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How Old is Too Old For Action?
Episode 62nd August 2023 • Film Center News • Derek Johnson II and Nicholas Killian
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Film Center discuss the age at which an actor is considered too old to be an action star. They debate the definition of an action star and mention actors like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Keanu Reeves, and Tom Cruise. They also discuss how certain actors are primarily known for their action movies while others have a broader range of genres. Listen in to another great episode!


Good morning. Good afternoon and good evening. This is Comic Con Radio of pop culture events from around the globe. Amazing interviews with celebrities, daily recaps and reviews of popular television movie reviews, everything fandom from around the globe. Comic Con Radio, get ready to enter our universe. Let's go.

This is Film Center. Your number one show for real entertainment industry news. No fluff. All facts. Now, here are your anchors, Derek Johnson the second and Nicholas Killian.

Hey, everybody. Welcome to Film Center. My name is Derek Johnson a second. I'm Nicholas Killion and we're getting to today.

So today we're going to be talking about how old is too old to be an action star.

OK? And now specifically when we mean an action star, it felt like there was some clarification that me and Nicholas.

Yes, we had to have, I was under the impression that it was just action stars just and actors in general.

Yeah, like, like he was, he was about, he was, and we were actually talking about this before and he was talking about it.

He was like, no, they had to have become famous from action movies, right?

So and I, I wanna, I wanna bring this, we had this little debate before. So before we get the meat and potatoes, what the episode is really about? I feel like this is a good foundation to stand on is like what then defines this action star. So, you know, we can kind of bring this debate to the episodes. Yeah.

So first of all, you can always hit us up about or on Instagram or on Facebook or on tiktok. So you can always hit us up and tell us what you think an action star is, there's an action star and like a regular movie star, but people were using as the examples were Sylvester alone compared to Keanu Reeves.

Well, yeah, I was about to say we should bring up the actor that sparked this whole debate, which was Keanu Reeves, right?

Well, do you want to talk about kind of like what happened?

So basically what I was saying was I was bringing up like Keanu Reeves. Tom Cruise. basically those actors and you were like, no, no, no Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yeah, you were like, well, those are technically they are action stars, but they're also movie stars at the same. They're just actors that can do action, right?

So I was saying like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are action stars because they are famous for being in action movies compared to Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise who are, who can also do action, right? But they're more movie stars because they can pull names for in other genres. For example, no one is going to watch, you know, Dwayne, the Rock Johnson and the action star in a hardcore drama that takes place in only one house, you know, that's very overly emotional.

His audience isn't going to see that for him. His audience wants to see him blow shit up. pardon my friends. But you know, so that's what makes him an action star is that he only brings people for action movies. Tom Cruise has been in a plethora of genres of movies in which he still brings in people worth, worth for drama no matter what he does, no matter what his audience is going to come see him because he's a movie star, not just an action star.

I think, I think what you were, what we ended up saying was whenever you say this person's name, action star automatically comes up like you, like you were saying, you have Sylvester Stallone, you have Jason Statham, you have Dwayne the Rock Johnson. Jackie Chan.

Yeah, like these, these people, they're famous for doing action and not drama or comedies or other types of, for example, Kevin Hart has been in some like been in some quote unquote action like movies, but he's known for being a comedian. He's not really known for action stuff. Well, it's kind of like that.

It's kind of like that that interview we were talking about where Jackie Chan was on this TV show and he was talking about how, when people say Robert De Niro, they're just like, oh my God. And then when they say Jackie Chan, they're like doing the hand movement. So Jackie Chan. Yeah.

Yeah, Jackie Chan was like, why don't people just say Jackie Chan? Like, oh my gosh, like Robert De Niro or like when people say other like, oh they like, oh there's so much sophistication to when I say Jackie Chan, I was like Jackie Chan. Yeah. And this is, this is how he says that he will say his name to be fair.

I mean, that's what he's known for, that's what he's known for, but that's what we were saying about whatever you say the name action comes to mind, right?

And I don't think me personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Like, you know, like he's made a name doing action. If he wanted to be, make his name doing serious drama, then he should have done those. But the police story is awesome. You know, there's nothing wrong with his movies that I that I view anyway.

So kind of getting into how old is too old to be an action star. All right. So what kind of brought this up was Indiana Jones, Indiana Jane Jones, Little Destiny, right? So Harrison Ford was 79 when he was in the movie, current when they shot the movie. and currently he is 80.

well, I'm sorry, he was 78 when he was in production and I cannot imagine being 78 years old.

Right. And then it's now coming out at his age of 80. Right. So, I mean, this is Indiana Jones we're talking about here. This is not a walk in the park, right? I, for people who haven't seen it, I'm not gonna give out any spoilers, but there is action scenes in this and there's a whole bunch of cutting away to hide, to stunt men and this, this and that and it's just like, because, you know, he did none of his own stunt. He's 78. Exactly.

Like which you don't blame him.

He's 78 years old and people much younger than him, you stunt devils, right?

So, you know, there's no shame, no shame. But, you know, he's supposed to be an action. This is supposed to be a, an action adventure. That is what Indiana Jones is based off of action and adventure, right? So you want to see these actors do all these crazy stunts. I mean, Tom Cruise is 60 still, he's still, still kicking out once again, that is like significantly younger than Harrison Ford.

But at the same time, you know, Tom Cruise is right. Tom Cruise is gonna be in the, so currently we're recording this in June middle of June. di of Destiny has already been released and mission impossible is gonna come out soon.

dead reckoning part one, right?

And then they had, they have that famous, they have that famous trailer where he literally jumps off the mountain and they have the test shot of it and the actual movie shot of it.

And there's really not that much difference, there's really not, I mean, but also I think they might be the only caveat I will give Tom Cruise is that like Tom Cruise seems to be an immortal vampire. Also, I don't know what he's doing.

He, he seems to be doing pretty well, age wise. And then on top of the fact that, you know, Tom Cruise is famous for pushing himself when it comes to stunts compared to other action stars.

but we were talking about this before. I was like, what if secretly Tom Cruise does have a death wish? Like he's like, I'm not gonna tell anybody, but I do want to die doing a stunt.

Like, yeah, I don't know, I, I think that maybe there's something to that man because like, I, at this point I'm just like he tries to get pushing more and more and more and, oh my gosh, I still the stunt that stays right free in my head. Is that one where he's on the side of an actual plane.

I was just about to and there's one little cable that's supposed to be the safety cable and everybody's like, you do know if something goes wrong. I'm like, that's not gonna do anything. Right.

Like you're literally hanging off the side of an airplane and there's no stunt up, which is physically impossible in real life. Like you cannot cling to a, a flying jet just with the tip of your fingers and something is going to go wrong.

It's Murphy's law. Yeah.

And he's famously fired people for not letting him do the stunts that he wants to do so. but 60 is clearly not, I mean to be fair, 60 is not retirement age in other industries, retirement age in America is 65 currently. Right. Right.

So, but also let's not act like this dude doesn't have chefs and we don't know all the shit that he's doing to keep himself and his body up to that point.

rently and three years ago in:

I don't think he could do his own. I don't, I'm sure he has had stunts where he was, he didn't do his own stunts. But it's kind of like he started out as a stunt man. Yeah, in Bruce Lee's movie.

Right. Exactly. So, it's like he, I, I, it's hard. Maybe it's like the thing, like, once a stunt man, always a stuntman and I think that that is possibly something we need to bring up. But I'm, me, honestly, I'm thinking too, what's too old to be a stuntman unless you're trained in consistent stunts.

Like Jackie Chan, Jackie Chan is a special case here. I would even say, go far as to say an outlier because there's not a lot of actors like him nowadays who are like, I have been grown since I was a child. I had been doing this. Yeah.

Wasn't he in the circus? And they used to beat the crap out of him?

I think he was in an opera, like a traveling opera group or something like something like that. And he talked about how they used to beat the crap out of them if they didn't respond correctly and stuff like that.

This, he attributes that to why he's so good at stunts because it was drilled into him so much. Very rarely, especially here in America. Are you gonna find child labor for those type of stunts? Just because it's just not something that's allowed in our country. China is a different country. So, especially it was a different time too. You know, you're talking, like, because Jackie Chan is 69 you, you're talking at least 60 years ago.

Yeah, that, that's, that's a long time ago. But, like, I was telling you though, the average, I mean, the average movie star or action star, they're in their fifties in their sixties.

So why, so, like, why don't you tell us a little bit about why they're usually so old?

So one of the things that I was talking to you about is the fact that you have generations that are invested into it. Right. So you have the Terminator you have with Arnold Schwarzenegger and you have Sylvester Stallone, they have the dad and then the son and then now the son's son, right?

With the new generation of Gen Z, right?

Are all watching these movies? Right. Right.

And then you have the majority of them, then you also have the way that the industry runs today, which is off of Sequels and IP s that have already been developed compared to newer ideas because they can't afford to, right.

They have to make all their money, they have to make three X their money on their, on their first initial theatrical run. Yeah.

So really most of it, if we're being honest, most of it within the first weekend, right.

Within their but then you also have to think about the experience and versatility of doing it for that many decades.

Yeah. Yeah.

Ok. You have to expe because also like I was telling you the reason why also with the experience of time is also we expect so much more from our action stars today.

I mean, Jason Statham is 55 right? And you're talking about now, what are you talking about? And, and, and they're mid seventies. This is, I mean, and they're still doing back in, yeah, but they, they, they became action stars back in the day where DVD sales were really great. So it's like, OK, I can also fall in love with, it's a bit of the times too, you know, like if you watch some of the like the other day off camera, me and Nicholas were watching The Last Dragon, right?

It's a movie from the mid eighties if you've never seen it before. Definitely go check it out. I it's one of my show up is one of my personal favorite quote unquote black, black exploitation movies.

It's not actually a black exploitation movie by technicality, but it is, is, it's, you could put it in that category if you wanted to.


Exactly. And so if you watch movies and back then it's kind of like how the culture was, right? They had these super ripped guys who were just blowing stuff up and they were like, you know, these squizz guys nowadays are action stars in superhero movies. And some people will say, oh when this superhero trend is over, when the superhet trend is over, when superhero movies go away, superhero movies have always been around, they're just now extremely profitable, right?

Let's not act like there wasn't plenty of Academy Award TV, an Academy Award enemy awarded TV. Shows that had superheroes in them. The Hulk, it's a famous, famous example, right? The Hulk was very popular. And to the point that where they had Thor and Iron Man in that TV, show the Hulk, right. Right. So, and then they had Blade before the MC U. Even in our lifetime, there was the original Total Maguire or Spider Man right there.

I mean to be fair, the original Tony Maguire, Spiderman is what they say March the beginning of the superhero superhero because people are like, oh, the same thing with technology finally caught up the same thing with the Sopranos.

Whenever it came out, it showed studios that hey, you could make a lot of money off an hour long drama, right?

Things have finally changed.

But prior to that, there was prior to spider-man, there was Blade that was extremely profitable and it saved marvel, it was gonna go bankrupt if Blade didn't work.

In fact, I remember watching some behind the scenes of of Blade three in which there was some problem with some of the actors and stuff like that.

And Ryan Reynolds hated being on that movie.

Ryan Reynolds barely did not like being in that, in that movie, but I still like so much money, dude, they, the, the games made money, which is crazy to think about the Blade games. So, since most of our action stars are now here in are now in and quote unu superhero movies, we don't really view them as action movie stars. I'll give you an example with Tom Holland.

right? As of:

Let's take Sylvester Stallone, for example, he's known for being not only Rocky, he's also known for being Rambo. Rambo, right? These are series, right? In which there's a lot of action. Yeah, Rocky is technically a sports, it's technically in the genre of sports, but it's still action, right?

Do you, do you think, do you think the fact is, is that also these, we can take Rocky, we can take Sylvester Stallone who plays Rocky and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who plays the Terminator. Could you think of it as they being type casted into being action stars? Because Arnold Schwarzenegger has talked about the fact that he wanted to do comedy like he did the kindergarten cop, right?

And he was like, jingle all the way, right? And he was talking about the fact that he was like, I was this huge muscle guy and back then they were like, hey, you don't, you don't do comedies, you don't do drama. He said he was type casted into being the action star.

Well, I will say this typecasting has and what people don't really understand is like the positives that have come out of the superhero era, right? That we're saying is that it's kind of destroyed a lot of typecasting that was, that was Tony Maguire's issue. Remember typecast said as Spiderman even though he was in secretariat and some other stuff. Right. So, but because like everybody's a superhero nowadays, like most major actors have played some sort of superhero

character in some capacity or has been pitched to be a superhero character in some capacity, right? Even if she's an extra or something or something like is Sylvester Stallone was in Guardians of the Galaxy? Volume three. Right. Right. Was it what it was in volume two or volume three?

I think it was volume three.

Yeah. Yeah. So when you talk about, oh no, it was the one where, I believe his volume two actually the volume two. Yeah, I believe his volume two is with the Baby Groot. Ok. Yeah. So, however we need, you know, you have the superhero genre where everyone's a act where everyone's a superhero.

It's hard to be typecasting now because they're known for other movies and now they get to also be this big time superhero. So I think we're also talking about a different time of movies in which action stars were. Right.

Right. Well, also, like I said, the expectation of action stars, right. So right now, we're expecting everything from action stars.

They have to look like action stars, but they also have to be able to act like legitimate actors and a lot of and especially nowadays people want to see them in their own stunts and they want to see them.

So we're asking a tremendous amount of them. Whereas in the eighties, all we were asking for is you gotta be absolutely ripped. You gotta have big guns, big action and give me some really iconic quips.

And that was really all we were expecting from them because of the time.

So it's like it's hard to say. So then while you're having ok, in today's era, and you're saying, ok, we're gonna have these action movie stars. It's just, it's just not the same. No, it's not. Hollywood does not breed action movie stars. They breed Hollywood will always breed movie stars, quote unquote.

There will always be movie stars, people who are known for being in movies, however, they don't breed action stars, right. They don't breed genre specific stars like they used to.

No, because it's because they're trying to invest more in the IP S and they're trying to invest into the actors and less to the actors so that they can say, hey, so that they're less dependent on the actors to do the movie franchise. It's like mission impossible. With Tom Cruise, you can't do mission impossible without Tom Cruise facts, you can't do it.

Like if, if people heard there was gonna be a mission possible without Tom Cruise, I would argue most people will be very upset.

Right? I mean, the, the franchise has grossed like $3.5 billion up to this point. Right. And so what are you going, are you going to now? Recap?

You can't, you can't, not at this point, especially since he's the executive producer of the IP.


So there's no luck, there's good luck replacing him.

So it's the same thing. They, it's the same thing they're doing with the WWE now. So they, they were talking about how their brand strategy is system over product because in the nineties, what ended up happening was you had a bunch of stars walking away because they had too much power.

You had stone coal, you had, you had, you had Brock Lesner, you had all those guys and in the early thousands, you had Ray Mysterio, you had Randy Orton.

And the thing was they were bigger than the system, right?

So then the system could no longer control. I mean, it was almost like a pipeline, right? It's a pipeline in which they, these performers, I'll say they were in WWE or some wrestling league that was around the same size as WWE and then they would move on to movies. Everyone knew this right. Happened to the Rock, happened to Hulk Ho game.

There was a specific movie that they would push their biggest WWE stars in. It was called The Marine, right?


Yeah, I mean, they were, you know, terrible movies but it didn't matter.

It was the break in.

It was, it was your first movie. You, you played the Marine, right?

So it's like they don't really breed them as I say, Breed but they don't really, Hollywood doesn't really make action stars like it used to. So now they're relying on these old action stars who are really getting too old.

Well, and you also have to think of international dominance of these action stars. Ok. We might be accepting of these newer action stars but like we talk about what is, what is the US s number one exports entertainment. Right. Exactly. Ok. Now the rest of the people around the world may not be so accepting, they wanna see Sylvester Stallone or they want to see Arnold Schwarzenegger or they want to see Tom Cruise.

They want to see these people that of America has pushed as this type acid or all night, not Tom Cruise as much, but as these action stars that they're known for, for seeing, I mean, you, you look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator Two Judgment Day, right?

Oh, it earned over $520 million globally with a significant portion of that revenue coming from the international market, right?

There are people, there are actors who we might not say are not number one in America, but they're definitely number one internationally, a huge famous example of this is a necklace cage a lot. There's some people in America who say Nicholas Cage isn't as popular in America as you tell me he's like huge in India, huge, huge overseas and he's still huge overseas.

That's why he's still in movies. And it's like, yeah, because people want to see him in America, but like he's really still big internationally, right? So it's like, ok, well, now they're needing to rely on these older action stars to push these movies because there isn't really any newer ones. Like I said, I used Tom Holland as an example, but he's known for being Spiderman, but he was also in Uncharted, right?

Which is another action invention movie. And II, I would say that he's one of the youngest stars. I could possibly count as like an action star, but there aren't a lot that I can really think of off the top of my head. Like if I me personally, if you have to look up who was the action star? They're not an action star.

Well, you also have fan loyalty, right? So you have fan loyalty. And I would, I would argue that it's not necessarily fan loyalty, it's the memories attached to those movies, right? For example, nostalgia, nostalgia, right? So one of my favorite childhood movies is the Digimon movie, right?

The animated Digimon movie. Now, is it a great movie? Not really, it's not particularly an Oscar winning movie awards, right? It's not gonna win any awards, but it reminds me of my childhood back in the day, right?

Which is probably why, which is why superheroes became so popular, right? Is because of of spider-man is a huge attachment to most people's childhood and stuff like that.

Right. Right. Exactly. And so, I mean, that's basically where you're going with this. It's, it's all profitability.

So if only the older generation is profitable, right? How do we fix this to go into a newer generation? How do we bring it into a newer generation? Because Hollywood I'm not gonna lie is kind of suffering as weird as it sounds, they sell like clarification. These are not coal miner jobs, right? Like, but they are not as powerful as they used to be, right? You know, they're having to rely on, you know, box office to make all that money back when it used to be like, oh, you was gonna risk

certain movies because, you know, they're gonna make a lot more with the DVD sales. Now, DVD sales basically don't even exist. I, surprisingly there are some franchises out there that do well when it comes to quote unquote DVD sales but not anywhere close. Like they used to, like Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious franchise still makes some good profit off of DVD sales but nothing compared to what it used to be like.

Right. Well, I mean, the thing is though, like I said, at the end of the day, it comes down to the numbers, right?

So how do we, how do we fix this problem of bringing the action star? Well, sorry, I'll rephrase it. What is going to bring the action star back?

Is there gonna even be another gen era in which we can have not movie stars but action stars, what's, what's going to have to happen is the older action stars are going to have to mentor the younger action stars.

ambo movies, I mean, Rambo in:

Right. So, there's all this money here.

It, it, it's the same, it's the same thing.

But what about, ok, well, what about, would you argue though that Sylvester Stallone kind of passed the torch with Creed? I mean, I mean, Creig is making the first creed made 100 and $73 million worldwide. You know what I'm saying? The second one making 213 million million worldwide and then the third one making 274 million worldwide. I feel like, I mean, Michael B Jordan, I would say is like we could say he's kind of like an action star, right?

He's kind of like an action star, but he's not famous for being like, that's not what, what broke him into the industry, what broke him into the industry is the wire, right? Is, is, you know, you know, being in the wire. And in fact, even in interviews to this day, he argue, he says he hates when people that view him that way as a child.

But at the same time, the person from the wire, right?

But at the same time, like he's transitioning into, I would say he's a movie star because he's not. No, I mean, well, no, he does. He is like, when I think action, I do think Michael B Jordan. I don't really, when I think Michael Jordan, I'm not really thinking hardcore dramas. So, I mean, the wires from is Timeless.

I mean, Harrison Ford says the same thing about Star Wars. Yeah. I mean, you know, he, even though it's what gave him his fame, even though it's what gave him what he needed, he's just like, I mean, he's there.

He's said he's been very open about how he doesn't like him.

So he'll be in interviews and we're so glad to have you here.

And he said, well, that makes one of us, right?

So do you think that there's gonna be a, have to be a whole bunch of quote-unquote creeds with these other older actors? For example, when, I mean, I, I'm not gonna lie. I thought that was gonna happen with Indiana Jones, right? with Jones in the crystal skull. He has a child. You know what I'm saying?

They tried to pass it off to, well, the issue is that it wasn't a true, made, create a true pass of the torch.

And not that one is that in the crystal skull. It's mentioned that he has a kid, right? And then he's in the movie, the, he's in the movie I remember at the end where it's like he thought that he tried to put the hat on, but Harrison takes it back from him. Right. It's like hinting at it. Creed is literally about the next generation. It would be way, way different if, An Jones was not the main character in that movie. Right. In Creed, the main character is a Donna Creed.

I, I think what's going to, I think, I think what's more dependent on the new age of action stars is going to be the audience. Ok? I think, I think the audiences have to be more accepting.

I mean, they are, I mean, you have Chris Pratt, you have, you know, Chris Pratt who is known for doing comedy and being on, he started on part now being in a ton of action movies. But I think it's up to the audience because it's always been up to the audience, it's always been down to the audience and what they want and what they will pay for, right?

The familiarity of all these older action stars. And I think the business of making movies has to change because that's the reason why, you know, we are so the industry is so reliant heavy on these actors that are in their sixties and their seventies because they can't afford to do anything else with these, with these younger stars even.

And when I say younger, I mean, people in their thirties and their forties, which is crazy to think that those are the younger stars.

Like, I, you know, we even younger, usually in our minds we usually think teenagers and 20 year olds.


No, I'm, I'm talking about but the action stars of today who America seems to be action stars solely.

They're so old since they're in the seventies being 30 40 is like young.

I mean, Tom Hardy is in his mid forties. Chris Hemsworth is in his late thirties, you know, Jason Momoa, he's in his forties, right? like we were just talking about Michael B Jordan. He's in his mid thirties. Right. So, they're not necessarily the youngest people. Right. Exactly. We're not talking about somebody who's 18 years old.

You know, even, actually, even Tom Holland is almost 30 he's, and he's just being like one of the youngest guys out there. Right.

He's, what, 27 years?

27. Yeah.

And I mean, he looks like he's 16 years old.

I think that's why it's working for him is because of how young he looks.

But then again, Hollywood has always been about how young he looks.

I mean, look at, look at Henry Cale, he's in his very late thirties.

Yeah. Which is crazy to think about.

I mean, he was, you know, you got the witcher, you have Superman, all those, he's in his very late thirties.

So, you know, I think that it's really gonna come down to, like you said, that older generation passing on the torch. But on top of that, the studio is allowing them to do that.

Well, I think, I think because even with creed, like I said, Creed wasn't about Rocky, it was about a Donna creed, right about the new generation.

And that's how the torch can be passed right where it's like, ok, it's about the new generation, but it's being signed off by the older generation, but that movie was not made with all full confidence in it. You know what I'm saying? so, and it was just so happened, it turned into another franchise. No one expected it was going to be as big as it was.

well, that's, that's how it has to happen.

Yeah. But, to be fair, the only reason studios took a chance on it. Rocky is a large IP. Yeah, it's a large IP.

Well, I mean, there was a, there was an interview with Matt Damon and they were talking and he was talking about why do you think movies?

the, there's types of movies that couldn't have been made today and then we, he was basically talking about, I think it was on the hot one side.

no, I think this was, off camera with Sam Jones. but basically what he was talking about is like we were talking about before in the episode is they need to make their money basically back in their first weekend or first, initial week or two, in their first theatrical run, he said back then you could release a movie and if it didn't really do that, well, you can make the money back on the DVD sales.

Right. This is why they, a lot of my movies, not a lot, but there's a growing, it's a growing trend to use a lot of influencers in your movies. Right.

But it's also been proved to be a terrible idea.

A terrible idea. I've, I've had friends where the thing is because here's the problem, here's the problem with like, social media influencers. It's easy to be even funny or good at acting for very short clip, 15 seconds for 15, it's the same with like social media comedians.

Like, you don't even really need to be good at acting in 15 seconds. You have to do the thing and then move on, especially when a lot of them rely on trends anyway.

Right. So, and then when you get them, you know, on set and you're just like, wow, this person cannot act or this person is really not funny. It's all about the edits, it's all about the, you know, the way that they position themselves.

A lot of online comedians, they will do like 45 sets, right in a year. Right? And let's say really, it's only like 10 of them will actually be funny and all they need is like, and out of one good funny set you can get like six clips. Right. That's why a lot of like, comedians that all people follow, they're usually wearing the same clothes and a lot of the clips.

It's because it's literally from the same set in which they were funny that one time rather than many. Although, so it was like, what, when you're in Hollywood, right. You're trying to be a season actor. You have to be good consistently.

Yeah, you have to be good consistently.

I mean, think about it like this Dwayne Johnson at least have enough fans for that nuts, man.

Right. Well, you have, you think about it like this, right? Dwayne Johnson is really struggling. I mean, he's almost a billionaire but I'm talking about in terms of his viability in the box office, he needs the next Jumanji.

You know, he's, there's a reason why they like they talk about him coming back to Fast and Furious. Right? There's a reason why he's returned to Fast Furious originally, him and Vin Diesel had a falling out. But, hey, when that money needs to go around, somehow everyone's friends again, somehow everyone's friends again.

Well, it's the same thing with Red.

Yeah, they're very true. So, you know, this has been Film Center, this has been our opinions on how old it is. Too old to be an action movie star Nicholas. What if you had to put an age on it?

What is the age of, I would say 65 retirement age, 65 I would say I would agree with that.

I would say 65 but I will say 70 if you're a trained athlete like Jackie Chan.

But also we also have to specify that this is in a very, this is in a very concentrated way, like I'll give you an example. Ok. Tom Brady was able to play professional football up into his forties the way he was because he said if it had nothing to do with football, I wanted nothing to do with it. Everything in my life was dedicated to the preservation of me playing football the way I can, right?

But once again, they don't make action movie stars to do that anymore. No, do I have straight up action? But yeah, this is Band Film Center. My name is Gary Johnson the second, I'm Nicholas Killian and we'll see you next time.

This has been Film Center on Comic Con Radio. Check out our previous episodes at Comic Con radio dot com. You can follow the show at Film Center news on all major social media platforms. Tune in next Wednesday for a fresh update until next time. This has been Film Center.

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening signing out from another amazing episode of our Comic Con radio. Tune in for your daily shows of Comic Con Radio. Go to Comic Con dash radio dot com. Reach us on social media Instagram at Comic Con Radio, Comic Con Radio, taking the world one listener at a time.




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