It's Happy Hour. Matthew is blesses us with the Matcha Made in Heaven, a divine blend of matcha and gin. Ben gets passionate with a Long French Kiss, a refreshing spin on the French Connection. They also discuss prom night for some reason. Ben solves all your problems, simply by adding water. You're welcome. Cocktail recipes below.
Matcha Made in Heaven
- 2 oz Gin
- 1 oz Lime Juice
- 3/4 oz Agave Syrup
- 10 mint leaves
- 1/2 tsp Matcha Powder
- 2 oz Club Soda
First muddle mint leaves with agave syrup. Add remaining ingredients but the club soda into a cocktail shaker with ice and shake for 15-20 seconds until shaker is frosted. Double strain into a rocks glass with ice. Top with club soda and garnish with a mint sprig.
Long French Kiss
- 1 1/2 oz Cognac / Brandy
- 1 oz Amaretto
- 2 oz Club Soda
- 2 dashes Aromatic Bitters
Add cognac, amaretto and club soda and bitters to a high ball with ice. Stir.