When looking to hire a financial advisor, what are some of the things you need to be aware of?
Hiring the right financial advisor for you all comes down to knowing what you’re looking for, what you’re paying for, and whether the person you’re working with knows what they’re doing.
In this episode of the Secure Your Retirement podcast, we cover the 8 questions you need to know positive answers to from a potential financial advisor before hiring them.
In this episode, find out:
· Make a commitment to yourself to get your checkup done.
· List your objectives on the type of relationship that you want to have with a financial advisor.
· Ask questions – eight questions you need to know answers to from a potential financial advisor.
· Meet and sit down with the advisor you choose to hire to get to know them at a personal level.
· Ensure you get something in writing as far as a contract that states relevant terms.
· Understand the difference between a certification and a title.
Tweetable Quotes:
· “If you have a list built out in front of you, take that to your advisor meetings as you’re searching for that person to see if they match up to what you’re looking for.”- Murs Tariq
· “The number one reason why a person will leave their financial advisor has nothing to do with performance, it has everything to do with communication.” - Radon Stancil
If you are in or nearing retirement and you want to gain clarity on what questions you should be asking, learn what the biggest retirement myths are, and identify what you can do to achieve peace of mind for your retirement, get started today by requesting our complimentary video course, Four Steps to Secure Your Retirement!
To access the course, simply visit POMWealth.net/podcast.