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88. Manifesting Love and Prosperity: Insights from Inside Out Spa
Episode 8810th May 2024 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
00:00:00 00:25:24

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Hosts: Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters

Guests: Angela and Marty from Inside Out Spa in Martinez, California


  • Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters, co-hosts of "Mind Power Meets Mystic," welcome Angela and Marty from Inside Out Spa.
  • Inside Out Spa, launched in 2022 as an LLC, is entering a strategic growth phase.
  • The spa's offerings include infrared saunas, Himalayan salt therapy rooms, sound bowl therapy, and more.
  • Angela and Marty, a visionary couple, share their journey from childhood sweethearts to business partners and spouses.
  • They discuss how their love story led to the creation of Inside Out Spa and their commitment to wellness.

Key Points:

  • Angela and Marty's love story began at age 14 and culminated in marriage and a thriving business partnership.
  • Inspired by their own wellness journey, they opened Inside Out Spa to offer holistic wellness services to their community.
  • The spa's offerings expanded to include massage therapy, energy healing, ionized antioxidant water, and sound bowl therapy.
  • Angela's background in finance and operations, combined with Marty's skills in facilities management and customer service, complement each other in running the business.
  • The couple's intuitive approach to business, coupled with community feedback, drives the evolution of Inside Out Spa.
  • Angela's belief in manifestation has played a significant role in the spa's success, attracting the right people and opportunities.
  • The spa aims to create a welcoming space for the community to explore holistic wellness practices and find relaxation and healing.


  • Cinthia and Michelle express gratitude for Angela and Marty's inspiring story and the valuable insights shared.
  • They highlight the importance of love, intuition, and community in driving business success.
  • The episode concludes with a warm farewell and an invitation for listeners to explore Inside Out Spa's offerings.

Finder Inside Out Spa here:

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Find Michelle Walters here:

Find Cinthia Varkevisser here:


California. They launched in:

Angela and Marty: Thank you for having us, anytime!

Cinthia: Thank you, Cynthia. Michelle, thank you.

Michelle: It's really lovely to have you. Martinez is a lovely town in the Bay Area. And if you haven't been there, check it out. Super cute, great history, quite colorful, and it's got great residents such as Angela and Marty. So Angela and Marty, we know about Inside Out Spa a little bit, the infrared, and the Himalayan salt, and that you're doing these amazing events now. But before all that happened, there was a love story. Tell us about the "and" story, the "how did you get here" story.

rate way as well. And then in:

Michelle: Got an amazing story. I absolutely love it. It's so beautiful and inspiring.

Cinthia: Michelle, you gotta go back to your high school yearbook.

Michelle: Yeah, I guess I need to see who I dated when I was 14. I'm not sure there's a lot of hope there. But you know, who knows? Who knows?

Angela: You never know. You know, when you give up? You know, that's what happened. I was like, hey, you know, whatever.

Michelle: And then the perfect person walked through the door. What a beautiful story. So give us a little bit more info about how this love relationship turned into a business relationship? How was it that you guys came to decide to go in that direction? Because you know, not everybody does, right?

Angela: Well, I mean, initially we were, for me, one of the things we were doing a couple years into our marriage, we decided we might try to buy a home. So where our budget was, and in the Bay Area, our budget didn't give us a whole lot options that we were comfortable with. So Angela, she had gone to LA, she took her son to meet a friend who she had met online. They had similar interests, they both modeled, they both were acting. And so she took him to LA to meet her. And they had some time with her mom. And so in that time, and she was smart enough to go get a little bit of me time in. And then I found a place that had influence on us, and they were offering free salt, try the free salt, there's free salt room. And so I was just like, okay, and I heard that Steph Curry at the time does infrared for his muscle recovery, went in. I was like, blown away by the experience. And then when I walked into her infrared unit area, I was like, This is amazing, time for myself. It was beautifully well put together. I pretty much came back and recreated her whole thing. Like I was like, I want the same, I want what she has. So that's how we got into this, I came back and I told my husband, I have a business that we're gonna do.

Marty: Ixnay on the house neck.

Angela: So he was a good husband and said, Okay, dear.

Michelle: She got him home with those eyes. Like, we cannot lose. Yeah.

Angela: So we signed our lease in March. And we opened in May 1. So we literally got everything up and running in two months and are just celebrating our second year.

of clientele. We've had over:

Cinthia: You choose that without having owned a business before?

Angela: Yes, this is our first venture. Yes. Congratulations, you guys are rocking it. It sounds like it was kind of destined to be and you followed the steps and and you have hence been rewarded.

Marty: Yes. And still coming, still building, evolving, for sure.

Michelle: Well, before we go to break, my question has to do with your business. How much of it was like, Oh, my corporate work scales beautifully into this, you know, into the business and how much of it was intuitive, or you had to take leaps and just go ooh, that worked.

Angela: For me, at the time, I was working for three biotech startups. And so my background was in finance and being an office manager. And so that really kind of was a no-brainer. I was making really good money. So it was really easy to get everything set up. You know, we didn't take any business loans out or anything. Everything was like, out of pocket, a little savings that I had, basically spending the money from the job that I had. And then that kind of helped us kind of get started. And then I got laid off. And then at that point, because I've set up companies so quickly when they're startups, it made this a lot easier. It was like a no-brainer, like I came in, boom, boom, boom, done, done, everything's set up, we're good, let's go. And then with my husband having his background, and in the jack of everything up Jack, Jack, the jack of all trades, but yeah, that's me, you know, it, just, you know, he designed the floor plan, we had friends, and, you know, one guy came in and put all our walls up in like, two days, literally, by himself. And, you know, we bought the machines was like, the perfect pricing right out, you know, we were scared, because it was still like, pandemic, you know, and so, but I just kind of knew that this is something that needed to happen. You know, I mean, I just felt like, we can't miss this opportunity. You know, was it scary to do it during the pandemic? Yes. And are coming out of it, per se, but, you know, the corporate world, definitely, when they laid me off, you know, it was devastating. But I also knew that this was the time for me to be my own boss. So I don't have to rely on anybody else telling me I'm not good enough or smart enough to do anything. And I'm like, Look, I business up and running in two months, you know, come on, do not tell me I'm not capable anymore, right? I will never believe that again.

Marty: And my strong points were customer service, been in the mental health arena for, oh, 11 years, with a big hospital out here, you know, taught me a lot about empathy, and learning how to make people feel at home, make sure that they want to return, making sure that you hear them, listen to them, give them what they need, give good advice. And you know, offer people something different than Western medicine has to offer. Western medicine, you know, is good to a certain extent. But as we all know, most of the things that they give you are not solutions, it's just band-aids. And so we wanted to be able to offer our community something endemic, especially coming out of the pandemic, right? Everyone started being health-conscious, right, for a good reason. And so we decided to be one of the businesses that would give them an alternative to adding more medicine to their palate, and their morning, and their evening, you know, rituals and, and give them some long-term solutions and relief, and relaxation.

Michelle: I'm totally there with you on the relaxation side. So I want to step in and remind all of our listeners and viewers that they are here with me, Michelle Walters, and my podcast co-host Cinthia Varkevisser. Today, we are speaking to Angela and Marty from Inside Out Spa in Martinez.

Cinthia: So I started my business right about the same time as you guys started your business. And it was kind of a scary and exciting time to do that. I love hearing the how you really leaned into your intuition with some confidence, Angela that this was just kind of the right thing to do. And I think that that's so important for people to hear, like, other people might have thought you were crazy, right? Like buying this equipment, opening a spa when nobody been able to go out for two years, like you know, but but a lot of times I think you know, the the best of it is really just around the corner, you just have to sort of put in the time to get there. So tell us about some of the new things that you've added at Inside Out Spa. We've heard about the salt room and the infrared, but I know you guys have been experimenting and piloting some additional types of services.

Angela: Right? So we recently just got our massage. I have been manifesting this for two years because I really wanted to go to that next level. And so we have a medical massage therapist, Jimmy Huang, who really is amazing and intuitive with his hands and he comes to us on Sundays. And so he's amazing. He does it through the clothes and I tell you like he just really gets in there and loosens you up and gets those knots out and he makes you use your voice you know if it hurts better start yelling. And then we just signed on with Nancy Lawan who is a massage therapist as well with Spiritual healing, I guess that's how you would say it Energy Energy practitioner. So she just came on. And so she's with us on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. But both of them are equally amazing and bring something different to the table. So we're surely blessed that they have just fallen into our services. And then the other one is, I am about to embark on an online business but in person as well called Kangen Water, which is ionized antioxidant water that puts it will take your tap water and turn it into mineral water, putting all that, you know, less taste using a lot of health benefits, a lot of scientific studies done on it. So I'm excited about bringing this to the community as well, because we Martinez water, whatever has a lot of nine chemicals in it. So we definitely want to people to start thinking long term in that sense with the water that you're drinking and getting hydrated. Really getting hydrated. Oh, and Santana, oh my god, we have sound bowl therapy. Oh my god, Santana, and I lose. I don't know if I'm saying it right. But that has just taken off for us. Two days. We'll be doing the First Saturdays of the month and the first Thursday's of the month. And here in Martinez. And that's at 728 Main Street from 630 doors open and then the sound bowl, Crystal sound healing will start at seven so an hour. So we've added a lot of new stuff. And we've got to a couple of other things that we're going to be Greg Wilson will be doing some meditation in the salt room on the second Thursday's of the month. So it's really becoming this inside out Wellness Spa that we just rebranded our name. And so it's really excited about what our Yin and Yang and our tree of life is representing right now for us going forward. Now, we're just did detox foot detox today. So I have a feeling we're going to be offering that as well.

Michelle: Definitely. Yes. I love this evolution is so we got some things working out with you, Cynthia, hopefully.

Cinthia: Excited, so excited. It's I've been looking for a home for a while. And and so I'm hoping I mean, check it out. Is is beautiful for the things that we are going to do. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Very special.

Angela: Yeah, we want you want you to feel at home when you come here, you know, and that's what it's for everyone that comes they say oh my god, this is my home away from home. So you know, the it is beautiful. That is one thing that you have created, you created a welcoming space before you even get through the front door. Which is that's and that's pretty special and that a lot of healers do that. They make sure that as soon as you walk in, but there are few that go beyond the front door so that you actually feel like you've already taken a cleansing breath. And then when you get to the front door, you're like, Yeah, first cleansing breath, you're just you're here, you know, everything's already. So well.

Marty: We want to feel complete opposite from clinical, right? We want to feel like, you know, this is where you're meant to end up and shed some of the everyday stress, pain, discomfort, things of that nature. This is the spot for you, right?

Angela: I also want to let everyone know that the healers that Angie and Marty are bringing in are local. And so they are really doing Martinez service, really big in the community. And I love hearing that. I love hearing that if I talk to someone, they know who you are, and you have no problem saying, Oh yeah, I know them too. So it's it's definitely a community. So I love your community building, for sure. And we want this space to be used for the metaphysical community who want to get off of zoom and come to a place where they can actually, you know, say evil, you know, and we're, you know, we're so open to all of that and, and sharing our space and you know, and if we can figure out how to make it work, then we're open to it for sure.

Michelle: That's exciting. All right. Couple question again. How do you two work together? Who does what? Who does what will give back to the past?

Angela: No, you know, where you know, very much the business is evolving. So as our relationship and the things that we do for the business.

Marty: It makes me laugh that keeps us so is that only? Yeah, sorry? No, no, I mean, you know what we have so many things that we complement each other on. Like, I'm gonna say I'm not the biggest cleaner person. But Martin comes in here and he is that guy like, he's I tried to use his OCD as often as possible.

u know, right on with that is:

Marty: And we're open and she's open, and we talk about it. And if I have an idea, and she has an idea, we're very open about what that future looks like for this space. So it just works, you know, it's kind of interesting, you know, it just really works for us because we definitely communicate and talk a lot. And you know, and I think that's the key to being successful as a couple is that you got to trust in the communication that you're having between you, you know, but we also encourage our members and our clients to come in, and we bounce things off of them and we value their response and their insights. And a lot of times that helps us with you know, either putting stuff down on the backburner or moving forward sooner with things, you know.

Cinthia: Well, I totally believe in the two of you working as a couple. I'm waiting for hours waiting for Angela to admit that she's a manifester. Because that happens all at once and the story of Santana the sound healer is absolutely incredible as well. And then and then everything pretty much snowballed.

Michelle: Right, yeah. You know, it's like, two years I've been, you know, okay, yes, I want to sound bowl here, like, Oh my God, I need a Mazouz Oh my God, I need all these things, you know, and each day and I've been learning how I've been learning about manifestation, which is something I probably hadn't realized or even my husband says, you know, you're the most luckiest person I know in my life, but I have never really believed that I was lucky right? And so, I now I see things falling into place and I tell you when Stan Tana walked in Santana, Rana, Danna Tana, when she walked in, I literally like, floored when she said, Oh, yeah, by the way, I'm a sound new. I was like,

the way it works, isn't it great? Literally,

my, my, I'm like, I was looking for you. i The Universe answered it, you know, and I'm, and every day, you know, it's, I'm manifesting and just this morning, I'm like, I need more clients. I need this and I need that and all of a sudden, people are paying their bills and I signed two contracts yesterday. You know, so I definitely know it. I like being a manifester. You're good at

it. And for our audience, just so you know, we do have a podcast episode with Santana Deleuze where Santana and I shoot the shit and actually start and talk about using our voice. And and so this ties in perfectly with your manifestation and the two of you meeting

so we have another podcast episode that's all about my book, which is called an alignment of spirit and it's all about manifesting so now that I know you're in the into the topic. I'm going to swing by your spa and drop off a copy for you guys.

Do Yes, yes.

Thank you so much for your appearance today on mine power meets mystic I have heard so many great things about you and I'm just delighted that you were able to come I am also really inspired by your love story. I am looking for my love story and I know that hanging out with people who have a good love story is going to help bring about mine so that it's true. Thank you for that. Wonderful day and thanks audience for being with us again this week on mine powered meets mystic.

Thank you. Bye guys from the Inside Out Spa. You've been listening to Mind

Power Meets Mystic.




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