The reality is that everlasting happiness doesn’t exist. Throughout your life you will experience natural cycles of highs and lows. Life is like a coin inherently having two sides. Attempting to get rid of one side of life’s coin will be an act of futility.
Discover the secret to a rewarding life lies in the ability to appreciate all of life’s experiences (happy and sad), and how you can grow from both in a fulfilling way.
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The Breakthrough Experience
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The immediate gratification makes you go out and buy impulsively and then you
Speaker:have no money left over, and then you're working from paycheck to paycheck.
Speaker:And that's a classical symptom.
Speaker:People who are pursuing happiness and some of the saddest people I know are the
Speaker:ones that addicted to the fantasy of happiness all the time.
Speaker:They think they're supposed to have a, you know,
Speaker:pleasure without pain and happy without sad,
Speaker:and positive without negative and one-sided lives. And of course,
Speaker:as the Buddha said in one of his statements,
Speaker:at least that's what so many claims,
Speaker:was that the pursuit of that which is unavailable and the pursuit
Speaker:to avoid that which is unavoidable, is the source of human suffering.
Speaker:So if you're attempting to get a one-sided life where there's just bliss and
Speaker:pleasure and happiness all the time and not have some of the challenges that
Speaker:go with life,
Speaker:you're going to be even more sad because you're going to be expecting something
Speaker:that's not going to happen.
Speaker:Imagine a magnet and trying to cut in half and trying to get one side without
Speaker:the other. It's not very easy to do, and you'll find out it's futile in fact.
Speaker:All you'll do is cut the magnet in half and two positive and negatives and two
Speaker:positive and negatives, and same with happy and sad. So why do we do that?
Speaker:Why do we pursue something that's unobtainable?
Speaker:And why do we keep trying to avoid something that's unavoidable? Very simple.
Speaker:So get your paper out. May take some notes,
Speaker:and I'm going to do a little brain research for you
Speaker:bit about neurology. Your brain has, you might say,
Speaker:layers in it and levels in it.
Speaker:It has the telencephalon,
Speaker:which is the very fore and advanced part of the brain,
Speaker:the outer part of the brain, and then it has a diencephalon,
Speaker:and then it has a mesencephalon, a metencephalon, and a myelencephalon,
Speaker:and then it has the spinal cord, then it has peripheral nerves.
Speaker:There's layers of the brain. And of course,
Speaker:the most advanced part that's most expanded where the
Speaker:is the most advanced. But anywhere you go inside that you get more,
Speaker:you might say, less complex.
Speaker:One of the regions of the brain that many people function under
Speaker:quite often is the subcortical area of the brain. It's still the telencephalon,
Speaker:it's semi advanced, but it's got a subcortical area,
Speaker:and it's called the amygdala. It's a portion of the limbic brain.
Speaker:And the amygdala assigns what is called valency to events and
Speaker:perceptions. So it assigns, you might say,
Speaker:a positive charge or a negative charge on something.
Speaker:If it assigns a positive charge from all the associations we have from our past
Speaker:experiences as we filter new sensory experiences,
Speaker:if it assigns a positive one,
Speaker:it activates a certain reason in the,
Speaker:into the basal ganglia and into the amygdala that actually gives it a pleasure
Speaker:and it makes it seek it and it represents prey.
Speaker:Prey not in the sense of prayer like a church,
Speaker:but prey in the sense of a prey and predator,
Speaker:an animal that's trying to eat something and consumes something and go after
Speaker:something and chase something. And that is the seeking of prey.
Speaker:If it assigns a valency of negative to it,
Speaker:it will assign it and see it as predator and it will want to avoid it.
Speaker:So it seeks that which it sees positively and it avoids that which is negative.
Speaker:But in nature, you're going to have prey and predator. In fact,
Speaker:it's been shown that maximum growth and development occurs at the border of
Speaker:support and challenge, prey and predator, positive and negative,
Speaker:the pairs of opposites when they're joined and balanced,
Speaker:we maximize our fulfillment in life. Now,
Speaker:when we assign a positive to it and we activate the nucleus accumbens,
Speaker:the pleasure center you might say in this amygdala area,
Speaker:we also activate the parasympathetic nervous system,
Speaker:which is the one for rest and digest.
Speaker:So once we assign it's a positive thing and the pleasureful thing,
Speaker:we are going seek it and we're going to be ready to consume it and rest and
Speaker:digest, relax and just have an enjoyable dinner, you might say.
Speaker:If we assign a negative to it,
Speaker:it's going to be assigning the sympathetic nervous system to it,
Speaker:which is fight or flight.
Speaker:That means you're going to run from it or you're going to attack it back,
Speaker:if it's something attacking you. And so that's a challenge component.
Speaker:If you seek only support,
Speaker:that's like seeking somebody in your life that you are infatuated with and you
Speaker:become juveniley dependent on them and you don't grow.
Speaker:And if you get only challenged,
Speaker:you become precociously independent and you grow rapidly.
Speaker:So one is juveniley dependence,
Speaker:the other is precocious independence from too much support or too much
Speaker:challenge, too much prey or too much predator.
Speaker:But nature it needs both. That's why we have a food chain.
Speaker:And our brain knows that, and it must have both.
Speaker:And the second it goes and tries to seek one and get a pleasure without a pain,
Speaker:we increase the probability of attracting the other into our life.
Speaker:Let me use the analogy.
Speaker:If we go and are searching for prey and we're an animal and we go and
Speaker:eat something and there's no predator around and we just gobble up and really
Speaker:overeat, then what happens is we're now gluttonous, we're overfed,
Speaker:we're slow, we're not sharp and alert, and we gain weight,
Speaker:and so the predator that does come along sees kind of a fat slow one
Speaker:there and says, let's target that, I can outrun that and capture it.
Speaker:So you increase the probability of having the predator attack you.
Speaker:So the more you get the pleasure, the more you attract the pain you might say,
Speaker:because the pain of being eaten is pretty painful.
Speaker:And what's interesting is the hedonistic pursuit is searching
Speaker:for a quick, immediate gratifying pleasure. Now,
Speaker:I can't do justice to this topic without just like any topic with human behavior
Speaker:without discussing values.
Speaker:So let's superimpose now the value system that I talk about normally on top of
Speaker:this prey and predator game. Whenever you're, you have a set of values,
Speaker:set of priorities in your life and whenever you're living by the highest
Speaker:priority, the blood, glucose, and oxygen goes into the telencephalon,
Speaker:into the medial prefrontal cortex and activates the executive center,
Speaker:where you see both sides simultaneously and you are more objective and
Speaker:balanced and neutral and resilient and adaptable.
Speaker:And you have strategic planning and you execute the plans and you have
Speaker:self-governance and you're more empowered and you're less likely to be swayed by
Speaker:impulses or instincts or hedonistic behavior. You have self-governance.
Speaker:But if you're doing something that's low on your value,
Speaker:doing lower priority things,
Speaker:the unfulfillment from doing lower priority things automatically makes the
Speaker:blood, glucose, and oxygen goes into the amygdala, it goes there.
Speaker:And when it goes into the amygdala, we now get prey and predator mentality.
Speaker:What's interesting is if you're in high priority actions and you get the blood,
Speaker:glucose, and oxygen into the medial prefrontal cortex,
Speaker:the executive center and you get objective,
Speaker:you get what is called a systems 2 thinking where you think before you
Speaker:emotionally react. But if you're not doing high priority things and the blood,
Speaker:glucose, and oxygen goes down to the amygdala, you react before you think.
Speaker:So you're more impulsive or instinctual to seek or avoid and
Speaker:react emotional before you think.
Speaker:As a result of it you're vulnerable to hedonism.
Speaker:Aristotle said that there's hedonism and eudaimonia.
Speaker:Eudaimonia is the path of the executive center where you have self-governance
Speaker:and you have wellbeing and wholeness and you have a pursuit
Speaker:of a mission, a purpose in life, something that's meaningful as he called it.
Speaker:But when you're going to hedonism, you're looking for immediate gratification,
Speaker:a quick fix.
Speaker:When you're living in your executive center in the forebrain and you're living
Speaker:in high priorities,
Speaker:you have long-term vision and you start thinking of your immortality quotient.
Speaker:What do you want to contribute to the planet? The difference you want to make.
Speaker:What's the legacy you want to do? What is the purpose in life?
Speaker:But if you're sitting down into the amygdala,
Speaker:you look for immediate gratification.
Speaker:Your space and time horizons in which you live shrink,
Speaker:and you just look for a quick fix.
Speaker:And I like to think of it as if you're living by your highest values,
Speaker:you move towards philanthropy. If you live by the lower values,
Speaker:you move towards debauchery. And debauchery is over eating and consuming,
Speaker:over drinking, over sex, over party, over consuming, over buying,
Speaker:over shopping, you know, you're looking for immediate gratification. And,
Speaker:you minimize yourself, your self worth is down, and you tend to think, well,
Speaker:if I buy other people's brands,
Speaker:I'll live vicariously through them and then I'll be somebody.
Speaker:Instead of actually living in the executive function and being somebody,
Speaker:you're now trying to be somebody by over consuming. And,
Speaker:when we're not fulfilled in our highest values,
Speaker:we automatically fill ourselves full with food or things.
Speaker:The average person that buys a house when they first buy the house,
Speaker:they got a nice clean open house,
Speaker:but over the years they typically accumulate things, stuff.
Speaker:I mean they once parked a car in the garage,
Speaker:now they can't get the car in the garage because they got so much stuff.
Speaker:The same thing in the closets.
Speaker:A quarter of your house is just storing stuff that you get.
Speaker:And the more you store stuff, the more you're buying stuff that's depreciating.
Speaker:And it's not really appreciating.
Speaker:Is a devaluation of self and a vicariously living through other people's brands.
Speaker:And the cost of hedonism is that.
Speaker:I teach a class that's called the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:not every week but quite a bit.
I've done up to 43 in a year and I've done about 1,166 of these
Speaker:things. And I see them every week.
Speaker:I see people that are overwhelmed by the consumption of immediate gratifying
Speaker:consumables that depreciate and they can't get ahead financially and they end up
Speaker:being immediate gratifying in their relationships and so they got demands that
Speaker:are unrealistic in timeframes. They don't have a long-term mission,
Speaker:they don't have a long-term vision. They just living day to day,
Speaker:paycheck to paycheck,
Speaker:instead of actually planning and and deferring gratification.
Speaker:Deferred gratification is the key to wealth building.
Speaker:Deferred gratification is the key to a family.
Speaker:Almost every area of your life is empowered by deferred gratification,
Speaker:but immediate gratification cost and deferred gratification
Speaker:pays. You know, if you have compound interest on investments,
Speaker:if you use immediate gratification and keep buying things and never have an
Speaker:investment and accumulate compound interest,
Speaker:you're going to be working your life as a slave for money all your life. If not,
Speaker:it works for you. So if you save and invest and think long-term and have,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:wellbeing and focus long term on there and can foresee with the executive center
Speaker:in the telencephalon, you end up thinking more long term.
Speaker:If not the immediate gratification makes you go out and buy impulsively and then
Speaker:you have no money left over and then you're working from paycheck to paycheck.
Speaker:And that's a classical symptom. It's the same thing in relationships.
Speaker:You're looking for that quick fix.
Speaker:I've seen people that are married and all of a sudden they realize that the
Speaker:dopamine fixation of the first few months of of being together is starting to
Speaker:wane off and so they're now looking for that fix again.
Speaker:And so they go and have affairs and look for the next person to give them this
Speaker:fix. And if again a few months later,
Speaker:then that one's over and you go to the next one. And this can be trapping.
Speaker:And if we don't have self-governance by living by higher priority,
Speaker:we end up being caught in this immediate gratification, hedonistic,
Speaker:you know, quick fix mentality.
Speaker:And so that's why in the Breakthrough Experience that I'm teaching that's one of
Speaker:the reasons I'm helping people identify what their values are.
Speaker:Because I'm certain, I've been doing it 45 years on, I've been teaching 50,
Speaker:but I've been 45 years on the research of human values and behavior.
Speaker:And I'm certain that if you will live by your highest priorities and fill your
Speaker:day with the most important highest priority,
Speaker:most meaningful and inspiring spontaneous things that you love doing and
Speaker:delegate lower priority things, you automatically go
Speaker:you automatically start valuing yourself.
Speaker:You automatically have self-governance,
Speaker:you automatically move towards self-mastery.
Speaker:You automatically feel more authentic. You're more objective, less emotional,
Speaker:more sustainable fair exchange oriented.
Speaker:But if you're not living by priority and you're doing low priority things and
Speaker:you're feeling overwhelmed doing something you don't love doing,
Speaker:you're automatically going to be getting the amygdala turned on and the amygdala
Speaker:is going to cost. Because now you're going to look for immediate gratification.
Speaker:You're going to be looking for that which is unobtainable and trying to avoid
Speaker:that which is unavoidable. And that's a survival mode.
Speaker:And that survival mode is definitely going to cost,
Speaker:because you're not going to get a pleasure without a pain. You know,
Speaker:think about the fatal attractions in your life.
Speaker:Think about the people that you were infatuated with in your life and then days
Speaker:or weeks later you found out they weren't quite who you thought,
Speaker:and then you kind of went, whoa, l I didn't, I was blind to that.
Speaker:See the amygdala has subjective bias interpretations of our reality and it
Speaker:starts to see false positives on the positives,
Speaker:where it means it sees positives in something that's not.
Speaker:And it also doesn't see the negatives. And so it gets blinded by that,
Speaker:by its unconscious awareness of the negatives.
Speaker:And it ends up going after and impulsively seeking it and getting wants more of
Speaker:it, more of it, more of it, gets addicted.
Speaker:And then what happens is we fear the loss of that which we get addicted to and
Speaker:so now we're in anxiety. And the same thing on the instinct.
Speaker:We fear the gain of something we don't want. And so we're living in anxiety,
Speaker:we end up having distress, we end up running our immune system down,
Speaker:we end up having immediate gratification,
Speaker:we end up having subjective biases in our interpretation.
Speaker:We get addicted to pride and being right in our opinion,
Speaker:projecting that onto other people or minimizing ourselves and injecting other
Speaker:people's values into our life and trying to live other people's values,
Speaker:both of which are disempowering. It pays to prioritize,
Speaker:it pays to delegate, it pays to know your real value structure.
Speaker:That's why in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:that's the first thing I do in the morning is make sure,
Speaker:after I give you some principles about human behavior and how it works,
Speaker:the first thing I do is make you go in and identify what you really value.
Speaker:Because if you're not living according to what you value most,
Speaker:you're guaranteed to go into the amygdala, search for immediate gratification,
Speaker:let hedonism rule your life,
Speaker:and I guarantee you every area of your life is going to go down from that.
Speaker:It's going to be self depreciative and you're going to live vicariously through
Speaker:other people's brands instead of build your own brand.
Speaker:That's why in the Breakthrough Experience I do that because I want you to be
Speaker:able to be empowered and you can't empower yourself from the amygdala.
Speaker:It's a survival mode, not a thrival mode.
Speaker:And then in the latter half of the day in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I'm teaching you the Demartini Method on how to dissolve all the impulses and
Speaker:instincts that you're trapped in. All the prides and shames,
Speaker:all the infatuation resentments,
Speaker:all the skewed half aware perceptions.
Speaker:And I help you get mindful and see both sides. So you're now,
Speaker:which is a sign of living by highest values.
Speaker:Anytime you're living by highest values,
Speaker:you become more objective and more able to see both sides.
Speaker:Anytime you see both sides, you move up in the higher priorities.
Speaker:They work as a team. So no matter what happens,
Speaker:in the Breakthrough Experience I show you how to dissolve the distractions that
Speaker:keep you from being disempowered.
Speaker:I hope you see the hidden order in the apparent chaos.
Speaker:The chaos and the disorder is simply missing information.
Speaker:And the real you, the real authentic you that's living by highest values,
Speaker:that's pro oriented and spontaneously inspired to act is the one that
Speaker:goes and achieves mastery of life. But if not,
Speaker:you're going to be in the amygdala and immediate gratification is going to cost
Speaker:you your life, and it's not going to lead lasting fulfillment.
Speaker:Fulfillment is realizing nothing's missing.
Speaker:But the second you're infatuated with something you're missing the awareness of
Speaker:the downsides. The second you're resentful to something,
Speaker:you're missing the upsides. So something's automatically empty,
Speaker:unfulfilling and missing the second you judge,
Speaker:which is what exactly what the amygdala does.
Speaker:It assigns valency and judgment to things.
Speaker:It makes you make decisions irrationally to avoid pain and seek pleasure under
Speaker:emergency situations. But your life doesn't have to be emergency situation.
Speaker:It can be living by priority and can be organized.
Speaker:It can be disciplined and you can live by design, not by duty.
Speaker:And the one of the things that stop people from actually living inspired lives
Speaker:is they compare themselves to other people.
Speaker:Anytime you put somebody on a pedestal and minimize yourself,
Speaker:anytime you put somebody in a pit and exaggerate yourself,
Speaker:the inauthentic of the minimized and exaggerated self, the inauthentic you,
Speaker:automatically is down in the amygdala. The amygdala is the judging center.
Speaker:The executive center is actually intuitively neutralizing
Speaker:bringing you back into objectivity so you can set primary objectives in life,
Speaker:not emotional reactions and fantasies and nightmares in life.
Speaker:All the impulses and instincts are carried over from the animals that we still
Speaker:have within us in that part of the brain,
Speaker:it's a kind of a older brain you might say.
Speaker:And this part of the brain is basically there for surviving,
Speaker:seeking prey so you don't starve, and avoiding predator so you don't get eaten.
Speaker:So the fear of loss of food and the fear of being eaten are the two basic fears
Speaker:and stresses that we have in life.
Speaker:The number one distress that we have is the fear of loss of that which we seek.
Speaker:And the second number on the distress is the fear of gaining that which you're
Speaker:trying to avoid.
Speaker:And that's exactly why in the Breakthrough Experience I teach you how to
Speaker:dissolve those, how to get present, how to get focused, how to get prioritized,
Speaker:how to get on track with who you are, the authentic you. And when you do,
Speaker:you're not caught in this hedonistic pursuit.
Speaker:The hedonistic pursuit can show up in many forms as I said,
Speaker:I've seen people and I tell people,
Speaker:if you're doing a job that's not inspiring to you and it has no meaning,
Speaker:then you'll get money without meaning.
Speaker:And money without meaning will get you into the amygdala and get you down into
Speaker:the debauchery center. I call the amygdala the debauchery center.
Speaker:That's where all the crazy debauchery activities occur.
Speaker:But the second you're doing something that's meaningful and you're feeling
Speaker:fulfilled in it, you become philanthropic. You love human beings,
Speaker:you're loving yourself, you're being yourself, and you're knowing yourself.
Speaker:Because your epistemological knowledge of who you are revolves around what you
Speaker:value most. Your purpose,
Speaker:your teleological purpose revolves around what you value most. And,
Speaker:your ontological identity revolves around what you value most.
Speaker:So to know yourself, to love yourself, to be yourself, and to empower yourself,
Speaker:it's prioritizing your daily life. And if you do,
Speaker:you're not going to be caught in hedonism.
Speaker:You're going to be caught in long-term vision.
Speaker:That's one of the purposes of the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:to help you master your life, to help you go from survival to thrival,
Speaker:to help you go from the amygdala to the executive function,
Speaker:to help you not let impulses and instincts and things on the outside run your
Speaker:but to let the dreams and voice and the vision on the inside run your life.
Speaker:When I said that on The Secret in 2006 or 7, I said,
Speaker:when the voice and the vision on the inside is louder than all opinions on the
Speaker:outside, the external world, you've mastered your life.
Speaker:But if you're sitting there going into a mall and letting the impulse shopping
Speaker:run you and so-called retail therapy,
Speaker:if it's running your life and you're not going in there with a plan of what
Speaker:you're going to buy and you're just impulse buying,
Speaker:then the world around you is running you. You want to run you.
Speaker:Because you are going to basically be prioritizing what you want in life if
Speaker:you're going to be a master.
Speaker:So I just wanted to take some time to go over how hedonism is going to cost you
Speaker:long-term fulfillment, but how living by priority can help you have it.
Speaker:And why I tell people to do the Breakthrough Experience
Speaker:an enormous amounts of time.
Speaker:Why reinvent a wheel on the mastery of the skills and how to move from the
Speaker:hedonism to fulfillment and how to go from immediate gratification to long-term
Speaker:and how to go from survival to thrival and how to go from the world on the
Speaker:outside running you, as a slave, to you being running you, as a master.
Speaker:You know, if you see life on the way, you're masterful,
Speaker:if you see things in the way you're not.
Speaker:And if you're striving for that which is unobtainable and trying to avoid that
Speaker:which is unavoidable,
Speaker:you're going to live in futility and you're going to feel life's in the way.
Speaker:So that's why I tell people to come to the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:so they can transcend that mentality and give themselves permission to shine,
Speaker:not shrink. And to expand, not contract. And to radiate,
Speaker:not gravitate.
Speaker:And to actually go and pursue what's deeply meaningful to them instead of just
Speaker:surviving and letting impulses run their life. The impulses, as I said,
Speaker:are costly.
Speaker:So I wanted to take the time to go over the importance of living by design,
Speaker:not duty, and living by priority, not low priority, high priority,
Speaker:not low priority. And to live by the executive function, not the amygdala.
Speaker:So you can live as a human being,
Speaker:an angelic human being instead of an animal surviving in the fields
Speaker:trying to avoid predators and seeking prey all day long.
Speaker:So I just wanted to get that message across and I wanted to let you know how
Speaker:important it is and I hope you join me for the Breakthrough Experience because I
Speaker:really love transforming people's lives and helping people break through the
Speaker:boxes. If you're sitting there feeling you're sabotaging,
Speaker:feeling you have limited beliefs, feeling like you're holding yourself back,
Speaker:you feel that no matter what you do,
Speaker:you keep screwing it up and you're beating yourself up,
Speaker:that's a sign of trying to live by lower values and other people's values and
Speaker:not being authentic to you.
Speaker:Because when you're really back on priority and you're
Speaker:meaningful to you, you don't have those feelings, you're grateful for your life.
Speaker:The executive center is the gratitude center,
Speaker:but the amygdala is the seeking of immediate gratification because you're
Speaker:unfulfilled. And so that's why you get trapped.
Speaker:So if you want to get out of the trap and want to be free and you know,
Speaker:have foresight, not hindsight,
Speaker:and live by an expanded vision instead of a contracted frustration,
Speaker:come to the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:If you got something out of this little presentation I gave you here for these
Speaker:few minutes, I am certain that 24 hours with me is going to be mind blowing.
Speaker:I've been doing that program for over 34 years now, right at 34 years.
Speaker:And I've watched thousands of lives change and I've seen people break through
Speaker:And I was just doing a program this week on my Master Planning for Life program
Speaker:and there were some people there,
Speaker:it was about 65% of them had been to the Breakthrough Experience and there was a
Speaker:few that hadn't. And somebody who hadn't asked,
Speaker:well would this Breakthrough Experience make a difference in my life?
Speaker:And I just turned to the audience, I said,
Speaker:anybody here want to say anything about it? And all the hands went up,
Speaker:they all wanted to say, and they said, just do it. And I tell people that,
Speaker:just do it. Come, join me. As Richard Branson said, screw it,
Speaker:just do it.
Speaker:I really believe that if you want to make a difference and go to another level
Speaker:in your life,
Speaker:spending 24 hours at the Breakthrough Experience can help you do it.
Speaker:If you're ready to get past hedonism and get on with doing something and making
Speaker:a difference in life and having a bigger vision for your life, come and join me.
Speaker:24 hours at the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:it's impossible to come there without having a change in your trajectory.
Speaker:So I just wanted to share that.
Speaker:I appreciate you for joining me tonight or today or whatever time it is,
Speaker:and I look forward to seeing you next week. But more than anything,
Speaker:I look forward to seeing the Breakthrough Experience because then I can really
Speaker:make a difference in your life. And I love doing that. But be ready to work.
Speaker:It's not just a spectator program. It's not just the rah-rah program.
Speaker:It's not where you just sit and listen.
Speaker:You're going to actually break through things. I'm going to show you a method,
Speaker:the Demartini Method that's going to be valuable for the rest of your life and
Speaker:you're going to use it from there on out.
Speaker:I'm going to show you how to prioritize your life and organize it and give
Speaker:yourself empowerment again. Any area of your life you don't empower,
Speaker:other people are going to overpower you.
Speaker:So come and join me for 24 hours and watch what life change you're going to
Speaker:have, a new trajectory. So hedonism or long-term fulfillment,