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Enhancing Creativity | Symbolism for Creativity
29th October 2024 • Creativity for Success: Creative Fuel for Leadership, Marketing, and Underdogs • Julie Stout
00:00:00 00:21:06

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Welcome to Episode 18!

In this episode, Julie dives into the theme of spirituality and personal belief, exploring the idea that everyone’s connection to a higher power is valid and meaningful.

“Your God is the Right God”

  • Julie reflects on how personal beliefs and spirituality are unique to each person and should be respected as such.
  • She encourages listeners to find their own connections to wisdom, spirituality, or a higher self, without judgment.

Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles

  • Julie discusses the challenges people face in embracing their own spirituality, especially when worried about what’s “right” or “wrong.”
  • This episode is a reminder that spirituality is a personal journey, and everyone’s path is valid.

Tapping into Wisdom

  • Julie shares insights on connecting with a higher self or inner wisdom, helping listeners feel grounded and supported in their spiritual exploration.
  • The focus is on finding peace and purpose by honoring one’s unique path.

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Hello, and welcome to this episode. And this episode is called why your God is the right God. And it's a really, it's a really difficult thing. What I found is one of the biggest


obstacles when I start talking about this whole idea of, you know, tapping into wisdom, tapping into your higher self, tapping into, you know, this part where you're connected that,


you know, and especially when we start to talk about old souls and new souls and things like that, that there's a lot of religions where this isn't part of the religion, and it's actually there's rules about it that you should not be, you know, talking


about, you know, spirit or spirits or angels or, you know, mediums that talk to the spirits and the angels. And, you know, this type of voodoo, you know, initiates a lot of fear. And


so, and I know that's a stopping point for a lot of people. But on the other flip side of it, religion is a stopping point for a lot of people. They, you know, they, they just don't want anything to do with fundamental religions or, you know, organized religion. And so


basically, the standpoint is that you're all right, everybody is right, and everybody has the right God. And the, the idea in everything that I'm doing is that you are connecting with source.


You are connecting with this flow of creativity. You're connecting with this higher intelligence of ideas and wisdom and intuition. And, you know, if you're an athlete, that you're going to get out of your head and


your muscles are going to respond to something that we don't fully understand, but you're just going to be in the flow. You know, you're going to see the whole game before it happens. There's this intuition that you're tapped into the present. In the past. As a musician, when you're performing live on stage, your


audience is going to connect with this place where you're channeling this music. Music's such a huge part of this, you know, and when you start to look at the religious experience that it's music is a big part of it. You know, that ability to lift the soul and connect with the soul, the ability


to just create that congregation, that unity, that coming together of spirits that were all lifting each other. It's the same thing as what we're doing when we're talking about the creative flow and creativity and the source, the source of


all this, that's your God. So whether it be God, Jehovah, Muhammad, whatever, you know, whether you're buddhist and you believe that this is, you know, your life purpose, your path, you're going to come back and do this many times. You know, your goal is to reach nirvana. That's it. That's exactly what it


is. And so the source is always the source. The tools and techniques that are in religion to connect with this are the same tools and techniques that we're using. You know, meditation is a way to connect this. Stilling the mind is a way to connect with it. Prayer is


a way to connect with it. Nature is a way to connect with it. Fire, like, there's so much fire in religious ceremonies. There's water in religious ceremonies. You know, there's the ground, there's praying and kneeling and connecting,


and there's all, all of these elements are exactly what we were talking about in the last episode. All of these elements are tuning forks that you can connect with. Whatever the source is that you're aligned with, that you believe that you're


connecting with, that's the source of the source when you lean into it. And the, the component of religions that is faith is the belief that this really does exist, even though you can't see it. So,


you know, I have, my daughters are the biggest, the biggest reflection of the obstacles to me teaching this are my daughters. So every time I throw it out there, my daughters throw up a. But what about


this? And what about that? And what about the other? So we're taking a vacation in four weeks. And I wanted this to be the ultimate vacation and not the ultimate vacation in that it, we're, you know, eating fantastic foods, being in this fantastic


place. None of those things mean anything to me. My, it's the ultimate vacation because I want them to experience this. I want them to experience a connection with nature. I want them to experience a connection with their tuning forks. I want them to experience a connection with each


other. And I want them to experience a connection with people they've never met before in their lives. And I've already explained to them, this is what I want to do. And the reason I want to do it is I have a deadline of July 1 to have all my programs fully fleshed out, fully developed out, ready to go, ready


to bring into organizations, ready to bring into educational programs in schools, ready to bring to different demographic groups. And this is my testing ground. My team is my testing ground, and my children are my testing ground. And we're going to go on this vacation. And I have told them every day,


I want to work on this for an hour with you and I. We're going to really flesh out these programs are we building the connections? Are we making sense? Is your ability to have spontaneous creativity all the time, whenever you need it?


Is this something? Did I achieve that by the end of the week? Do you feel like you understand what your creative soul is and how to use that? And, you know, my daughter and her husband, they are more on the very religious, christian side, so he is very. Her


husband is very uncomfortable with a lot of the things I talk about, and I do. So I have to be very careful not to offend him in any way and to build alignment with the religion. Like, this is everything I'm doing is about faith, and it is about your God is real.


What you believe is real. If you believe in aliens, it's real. That's the source. If you believe in the universe, it's real. That's the source. The bottom line is that it is. Now, when I say. When I say my daughters are the obstacles, when I start talking about my programs, you


know, my youngest daughter and I had to write this down because I never remember these words. I want evidence based research. I want science. I want cited resources. I want empirical studies. And this is my youngest daughter. This is the one that was three years behind in everything. Felt she wasn't


smart. A medium told me, said, hey, you got to fix this. You gotta fix this. And now she just matched as a doctor in her number one match, which is really unusual. You know, there's this whole, you know. Anyway. And you're like, you are it.


And I was thinking in this episode, too, like, if you're watching the videos, I would put up some of her artwork. Like, she is the most talented artist I have ever met. And every one of her pieces of art, like, I have them everywhere, all around the house, because it is such beautiful art. Because


she didn't care, because she knew her path was medicine, because she knew that's what she wanted to do when she created art. She just didn't care. She just created from her soul. And she has these most amazing, beautiful pieces of artwork, and I have to put it on there because it will help you see it and connect with your soul, too. But


it's so funny. I'm like, you are the experiment. But she still doesn't see it. And so my goal is to spend this week with them, helping her to see it and acknowledge it. The way I sell this program and to them is, look, you're in emergency medicine. Your sister's


obviously. She's in palliative care, hospice. She is helping people experience the beauty of death, because once you really experience it. You'll realize it's actually better than the birth, experiencing the death, that wholeness, that help, that support of families to be in this space, to honor it,


to just understand this life, moving out. Moving out of this life, how precious and how sacred it is and that being able to support the families there, that everything that I can give her in this week will help her be a better doctor. Now, my emergency medicine daughter, this one that's, you


know, I want empirical evidence. I'm. I'm. You know, for her, it's. If something tragic should happen in your hands, that you're able to let go of it. That you're able. Especially if there's a huge emergency and


you're just triaging, triaging. You live, you die. You live, you die. There's such a huge mental weight to that that you're able to realize the sacredness of what you're doing. You're keeping souls here. The other daughter's helping souls pass. And


it's so sacred. Both jobs, the work they're doing. But if it should happen, it is just part of the journey. It's part of. It's being done for you, not to you. And that you're able to quickly release the burden of that and get back into the game and get back into work and realize


that it's just part of the risk that you have to take to live this life. And it's just. And again, there's a metaphor in everything. There's inspiration in everything. But. So I'm trying to. I'm trying to help them see, you know, so we're going into


this vacation. The goal is to help my son in law find alignment with what I'm trying to do and his faith. I'm trying to help my daughters find alignment and show that they are the empirical evidence. They are the story. They are. This is what


happened. And that they are role models of this. And in their work. Their work is that they have the ability to. When they talk to and speak to and address this part of every patient, when they see the greatness, they don't


come into the room judging, you know, they don't, you know, everything that has happened that has got this patient to this place that they are right now, we are not in a place of judging. We're not in a place of judging the families. We're in a place of holding this soul in its greatness and


helping it live or helping it pass on and in a beautiful, graceful, beautiful manner, and us addressing and seeing and holding that soul in its greatness, helps that person to see it in themselves, too. And so that's the gift. That's the gift. That's what


I'm trying to do. That's what I'm trying to give them. And that's the intention for this whole vacation. So. So back to alignment with religion. Okay, so we have to find. So this program is designed 100% to


strengthen your alignment with your faith, to strengthen your alignment with your source, no matter what that source is. And when you start to really look at all the face, all. All the religions out there, that the fact that


this is the right religion for you is by intention, is by design, that you are in the right religion, you are in the right faith, that connecting with this source, connecting with this, this is right. And when you start to look at every single


religion out there, 90% of the religions believe that God is love. And, you know, we have all these wars and all these battles over religion, and you're like, but 90% of them, the


foundation of the religion is that God is love. And that, you know, the rules of the religion are actually 100% in alignment with what we're trying to teach here. So, you know, can you imagine if you broke the


fundamental rules of Christianity? Like, if you went around committing adultery, killing, stealing, coveting, like, can you imagine what that would do to your mental headspace? You would be living in this world of drama, trauma you're in every single day, and


you would never be able to connect with that beautiful, perfect soul, that that being. That connected space that can create, can get past anything. You know, you would be creating this. This turmoil in your. In your world. So having rules


is. Is absolutely not a bad thing. You know, saying you have to pray Xyz times a day, where you're connecting with source Xyz times a day. Is that a bad thing? You know, so. But we have. We really get our backup


when we say, you know, mine is the right religion. You know, I believe it should be this way, and I should believe it should be this way, and everybody should convert to this. And I'm like, yes, they should. All these paths to God are good. All these paths to source are good. Living in a place


of love, operating in a place of love, we're operating a place where we don't judge. Where were the mother Teresa's? And we're just, we're so kind, and we're lifting spirits, we're lifting soul. We're taking those people that are wounded and impacted,


and we're saying, you're amazing. You're fantastic. There's this greatness in you that just. Can I show you how to unlock the greatness? Can I show you how to get past all your problems with ideas and solutions and faith? And it's all the same thing. And


if we go back to death, and I love death, and I'll talk about death all day long, because it's some of the most transformative experiences we can have is with death. When we go back to death, the people that handle death and grief the best are people of faith. It


really, really, faith really, really helps you in those times where you're really shaken up, you're lost, you're suffering. And faith eases that suffering. You're giving it up to this higher space, this higher source, this higher.


You're giving it up to your God. And your God could be the universe. Your God can be anything. And so at the end of the day, there is. This is a space of no judgment. This is a space of connecting with the greatness in everybody,


the lightness, the joy, the happiness, the kindness, the. You may be experiencing suffering right now, and it could be mental, it could be physical, it could be emotional, it could be any of those things. You may be experiencing


suffering, but there's this core to who you are. There's this spirit, there's this soul that is absolutely perfect no matter what. And all the religions align with bringing that out. And the nature of that is kindness. It's


love. And the energy of that is kindness, love, creating. Creating connections with other people, building. All the things we're talking about here 100% align with religion. So when you, when you go through this program,


when you start to really see how you can be so much more effective, you know that meditation and prayer are actually tuning forks. You know, they're actually ways to get connected with this space that our true nature,


who we are, our purpose, why we're put here, our path, all of that, everything is in alignment. There's not, when you start to look at it and then you maybe watch a movie about the story of Jesus or something, and you start to say, yes, that's it. Yes, that's it. Yes,


that's it. It's kindness. It's nonjudgment. It's taking all these different people as disciples from all these walks of life and prostitutes and everything and say, I see the greatness. I see the beauty in you. I see the true you. Let me help you see the true you. And so that's everything we're doing here. And no matter what your


religion is, this is not in any way designed to shake that, to interfere with that, but just to strengthen that. A note from our sponsor. Yes, it's me again. Hire me for your leadership training to bring a


creative culture into your business, or join me at a leadership this fall, if you need a keynote speaker or you need an innovative workshop for your next conference, go to Creativityunleashed Co.


And hire me. And the reason I'm putting this episode right here is the next episode we're talking about reincarnation. And so it's really important that you realize that I'm not here to tell you about reincarnation, okay? I'm not


here to sell you that reincarnation is a real thing. Because at the end of the day, the message is not that. The message is that what you truly believe in your heart of hearts is real, is real, and that everything aligns


with your spiritual beliefs. And that what I say is not to build alignment. It's to show you that that's the truth. And to find the truth in everything is really what our goal is. We're not here to make money. We're not here to be


famous. We're finding to find aligned with the truths and everything that help us to be better, helps us to be better christians, help us to be better muslims, better jews, better universalists and atheists, better atheists. You know, and, you know, and if you're, if you really believe,


like, there's a mothership that put us on here, and this is our punishment and our idea, our goal is to get out of that, or you're your Buddhist and your, or your nirvana or whatever, whatever it is that this is, to find that alignment to make you a better, a better


spiritual person because you're operating from this place of who you truly are. So get ready for the next episode. It's going to be a very interesting story. And thank you, and we'll talk to you in a few minutes.





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