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Why 'Fake it Till You Make It' is Ass Backwards WPCP: 058
20th April 2015 • The Kim Doyal Show • Kim Doyal
00:00:00 00:13:10

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  Have you ever had one of those moments when a thought comes to you and you feel like you're in a V8 commercial? (getting bonked upside the head like "DUH!")... that's what happened to me with this idea (and for anyone outside of the U.S., V8 is vegetable juice and the commercials are always about people getting bonked on the head after they realize they 'could've had a V8'). I used to like the "fake it till you make it" idea. It always seemed like it went along with intention, right use of will, law of attraction... all the things that are near and dear to my heart. But then I realized what a disservice it is to 'fake it till you make it'. Bear with me on this because it might not be as easy to explain in writing (which is why I did the video) as I think it is or make as much sense as it does in my head. First, let's look at what 'fake it till you make it' is all about (or at least my interpretation). Let's say you want to be a successful online entrepreneur (like how I dug deep to find something unique for that example? Although hopefully I can be more clear in using this as an example). When you're first getting started you're super excited and everything seems full of possibility. You absorb as much information as you can, ideally you implement on some of the ideas you're learning and start seeing some results, regardless of how big or small the results are. If you were to 'fake it till you make it' you might decide that you shouldn't share the frustrations, challenges, weepy moments, pissed off at everyone you know moments or even how many times you thought that maybe a getting a job would be easier. Instead you paint a perfect picture of how effortless it is to build an online business. (*Note* I also had an 'a-ha' moment last week about "doing the work" and "hard work". For me, "doing the work" to build my online business has NEVER been as "hard" as some of the long, physically demanding and frustrating days I spent in retail management. Start thinking about 'doing the work' as opposed to 'hard work'). You only share your successes. You're thinking that if you were to share those 'less-than-perfect' moments it would hurt your brand and business. People might not hire you because you're not quite the expert they thought you were. Does any of this sound familiar? OR... maybe instead of only sharing your successes you keep everything very 'safe'. You create content that probably appeals to your audience, are nice about everything and never take a firm opinion on anything if it differs from the masses (or more importantly, your community). The problem with this second scenario? People become indifferent. They don't love you OR hate you. They simply don't care. Ouch! Just the thought of that makes me cringe a little bit. I know I played it very safe for the first 5 years I was in business. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers (which might seem odd to those who know me personally, although I think it depends on the subject and our comfort level) or take a strong stance on anything. And quite frankly, it was a little boring.  Not that I'm going to start writing controversial posts or going out of my way to piss people off (mainly because I have made a conscious choice in my life NOT to focus on the negative... ever). It's actually kind of funny when I think about it... I mean how pissed off can you get with WordPress?  Recently a mentor of mine asked me what it would have been like for me had people that I looked up to and respected had shared some of their struggles? (not my current mentors, this is going back a few years). My answer? It would have been HUGE! It would have made a significant difference! During those times of frustration I wouldn't have felt like I was alone or like I was doing something wrong (which I wasn't, but you don't know what you don't know, right?) So.. what does all this mean? SHOW UP!



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