While the technology enabling remote work has seen leaps and bounds in the last year, the foundations have been in place for far longer. In a time where the virtual workspace is more necessary than ever before, how much do we really understand it? In this episode, Mark Templeton shares his experience as a visionary in the virtualization space, insights on apps and the cloud’s development, and why remote work will continue to evolve.
Press play to hear Mark Templeton’s thoughts on…
Figuring Out the Future of Work
“Whether it was collaboration, software, or security or management or networking, video, different types of technologies, like voice to text, text to voice—we just imagined all the pieces that would need to be possible to enable work from anywhere.”
The Impact of Remote Work on People
“We talk a lot about technology, but technology is only as good as the people that adopt it. So as the pioneer behind the virtual workspace, how important do you think in-person collaboration is or human to human contact? Because taking human interaction away from even a work environment leaves a lot of questions about how you build a culture, how you share common values."
Returning to the Office
“What we found is that people overwhelmingly want to have the flexibility to work in a hybrid environment where they can choose what they want when they want. However, we've seen that productivity data and culture show that it's more effective if people are either altogether or all remote.”
We decided that work was not a
Speaker:place. If work is not a place
Speaker:and it's something that you need
Speaker:to be able to conduct from
Speaker:anywhere, then how do we define
Speaker:that? We imagined all the pieces
Speaker:that would need to be possible
Speaker:to enable work from anywhere.
Speaker:That's Mark Templeton, former
Speaker:President and CEO of Citrix
Speaker:Systems, an early pioneer in
Speaker:virtualization technology. Over
Speaker:20 years, Mark shaped the
Speaker:strategy, growth and execution
Speaker:at the company and helped grow
Speaker:Citrix from a young public
Speaker:company with only one product
Speaker:into a global software leader
Speaker:with annual revenues of more
Speaker:than three billion, and more
Speaker:than 100 million users worldwide.
Speaker:Mark is a visionary. Early on at
Speaker:Citrix, he saw how technology
Speaker:would change the way people work.
Speaker:Long before anyone coined the
Speaker:term "the future of work," he
Speaker:championed a vision for a
Speaker:software-defined virtual
Speaker:workplace that could make it
Speaker:possible for people to work from
Speaker:anywhere with an Internet
Speaker:connection. Today, Mark speaks
Speaker:widely about entrepreneurship
Speaker:and the future of work. In this
Speaker:episode, he shares insights from
Speaker:more than two decades in the
Speaker:technology sector, including how
Speaker:apps and the cloud have evolved.
Speaker:How to communicate a vision for
Speaker:digital change and execute it,
Speaker:and how the world of remote work
Speaker:will continue to evolve. This is
Speaker:Daniel Saks, co-CEO of AppDirect,
Speaker:and it's time to decode the
Speaker:future of the virtual workspace.
Speaker:Welcome to "Decoding Digital," a
Speaker:podcast for innovators looking
Speaker:to thrive in the digital economy.
Speaker:I'm your host, Daniel Saks, and
Speaker:I'll sit down with other
Speaker:founders, CEOs and changemakers
Speaker:to decode the trends that are
Speaker:transforming the way we work.
Speaker:Let's decode. Welcome, Mark.
Speaker:Thank you, Daniel. It's a joy to
Speaker:be with you here.
Speaker:Always fun to discuss. You are
Speaker:known as the person and the
Speaker:seminal visionary behind the
Speaker:concept of the virtual desktop
Speaker:and virtual workspace. At Citrix,
Speaker:you helped define a movement of
Speaker:a software-defined workspace.
Speaker:Today, I'm thrilled to decode
Speaker:that topic with you. If we can
Speaker:take our listeners past, present
Speaker:and future of the concept of the
Speaker:virtual workspace would love to
Speaker:get your original thoughts on
Speaker:what a virtual workspace would
Speaker:look like where we are today and
Speaker:where we're going.
Speaker:I'm not going to try to answer
Speaker:that in the single answer. I'd
Speaker:say, the roots of all of this
Speaker:were consistent with the roots
Speaker:of Citrix. Citrix began its
Speaker:life with the idea of remote
Speaker:access. It was when apps were
Speaker:fat, and pipes were thin,
Speaker:everything was dial-up. Working
Speaker:remotely was very difficult. You
Speaker:only worked remotely when you
Speaker:had to. Those that had to were
Speaker:people who travelled or sales
Speaker:people who didn't work in the
Speaker:office on a regular basis. The
Speaker:original technologies and ideas
Speaker:that launched Citrix were around
Speaker:enabling remote access. As time
Speaker:went on, the pipes got fatter.
Speaker:They always had latency issues.
Speaker:They were never quite fat enough.
Speaker:They got better all the time
Speaker:from dial-up to ISDN, to the
Speaker:Internet and so forth. Apps got
Speaker:more efficient and thin. That
Speaker:took a long time, from two-tier
Speaker:client server to three-tier
Speaker:client server to web apps, and
Speaker:so forth. Along the way, the
Speaker:whole idea of enabling remote
Speaker:offices, enabling people to work
Speaker:remotely, to be closer to their
Speaker:customers became more and more
Speaker:important for businesses to grow.
Speaker:We at Citrix were growing quite
Speaker:rapidly. I remember in the late '
Speaker:90s, we went public in 1995, we
Speaker:were about 15 million in revenue.
Speaker:Then the next year was 45
Speaker:million, the next year 125
Speaker:million, the next year 250
Speaker:million, the next year 400
Speaker:million. We broke through 400
Speaker:and 500 million, or so, and was
Speaker:mostly to enable remote
Speaker:access. We were doing a fair
Speaker:amount of business also
Speaker:delivering Windows desktops to
Speaker:non-Windows devices. Back in
Speaker:those days, you had thin clients,
Speaker:you had Unix workstations that
Speaker:were still very popular,
Speaker:Macintosh of course. We at
Speaker:Citrix had a challenge, it's
Speaker:like, "OK, we're the kings of
Speaker:promote access. What do we do
Speaker:for an Act Two?" That's when a
Speaker:lot of work went into reaching
Speaker:into our imaginations, talking
Speaker:to customers, talking to our
Speaker:partners, getting lots and lots
Speaker:of points of view. That then led
Speaker:us to imagine making the
Speaker:workplace completely virtual.
Speaker:When we asked ourselves that
Speaker:question, it led us to a lot of
Speaker:other adjacent capabilities.
Speaker:Remote access being one of them,
Speaker:but remote access to not only to
Speaker:applications, but to documents,
Speaker:to people, simultaneous slow
Speaker:access, so collaboration. It led
Speaker:to all of those ideas. It led to
Speaker:deep thinking about security
Speaker:issues when you had
Speaker:collaboration across companies
Speaker:and across business units and so
Speaker:forth. All of that then led us
Speaker:to make a video, because we
Speaker:couldn't describe it in any
Speaker:other way. We made a video
Speaker:called the Virtual Workplace,
Speaker:and we launched it in November
Speaker:of 2001 at our customer
Speaker:conference that we, in those
Speaker:days, called iForum. It was our
Speaker:best shot at imagining what a
Speaker:fully virtual workplace would be,
Speaker:and what its value would be.
Speaker:That's the key thing, Daniel,
Speaker:that we were focused on, and
Speaker:that is, what problems does this
Speaker:solve for customers and
Speaker:therefore would cause them to
Speaker:want to buy it and buy into our
Speaker:The vision of remote access and
Speaker:then the idea of the virtual
Speaker:workspace was very novel at the
Speaker:time. You've used words like
Speaker:imagination and deep thinking to
Speaker:come up with something that was
Speaker:a meaningful transformation.
Speaker:Speak to your philosophy on the
Speaker:importance of imagination and
Speaker:deep work to truly innovate work
Speaker:transformational endeavors.
Speaker:It's a great question.
Speaker:First of all, imagination roots
Speaker:itself in each person's child.
Speaker:Some of us are better at being
Speaker:comfortable with our child
Speaker:within us, and some of us are
Speaker:less comfortable with it. A
Speaker:child-like mind also relates
Speaker:to being a student and being
Speaker:curious and being interested in
Speaker:the unknown. That's something
Speaker:that, I don't know, it's in my
Speaker:DNA I suppose, that I studied
Speaker:product design when I went to
Speaker:university. It was all about the
Speaker:creative process and finding
Speaker:those ideas within your child
Speaker:self. If you think about it,
Speaker:children, they don't know what
Speaker:they don't know, and they
Speaker:imagine the impossible because
Speaker:they don't know what's
Speaker:impossible. That's where these
Speaker:ideas root themselves. A lot of
Speaker:people in tech are gifted with
Speaker:this capability, and why we have
Speaker:so much invention and so much
Speaker:trial and error, because that's
Speaker:another characteristic of being
Speaker:comfortable with your child that, "
Speaker:If I'm wrong, how bad is that?
Speaker:That's not the worst thing in
Speaker:the world. If I'm wrong, I'll
Speaker:have learned something." What's
Speaker:Edison's quote that was so
Speaker:fantastic? It took him 65,
Speaker:000 tries to figure
Speaker:out what one-way would work, or
Speaker:something like that.
Speaker:Right, yeah.
Speaker:That's a very child-centered
Speaker:thinking and where imagination
Speaker:roots itself. It also roots
Speaker:itself in what I call the analog
Speaker:brain, which is right here, your
Speaker:heart. It's the adult part of
Speaker:your persona, it's more digital.
Speaker:It's more about what do I need.
Speaker:It's calculating. It's rational.
Speaker:The analog part of your brain,
Speaker:the limbic part of your brain,
Speaker:is much more about what you want,
Speaker:what you desire. Much more of
Speaker:what you'd hear from a child.
Speaker:Being comfortable with both of
Speaker:those things and mediating them
Speaker:is where the source of
Speaker:imagination is, and where
Speaker:invention and disruptive
Speaker:invention comes from.
Speaker:I know you're a fan of Dr. Seuss,
Speaker:as am I.
Speaker:Are there other inspirations you
Speaker:have to tap into your child self?
Speaker:I've never been asked that
Speaker:question before. It's probably
Speaker:the number one inspiration, in
Speaker:that sense has been my children.
Speaker:My children have always been an
Speaker:inspiration for me. They've
Speaker:always loved all the gadgets
Speaker:that I would bring home. The
Speaker:interesting thing about it is,
Speaker:I'd bring something home. I'd
Speaker:explain to them how it worked.
Speaker:They had no interest in how it
Speaker:worked. They only wanted to know
Speaker:what it could do. That's the
Speaker:difference between a child's
Speaker:mind. It's like, "What can it do?
Speaker:What can it do? How can you make
Speaker:me better? Is it fun? Does it
Speaker:have potential energy?" etc.
Speaker:versus how it actually worked.
Speaker:I'd say, my children were
Speaker:definitely an inspiration.
Speaker:Another big inspiration in that
Speaker:regard in my life was my mom,
Speaker:who's an artist. She always
Speaker:believed that the most powerful
Speaker:thing you could ever be was
Speaker:yourself. The worst thing you
Speaker:could ever say to my mom was, "I
Speaker:wanted to do something because
Speaker:someone else was doing it." She
Speaker:never wanted me, or any of my
Speaker:brothers and sisters to be
Speaker:followers. It's like, "No, I
Speaker:want to know what you want. I
Speaker:want to know what's on your mind."
Speaker:She was very much an artist, and
Speaker:very much in her child. Even at
Speaker:89 years old, she's still that
Speaker:way, I'd say.
Speaker:It's fantastic. On Decoding
Speaker:Digital, we speak to digital
Speaker:transformation stories, and
Speaker:those who bring new products to
Speaker:market. The invention or the
Speaker:vision of this virtual workspace
Speaker:laid the groundwork for most of
Speaker:the disruptive innovation that
Speaker:exists today, whether it's in
Speaker:the software as a service world,
Speaker:the platform as a service world.
Speaker:Maybe, taking this example of
Speaker:imagination and childlike
Speaker:thinking, take us to the moment
Speaker:where you came up with a concept
Speaker:of saying, "We're going to go
Speaker:from remote access to creating a
Speaker:virtual desktop or workspace."
Speaker:I wish I could tell you that it
Speaker:was a childlike imagination
Speaker:process. The fact of the matter
Speaker:is, when we looked forward, and
Speaker:as a public company serving a
Speaker:lot of customers, we had a lot
Speaker:of business partners, a lot of
Speaker:employees and out of great
Speaker:respect for all of them, our
Speaker:role is to look into the future,
Speaker:and have a future, and
Speaker:chart a future. That was one of
Speaker:our core jobs for our customers
Speaker:and partners. We felt like, "Gee,
Speaker:we're not doing our job if we
Speaker:don't come up with an Act Two."
Speaker:This was out of necessity, to be
Speaker:honest. We knew we had to
Speaker:challenge ourselves to create
Speaker:headroom, and a future for the
Speaker:company. As I said earlier, we
Speaker:talk to a lot of people. In the
Speaker:end it got down to being a very
Speaker:small group getting together on
Speaker:a whiteboard and writing down
Speaker:what our ideas and beliefs were.
Speaker:One of those was a saying that
Speaker:been repeated often now for a
Speaker:lot of years that we decided
Speaker:that work was not a place. If
Speaker:work is not a place, and it's
Speaker:something that you need to be
Speaker:able to conduct from anywhere,
Speaker:then, how do we define that?
Speaker:Then, we drew Venn diagrams and
Speaker:put different types of software,
Speaker:whether it was collaboration
Speaker:software, or security, or
Speaker:management, or networking, video,
Speaker:different types of technologies
Speaker:like voice-to-text, text-to-
Speaker:voice. We just imagined all the
Speaker:pieces that would need to be
Speaker:possible to enable work from
Speaker:anywhere. We were doing all of
Speaker:that, because we knew we had to
Speaker:do some new things in order to
Speaker:continue to grow and add value
Speaker:for our customers. That was the
Speaker:source of it. Obviously, it did
Speaker:require imagination, as well.
Speaker:Interestingly enough, a couple
Speaker:of us on the Citrix executive
Speaker:team had been Apple dealers in
Speaker:part of our prior career. I had
Speaker:been an Apple dealer. I had a
Speaker:dealership in Williamsburg,
Speaker:Virginia. Dave Jones, who was
Speaker:also on the team, had an Apple
Speaker:dealer in Cape Town, South
Speaker:Africa. I looked over to Dave,
Speaker:and I said, "Hey, Dave, do you
Speaker:remember Apple's knowledge
Speaker:navigator video?" He yells, "
Speaker:Yeah, man, wasn't that great?" I
Speaker:said, "Yeah. We need to create
Speaker:our version of the knowledge
Speaker:navigator. Take all these ideas,
Speaker:and package them that way, so we
Speaker:could share them." That's what
Speaker:led to the video. That's what
Speaker:led to the idea that work is not
Speaker:a place. That is what led to the
Speaker:whole notion of a virtual
Speaker:workplace. All the enablers of
Speaker:that, which turned out to be
Speaker:software, mostly all software,
Speaker:obviously supported by the right
Speaker:hardware. Then, we felt that
Speaker:customers were very locked in
Speaker:to various applications,
Speaker:networks, devices, etc. When we
Speaker:made the video, it expressed our
Speaker:point of view that customers
Speaker:shouldn't be locked into any
Speaker:particular device, or network,
Speaker:or place to work, etc. Device
Speaker:independence was an important
Speaker:idea on the whiteboard, as well
Speaker:as new devices like, now we have
Speaker:in the video there's a device
Speaker:that's a lot like a Microsoft
Speaker:Surface Duo like this, except,
Speaker:instead of having screens just
Speaker:on the inside, it had one more
Speaker:screen on the outside that gave
Speaker:you contextual information that
Speaker:would then lead you inside the
Speaker:device. There was a lot of
Speaker:imagination. We had to let it
Speaker:loose, so that we could find
Speaker:whitespace to grow into.
Speaker:How has your definition of
Speaker:virtual workplace evolved over
Speaker:the years?
Speaker:The way it's evolved is, I would
Speaker:say, from being very much an
Speaker:outcome and capability-based
Speaker:thing driven by technology to
Speaker:understanding that there are
Speaker:tremendous cultural and human
Speaker:issues to a workplace that's
Speaker:fully virtual. By the way, I
Speaker:don't pretend to understand it
Speaker:at this point. We're all in the
Speaker:midst of a giant beta test of
Speaker:that. There'll be plenty of
Speaker:research both by professionals
Speaker:and by companies trying to
Speaker:figure out, do we want people to
Speaker:go back to the office? Do we not
Speaker:want people to go back to the
Speaker:office? Do we want them back
Speaker:part of the time? If so, why?
Speaker:My understanding, or my thinking
Speaker:on it is evolving along with the
Speaker:pandemic, with an understanding
Speaker:that there are a tremendous
Speaker:number of cultural, human and
Speaker:even mental wellness aspects to
Speaker:the workplace and the notion of
Speaker:making it virtual.
Speaker:We talk a lot about technology,
Speaker:but technology is only as good
Speaker:as the people that adopt it. You
Speaker:seem to me as a very human
Speaker:leader. As a pioneer behind the
Speaker:virtual workspace and the
Speaker:concept of remote access, how
Speaker:important do you think in-person
Speaker:collaboration is or human-to-
Speaker:human contact?
Speaker:It's extremely important. The
Speaker:question is, does it lead to
Speaker:breakthroughs that you wouldn't
Speaker:otherwise get, because taking
Speaker:human interaction away from even
Speaker:a work environment leaves a lot
Speaker:of question about how you build
Speaker:a culture, how you share common
Speaker:values, etc. By the way, these
Speaker:are all areas for invention and
Speaker:innovation that we're going to
Speaker:see explode over the next few
Speaker:years. We see what has been
Speaker:done with video platforms of all
Speaker:types. Obviously, Zoom has got
Speaker:an amazing response from the
Speaker:world at large. There'll be lots
Speaker:of invention that'll fill in
Speaker:some of these gaps, but in the
Speaker:end, that human-to-human contact
Speaker:and presence is essential to
Speaker:long lasting deeper types of
Speaker:relationships. On the other
Speaker:hand, I'm not sure that virtual
Speaker:organizations and experiences
Speaker:prevent invention and innovation.
Speaker:From a mental wellness
Speaker:perspective, it's important.
Speaker:There may be a little evidence
Speaker:of that if you look at history,
Speaker:there are people who work in
Speaker:remote offices, either by
Speaker:themselves or in a very small
Speaker:group, and they hate it. They
Speaker:learned to hate it, and it's
Speaker:because they themselves have a
Speaker:craving for more interaction.
Speaker:Then, there are those who
Speaker:absolutely love it and wouldn't
Speaker:work in an office environment if
Speaker:they had to. Those are facts
Speaker:about people, and that says
Speaker:something to me. It says that
Speaker:some people are cut out, either
Speaker:because of their personalities,
Speaker:what they do in terms of their
Speaker:skill sets, etc., where they
Speaker:like the solitude and what they
Speaker:get from the solitude. Then
Speaker:there are other people who, and
Speaker:I'll put myself in that category,
Speaker:I'm energized by others. I need
Speaker:others to provide energy to me.
Speaker:When I'm with others, that's
Speaker:where I'm most creative and most
Speaker:imaginative, and I'm enjoying
Speaker:myself most.
Speaker:We've looked at a lot of
Speaker:productivity data of all remote
Speaker:work versus all in-person
Speaker:collaboration. Then we've also
Speaker:done a lot of surveying of our
Speaker:teams and our merchants to see
Speaker:if they would rather worked in
Speaker:person or remote. What we found
Speaker:is that people overwhelmingly
Speaker:want to have the flexibility to
Speaker:work in a hybrid environment
Speaker:where they can choose what they
Speaker:want, when they want. However,
Speaker:we've seen that productivity
Speaker:data and culture show that it's
Speaker:more effective if people are
Speaker:either all together or all
Speaker:remote, so there could be an
Speaker:even playing field for people to
Speaker:collaborate. Do you have a
Speaker:perspective on how that evolves?
Speaker:Yeah, I do. My perspective is,
Speaker:most people want the world to be
Speaker:binary. It's a zero or a one.
Speaker:The fact of the matter, most of
Speaker:the world is in between. It's
Speaker:not black or white, it's gray.
Speaker:People generally want binary
Speaker:answers to this question. It's a
Speaker:black or a white, a zero or a
Speaker:one. The answer here happens to
Speaker:be gray, because this depends
Speaker:upon the business you're talking
Speaker:about, the work that people are
Speaker:doing, the generational aspects
Speaker:of the workforce. I'm a baby
Speaker:boomer. My children are
Speaker:millennials. Then you have the X
Speaker:and the Y Gen, and so forth.
Speaker:It's a complicated question to
Speaker:have a singular answer. What's
Speaker:likely is that younger
Speaker:generations are much more
Speaker:comfortable because they were
Speaker:born digital, and much more
Speaker:comfortable with the digital
Speaker:experience and in some ways
Speaker:prefer it and are very
Speaker:productive in it. The opposite
Speaker:is true for older guys like me.
Speaker:I learned digital. I wasn't born
Speaker:digital. I was part of the
Speaker:digital revolution, which has
Speaker:been an amazing personal journey.
Speaker:I don't think there's an answer
Speaker:to that question that can be
Speaker:expressed in a definitive way.
Speaker:This is where each company is
Speaker:going to have to examine the
Speaker:workforce itself, the culture of
Speaker:the company, the work that
Speaker:people are doing, and then how
Speaker:they want to reinforce their
Speaker:culture and make sure that they
Speaker:put a set of policies together
Speaker:that make all of that work for
Speaker:them as a business. Peak
Speaker:productivity, I'm not sure
Speaker:that's the goal. You can't run
Speaker:a car at its peak power output
Speaker:for a long time. You can for
Speaker:some period of time. Peak
Speaker:productivity is often enabled
Speaker:by time where there's solitude,
Speaker:and time when there's to reflect,
Speaker:and time to learn from others
Speaker:and listen, and some of those
Speaker:other activities that are harder
Speaker:to do in an office environment
Speaker:where people feel like they're
Speaker:under a microscope.
Speaker:At AppDirect, our mission is to
Speaker:make technology universally
Speaker:accessible so anyone can thrive
Speaker:in the digital economy. The
Speaker:concept of universal technology
Speaker:came from universal healthcare
Speaker:in Canada where I'm from, or
Speaker:other countries, where everyone
Speaker:has the right to have this
Speaker:access. In the consumer world,
Speaker:we've made a lot of progress
Speaker:where probably a few billion
Speaker:people now are connected, have
Speaker:access. However, in the business
Speaker:world, we're far from
Speaker:democratizing technology. There
Speaker:is huge inequalities between the
Speaker:companies that can afford masses
Speaker:of IT and none. Software-as-a-
Speaker:Service was a great start to
Speaker:offer a subscription-based model
Speaker:where more businesses can access
Speaker:these tools at a lower cost, but
Speaker:I still think we're at the
Speaker:beginning of that journey. Can
Speaker:you comment on how long you
Speaker:think it will take for these
Speaker:technologies to be democratized
Speaker:so an individual can have access
Speaker:to tools to make them thrive?
Speaker:When you were talking about the
Speaker:AppDirect mission and point of
Speaker:view, I couldn't help, but think
Speaker:of, at Citrix we invented a
Speaker:protocol called ICA. Originally
Speaker:it stood for, you know what, I
Speaker:can't remember because as CEO, I
Speaker:changed the meaning of it to
Speaker:Independent Computing
Speaker:Architecture. When we talked
Speaker:about our mission as a company,
Speaker:we said it also stood for
Speaker:information citizenship for all.
Speaker:It was because the receiver
Speaker:could run on the crappiest
Speaker:little screen that you could
Speaker:find anywhere in the world, and
Speaker:we felt that that architecture,
Speaker:that approach would be the
Speaker:method to democratize computing.
Speaker:Frankly, someone who's listening
Speaker:to this will say, "Yeah, it's
Speaker:like going back to the mainframe."
Speaker:Because right now, if you take
Speaker:the aggregate total of several
Speaker:hundred nodes of the hyper-scale
Speaker:clouds with the network that
Speaker:connects them together, we have
Speaker:something called the worldwide
Speaker:computer. All you need is a
Speaker:Chromebook or something that
Speaker:runs a browser, and you can
Speaker:access most of the world's
Speaker:knowledge. In fact, you can
Speaker:access most of the world's
Speaker:applications, if not all of the
Speaker:world's applications. We have
Speaker:the means at this point. The
Speaker:question is now how does that
Speaker:play out. Obviously, it's got a
Speaker:lot to do with economics. There
Speaker:are a number of initiatives that
Speaker:have been tried over the years
Speaker:to change the economics of a
Speaker:client-side device. We, at
Speaker:Citrix, participated in many of
Speaker:those initiatives because of our
Speaker:belief in information
Speaker:citizenship for all. Probably
Speaker:the answer is that people in the
Speaker:world that can't yet afford it,
Speaker:those economies have to improve
Speaker:enough to where the devices will
Speaker:be within the reach of people to
Speaker:then democratize computing. P.S.
Speaker:if we zoom out, my point of view
Speaker:is that today, a lot of people
Speaker:will use the term Third World
Speaker:versus First World or Western
Speaker:versus developing. In most
Speaker:cases, what you're referring to
Speaker:as the Western World is under
Speaker:500 years old in the sense of
Speaker:being the dominant GDP in the
Speaker:world. What we're referring to
Speaker:as the developing world were
Speaker:historically the world's largest
Speaker:economies. They're trying to re-
Speaker:emerge because the so-called
Speaker:Western World we've been living
Speaker:so far above average for so long,
Speaker:we're being pulled down to the
Speaker:mean, while the world that is re-
Speaker:emerging, they're being pulled
Speaker:up to the mean. Think of the
Speaker:economies around the world where
Speaker:people still feel blessed to
Speaker:have a form of transportation,
Speaker:to have a roof over their head,
Speaker:to educate their children, to
Speaker:eat three meals a day, or even
Speaker:two meals a day. We have such an
Speaker:under appreciation for that in
Speaker:the US, and in most so-called
Speaker:Western economies. That's part
Speaker:of the struggle. Part of the
Speaker:struggle that's going on is
Speaker:we're tending more toward the
Speaker:mean, and going in fits and
Speaker:starts. Other economies are
Speaker:ascending and enabling citizens
Speaker:to have some of the fundamental
Speaker:things that humans need. If you
Speaker:were sitting on Mars with a
Speaker:telescope, that's probably what
Speaker:you'd be observing, along with
Speaker:other things.
Speaker:It's a fascinating observation.
Speaker:What's emerging today, to your
Speaker:point, is this digital divide,
Speaker:where you have a digital world
Speaker:versus an analogue world. Those
Speaker:that have access to the tools,
Speaker:the information, to the capital,
Speaker:in order to leverage technology,
Speaker:to increase GDP and to be able
Speaker:to make for themselves. In order
Speaker:to create more equity, there
Speaker:probably needs to be more effort
Speaker:to providing that access.
Speaker:I'm a huge believer in Darwin,
Speaker:in the sense that humans have a
Speaker:capacity to achieve. They're so
Speaker:resilient in spite of crazy
Speaker:obstacles. I had fun for a
Speaker:little over a year running a
Speaker:cloud company called Digital
Speaker:Ocean. We had 12 data centers
Speaker:around the world. Two thirds of
Speaker:our business was outside the US,
Speaker:Daniel. If you looked at the
Speaker:data we had about our developers
Speaker:and our customers, over 60
Speaker:percent of them were self-taught.
Speaker:They taught themselves to code.
Speaker:They were in India, and Brazil,
Speaker:and China, and throughout Asia,
Speaker:and Eastern Europe. They would
Speaker:tell us the stories about their
Speaker:lives. We wanted to know. We
Speaker:wanted to know them. They would
Speaker:talk about going to school, and
Speaker:going home, and mom and dad.
Speaker:They wanted to know, what did
Speaker:they study in science and in
Speaker:math, and technology that day.
Speaker:It was a hugely important topic.
Speaker:Whatever assets they had,
Speaker:probably not the kind of laptop
Speaker:that you and I are sitting in
Speaker:front of. They were focused on a
Speaker:STEM type education as a high
Speaker:priority. They are the next
Speaker:generation of digital
Speaker:entrepreneurs. We forecast that
Speaker:in 2025, there'll be 100 million
Speaker:people that could code whether
Speaker:at most self-taught, and using
Speaker:cloud services to invent digital
Speaker:businesses. I'll add my more
Speaker:editorial comment. These are
Speaker:countries that either missed the
Speaker:Industrial Revolution, or were
Speaker:victims of the Industrial
Speaker:Revolution. My editorial is,
Speaker:somebody there's thinking, "OK,
Speaker:we missed that. We were a victim
Speaker:of the Industrial Revolution.
Speaker:We're not going to miss the
Speaker:digital revolution."
Speaker:Fascinating perspective. Mark,
Speaker:thank you so much for joining me.
Speaker:I'm so excited that we've
Speaker:covered a range of topics. As a
Speaker:closing bit of wisdom, what
Speaker:piece of advice would you have
Speaker:for listeners today who are
Speaker:looking to transform themselves
Speaker:and their businesses for the
Speaker:benefit of tomorrow?
Speaker:I'd say the one bit of advice
Speaker:would be, if you see a
Speaker:problem, I want you to get up
Speaker:from wherever you're sitting and
Speaker:run to the bathroom. The reason
Speaker:I want you to run to the
Speaker:bathroom is because there's a
Speaker:mirror. I want you to look in
Speaker:that mirror with the utmost of
Speaker:honesty, I'd say brutal honesty,
Speaker:and decide whether you are the
Speaker:problem, or you're part of the
Speaker:solution. The reason I'm giving
Speaker:that advice is I find that a lot
Speaker:of people are unwilling to
Speaker:consider themselves to be the
Speaker:problem and are not good at
Speaker:introspection. Introspection and
Speaker:people who are deeply
Speaker:introspective end up not only
Speaker:knowing themselves best, they're
Speaker:able to collaborate and find
Speaker:people that make them better.
Speaker:They know what pieces they're
Speaker:missing, and what pieces to add
Speaker:to themselves.
Speaker:It's so powerful. Mark, I want
Speaker:to thank you again. You've been
Speaker:an incredible leader and a great
Speaker:mentor to me. Those words of
Speaker:wisdom are so powerful. Thanks
Speaker:again for joining us on the
Speaker:podcast and hope to catch up
Speaker:again soon.
Speaker:Likewise, Daniel. This has been
Speaker:so much fun. I want to thank you
Speaker:for having me as your guest. I
Speaker:look forward to staying in touch.
Speaker:I love what you're doing at
Speaker:On the next episode of Decoding
Speaker:There's always this fear within
Speaker:organizations of not hiring IBM,
Speaker:of not going to the blue chip
Speaker:that is already available and
Speaker:existent, and betting on a
Speaker:player that may not be around.
Speaker:A couple of months or years from
Speaker:now, you'll need that backing
Speaker:that Halo from the leadership of
Speaker:the sea level to say, "You know
Speaker:what, we want you to do that
Speaker:because that's kind of what
Speaker:change will look like for us.
Speaker:That's what's going to make us
Speaker:competitive five years from now."
Speaker:Founding partner of La Famiglia,
Speaker:Jeannette zu Furstenberg.
Speaker:Thanks for listening to "
Speaker:Decoding Digital." Make sure you
Speaker:never miss an episode by
Speaker:subscribing to the show in your
Speaker:favorite podcast player. To
Speaker:learn more, visit
Speaker:decodingdigital.com. Until next