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Get Grounded By Nature! | Ep 79
Episode 7913th August 2022 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
00:00:00 00:48:43

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In this episode, Justin Fransdon and I continue the conversation around toxins, and the impact they have on our bodies. We specifically dive into the impact of EMF radiation from our devices like phones, smartwatches, and having 4G and 5G wifi signals surrounding us. Justin explains how he has seen this impact his athletes’ performance, and it is definitely impacting your body and health too!  You just don’t feel a sharp pain, but what you don’t notice is the slow decline of your vitality, your energy decreases, your health declines, your body gets weaker – and you assume it’s aging. It is not aging - especially when we are seeing this in 20-year-olds! It is your body being impacted by these toxins! Tune into this episode to learn more about this important topic and what you can do to protect yourself and get a free gift from Justin too!


Be one of the first 20 people to email Justin Fransdon at and reference “wake up call” and he will mail you out a Faraday Bag to put your phone inside at night, to protect you from EMF radiation and it will help your battery last longer too! No charge for the bag, it’s a FREE gift, but you will be charged for shipping costs (and any duties, if International)

Your Guided Health Journey Membership – 1 month FREE Trial:

Health Kickstart Program:

 Complimentary 15-minute consult:

Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:


About the Guest:

Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He saw his athlete breaking down from the excessive levels of EMF from their SMART watches, wireless earbuds, and electric cars. He has tested hundreds of homes and clients. He sells the Grounding and Faraday Bags at doctor clinics throughout the country. The Grounding Bags are hand-mined crystals with moisture and magnetic properties to ground and repel EMF, all for a deeper night's sleep. This is Mother Nature's way of protecting us from the excess rollout of man-made radiation, not a man-made device attempting to keep up with the other man-made levels. 


About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa is the winner of the 2021 Quality Care Award by Business From The Heart and is also the recipient of the Alignable “Local Business Person of the Year “Award 2022 for Whistler. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, the Aim Higher Summit, and many more!  She has also guested on over 60 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.






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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like? What would that be worth to you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed with a disease or chronic illness. And yet, we've never been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school system, or public health. As a registered health coach and integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this information is made available to everyone. Combining new knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will allow you to optimize your health for today and all your tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to another episode of The don't wait for your wake up call podcast. My name is Melissa, Deally, your host and I'm very excited to be bringing a another wonderful guest to you today. His name is Justin Fransdon. Welcome, Justin.

Justin Frandson:

Thank you, Melissa. Thank you for having me on.

Melissa Deally:

I'm very excited to have this conversation today. This month we're talking about toxins and today's episode we're really going to be focusing in on EMFs. But I just want to introduce you to Justin first and then we will dive into this conversation. Justin is an athleticism performance coach that has worked with amateur and professional athletes for over the past two decades. He saw his athlete breaking down from the excessive levels of EMF from their smartwatches wireless earbuds and electric cars. He's tested hundreds of homes and clients. And he sells the grounding and Faraday bags at doctors clinics throughout the country. The grant the grounding bags we're gonna dive into I'm gonna let Justin explain more about all of this. But first, I really would love for you to share how you got into this. And just a little bit of your background.

Justin Frandson:

Well, thanks. So I'm an athleticism performance coach start I was 25 years ago at a Scripps Clinic in La Jolla working with amateur and professional athletes, the highest level out of the box thinking training. And we would do sensory motor nerve work for sports performance coordination, ambidexterity dexterity, high speed, focus, lots of stretching therapies and joint stability work. And so all to allow these guys to be high level performers. And what I saw

Melissa Deally:

very I'm just gonna interrupt you there was at any particular sport that you were training these athletes for or the whole gamut.

Justin Frandson:

No, athleticism is non sports specific. So when you teach balance to someone, it'll transfer over and no matter what activity they're doing. So yeah, it was great. And then when I saw in the years as the years progressed, it was this increased rollout of this manmade radiation through cell phones and start cell phones and then all the cell sites and smart meters and Internet of Things and then wearable technology. So as increase proximity to these one directional waveforms rolled out, I started see the athletes breaking down guys would come in were driving Tesla's were in smartwatches. And the earbuds and literally from a smartwatch a simple smartwatch the strongest most and is incredible endurance athlete, their whole arm would go weak. And so I said, Hey, the easiest thing you can do to fix someone is to eliminate the stressor on their body, and the body will just naturally heal. So I said, Hey, get that watch off your wrist. And sure enough, it his his body started to heal and he started to come to and I don't go on, hey, there's something to this guy. I got to dive deeper and understand what is the real difference behind this stuff. And where we

Melissa Deally:

even dive deeper. I just want to go back a sec though and just ask you. What, how did you correlate that smartwatch to being the problem? Like was there testing that you did? Was it over time just kind of connecting the dots to what's changed with these athletes over the last 20 years? How did you figure that part out because that seems like a key piece to all of this. Thanks. Yeah,

Justin Frandson:

I've just super observant on a lot of different levels. And so that was the one that I actually found. And we I basically my wife will tell that I'm one of the forward thinkers on On foreseeing what's coming our way. And so this is one of the ones where I felt I knew that the cell signals weren't enhancing, I could feel it. I developed nerve sensitivity, doing an internship at a real estate firm, and pulling papers off the coffee machine. And it just, it just developed nerve sensitivity. So I knew that it wasn't feeling right for us. I knew that it wasn't okay. And, and then again, I recognized like, hey, there's something on that side of your body. So just get it off. And so so whether it was seeing the balance, Bosu Ball was the best thing, or breathwork was going to be huge or being first and gluten free. Like I saw all these things ahead of time. And then so it was just an awareness that I had, and just my instincts were new. That wasn't right.

Melissa Deally:

Awesome, because I was wondering if it's like, something like muscle testing that you were actually doing with devices or anything like that, but you saw a weakness in one side of the body. So that was part of the clue.

Justin Frandson:

Yeah, that was the first part. But I do also do a lot of muscle testing. And anytime you hold the cell phone in someone's hand, and you can muscle test the reflexes of their body, everyone has natural primal reflexes. So if if someone's enhancing for you to be strong, if it goes weak, it'll say yeah, it's weak and it's not enhancing for you. So your your natural primal reflex in the body will tell and any any smartwatch you can put in your hand, or we could just intuitively ask say, hey, is this smartwatch making you weak? Yes. And your your, your arm will go super, super weak right away, I mean, was strongest guys trying to hold your arm up? They can't. So because that's just the reflex of what your body has to offer.

Melissa Deally:

And I totally agree with what you had said earlier about, I think it was actually before we started the recording, but listen to your body, right? Our body does always know and can be our guide when we slow down enough to tap in. And so that's awesome that you have that foresight and the ability to do that and that you noticed it with your athletes. And so So you told them to take off their smartwatches. And then where did it progress from there?

Justin Frandson:

Well, then I started diving into understanding waveform technology and how the universe is made and how it were made. And what it what what similar with that, and then how how are these manmade, waveforms different and what I found was all man made wave forms were all one directional, or else they wouldn't work. And so electricity in your home has to meet. And then you grounded out signals going in and out of a transformer have to meet or there's crazy dirty electricity. The wireless signals being blasted everywhere are all one directional. They don't distribute equally in every direction. We're like the universe stuff. So we're designed one with the universe, the universe is made off a scalar waves, their wave forms that distribute equally in every direction. They're unpolarized waveforms, like the Schumann Resonance, the healing pulse there Earth, measured at depending on the season, 7.83 hertz, or waves per second. So really low and slow waves per second. That's where we really resonate with. And then the sun is an unpolarized waveform as well It distributes equally in every direction. So the combination between the two recharge our body battery, and that's where we get we pull the electrons from the negative amount of charging Earth, and it just recharges us so we're really designed one with the universe. And then this manmade stuff will shoot this cellphone is 2.4 5 billion waves per second, Melissa that that is so much faster than how we're designed and the Schumann resonance of the earth. And when we're sleeping, our brainwave states are one or below one to eight hertz or waves per second. So when we're looking to get in that deep, delta or theta, REM state, you're gonna see your brain goes into a low and slow brainwave state, almost exactly similar to the pulse of the Earth, the speed of the waveforms of the Earth, but then we introduce these 2.4 5 billion waves per second one directional wave forms that are polarizing for our body, and that's where it gets really challenging and sick. 5g is 60 to 90 billion waves per second.

Melissa Deally:

That's crazy. The numbers are stacked triggering. And then when you start to think about what's that actually doing to your body? Right? So let's talk about that. In terms of, you know, we've got these invisible stressors of it of EMF, and we don't see them at all. Is there a way to feel them? For some people? Is there a way for people to test this, to see how it's impacting their body?

Justin Frandson:

Yes, you can chest, your sleep. Number one, I mean, tracking modalities smartwatches, or rings, they're meant for one thing to test where you're at, and establish a baseline, and then you don't test again, for another several months until you're done doing what you need to do in between, they're not an everyday usage. So that's the easiest thing you can do is use the tracking stuff and technology's great, we're, we're, our products are designed to coexist with it. So we can convert this waveform. I'll get to that in a second. But what we're here to do is to use this technology as established baseline for testing before and after not an everyday thing, I want you to really get back to being one with nature, getting grounded by nature, being in tune with listening to your body, because you're your own best healer, urine, you know, what you need to do and what you did, intuitively, when you listen to that and get out of this digital world, that this technology industry wants us to go into slowest down track and trace, pull all of our information, data harvest, you know, beyond measures, that's what's really happening right now. And it's at an expense to you really staying connected above and grounded to Mother Nature.

Melissa Deally:

And then, of course, the expense to your health as a result. Yes, because this is a toxin that just it not only makes you weaker, but at over time, when you're exposed to this day in day out and you're not doing anything to protect yourself. Over time that's triggering a breakdown within your body is triggering inflammation. And we know that, you know, chronic levels of inflammation trigger cells to turn on the genes of the diseases that were predisposed to, which nobody wants, but it's happening day in and day out, because people are constantly getting diagnosed with chronic illness.

Justin Frandson:

Yes, definitely. And this

Melissa Deally:

is one of the toxins, but it's probably one that people know the least about, which is why I wanted to have you on the show. So yeah, share with us what people can do in order to protect themselves because that's what's really important here.

Justin Frandson:

Well, I've asked a lot of doctors like what percent of their patient base is affected by EMF now, and most all of them will say, the entire population base like literally all their patients are affected by EMF, there's about 20% that are affected right now currently, with the sensitivities like the nerve challenges that I have when I touch a screen from pulling those x ray papers off the extra machine. That's sensitivity to manmade radiation, which is what all these signals are, especially the wireless communications. So it's a it's, if not, well, I'll go on record and saying the manmade EMF right now and the rollout of 4g and 5g is the number one biggest stressor in our entire world currently to date. And the reason I say that is because of this book. It's called the invisible rainbow by Arthur first Furstenberg. Have you read that one? Melissa? I

Melissa Deally:

haven't. But I definitely I'm interested in it the invisible rainbow. Yeah.

Justin Frandson:

And I'll get into the symptoms in a second of all the challenges is where it goes to. But stay with me on this derailing from our thought process. But he categorized the history of electricity in life. And he goes back to 1918. And then even before that, but 1918 was the Spanish flu. Well, it was the first time on a broad spectrum that our entire world had radio waves that were broadcasted. Well, satellites were launched in the vanowen. Bell during the Hong Kong flu. And then in World War Two, it was the first time they rolled out radar on a broad spectrum. Those are changes in our electromagnetic blanket of atmosphere. When you shift that energy of our atmosphere through manmade signals, or before 1918. Before with cosmic shifts in the atmosphere, our bodies are going to respond, they're going to adapt. And that's what we see in the last two years, everyone's getting sick. Because we're adapting to the increased rollout of 5g. And this new electrification of our, of our entire world, because waves, our environment is the air, the air is ether or plasma, the wave forms travel through plasma. That's how you're in Canada, I am in Southern California, and we're able to have this incredible conversation. It's through waveforms and through this plasma. So there's no scratching your head that they can broadcast that frequency of a contagion, which was the first place they did it in Wuhan. And then all of a sudden, the whole world starts adapting when they need to at the level they're capable. So right now we're I live in in Laguna Beach, California, it's probably one of the healthiest places anywhere on the planet. As far as everyone's active throughout the beach, their nutrition really aware, they're really just heightened on their level of awareness as far as how how their body performs, they want to be fit and active,

Melissa Deally:

and lots of vitamin D, because you're in California, and as you said, a beach so yeah,

Justin Frandson:

water all the time. And so it's a really healthy active lifestyle here. In June, everyone was getting sick. Well, no one gets sick here in June, I've lived in Southern California my whole life. And it just when someone rolls up and dials up turns on another satellite with phased array, one directional beams, if they turned up some cell towers, people would just adapt when they need to at the level they're capable. So that's what we're seeing right now, we're seeing people really getting sick. So I feel this EMF stuff is the biggest stressor on the body to date, glyphosate would be one of the it would be right behind them, I deal with 30 plus years of poisoning with a water soluble herbicide pesticide that's patented as an antibiotic that's in about 70% of our water table. That is extremely disruptive for our health. And not only is it in our water table, but it's actually the conventional farming, which is not conventional, it's just all been a lie in the agricultural business. They're directly responsible for all the cancer that's going on all the diabetes and all the obesity, so shame on them for really poisoning our food supply chain, our soil, dipping seeds in Roundup, which has glyphosate in it, which is the leading ingredients, which is the water soluble challenge of it, and then selling it as a healthy snack or what have you. It's, that is a big challenge and when are good, it is

Melissa Deally:

absolutely a big challenge. And as I said, this month, I'm talking about toxins. And so in my next episode is where I dive more into the other nine of the top 10 that I have identified. And you know, of course, glyphosate is one of them, because it is a huge problem. And the crazy thing with all of this is that kind of frustrates me is that we are just one giant human experiment right now, from the impact of EMFs on our body from what glyphosate is doing, et cetera, et cetera. And not very many people are connecting the dots back, people just end up being sick with chronic illness. And then mainstream medicine says, well, sorry, you're gonna have this for the rest of your life. But here's the drug that you have to take for it. And they're not asking, but why do we have that. And that's what's so important, I believe. And that's what you've been doing and trying to understand what was going on with your athletes, and what I do with my clients, and not only in teaching them how to detox so that we can get some of this out of our body. But in looking for root cause, because there is always a root cause?

Justin Frandson:

Definitely, and that's the probably the biggest thing is the root, what holds on to your health challenges. What is that one root cause challenge that's hanging on to the lime or to whatever the health challenge you're looking at. There's something beyond just that dis ease in your body. So getting into that part is huge. And for me, what I've seen a lot of it is is radiation is probably one of the big ones that's the body holds on this stuff. And even if you're within 25 miles of a power plant that is not safe enough in a lot of ways for a lot of people that don't methylate efficiently. So Oh, yeah, that's probably one of the biggest things.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. So we've identified the problem. And I don't want to just leave people stuck here. Now what do they do? What solutions have you come up with, that can help people protect themselves against this problem, because, like I say, with the toxins, we can avoid the toxins in our world anymore. It's a fact they are here they are around us. But we can make different choices. And we can take actions in order to lower the impact of those toxins on our body. And then, like I said, help release the toxins from our body. So you've created some products that help do that. So please share.

Justin Frandson:

Yeah, definitely. Well, the first thing before I get to the products is get grounded by nature, you guys, it's free, like literally go outside, put your feet directly on the lawn or outside on the dirt and the sand in the ocean in any body of water. Touch a tree with your hands, if if it's too cold outside, route yourself and ground into Mother Nature, like that's the first thing that everyone has to do, is just get grounded by nature, because that'll help recharge your body battery. And then when you're out in nature, you're getting the sunlight from above, you know, so you're getting that those vitamins and nutrients in that positive charge, that's unpolarized. And then you get the negative amount of charge, and then you're breathing all this incredible minerals from the different climates that you're in, or microbiome, you know, just enhancers from the minerals no matter where you are. And that's really important. So the first step is just get outside and get grounded by nature.

Melissa Deally:

So for someone who's maybe heard the word grounding before, but hasn't actually started practicing grounding. Can you just give us a really quick overview, like, I know, you've said go out, and I know bare feet and the grass and the dirt, touching a tree, etc. But how long?

Justin Frandson:

Right? Well, it's gonna really depend on the person and their level of health and how much they're really looking for. And, again, go back to listening to your body and saying, Hey, that, okay, that felt good, I feel recharged, I feel really grounded and calm again, in back into a parasympathetic nervous system base. So it can really depend to some person might need all day at the beach, right? After a long week of travel. But then just to keep it going 15 minutes a day, would really suit somebody else. But just listen to your body, see what it takes, and what it's looking for, at a minimum, literally do it every day for at least a couple times a day, if it's five minutes, 10 minutes at a time. Just do that as often as you can I love to jump in the ocean. I'm a surfer, and I'm a huge Waterman out in the ocean Pacific Ocean. So literally, I'm in the water every day, I've been in the water every day for last couple of months. And I don't miss a day and I go in, if I don't go in early, I definitely go in at night before the sun goes down and recharge my body. And literally, I sleep better, everything's better, even with our grounding backs. So

Melissa Deally:

I love that. I'm a paddle boarder, we don't have the ocean here. And we've had a really slow start to summer, but the sun has come out this week. So I've actually been going morning and evening out on my paddle board and paddle around the lake and like you say, just let the sun come in on you, etc. And breathe in all of that great, fresh air. And, you know, I absolutely notice a difference. And I'm a huge proponent for taking that time to slow down and notice how we feel and get back into our parasympathetic nervous system. But the question for you though, I'm standing on my board on the water. Is that considered grounding?

Justin Frandson:

Well, yes, because you're getting it from above and you're getting the sunlight. But the the ideal scenario would be just to take a little plunge as well. And maybe before after you go and get the cold water therapy and just get that charge, you'll see your body will start to help circulation. I've been doing cold water for years. And before Wim Hof made it popular, but it's huge for circulation. It's really a fun thing to do. But the biggest thing is when you're grounded, you'll heal up and heal a lot better when you're discharged. You don't heal, the pain doesn't go away as quickly. So it's really important to get grounded by nature so you can facilitate healing.

Melissa Deally:

Right because the body doesn't heal in a stress state. You got to be in that parasympathetic nervous system state in order to heal. Awesome. So that's one really easy thing that everybody can do. And as you said, you know if people think oh, I'm too busy for that, etc but Just start with five minutes of being in nature going in your backyard, you know, sitting and facing up to the Sun touching a tree just to start your day and feel how amazing that is.

Justin Frandson:

Yeah, like a blue blanket down just to a picnic outside, we really get caught into going in and be in this digital world. And oh, the sun's going down, I had dinner now from dinner on, I have to stay inside. Well, no, you don't like go get on a bicycle and just bike around like, you don't have to watch TV, like turn the TV off. And get outside and just walk around, walk the dog around. Just take a walk on your own, ride a bike on your own, like, these are things that people should be doing to get in their circadian rhythm with the light of the sky. Now in Alaska, the sun doesn't really set as much. So that's a little more challenging, you have to create that darker environment. But that's the idea is to really stay with a circadian rhythm.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely, yes. And get rid of that blue light and let the brain know it's time to start producing melatonin because it's recognizing that it's dusk, and it's time to start getting ready for bed. So if you're enjoying my content, and someone that wants to step into being proactive in your health and learning more, I would love to invite you to join my membership community.

Melissa Deally:

There's a link in the show notes for only 1999 a month, you get access to all of my content. And there's a lot as well as weekly calls that you can come and get your health questions answered. It's truly priceless. I'd love to see you join the community, check out the link in the show notes.

Melissa Deally:

Awesome. So what else can people do besides grounding? Yeah, so

Justin Frandson:

Well, EMF I wrote that company out over a couple years ago. And what we did is we looked to nature to solve the challenge of EMF and we wanted people to be able to coexist with manmade EMF, we didn't roll out a device like attempting to keep up with the manmade signals or stressors, we didn't roll out a device with copper in it to conduct it, and then have other crystals in it to attempt to convert it. And because what happens with those is copper ends up in printing the bat and you were levels at 50 times 5g right now on our body mu Melissa. So the level of stressors is significant. So it's a futile effort in my thoughts to have a man made device attempting to keep up with it. So you have to look to nature. So what we did is we found an incredible place on the planet. We have mine crystals in the Western US. And they have moisture and magnetic properties in them. So like your shung guide, beautiful necklace that you have on that has incredible magnetic resonance, so does Amethyst and Black Tourmaline. And a lot of other non properties. Or crystals have those in addition, they have a moisture content. So unfortunately, we can't wear it like a necklace, we have to deploy it seal. And so we double see the seal these to keep the solid rock form of the crystals inside when they're in solid rock form, they're able to really exponentially repel the EMF more so than any of the other non crystals out there.

Melissa Deally:

And so you're showing me a bag for those that are watching on YouTube. But for those that are listening, can you just explain the size of that bag? And then what does that bag you have it you know, in your office near your body? What kind of an area does that bag help protect?

Justin Frandson:

Yeah, this one bag gets about one pound of crystals, hand mined crystals, and about eight by you know sack that it's in. And what we do is you put one on onto your bed, desk or car seat. And that'll clear that source directly. One bag essentially will clear about 75 feet typically. But what we want to recommend is there's protocols to clear bedrooms and home. So five together will will clear 2000 square feet. So the more mass of the mind together they exponentially kick off a stronger resonance to convert these one directional waveforms into waveforms that distributed equally and our bodies really accept and benefit from. And so that's the game we're playing. We're playing a physics game.

Melissa Deally:

I love it. And I love how you've gone to nature as well to look for the solution. Because there are so many, you know advances that we've made as humans but when we make those advances we aren't foreseeing into the future, any kind of negative impact, etc, etc. And sometimes we get to a place where we think we know better than nature. And every time nature comes back and says no, you don't

Justin Frandson:

know what we've seen out with the vaccine. And that's been a huge challenge and the entire pharmaceutical industry, I think it started over 100 years ago. But Shawn or pastor, there's a book and lead pastor, they got pasteurized milk from him. But he recanted all of his science, studying virology before he died and said, Hey, you got to look at Muschamp. He's a real scientist. He's studying twins, and he's looking at their bio train over germ theory. Viruses aren't the bad guys, there's firemen at every fire. But what they did is they took that and they've sold that as hell, like, viruses are the scary monsters out there, when really there are adaptive systems that Bush will say, there are 10, to the 31 viruses in us and around us at all times. We wouldn't be here without them. So that's so true. We've we've been, we've been lied to by a lot of the industries that have a big footprint, and huge lobbying to say, say it long enough and loud enough so that people believe that it's true. And unfortunately, the agriculture, telecom, pharmaceutical industries, they're all really to blame on a broad spectrum and a majority of Mr.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, I would totally agree, unfortunately, so much of it is now in a place where it's all about the mighty dollar, right? To me pharmaceutical, you know, should be about helping people truly regain their health. And it's not, it's in their best interest to just give you a drug that masks your symptoms, so that you have to take it every day for the rest of your life, because that's how they create the billion dollar drug, and the shareholder return that they're trying to achieve. And so, you know, I always say the shareholder industry prioritizes shareholder wealth over human health. And that's part of the problem of where we're at today, with, with our health and with so much chronic illness. But the message is, is that your disease does not have to be a life sentence, and there is so much that you can do to even reverse it, because the human body is so amazing, when we create that environment for it to heal, it will start healing. And so that's, you know, some of the tools that you have here can absolutely help with that. So you've got some other things you want to share, too, I believe?

Justin Frandson:

Well, let me let me just a second what you just said, a virus for everybody. The definition of it is it's a dead protein. It's our adaptive system, we produce it, it doesn't eat, it doesn't reproduce, it doesn't derive any energy in from any way shape or form. It is by all definitions dead. And when we produce there are cells excrete the ways that that that dead protein comes into our system. That's our adaptation process. And that is that process is self limiting. So viruses, in addition are by definition are self limiting. They're not meant to kill the host. So any symptoms people see in a body of dis ease, that's your body's way of adapting. And it's so important for people to understand that that's a such a huge part and you just said it, and now we have the science behind it to back it up. That's current virology, because there's no such thing as a living virus flying around in people's mouth to kill anyone that doesn't exist. There are touch contagions. There are frequencies, it may be a secondary effect, I think kind of like like the 5g is or the the EMF is when you introduce low level or higher level EMF our bodies. The voltage gated calcium channels open up so there's a secondary effect, access positive calcium goes into a negative cell that in turn causes tremendous cell and DNA damage. So that's a secondary effect of what EMF does really similar to what these frequencies of contagions will do. Our body experiences it they they adapt and produce that virus. And then the symptoms of disease in our body are just our way of figuring it out and really upgrading.

Melissa Deally:

And when our load of all of these contagions gets too high at once. That's when the body struggles to to heal and especially if we're in that chronic stress state at the same time, because a bit, right. So that's where all the comorbidities become a problem rather than a singular virus or illness. Yes. And

Justin Frandson:

in addition to that, I would feel that I like to say it as someone's bucket a fullness, yes, cool.

Melissa Deally:

I don't want that overflowing trash cans. Same thing.

Justin Frandson:

Same thing. So when you're super toxic, and your level of toxicity in your body is gone, and then all of a sudden, the doctor say, hey, we have this new shot, I'm going to make a lot of money on it. But I'm not going to tell you that you have to take this as a one stop shop for everyone. That's not really true. And then they shoot into someone, then all of a sudden, the person dies or gets really sick. And you could take, and I'll share this, I have the top athletes in the world doing this, I've seen him get hurt, I have the top performers and military Special Forces guys, and I see him be sidelined from from that those shots. And here they are the healthiest fittest guys in the world. And all of a sudden, they're laid out for a period of time. There's no scratching your head when you introduce that toxicity. For me, it's a blessing for those that didn't get have permanent complications. But because it ends up saying, hey, look, your bucket of fullness was was up there, let's start to look at your methylation processes and get some methylfolate in you, let's start to key lay. And let's look at all these other pillars. So you can really empty that bucket of fullness and go back to your place of high level performance.

Melissa Deally:

100% I fully agree with everything that you've said and literally talk about, you know, picking up that trash can and dumping it out, like emptying it, not just scraping off with overflowing on the top with some storebought detox program. But really learn how to work with your body to detox it properly, and get out those toxins, etc, and clear your pathway. So very, very important in today's world, because it's making people sick, and not enough people are talking about it, I believe, but the message is starting to get out there.

Justin Frandson:

Thank you, thank you for allowing me to the opportunity to say it. I mean, this is this is huge information, everyone there, there are a lot of people in the house space, saying it, we sell these a doctor clinics all around the United States. And all the doctors believe in what we believe in. And they believe in body sovereignty, they believe in God, and they believe in getting grounded as healing. And they're really just understanding the awareness of toxicity and how to help the body because most of the time, what they're doing there's they're treating vaccine injuries from all the normal ones that they've accumulated throughout their whole life. So we're we're in a state where we have to really unlearn what we've been taught. And, and I love breaking this down, because now we understand how the universe works like energy wise and physics wise, we were starting to understand biology and viruses are just started adaptive system. We're learning what nutrition is exercising, sweating, breathing, smiling, grounding, laughing, and putting in clean nutrients in your system, not something that's bagged and packaged and riddled with pesticides, that is not health. And so when we can put all these together, we're going to see everyone's vitality really increased, the consciousness of the entire world will elevate as well. And that's where we're looking at right now.

Melissa Deally:

Absolutely. And then the other piece that you alluded to, but didn't specifically say is simply the science of epigenetics, which really gives people power in their health, I believe, because again, we have to unlearn that belief that we're gonna get whatever our parents had, because our genes dictate that. And to instead, realize that, we actually have the power to focus on what we're putting inside our body and what we're exposing our body to in terms of toxins, et cetera, et cetera, to keep the inside of our body clean and healthy. And yeah, we can't see it. So we don't think about it. But once we start to learn this and learn how to do this, that is integral in creating good health because 90 to 95% of the equation of our health outcomes is the environment we create inside our body. And only five to 10% is the direct result of our genes, which we can't control. But we can control 90 to 95% of this factor here. And that's empowering. Once we have the knowledge Once we then choose to do this for ourselves, and that becomes a choice is what is your life worth to you? Do you want to live your life to the very end with quality of life with full energy and good brain function and mental clarity, etc? Or do you want to end up like what's happening in today's world with the average North American spending 10 years in a nursing home, slowly dying, like that's not quality of life. And it doesn't have to be that way. Unfortunately, it's that way for them, because we didn't have all of this knowledge. And they weren't taught this. But you're now here listening to this podcast, sharing this with loved ones, I hope and learning this and how much power you have. And you know, meeting people that can help you navigate your health journey, so that you can live right to the end. That's what I want. So what my grandmother did, that's my whole story. She lived right to the end to 101 by herself in her home, and it can be done. And that's definitely what I'm signing up for, which is why I'm such a proponent for talking about toxins and detoxing, emptying our full buckets or overflowing trash cans.

Justin Frandson:

Definitely. And an addition to that, just going into epigenetics, going back to what you're saying. Bruce Lipton is one of the biggest guys out there talking about it. And he'll say, in addition to that, most of your health wise in your energy field and your chi and then the chemistry is secondary, which is wild. So to get back to the grounding backs, Dr. Bear Landau Alpha Vedic, I don't know if you follow that alpha He has incredible podcast, brilliant orator, brilliant physician, or in the, in the is a Doctor of Chiropractic by trade, but he's just one of the most incredible people on the planet, he did a wave form test on our grounding back. So he has these dual impedance antennas, and they measure any distortion in your chi. And that will tell him exactly what's wrong with your body. And our grounding bags, when he put them on his patients. They clinically passively treated up to 91% of markers that were off, which is phenomenal. And of when you find the right resonance, and you can bring it to your body. Your body just heals on its own.

Melissa Deally:

I love it. That's awesome. So fast, we can talk for hours, I know. But we need to wrap this up. And I love to ask my guests, what does don't wait for your wake up call mean to you?

Justin Frandson:

Oh, that's a good one right now. I mean, listen to who you are meant to be. And that's what the direction that your compass should be set in. Because your wake up call is exactly that. And never. In my era right now, over 50 years of being on the planet, have I seen a more impactful time for you to really go to your true calling, and be of service to help people. And so this is right now it's probably the most important part. And if you don't do that, what I've seen will be what you're sharing with the North American people as being just in convalescent homes for decades or more, and that's not quality of life. So you're gonna lack out on a lot of quality of life. When you do if that's your biggest wake up call, when you don't listen to the information that we're sharing, and you have that TV on and, and you're listening to what these people that think they're No at all or are saying, you're going to go down a path that's going to put you into that non enhancing place. So turn that off, listen to your body, that's your wake up call, because I don't want to see you go through what I've seen a lot of my clients have to go through, or at least they chose to get that shot. They didn't have to but they chose to go that way because they thought they could be resilient. But I have to tell you, it's a huge wake up call these guys and most strongest fitness warriors on the planet are sidelined. And they I've never seen anything like it. And what they'll say is they will never ever ever do that again. So this is your wake up call really look to get grounded by nature, raise your level of consciousness and start smiling because that you guys is the most contagious thing on the planet,

Melissa Deally:

not a virus. And what a wonderful thing to be contagious, right? It's so true. I love it. I love it. That smile at someone they can't help but smile back Beautiful, beautiful ending for that session that section there. So you have a gift for the audience, I'd love for you to share a little bit about that.

Justin Frandson:

Yeah, so we make Faraday bags as well as the grounding bags. So they'll help you sleep too, because they quiet the stressor of your cell phone, you put your phone inside here, it preserves your battery life. So the data harvesting that they're doing won't go at record speeds. And the tracking tracing won't go record speeds and, and so we're offering the first 20 listeners on Melissa's mazing podcast to join us and our email info at EMF rocks, and put wake up call as the heading and we'll send you the Faraday bag for free. But we will have to charge you for shipping.

Melissa Deally:

And it shouldn't cost too much because that bags pretty light there. Right? So fair enough that people have to pay for shipping. What a wonderful gift that you're sharing with my audience. Thank you so so much. And so any last words you'd like to share with the audience to encourage them to really step into their health journey and and get started today? Don't just listen to this and ignore it? What advice do you have,

Justin Frandson:

there's a lot of great products out there that people kind of get comfortable using. Again, listen to yourself and you have to put in the work yourself you have to get out and start moving and breathing and sweating and so go get grounded by nature because it is your nature.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. Thanks so much for joining me on the show. Justin thank you to all the listeners for joining in today. Please share this with those that you know it can benefit and thank you for being a loyal audience to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast




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