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Podcast# 275. Ernest thoughts: Does Your Perception Change Your Future?
Episode 27516th October 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:15:43

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Discovering the Real Earnest Mann

The Man Behind the Voice

Hello, dear readers! It's me, Earnest Mann. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not an actor, nor a robot. I'm a real person, just like you. Today, I'm taking a break from the chaos in the news to share a personal story.

Life's Perception and Our Future

Do you ever stop and ponder about your future? In today's fast-paced world, many are caught in the corporate grind, barely making ends meet. But I believe there's more to life than just working. It's about thinking differently and taking small steps towards a brighter future.

A True Tale of Generosity and Perception

I recently met a wealthy friend who taught me the value of genuine human connection. He shared a heartwarming story about a simple act of kindness he extended to a convenience store worker. This woman, with her attentive service and genuine care, restored his faith in humanity. It's not about the money or the bling; it's about the character.

The Cell Phone Dilemma

In our chats, we often discuss the modern world's obsession with cell phones. Are they diminishing our attention span? Are we losing our ability to genuinely connect with others? It's food for thought.

The Power of Numbers

Remember the numbers 37 and 21? They symbolize the importance of perception and attention to detail. If you remembered them, kudos to you! If not, it's a gentle reminder to be more present in the moment.

Until next time, always remember: actions speak louder than words. Take care.

You can go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:01 well hello folks I have been receiving so many questions namely ironically about who the hell I am because apparently a lot of people for whatever reason we're thinking I was either an actor or a well-known actor or a robot so I don't know but I thought maybe it was time to actually put a face uh behind the words and so here it is I am Earnest man so now you know that it is actually a real

01:09 person behind the words so today I thought I would take a break from all the hell of aou that's in the news um I've put out a a couple of um episodes recently about all the situation in Israel and Hezbollah and all that but um I thought it was maybe atrio to put this out here at this juncture since this is my uh getting to to know you phase of actually talking to you so um bearing that in mind then uh this is episode number 275 a matter of perception what I can see in your future versus what you think is your

02:18 future um are you fortunate enough to have the necessary time to think about your life my perception is that most people they're not most people I've observed are far too busy working just barely making ends meet and get making the corporation and its slave hold I mean the the shareholders very well off in indeed so uh how the hell is a person realistically supposed to be able to plan their lives I mean like for the next 10 20 years well here's the long and short answer you're not you work until you

e as important as the numbers:

04:31 well at least by comparison as it still requires an action most people have made been made incapable or terrified of doing thinking if you really want to get something out of this life if you want to avoid or get the hell out of pre the previously you know mentioned nightmare scenario something you will potentially have to do for the rest of your life which should scare the living hell out of you you're going to have to learn about and well think about some things which are very different than the current mode

05:24 of thinking and when you begin to do that and then and only then when you begin to do that can you potentially reap the rewards of this different mindset there are admittedly these are admittedly baby small steps but of course you understand that you need to do that before you can learn the walk you got to you can't just jump right into walking or running and in very short there are several actions that you must learn in order to succeed in this and here two of them remove all distractions and pay the hell attention to illustrate this point a bit

06:19 further I'm going to tell you something that up until now no one has heard before because it comes from my life and it is absolutely 100% true so if you're wanting to actually learn something something that could change your life for the better give this a listen after all what do you have to lose maybe 10 minutes I believe gaining some very valuable information is certainly worth 10 minutes and if you think it is go on over to my website and buy old Ernest a cup [Music] coffee now there's a man I've known for several

07:13 years and he's very wealthy and he and I talk about our lives on a regular basis he's not a flashy man if you were to look at him he he looks really ordinary I mean he you know that suits him just fine but just saying you know he could he could wear Rolex or you know a lot of bling but he's uh intelligent enough to understand U that that would uh send an entirely wrong message about himself you see he's he's not that shallow but he's a really caring sometimes a bit too caring and his actions in the community

08:07 speak volumes about his character the one thing he does allow himself to have are a few very nice hats so a short time ago uh he and I got together for LUN and we talked about what's going on in the world what our opinions were you know that kind of [ __ ] and um it's pretty typical of when you know me and him we get together and as we were talking about all those issues we managed to segue into something that I thought was really unusual which is what I'm I'm going to share with you you see one of the few vices that my

09:06 friend has is that he's a smoker and he told me that for the you know at least I know the last couple of years he'd gone to the same convenience store at roughly about I don't know I guess the same time because another thing about him is that you know he he is a man of habit actually I am too I we see eye to eye in that because I am as well but um you know so he got to know the woman or this woman or a woman that you know worked there and behind the counter and they got him the cigarettes and um what he

09:52 noticed was from the time he first started going there it was only you know know after a few times that he'd been there uh that uh you know he would enter the store and um she'd have the cigarettes waiting already waiting I mean he enter the door and have to walk across the floor or standing she she had him waiting he complimented him on one of his hats he always wears a hat wherever he goes and not only that but you know only after a few times um she had the cigarettes waiting for him like I said and he told me that made him feel

10:50 real special it wasn't made him made him feel like royalty now he's wealthy guy but this made feel special you know so one day as usual he came in to get his cigarettes and of course she had him waiting and uh but she you know she she broke into just a little bit of small talk and uh she was telling him she was going to miss him and uh he asked her if she was getting another you know another job and and she told him uh that she was but not only that she was moving out of state and that her you know her last day was going to be

11:40 Tuesday it's like okay so he told her he'd try to you know be sure to see her on Tuesday before she's gone now here's the thing bear in mind that other than a little small talk and handing him a pack of cigarettes when he came into the store this woman was complete stranger all right so when Tuesday came around and he came in and she was there and uh had his cigarettes ready as usual yep and she was incredibly surprised how when he paid for the cigarettes and he gave her a cash gift of 500 dollar CH

12:42 Ching wow man if I was her I know I'd sure as hell be happy well he said he he thought it would really help her to settle you know in her new life and uh where wherever she was headed and he absolutely refused to take the money back and telling her she'd earned it it was that you know it was simply his way of saying thank you and not to worry about the money that you know he could definitely afford it and believe me this guy can definitely afford it okay so um what I just told you is absolutely true no [ __ ] Not only was this woman

13:44 friendly and outgoing but she demonstrated that she actually cared and that that's why my friend said he gave her the money he explained to me it was people like her that helped him maintain his faith in humanity and he also told me that at some point they somehow they you know gotten onto the subject of cell phones and she told him and this really surprised me I thought it was funny uh she had a cell phone but that she didn't live on it that she thought that what you know most people were doing on their cell

14:37 phones was really stupid and and that it screws up your brain uh that's something else that he paid attention to and happened to agree with and I'm pretty much in agreement with that myself so there [Music] so you tell me what do you think about the story do you think uh did he really do a good thing that kind of generosity did he really do a good thing I mean now what about the cell phone do you believe that like constantly using cell phones makes us have the attention span of like a [ __ ] Canary if I could ask

15:37 you just one other question at the beginning of the story I I gave you three numbers that I said were just as important so without going back do you remember what they were if you do congratulations you've got some awesome perception and if you don't well then hopefully you're getting the point of everything and what I just told you but I'd be willing to bet though that that woman who worked at the convenience store would she would know they were 37 and 21 now if I peaked your curiosity and you want to know

16:41 more you know how to reach me until next time this is earnest Real Deal reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care



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