Artwork for podcast Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified
Liposuction and Giving Hope to Women with Lipedema
12th March 2021 • Living Well with Lipedema Surgery Simplified • Lipedema Simplified
00:00:00 00:08:29

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Today, I have an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Stutz from our Lipedema Worldwide Summit held in 2016. Dr. Stutz is one of the foremost lipedema surgeons in Germany, and a pioneer of the water-jet assisted liposuction, or WAL, treatment for lipedema. In this excerpt, Dr. Stutz talks about what your expectations for liposuction should be if you have lipedema and why he will use it for girls at puberty as well as very large women with other comorbidities. His belief is that he listens to his patients and he gives them hope.

Mentioned in this episode:

A Heart to Heart Collaborative Community Event

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