In this captivating episode of "Go Beyond Numbers," your host Tony Rose engages in a thought-provoking conversation with the esteemed Dr. BJ Fogg, a renowned Behavior Scientist from Stanford University. Together, they delve into the fascinating realm of human behavior and unveil the secrets behind forming life-changing habits.
Dr. Fogg, armed with his extensive expertise in behavior design and his influential book, "Tiny Habits," shares his groundbreaking insights into the science of behavior change. With his practical approach, he has empowered countless individuals to transform their lives by making small, incremental changes that lead to lasting habits.
0:06 - Introduction and overview on the topic of the day
1:13 - How Tony came to meet BJ Fogg, PhD
4:55 - It's really worth reading BJ's book "Tiny Habits"
6:45 - "Think small and behave small to get big"
10:26 - BJ's bootcamp and how people can learn more
13:14 - The challenges of cultivating a productive work environment in a remote world
18:33 - What needs fixing when it comes to our relationships with one another
24:35 - Varying degrees of seriousness and networking
31:19 - You have to be able to offer people something, which is a piece of who you are
38:16 - Battling addiction and how it hurts our social abilities
44:11 - There is huge power in the power of acquaintance
46:25 - Closing remarks
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