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EP 15 We are Church Girls- Part 2: Choosing, Leaving and Handling Conflict
Episode 1519th July 2023 • The Iron Women • The Iron Women
00:00:00 00:47:07

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  • Connection Card Question
  • Lauren’s experience finding their family’s new church  
  • The process of finding a home church
  • Deanna and Erika’s experience never choosing a church before
  • The Word ministry of a church is number one
  • Every other aspect of a church and it’s offerings falls back on how the Word is prioritized and taught
  • What are the doctrinal beliefs of the church?
  • What is the leadership structure and personnel of the church?
  • Sit down with the pastor and have an honest conversation about how your family could grow and serve in that church?
  • Balancing out the primary, secondary and tertiary beliefs
  • Serial dating church
  • Consumer mentality
  • Pray about it
  • Don’t make this decision quickly
  • It’s a luxury to get to search out and choose a church
  • The “dont’s” vs the “do’s” list
  • How to Biblically handle conflict within the church
  • Conflict is inevitable, including the church
  • Most people do not leave a church biblically or ethically
  • Conflict: personal tiffs vs church discipline
  • The CLEAR way in scripture to handle conflict is actually really simple, we just don’t want to do it 
  • If you can’t let it roll and give grace, then you go straight to the person, in the right frame of mind
  • Restoration is the goal, not to win or be right
  • Conflict with those in leadership
  • Go to the offender, ask if it’s a good time now or set up for a better time where both of yall are in the best place mentally, emotionally and spiritually to handle the conflict, do not catch them off guard 
  • Erika’s rant as pastor’s kid
  • Always go straight to the one who has offended you, do not pull in others prior to the person you have an issue with privately
  • Legit reasons to leave a church
  • Pray about it in length, it is not to be taken lightly
  • You leaving the church affects the whole church, not just you
  • Personal preferences are not a good Bible reason to leave
  • Don’t say you’re finding another church as a cover up for leaving the Church as a whole
  • Do not leave with complaints or criticisms, and do not talk poorly about your old church to your new church, even if it is a legit reason
  • Go to leadership and talk with them before you leave
  • Tell your pastor first, tell him the real reasons your leaving
  • Do not leave without reconciliation, don’t leave hurt in your wake
  • Leave with grace for that church, its leadership and people
  • Change of leadership
  • Confirm you are sitting under someone you can trust to lead you and your family Biblically 
  • Major on the majors, minor on the minors
  • What your choice is based on to pick a church, is the reason you will leave the church
  • If you base it on how you are being served, you’ll be leaving soon
  • Why you choose a church is ultimately why you leave a church
  • Leaving should not be a common occurrence, church hopping is real but wrong
  • Fun Cup Question

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