! Contrast that to Cain. You know, let's just do this… in spite of parents’ efforts, in spite of parents’ efforts and worries conflicts between children in a family seem inevitable.

00;21;12;05 - 00;21;25;29

Pastor Dave

Sibling relationships, allow both competition and cooperation, and in most cases, the mixture of loving and fighting eventually creates a strong bond between brothers and sisters. That's an interesting thought, really.

00;21;28;14 - 00;22;00;29

Pastor Dave

But for Cain, the conflict and jealousy overcame whatever love he had for Abel. And while we don't know many details of the first child's life, his story can still teach us. Cain was angry. Furious! Both he and his brother Abel had given offerings to God, and he had his rejected. Cain's reaction gives us a clue that this attitude was probably… his attitude was probably wrong from the start.

00;22;02;29 - 00;22;34;04

Pastor Dave

Cain had a choice to make. He could correct his attitude about his offering to God, or he could take his anger out on his brother. His decision is a clear reminder of how often that we're aware of opposite choices, yet choose the wrong one, right? We may not be choosing to murder, but we are still intentionally choosing what we shouldn't.

00;22;35;00 - 00;22;56;07

Pastor Dave

The feelings motivating our behavior can always be changed by simple thought power. But here we can begin to experience God's willingness to help. Asking for His help to do what is right can prevent us from setting into motion actions that we will later regret.

00;23;02;26 - 00;23;38;24

Pastor Dave

When Cain was disappointed, he reacted in anger; when his pride was wounded, that led to anger. When he was angry, that led to murder, anger led to murder. And that murder led to denial, and denial led to lying and lying led well, it had its consequences. And God assured even Cain, however, in the end, God assured even Cain, that he would protect him from death.

00;23;39;10 - 00;23;53;23

Pastor Dave

He marked him, as we read and said that if anybody kills you, they're going to have a seven-fold punishment. And so, God then gave Cain a second chance. In my estimation, that's what he was doing there.

00;23;55;25 - 00;24;25;28

Pastor Dave

You know, this is the firstborn son on the earth, and he did something horrible. And God, who saw into his heart, also saw into his heart the redemptive qualities of this first-born son. And gave him a chance. What's the moral lesson of Cain and Abel?

00;24;30;26 - 00;24;33;04


Your heart, the condition of your heart?

00;24;34;18 - 00;24;36;06

Pastor Dave

I think… I think you're right.

00;24;40;03 - 00;25;07;22


Who can see your heart, but only the Lord? So, I mean, you Pastor Dave, talked about your heart's not your beating physical heart with blood pumping, and it's the Lord sees into that. And what stems out of your heart. Then I said, this other day, what kind of what stems out of your heart goes through your thoughts and then your thoughts out of your mouth and then your actions.

00;25;08;11 - 00;25;28;02


So, it stems out of your heart. So, I think we always need to be checking, you know, why? Why did I do that? What is there… always kind of searching and seeking after and asking the Lord, Lord, is there anything in my heart that needs some work, you know, and help me reveal that to me?

00;25;28;10 - 00;25;53;02


Because sometimes we don't see it and sometimes other people see it. And unfortunately, they will let you know. But sometimes that's good. But I think that obviously just doing that yourself is probably the best case to ask the Lord, Lord, I need some work in this area… help me with it! Go to him first, then any other person, because guess what?

00;25;53;02 - 00;26;05;22


The one who created you would be able to help you with that more than any actual person would be able to, so… The condition of your heart, obviously in this story, it's one he was giving. But again, I think just goes on the condition of your heart.

00;26;07;01 - 00;26;29;02

Pastor Dave

Yeah. The story of Cain and Abel teaches us a valuable lesson about the sincerity of our heart. And it's through their example that we're going to learn, or we learn how not just our actions, but our attitudes matter to God. Not just our actions but our attitudes. Now, clearly, people can see your actions.

00;26;30;04 - 00;27;02;18

Pastor Dave

You know, you can hide your attitudes a little bit for a while, but usually your attitudes have an influencing in your actions. And eventually it comes out. You know, there's a saying that I felt like God… maybe somebody said this, and I picked up on it years ago or God told me, I can't recall. But, you know, especially in ministry you cannot hide from your character for long.

00;27;03;20 - 00;27;46;22

Pastor Dave

God will reveal the flaws of your character if you're in ministry, for sure! And we're all believers. True, bonafide spirit-led believers are all ministers, all in ministry. So, God's desire is to work out those character flaws as a process. Throughout our life, he's going to continue to root those flaws out because it's, you know, our objective to reflect, as image bearers, reflect Jesus and his character was perfect.

00;27;47;14 - 00;27;56;01

Pastor Dave

And so, we're just… if we're striving for anything, we ought to be striving to live that holy righteous life.

00;27;58;20 - 00;28;22;04

Pastor Dave

Meaning we desire to do the right thing. We want to do the right thing in all our circumstances, in every situation. And sometimes we don't. But that creates an opportunity for us then to evaluate and then change course and then do the right thing. Like… oops! Okay, repent, that's what the Bible teaches us about. You know, it's like, okay, I'm going to do...

00;28;22;05 - 00;28;48;28

Pastor Dave

I’ve got a choice, I’m going to do the right thing here, or I’m going to do the wrong thing. And you go, I'm really… I'm going to do the wrong thing. And then you go and do the wrong thing, and then you feel guilty. Your conscience is speaking to you and it’s being instructed by the Holy Spirit who's convicting you and or your conscience. Right? And then, you know, our convictions, then begin to lead us.

00;28;49;17 - 00;29;09;16

Pastor Dave

And it's not just for the moment, and it will work in the moment, but it prepares us for what's coming. So, the next time we come to the crossroad, it's simple. Oh, no, I'm not doing that! I'm doing this. That's a repetitive pattern in our lives that God's working constantly for us.

00;29;10;04 - 00;29;12;22


I, I just want to…

00;29;12;23 - 00;29;12;29

Pastor Dave

Yeah, jump in!

00;29;12;29 - 00;29;38;26


I’ve got some observations about the choice of words you're using and what God's telling me. You say we need to reflect Jesus. Right? And one job that I had, I had a bit of a walk from the front door to my desk, maybe two, three minute walk. And every morning, I hit that door, and I would say, “Please, Lord, let people see Jesus on my face!”

00;29;40;12 - 00;30;09;08


We need to reflect Jesus. Right? And when it comes to giving, like Cain and Abel had to give their offerings to the Lord and it… and supposedly they knew what they should be doing. And later on in the Bible, it said, God loves a cheerful giver. Well, sometimes we give out of obedience, but our heart’s not quite there yet.

00;30;09;27 - 00;30;35;19


But we do it because we're being obedient and you had said people you can't always tell know… but your facial expressions can give you away. So you may be doing something out of obedience, and if your heart's not behind it yet, (groaning) “I'll just give it in anyway.” You know, your face gives it away.

00;30;35;24 - 00;30;39;06


And it says that right here it's Why do you look so dejected?

00;30;39;06 - 00;31;14;08


Dejected! And it's like… there's a “tell.” Everybody has a tell. You hear poker players. You're not a very good poker player, you got a “tell”… our facial expressions are our “tell.” And please, Lord, let my heart reflect on my face. Not just the joy that it is to give to the Lord or to surrender to the Lord.

00;31;14;24 - 00;31;24;28


But let me shine that. Yeah, this is awesome! And like you said, Abel was like, I GET to do this!

00;31;24;28 - 00;31;44;18


Yup, and when you're saying that I got, you know, when Moses was up with the Lord for those 40 days, he comes down, and his face is shining like an angel. Yes! They had to put a thing over his face, and people are like, “Oh my goodness!” and it comes from being in the presence of the Lord. Yes! As that his appearance literally was like, the glory was still shining off him from being in his presence.

00;31;45;07 - 00;32;22;03

Pastor Dave

Let me point to two scripture verses, one's Hebrews 11 verse four, it says that it was by faith. It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel's offer and gave evidence that… it gave evidence that he was a righteous man, that God showed his approval by accepting that. Right? And… although Abel is… forget that point.

00;32;22;18 - 00;32;39;17

Pastor Dave

The next one is Proverbs:

00;32;40;14 - 00;32;51;02


Why don't even bring it? I get a picture of, like, someone. No, no, no, no, no. I don't… that disgusts me. Don't even attempt… pretty much.

00;32;51;28 - 00;33;12;11

Pastor Dave

Especially if it's offered with wrong motives. Especially so it's detestable. Even if you've got good motives. Yeah. The sacrifice of evil people, evil people; the sacrifice of an evil person is detestable especially if they've got bad motives. Right?

00;33;13;23 - 00;33;21;25


Well, how could an evil person give an offering with good motives?

00;33;24;06 - 00;33;24;22

Pastor Dave

I don't know.

00;33;25;00 - 00;33;25;13



00;33;26;18 - 00;33;28;19

Pastor Dave

Yeah, I don't know. I'm just saying what the word says. (laughter)

00;33;31;23 - 00;33;34;11

Pastor Dave

The Bible says it's so must be true. Yeah.

00;33;34;22 - 00;33;55;04


I got one more thing that I want to bring up. So Cain presents some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. So, you know, being someone who is tilling the ground, I'm thinking of crops, of being okay… he's got some corn, beans, and these berries, right? That's all… that's nice and sweet. That looks good. But what does Abel bring?

00;33;55;19 - 00;34;25;05


He brings the “best” portions of the firstborn lambs. Right? The lambs… and guess what? When he brings it and it's an offering, that's slaughtered, and that's an absolute mess, right? So I think about Jesus in this case of we know that John the Baptist goes, “look, the Lamb of God!” Yeah. And of course, we know that Jesus ends up going to the cross and basically,

00;34;25;05 - 00;34;47;00


I mean, he is like that sacrifice that we all need. But I just thought that that was a neat little dive the Lord kind of showed me in that little scripture. So… but Jesus, again, it seems like, you know, oh, where’s Jesus in the Old Testament? He hasn't showed up yet. Everywhere! Uh… He’s everywhere! So that, I thought, was a really cool point.

00;34;47;00 - 00;35;06;00

Pastor Dave

And you know how easy it is a slip into judgment. Like right now, I was like slipping into judgement… I was like, we told Scott to put his phone in the other room. And I’m sitting here thinking, man, his phone's ringing and he’s not thinking... But then I look over and I’m like, no, it's not his phone! My phone, which I put in the other room, is ringing, and somehow another my computer is picking it up.

00;35;06;26 - 00;35;07;16


It's all good, man!

00;35;07;16 - 00;35;22;02

Pastor Dave

Anyway, we'll have to rectify that situation going forward. But. All right, well, is there anything else you guys have burning or searing? In on your heart? I don't. This Cain and Abel stuff.

00;35;23;27 - 00;35;25;15


Well, I had my last one. That was good.

00;35;25;26 - 00;35;26;15


I, um...

00;35;26;15 - 00;35;26;23

Pastor Dave

That was fun.

00;35;28;16 - 00;35;30;23


At the end of the story.

00;35;34;17 - 00;35;38;09


When… was it Cain's son?

00;35;42;03 - 00;35;56;06


His son, Lamech and he killed some someone. “I have killed a man who attacked me. A young man who wounded me.”

00;35;59;27 - 00;36;16;28


The first few times I read that, I was confused because then he said, “If someone who kills Cain is punished seven times,” I'm like, well, what did he kill Cain? But he's just saying it was just some random person, right?

00;36;17;12 - 00;36;17;24



00;36;22;20 - 00;36;43;04

Pastor Dave

Yeah. I don't know. You know what? When we read it earlier, it jumped out at me, and I thought, well, I'm going to… I'm going to dig into that because that's weird, because what… what's going on here? Who are you to say someone who kills me? Well, then I'm going to say that, right? Anybody who kills me, he's getting 77 times, right?

00;36;43;14 - 00;36;47;06

Pastor Dave

You know, the guy that was going to kill Cain would get right?

00;36;47;06 - 00;36;58;12


Yeah. I found all of that kind of confusing. Yeah. Like, who is he to say that somebody is going to get it even worse and who did he kill?

00;36;58;22 - 00;36;59;02

Pastor Dave


00;37;00;03 - 00;37;02;29


But I don't know. It's a deeper dive.

00;37;02;29 - 00;37;03;28


A deeper dive!

00;37;04;10 - 00;37;04;26


Into the…

00;37;04;27 - 00;37;06;12


We'll have to get our scuba gear out. (laughter)

00;37;08;15 - 00;37;42;28

Pastor Dave

Well, you know, just thank… Wow! Just thank you, Lord! I just want to thank you, Lord, this is so much fun, Lord, the opportunity, God that we get to gather and to discuss. And there's just a never-ending supply of discussion that we could have, Lord. We know the greatest scholars and minds of this earth that have walked it, dug as deep as they could and still have yet to find a bottom of the depth of wisdom and understanding from your word.

00;37;42;28 - 00;38;10;12

Pastor Dave

So, Lord, thank you! Thank you for giving it to us, giving your word to us. And thank you, Lord, that you would put information or knowledge in the Bible not to hide it from us, but to hide it for us in there, that we could then go like we are searching for treasure, seeking out that treasure. And when we find it, we know we found it.

00;38;11;03 - 00;38;33;29

Pastor Dave

It's just amazing. So thank you, Father, first of all, and Lord, thank you for Shevaun. Thank you for Scott. Thank you for our listeners. Whoever tunes in and hears this, if they're struggling in their faith. God, I pray that you just give them an increase wherever there's a lack. In Jesus name, Amen! Thank you. Thanks Scott, thanks Shevaun. Yeah! Thank you!

00;38;33;29 - 00;38;44;10

Pastor Dave

Good times! Yeah, it was good. We look forward to seeing you all in our next episode as we continue to study the greatest story ever told through the Bible Breakthrough. Amen.

00;38;49;00 - 00;39;25;20


Thank you for tuning into the Bible breakthrough with Pastor David Engman and Scott Brekke. We hope you enjoyed today's episode and will join us again for more of the Bible from B.C. to A.D. We are a volunteer driven ministry and rely on you to help us get the word out to the world. Please, like this podcast on Facebook, share it to your page and continue to listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere you find your favorite podcasts. This has been a broadcast of the Breakthrough Media Network.



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