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Podcast# 238 Oregon Matters: Lebanon City Council and Salem's new Air Service, How Oregonians are Being Screwed!
Episode 23819th July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:39:16

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Unveiling the Truth: Lebanon City Council and Salem's New Air Service

Hello folks, it's your earnest friend here, ready to dive into some serious matters affecting our beloved Oregon. Today, we're talking about the Lebanon City Council and Salem's new air service. Buckle up, because we're about to take a bumpy ride into the world of politics and public services.

The Lebanon City Council Saga

First off, let's talk about the Lebanon City Council. I've got a friend who's been working for the city for about a decade, and let me tell you, it's not all sunshine and roses. The city council operates on contracts, performance reviews, and a whole lot of ambiguity.

My friend, who shall remain nameless for obvious reasons, has been caught in a whirlwind of unethical practices and questionable decisions. The city council, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to keep their reviews shielded from public disclosure. Now, that's a red flag if I've ever seen one.

The Mysterious Resignation of Nancy Brewer

Remember Nancy Brewer, the mayor of Lebanon? She handed in her resignation just one day after a performance review. Coincidence? I think not. This isn't the first time a city official has resigned under mysterious circumstances. Gary Marks, Brewer's predecessor, also resigned under similar circumstances.

The Impact of Undisclosed Resignations

These undisclosed resignations have a ripple effect. They create a pattern of instability and uncertainty. It's like a good old boys club where if you buck the system, you're out. My friend, stuck in this cycle, is counting down the days until their contract ends.

Salem's New Air Service: A Blessing or a Curse?

Now, let's switch gears and talk about Salem's new air service. On the surface, it sounds like a great idea. Cheap flights to Las Vegas and Los Angeles, what's not to love? But here's the catch - who do you think is going to take advantage of these low fares?

I predict that we're going to see an influx of people from these cities, looking to take advantage of Salem's relatively comfortable living conditions and ample job opportunities. This could lead to an increase in competition for jobs and housing, and potentially a rise in crime rates.

In conclusion, folks, it's important to look beyond the surface and question the decisions made by our city officials. Whether it's undisclosed resignations or new public services, we need to consider the long-term impacts on our communities. Remember, there are no bad words, just bad actions. Until next time, this is your earnest friend, signing off.

Please go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



if you happened to tune in on last Wednesday's show um you would have heard a second part of my continuing observations let's say of what the city council was going to do to you and that's what they did because that's what they do now this one is a little different I've got actually I've got two stories for you and I think it's going to be pretty good because once again this is a problem of repeating problem of ethics so let me just jump right into this for reasons which should be obvious I will be uh let's say a


bit vague and ambiguous about a person's identity but it is relevant I have had a long time friend of mine has worked for the uh Lebanon City um for I guess it's been around 10 years now and um the way it works when you work with the city of Lebanon or any of these City places that has a city council typically you sign a contract for you know x amount of time and you take it from there and oftentimes usually they have uh let's say performance reviews now how each city does those reviews is well pretty much up to that city um some have various


operational Clauses that others don't it's it's pretty much you know their own deal for each City how they choose to run it they do have things um that you know are pretty standardized but in general it's still very individualized so just think of it it's just another form of HR basically back so remember when I told you the story last week um of uh how I predicted that there was going to be a tax another tax burden on the citizens of Salem and so the very long and the short of it was that I was correct and that uh unless you're making


just minimum wage you're going to have another tax an additional tax burden of about 500 a year now if there's anything that outraged you about this to the point where as um you know certain members of that city council as far as their re-election is concerned that should be the very least of their worries um more like if they can actually appear in public without having rotten tomatoes thrown at them but um the thing is is that you know this show is not just um it's not just privy to Salem it is


about Oregon and any anything and everyone there and so this story come up and there were such interesting let's just say interesting parallels to it I thought oh well since I just uh yeah just went down the road on that last one let's see if if this kind of sort of sounds eerily familiar to you um recently a city official in Lebanon quit their job um yes um the mayor Nancy Brewer from Lebanon as a quitter job and um she quit her job by handing in a resignation uh and um this was just one day after uh she had a performance review on July 13th this year course


and um the very first thing that pops up that you know is eerily similar of what just happened um with with the Salem City Council even though they are very very different things that actually took place of course the the incident here in Salem was voting for um a a huge lump of money to steal from the I mean to um yeah to take in taxes from the citizens the working people of Salem um basically for their screw-up of financial mismanagement um yup it is you that always pays that's what I've always said so yes so uh Nancy Brewer Miss Brewer she turned that in


um yeah that was just uh that's what you did and um what is going on here that is eerily similar they don't um they don't provide any details any Clarity on these reviews they are they are not public disclosure they are shielded that immediately right there and this is like I said whether it be Salem OR you know Lebanon or just about any other city it's another one of those things it's just kind of it's kind of tucked in there it's kind of slid in there and that [ __ ] needs to go


it needs to go uh it should be full public disclosure why they scratch their head then they start to generate start to Talk Amongst them I can't understand it meaning I'll tell you because we pay the [ __ ] bill it's our money that's why there was that can concise enough for you so yeah anyway so the criminals decided to Shield that review and here is the next bit of news concerning that which is before this happened before Ms Brewer turned in her resignation they're going to be using um the city's engineering director


ho also resigned in August of:


he also resigned and he also resigned under the same non-disclosure of that resignation and also under very similar circumstances which again to the general public go on largely unknown and he was there for maybe five years so here and it's not a very good one and the pattern is that we and for our tax dollars um we in Oregon we keep paying for people who basically turn turn around and they take our money and they choose to do that which they want to do with it the way they want to do with it and that's not the way it goes


think about this in any other situation in your life you ever heard the old tune that's generally the way it goes is that he who pays the piper calls the tune they don't make the laws to you you make the laws as far as your money is concerned and how it's appropriated and God damn it if you want full disclosure that should be part of the deal it's not negotiable and the things that you put forth you don't put forth as spineless weak okay well manga cake and agree to this and oh you and you want to make all


Financial Internal Affairs non-disclosure okay well if you say it's a good idea my God who's representing the representatives and who's representing the people all are the people all [ __ ] out the lunch even the very fact that they would propose such a thing when this got all going all the way back anyone even proposed this should have been drawn and quartered okay okay at least [ __ ] tarred and feathered come on come to think of it ask yourself this this is just a little side thing here but when's the last time Oregon had a good


old-fashioned Tarn Feathering hmm at any rate um yeah so I know this person and they told me Beyond any Shadow of Doubt and they're still working there and I of course I'm not forthcoming with their name obviously but um they described as as one of the very worst and most corrupt organizations they have ever worked for and they only have they say thank God a short time remaining to remain employed with them and the way it worked with them was pretty much they told me they mirrored the same problem that Mrs Brewer and her predecessor


had and you know there's just no way cutting to the chase it's just run like a very old boy good old boy club that certain things are to be done with certain people concerning certain things and they're grandfathered in not legally but it's just such an incredible good old boy Network that um If You Buck the system in any way uh you start making waves you start getting in trouble and so this person I'm talking about just made some minor complaints if you will about various operational procedures yes I know I don't


mean to be damn annoying but I have to speak the way I have to speak hope you can understand at any rate uh this had been brought up several times including to the point where uh the renewal for their contract was coming up and basically the city council of Lebanon um played the game the all too familiar game of Kick the Can Kick the Can and when um apparently they had also been searching for their replacement and that that couldn't be done so then they reapproached them and basically did what I call my terms here I caught a lick and a promise


and they made them a lick and a promise to mend their ways and all of this and of course um the word wasn't worth a damn and no sooner had they re-upped their contract where they found out in short order it was the same old same old and so now they're on the tail end of that contract and can't wait till it's over and no under nurse some circumstances at all will they be um signing up yet again for what they refer to as another tenure in hell oh that is what you're not hearing from Nancy Brewers mysterious quiet


where nobody makes any waves sudden resignation from being the City leader of of Lebanon that's something that you on huh because again it's not do you think you know this is the same old stuff it's not just Salem where you got Ram rotted out of more tax money um this this stuff is going on around the state and I I literally I just found out about this um I knew something had been going on for some time in Lebanon but I just literally found out about um her um resignation and so forth and uh it doesn't get a lot of attention on the radar and


that's what I thought I would do so at any rate I promised you I would have yet another story and um I wanna I wanna preface something here I want to I want to clarify something I I feel I have to do this periodically because I've had X number of people that they claim that um all my news is bad news that I'm just decidedly you know a glass half empty kind of guy and you know I can I can see where you're coming from on that it's wrong those people that say that are wrong but I can see where you're coming from


so let me give you a very simple um explanation for what you're perceiving when you have a situation where what I consider to be what I consider to be quite artificially something is moved in such an artificially that's a nice word for [ __ ] um way into any story anything that's happened is it yay it's one long [ __ ] endless car chorus so yay go Salem or go Portland OR go go you know doesn't matter doesn't matter what it is if it's something kind of big something let's say that hasn't been done in a while or it's just you know on the surface it's


just yay go and I'm like yeah that you know I tend to be cautious because I know that by now I have learned in my life that you know I'd like to step back and you know I check things out first before like what I call all the young Nummies dude who just take things instantly and face by you and they and they react instantly that means there's no brain activity there's nothing to observe there's no thought going into their reaction they just say hey we're going to do so and so


and we haven't had this go on for X number of years and it'll do this and it'll bring Revenue it looks like I can do everything the worlds it whitens it brightens it turns your world inside out and upside down all for the better you're going to lose 25 pounds you're going to be as smart as Einstein you're going oh [ __ ] or [ __ ] Orchid and okay it's like you get past all this because I like to see both sides okay fine you say it's going to do this and the other perhaps it


will maybe it will hasn't been proven yet but okay so I give the benefit of the doubt on that yet on the other hand what is what I'm suspicious of is when something that is obviously I see as very um not good happening to Salem as a consequence of this and then what will happen is it won't get on the radar right away it'll take maybe three months certainly within six months I would think before people start looking around and they say hey ah doesn't it seem as though blah blah blah blah


meaning it you know it takes time for anything to come around often whether that coming around is good or bad so there can be a there's a there's a time lag and some things can be pretty immediate in either way but something like this I pretty much figured out there's going to be a a time lag so if you're wondering what that huge incredible news is and again on the surface it sounds good that for the first time in 15 years Salem is getting an active commercial airport yay [Music]


Jesus Christ break out the band and do [ __ ] Marching for 16 days break out the fireworks you know all of it so we're getting this this uh discount Airline and um they're going to um they're going to start um commercial flights here around sometime in October it might have been it might have been the first of October or the beginning around the beginning of October at some at some point here to get to low cost we have a low-cost service and they're going to be flying um to Las Vegas and to [Music] um Los Angeles yeah


um I'm a little distracted by a technical issue here trying to Rectify that you know it's not like I don't have a huge technical team in the technical room it's it's just me folks so please bear with me I do the best that I can um yeah so this new low-cost carrier whose name I cannot remember and unfortunately I can't put on the screen at the moment but yeah uh the jits of it is since sometime in October they're going to be flying and we start commercial service officially


then for the first time in like 15 years it is great news for so many people they're happy and I again I don't want to be you know viewed as the guy that's always raining on the parade what I would much rather be seen as as the guy who's come before The Horde and the masses and the herd goes running full [ __ ] Barrel you know full Barrel ass into something just because they're so needing and longful for something positive to happen and unfortunately that's really a bad idea to do that that's what I've learned in life


and so you know you have to look at everything as a yin yang good bad sometimes of course things are a win-win and that is always a plus not going to deny it but from what I see from this situation this is not a plus plus there's one huge aspect of this that no one is talking about okay so resuming Commercial Air flight and we're going to have two flights a week non-stop to Vegas in La low-cost fares I think starting at like 39 bucks and you're like oh wow oh sweet Jesus and baby Jesus damn that's that's


cheap I'd love that everybody who wants to hop on a plane and go to Sin City or go to LA they're all happy that also that means you don't have to have that [ __ ] arduous trip up to um PDX up north and deal with well PDX which you know and it's in its defense I mean as far as many of the larger commercial airports in the country uh by and large is a good efficient airport it really is um yeah when you've got you don't even have to go all the way into the place you can you know


take the Max and go right into the airport I mean I I cannot uh say bad things about PDX I can say bad things about getting to PDX because it's not pleasant um especially if you're coming safe from hmm I don't know Salem but be that as it may uh yeah folks who are in Salem OR closer to Salem um especially Albany they'd love the idea of just having only to come to Salem as opposed to going into p-town um to get you know any flight out of here um so undeniably yeah uh two flights non-stop a week hey just resuming commercial


um service that that's totally you know that's that's great compared to nothing yeah that's great uh they'll be using Boeing 737s which are supposed you know very good aircraft so all that is good especially the low affairs no problem with that at all sounds terrific now comes the bad part are you ready um you know those really low fares we talked about um who do you think suddenly that is going to enable to fly the other way what I'm saying here is that um if you are regular normal folks that just have family friends you


know not the bad guys you're the good guys and you want to hop on a flight here and go to Sin City or go to um you know La fine that's fine I'm talking about there's a whole other segment of people um some people call them undocumented um to me it's it's almost a moot point V they documented or undocumented but especially with those low fares in Desperate situations of the multitudes that are in Las Vegas and the multitudes and I mean the many endless multitudes that are in Los Angeles


and at the relatively comfortable good and I say relatively low cost of living Ample Ample jobs and on and on that Salems that Salem offers where do you think they're going to be headed surprise surprise that's right guess what whether we like it or not because they don't have to Trek through hundreds and hundreds of miles of trucks or God only knows what they're sweltering through the desert nah just hop a plane for 40 bucks and just a few hours and be here in Paradise I say or relative Paradise


and of course they all have hundreds and thousands of friends as a matter of fact when this news first came out to all of their friends here guess who's on the telephone telling all of their friends and family there who by the way will put them up until they uh get an employee get on their feet by displacing workers and all the other but anyway we're not going to talk yeah we don't want to talk about that um until they get on their feet and get established and um yeah more probably would be talking bare minimum remember I'm saying this as a


prediction if I'm wrong I'll let you figure out a punishment for me as long as it isn't too severe come on be reasonable but yeah these will come in the hundreds if not the thousands and yeah guess what's going to happen here and I say relatively comfortable safe and uh Pleasant Salem I don't think that way anymore because they will be arriving coming the other way and in three to six months when the several I don't know hundreds and hundreds or thousands of them all demanding uh support


and uh the jobs and places of living and there's a what do you think's going to happen okay so this is going to kind of uh Quicken the uh the situation as far as the demise of what is taking place here not only in Salem because Salem of course is only a you know a small microcosm of America but I mean it's certainly representative of let's say or has become representative of a certain attitude and so yeah um so my famous I predict the Great prediction here but I predict I don't know uh and of course this is assuming it's not just one-way flights meaning there are


no return trip flights because one assumes this is both ways of course if it isn't both ways which it should be but if it isn't traveling both ways then the point is smooth but assuming that it is and it should be yeah I'm predicting about somewhere I don't know when when the endless flood will come um but it will be three to six months and they will keep coming and coming and coming I mean hell even if we're not talking you know again documented undocumented it gives us [ __ ]


we know who we're talking about here I mean any Christ even any gutter bum through friend family or you know standing out on the corner for an hour you know they can scram up 40 bucks [Music] I'm just I'm sorry sometimes I laugh at something which is so potentially disturbing oh my God I thought about this had this been any other time maybe a different place with a booming economy you know where you have I don't know 300 what seems like 300 billion gazillion never ending


undocumented desperate people knocking your walls down and uh everything else is going on if I say if that were not the case which is certainly not the case uh it might be different it'd be yeah this is great and just great it's it's but no unfortunately it's not so um this is something instead of celebrating you might to uh if you're a business person for instance um you might you know if you listen to this or have a friend listen to it um you might want to be planning something in a less optimistic vein let's say


because once it starts they can't stop it and this all comes you know where the step from right you know uh you understand of course that the most uh recent uh Governor Brown 2.0 just scratch out the name Brown just put you know Kotex in its place so instead of brown we've got Tina Kotex and but the policies don't change and you know what I'm talking about what those quote unquote policies are laughs if by any means if by I don't care how you do it every complete [ __ ] vagrant undesirable whatever I don't


care I don't care if they were Satan's helpers I don't care if they were the Charlie Manson band I don't care however you do it but but comrades policy is you bring them here you bring them here by any and all means necessary so we can share with them our quality of life and make the entire state of Oregon look just like downtown Portland on a Friday night [Music] thanks folks take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if


you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Earnest Mann reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music] foreign



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