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Meet the Host and Get a Dose of Positivity from Jackie Simmons
Episode 14th June 2022 • Your Brain ON Positive with Jackie Simmons • Jackie Simmons
00:00:00 00:26:40

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This show brings you the resources, experts, ideas, and inspirations that will make your life better, right now.

Today, Jackie was interviewed by podcasting expert Braden Ricketts.

Are you ready to work with your brain the way your brain is designed to work?

What if you could access instant positivity, even in the midst of chaos and crisis?

Jackie believes it’s time to take our attention off the negativity of the world and reclaim our brains, washing them free from the negative bias.

Each episode you’re invited to unplug from the world, plug into a dose of positivity and discover your brain ON positive.

About Jackie:

Jackie Simmons writes and speaks on the leading-edge thinking around mindset, money, and the neuroscience that drives success.

Jackie believes it’s our ability to remain calm and focused in the face of change and chaos that sets us apart as leaders. Today, we’re dealing with more change and chaos than any other generation.

It’s taking a toll and Jackie’s not willing for us to pay it any longer.

Jackie uses the lessons learned from her own and her clients’ success stories to create programs that help you build the twin muscles of emotional resilience and emotional intelligence so that your positivity shines like a beacon, reminding the world that it’s safe to stay optimistic.

TEDx Speaker, Multiple International Best-selling Author, Mother to Three Girls, Grandmother to Four Boys, and Partner to the Bravest, Most Loyal Man in the World.

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Jackie Simmons:

Welcome back to your brain on positive. All the love and support you need is residing inside of you. And we're going to make it easier to turn it on.

Braden Ricketts:

Jackie Simmons, I am incredibly honored to be here with you. I have the pleasure of working with you around your new launching podcast. And I wanted to ask you a few questions so that we can get some clarity, we can get the hype, we can get people to understand the importance of this show that you're launching called your brain on positive. Tell us a little bit about the show.

Jackie Simmons:

Your Brain on positive is based on the premise that all of the love all of the support that you need, you already have it resides inside you. You just can't access it. When your brain is on negative, neutral or stressed, you do not have access to all of your resources. Shawn Aker one of my favorite TED talkers of all time, he says that your brain on positive, which is what inspired the title, your brain on positive is 31% more productive than your brain on negative, neutral or stressed? I absolutely believe it. I've been a stress management consultant for almost four decades. And this is what I love to talk about. It's what I love to do, I love to find the shortcuts. Now they call them hacks back in my day, a hack was not a good thing. Now they call them hacks. So shortcuts, faster ways to do things. And when we can find faster ways to shift our brain from negative, neutral or stressed over to positive, life gets better. And that's what I want for everyone. I was tagged your advocate for a better life a few years back. And it's true. That's who I am. That's who I want to be in the world of my listeners. That's who I want to be in their lives. I want to be their advocate for a better life and to bring them the resources, the experts, the ideas and the inspirations that will make their lives better. Right now,

Braden Ricketts:

oh my goodness, it sounds like instant positivity from the way you're describing that.

Jackie Simmons:

Instant positivity is exactly what I want people to have instant ability to shift their emotional state to positive. Everything that I teach is geared in that direction.

Braden Ricketts:

Fabulous. I am in the need of instant positivity on a day to day basis throughout my days. You know, there is a lot going on in the world, it seems like chaos and crisis is on the peripherals. So being able to access positivity on demand seems like the most valuable tool that I can be taught. How do you teach that?

Jackie Simmons:

Great question. And I love that statement. Because you're right. In this day and age when what's on the news is not neutral, it's in fact negative. We are struggling to maintain a belief system that says that there's enough positivity in the world to make it worth staying around. And that's part of my background, as I'm also the director of the teen suicide prevention society. And it was working in that environment that I realized what a crisis point we are at in our culture, not just in our country, but in the world culture. But you asked me how you probably suffer from Mad Cow Disease, don't you? You want to know how everything works? Sure do. How I teach it is very simple. We start with understanding that the majority of your life is run by what you believe. Whether your beliefs are limiting or expanding whether they are contracting, or energizing, totally depends on the meanings you assign. At a time, you often don't even remember the meanings you assign to the events of your life. So I teach one hour every week for free how to bust limiting beliefs in one hour or less. 60 minutes or less. That's my guarantee. I also teach how to guarantee results because when you can feel optimistic when you can anticipate that you're going to have a good outcome, your brains already more positive. So guaranteeing results from everything that I teach is now part of what I teach. Because we're hungry for it. We need not just positivity. We need optimism. We need perpetual sources of optimism. So we use amazing technology tools with our clients. We give technology tools away for free that will help put your brain in a state of positivity that will give you a never ending perpetual source of optimism. So we use technology, we use what I call brain retraining, how to bust a limiting belief is a brain retraining, how to create muscle memory direct connections to the four positive powerful states of emotion. That's a workshop it is a hands on all hands on deck, all cameras on if you're in my workshops, we do a lot with guided imagery, states of relaxation, and powerful positive states of emotion so that you can shift at will literally fingertip control of your life. And then we go to the dark side. And we actually work with your negative emotional history without you ever having to talk about it or even remember it. And we help you erase it, erase the any negative emotional residue from the events of your past. And it's really fast. We guarantee results there too. And now we're teaching people how to do it for themselves. And that's what I am most excited about. What would your life be like if you could permanently resolve your own negative emotional history if you could take out what we call your own mental and emotional trash? You know, that emotional baggage you've been carrying around all the time? That's what we are helping people find out what would your life be like without that heaviness?

Braden Ricketts:

Oh, my goodness. motional baggage is the heaviest of all the luggage that we pack, isn't it?

Jackie Simmons:

Oh, my goodness, it certainly as

Braden Ricketts:

I'm already starting to get excited. I know releasing that garbage would be fabulous relief, satisfaction. Just ease. Now, it you mentioned that you train and you teach these tools seems like on a really consistent and regular basis. And I would love to know, how do you implement these tools in your day to day yourself so that you're staying positive while you're delivering this information.

Jackie Simmons:

You know, somebody once told me you had to be a product of your product, they were talking about a multilevel marketing soaps and potions and lotions. But what I realized is that when it comes to positivity, when it comes to keeping my brain on positive, the only reason I have these things that work really fast that I can teach and I can share is because I wanted them. So I went out and I found them and what I couldn't find I created not because I wanted to save the world. But because I wanted to save myself. It's funny. You ever heard the phrase, every center has a future. I come from an evangelical preaching family. And there's another side to that coin that people don't like to talk about. It's the fact that every senator has a past. So every, every sorry, I said it backwards. Here we go. every sinner has a future. And every saint has a past. People look at me, and they see someone who is engaged and enthusiastic. And I am so inspired by my mind that people choose to be inspired by me or with me to be more accurate. And what they don't know. I wasn't always this way. I spent a lot of my life dealing with what they finally called clinical depression. And that is a dark hole in the ground. That once I climbed out of it, the fact that I fell back into it just a few months later. I almost didn't make it out. The second time. I got out the second time Western medicine, counseling, therapy, medications, interventions. I use it all. And when I got stable, I was like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind as God is my witness. I am never going down there again. What I didn't know at the time, that's a suicidal thought. That was my brain activating the worst case scenario mechanism for problem solving. Once I knew that, I would never have to live that way again, then I could start looking for solutions. And that's how I work with the teen suicide prevention society and with all of my coaches and clients, I tell you don't ever try to take away someone's out. Don't ever try to close somebody's back door because it's like trying to take a cell phone away from a two year old. No, they're just going to hang on to a tighter. As long as it's not the only option on the table. They're most likely going to stay What we've learned is that people only leave when it's the only option they can see. Same reason, same reason we do anything, right? The reason we do anything is because it seemed like the best idea at the time might not have turned out exactly the way we expected. But at the time, it seemed like the best idea. Putting this podcast together seemed like the best idea for me, it's time, it's time to take our attention off of the negativity, it's time to take our attention and pull back reclaim the right to put what we want to have in our brains. Because we are being brainwashed on a daily basis, not just by the news, not just by social media, but by every single interaction that we have with ourselves, as well as others, what we tell ourselves about ourselves, what we tell ourselves about how the world works, what we tell ourselves about who we can be in the world, we don't need another bully in the room, we are our own worst bully. This is the root of self sabotage. This is the root of imposter syndrome. This is where self doubt, and procrastination come from. And once I realized where they came from, let's fix this puppy. So we do the permanent resolution of the causes.

Jackie Simmons:

And mostly, and most importantly, and always, firstly, if that's the word, we do the poll towards positivity, what would your life be like with just a little more joy? What would your life be like? What would your day be like with a little more confidence? What would your day be like if you had the ability to go to stillness? Instantly? Where other people's judgments, opinions and expectations stayed? Other people's judgments, opinions and expectations? And most importantly, what would your life be like? If something triggered you, and you could soothe that immediately, if you could on trigger yourself? In the moment? So you didn't get hijacked? By your amygdala? You didn't go fully into fight or flight? You were able to go to curiosity. instead? My favorite question is What difference would that make where in your life? Would having emotional control? Emotional certainty that you were certain that you could manage your own emotional state, and other people couldn't push your buttons anymore? Where in your life, would it make a difference? That's what we explore every single show. I am absolutely delighted with every single person I have ever interviewed, whether it was on this show or on the suicide prevention show, or on my old radio show. I'm delighted with all of them. And I am going to be even more delighted as the seasons roll out Braden because I am being contacted by some of the best, brightest minds on the topic of positivity, on the topic of perpetual optimism. And perpetual optimism is not stupidly happy. It's not denial of what is real. It is perpetual optimism is nothing more than the certainty that I have the ability to change things around me. And the things around me can change. And it is that two step that makes a difference, that I have the ability to change things around me and that the things around me have the ability to change and be changed. Both of those belief systems are incredibly expanding, incredibly energizing. And that's what I want to share with everyone. Let's just get you a little more energy. How would that be?

Braden Ricketts:

Oh my goodness, if you just listen to that and haven't just hit the subscribe button. I don't know what you're waiting for. I have actual chills of excitement that you hit on everything that I have been obsessed with researching from mindset to NLP to positive thinking. You've got it all and you've wrapped it into something that is so easily digestible. It is consumable, and it is easy to implement. You said something that was really profound, you know, we are what we tell ourselves about ourselves. And you said that we should remove our our focus on our negative thought patterns. Now I know from background in counseling and coaching that the more you dig into the negative, the more you dig into the past you're gonna keep digging and it just gets deeper and deeper and deeper. So can you share with us? How do you get to positive without digging in and removing the negative?

Jackie Simmons:

Well, we do a two step approach, the first step is tapping into the source of unlimited positivity, that your subconscious mind, which is what's running your life. By the way, the one thing your subconscious mind cannot argue with. And most of the time you can't remember, which are the positive moments of your life. There's a reason you can't remember them. It's how your brain is designed. It's a little filter called the reticular activating system that screens out the majority of the stimuli around us vast majority, and allows in only what most closely aligns with what you already believe. So if you're already dealing with thoughts about I'm not ready. I'm not sure I'm good enough. Why would anybody talk to me? Why would somebody take my word for anything? Oh, by the way, these are normal thoughts, at least in my world, in my head. Because that's our focus, we don't remember the things that don't match. And so we try to do affirmations. And the affirmations don't stick because they can't get past the reticular activating system, the critical thinking part of our brain. So instead of arguing with the reality of how the brain really works, we just get around it. And we help you create muscle memory to positive powerful states of emotion based on your own memories. The one thing your subconscious mind can't argue with. When you do that, then all of a sudden, you have a direct disconnect from the negativity. So you don't have to go try to fix anything, because you're not broken. Your brain is just doing what your brain is designed to do. You just didn't have the instruction manual. We've created the instruction manual of how to instantly shift your brain to positive. And once you're there, then we can go back and permanently erase emotional trauma from the events of your past without you having to talk about them. Or even remember that that's how we do it. It's not the way most people do. Most people. Well, according to Sean Aker, he's a psychologist so he could get away with saying it. You know, when you go into his office, he's hoping that you're either you got a syndrome or you're depressed, or hopefully both, because that's the business model. If you come in with one problem, he wants you to leave knowing you have 10. So you'll keep coming back. And he'll go into your childhood if necessary. Yeah, but that's the business model. He tells that from the stage, and it's a wonderful explanation of what felt like my experience in that world. Every time I changed counselors, every time I had a new doctor prescribing medications, because I was on antidepressants, to make myself stable. I had to tell my story all over again. I had to tell them why I was there, what had been the problems, because that's the way they're trained. What did that do to my brain convinced me that I had those problems still. Because our brains, our subconscious mind listens, just like the elephant, it remembers every single thing we say. And what we are talking about is not neutral. If it is in fact negative. Our brains start to think that the world is a negative place, disregarding all evidence to the contrary, because of that little thing called the reticular activating system. So we found a way to tap into your own evidence that positivity exists in your world, your own evidence that you are creative, capable and resourceful. Thank you to the book nonviolent communication for that language, because you are creative, capable and resourceful enough to manage your own life brain and and I can prove it to you right now. You're ready, I'm ready. You're here. You would not be alive if you were not creative, capable and resourceful enough to manage your own life. And the minute that you do what we call walking the elephant, which is what we teach every week on Wednesdays, the minute you start doing that practice, your brain starts to shift because it starts to get the idea that the world is not 100%, neutral, negative or stressed that there really is positivity, not just in the world, but in your world, that there's been positivity in your life. If you had caught me 20 years ago, when I was in the throes of my second bout of clinical depression, auto argued

Jackie Simmons:

feud told me there was something good in my life, I would have told you, you weren't living my life go away. You're annoyed. And I'm already feeling bad enough. And I did tell quite a few people to go away. And coming out of that, my fear of getting back into it. Right, and I wouldn't talk with my family members, I have three older sisters, I would not talk with my sisters, or my parents if they were feeling down. Because I was afraid it would be contagious. I would not work with anyone if they were dealing with depression. I was a stress management consultant. This was not good for my business. It was only understanding how the brain really works, that it's elegantly designed to work on a natural negative bias that worst case scenario mechanism. Once I understood why the brain works the way it does, then and only then could I start to piece together from all the different things that I'd learned how to work with the brain. You're anybody who says they're struggling with their ego, I'm like good luck with that. Anything that you're struggling with, you're giving energy to yourself, you're fighting against the negativity, you're trying not to think about something that's going on, guess what you're actually doing, thinking about not thinking about it, you're actually doubling down on it. What is that doing putting more energy telling your subconscious mind that what's important to you is the negative. And then your subconscious mind does what your subconscious mind is designed to do. It brings you more of what you think is important, aka what you're thinking about. So if what you're thinking about is how you're struggling, how you can't, how this isn't working, how you're not sure it'll ever work, how you're not and how you don't know what to do next, when you have that kind of thought process going on. Your brain literally stops being creative. It stops giving you ideas, it stopped seeking solutions in the knowledge bank, because you told it, I don't know, three dangerous words, when you're dealing with your subconscious mind. So what if instead of all of that, every time one of those thoughts came up, you could flip it, change it, shift it, and it would stick, because you could anchor it not just in your body, but in your mind and in your subconscious. That's why I'm so excited. So we're going to be bringing the experts who taught me some of the skills that I have, we're going to be bringing in the people who keep me the most inspired, which are my own students, because each of them has their own unique brilliance. They're only my students, because the vehicle that I teach allows them to get their clients into a state of positivity. And when you're in a positive mindset, that's when all the learning centers of your brain light up and open up and you can actually take in new information. So my students think I'm kind of like the greatest thing since sliced bread, because this modality that we've created, allows them to actually be able to get their clients to try new things. And if you don't do something different, you're not gonna get a different result. So definition of insanity, do the same thing over again expecting to get a different outcome. We get our clients out of that insanity. And we're gonna do that for our audience. That's my guarantee. You don't have to take a class, you don't have to come into my world, you just plug in here, unplug from the brainwashing of the negative world during the time of a podcast and plug in. You will feel better. We guarantee Oh,

Braden Ricketts:

my goodness, if this is not the definition of your brain on positive. Wow, what a gift. I am so thrilled and excited for this show. Jackie, just from hearing your last few minutes, I am dying to get started. I want to do something to put my brain on positive. Where would I go? Where would I start? What do I do right now?

Jackie Simmons: We actually put together one place that has all of the different things that we're doing, and we're adding to it every day is that fact today we're adding to it the link to that transformative technology that I use that my first experience of a source of perpetual optimism is a tech who know I'm not a techie, but it's a vision board on steroids. So that is going to be on the hub today and I hope people check it out. I hope people test it out, we've got a free gift of it for them, you know, things that they will be able to keep for free forever. And if they do decide that they want to subscribe to this technology so that they can customize it the way that I do with pictures and images of what I love about my life and the things that I intend to bring into my life, if they do that, this company supports the mission to make teen suicide a thing of the past. So they will give 50% to the teen suicide prevention society to the nonprofit. So lots of ways to get started on this journey. The first one you've already said, subscribe. Get a dose of positivity. Let's get your brain on positive.

Braden Ricketts:

Absolutely get your brain on positive get your world on positive. This is going to take over I'm so excited. I can't wait. Jackie, thank you for your time. I am over the moon inspired and ready to rock. I appreciate you and I can't wait for every weekly dose of my brain on positive.




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