The quality of your life is based on the quality and quantity of the actions you take. When will you give yourself permission to take action towards your inspired destiny?
Discover how you can take inspired action towards your heartfelt dreams in 2023 and beyond. Whenever you take action when you're inspired, you bring order to the chaos that may appear to surround you.
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But people who don't know what their hierarchy values are,
Speaker:don't know what's really highest on their values, and then they say,
Speaker:well, I will do this, they're going to procrastinate,
Speaker:hesitate and frustrate because it's not really important to them.
Speaker:This week the title is, If Not Now, When Were You Going to Take Action?
Speaker:And so this is addressing the reasons why people don't do what they say,
Speaker:they're not walking their talk.
Speaker:And this is an important topic because many people
Speaker:don't realize that there's a reason why they're not acting.
Speaker:And I'd like to address that today.
Speaker:And so if you have something to write with and write on,
Speaker:that would be fantastic.
Speaker:And there's no way I can do this topic justice without addressing
Speaker:values. I do this almost every presentation because
Speaker:behavior and foundation of all human action.
Speaker:So no matter what your background is, your culture, your age,
Speaker:your gender spectrum,
Speaker:at any one moment you're living by a set of priorities, a set of values.
Speaker:And this set of values is determining how you perceive the world,
Speaker:what you decide in the world, and how you act in the world.
Speaker:So the hierarchy of your values dictates your destiny,
Speaker:what you're reliable on and what you're not reliable on.
Speaker:In this set of values, hierarchy of values, the higher you go up,
Speaker:the more intrinsic it becomes and the lower you go down that list of values,
Speaker:the more extrinsic it becomes. What I mean by intrinsic, I mean that it's,
Speaker:you identify by it and you spontaneously are inspired to take actions on it.
Speaker:But as you go down you require more and more motivation because you don't
Speaker:identify with it. Our highest value,
Speaker:our ontological identity revolves around.
Speaker:So if you ask a mother who has the highest value is her children and being a
Speaker:mother, you ask her, who are you? She'll say, I'm a mother.
Speaker:You take an entrepreneur and his highest value is business,
Speaker:even though he may have three kids, he'll still say, I'm an entrepreneur.
Speaker:More so than he'll say a dad, because his highest value is building business.
Speaker:So our identity revolves around what we value most,
Speaker:and whatever's highest on our value,
Speaker:we spontaneously are inspired from within to fulfill it.
Speaker:My highest value is teaching. I spontaneously do teaching every day,
Speaker:seven days a week. So I don't procrastinate,
Speaker:hesitate and frustrate in my highest values,
Speaker:but I procrastinate and hesitate and frustrate probably in my lower,
Speaker:I don't cook, I don't drive, I don't do a lot of administrative stuff.
Speaker:Anything that's low on my values, you'd have to motivate me to do it.
Speaker:And the same for you.
Speaker:And if you require motivation to do what you say is important,
Speaker:what you say important isn't important.
Speaker:You don't need motivation for doing what is really inspiring to you.
Speaker:You spontaneously do it. It's like a kid with his video game.
Speaker:If he loves his video games, he spontaneously does it.
Speaker:He doesn't have a mom saying, now Johnny,
Speaker:stop your chores and do your video games. He spontaneously does the video games,
Speaker:but you might have to motivate him, you know, punishment if you don't do it,
Speaker:reward if you do it,
Speaker:on chores and homework and cleaning his room.
Speaker:So anything you require motivation extrinsically on is low on
Speaker:your values.
Speaker:Anything that you're spontaneously inspired from
Speaker:So when somebody says, if not now, when will you take action?
Speaker:It's not because you're a lazy person,
Speaker:it's not because you're somehow procrastinate on things
Speaker:that are really important to you. And many people get falsely labeled.
Speaker:They compare themselves to other people, they inject the values of others,
Speaker:they cloud the clarity of their own, they lose sight of who they are,
Speaker:they expect themselves to live in these values that aren't really important to
Speaker:them, but they think they are,
Speaker:because they have a fantasy about I want to be like that person because they're
Speaker:minimizing themselves to somebody and then they end up confusing themselves
Speaker:and then labeling themselves, oh, I'm a procrastinator.
Speaker:I can't seem to get around whatever I say I just don't do.
Speaker:And that's not true.
Speaker:It may be true for something that's not important to you.
Speaker:Please everybody get this, may want to write it down;
Speaker:that you are designed to procrastinate,
Speaker:hesitate and frustrate on things that are low on your value.
Speaker:You are designed to not stay focused on that,
Speaker:because what's really important to you, where your identity is,
Speaker:where your authenticity is, is what you're really committed to.
Speaker:So I'm going to procrastinate, hesitate,
Speaker:frustrate on pretty well anything other than teach, research, and write.
Speaker:But teach, research and write I spontaneously do.
Speaker:You know, I research and write at the same time and I or I teach.
Speaker:So I don't need to be motivated to do that.
Speaker:So if I pursue what's really important to me,
Speaker:I don't run the story that I keep procrastinating, I keep sabotaging,
Speaker:I can't stay focused. What's wrong with me? I got limited beliefs.
Speaker:All that is, in my opinion, crap.
Speaker:Those are labels put on people
Speaker:because they don't understand human values.
Speaker:Every weekend when I teach the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:pretty well every weekend,
Speaker:I got people saying to themselves and labeling themselves, I'm a procrastinator.
Speaker:I go, okay,
Speaker:we identify what their values are and they're not procrastinating in their
Speaker:highest values.
Speaker:They procrastinate in a value that's not important to them but they think it
Speaker:should be. And so they're beating themselves up
Speaker:why am I not staying focused? Because it's not important to you.
Speaker:And you don't really want to appreciate that.
Speaker:You want to basically live in the fantasy you're supposed to be living under
Speaker:some other person's value systems.
Speaker:Anytime you try to live under somebody else's value systems,
Speaker:you're going to have futility, frustration, procrastination, hesitation.
Speaker:Because it's not you an your mind and body is designed
Speaker:to do exactly that, to not pursue something that's not important to you.
Speaker:And so you don't want to label yourself on that.
Speaker:You want to understand what your values are.
Speaker:That's why on my website I have a Value Determination process,
Speaker:it's complimentary, free.
Speaker:Because a lot of people are labeling themselves with all kind of
Speaker:labels. You know,
Speaker:I've had kids that come in with labels that are attention deficit disorder,
Speaker:but they can stay for seven hours nonstop with total focus on their video games
Speaker:or on their social media, because what's really valuable to them,
Speaker:they don't have procrastination, they don't have attention deficit.
Speaker:But on things that are at school and things that they don't perceive helping
Speaker:them fulfill what's important to them, they put that label on them,
Speaker:and then teachers and counselors and psychologists
Speaker:love to project those labels.
Speaker:They can sell drugs to them or they can sell therapy to them,
Speaker:they can sell whatever to them and they don't have to be accountable to actually
Speaker:communicate in the child's values and identify the child's values and find out
Speaker:where the child's really inspired.
Speaker:I had a young boy who was absolutely in love with trains,
Speaker:and he had hyperactivity and was running back and forth, back and forth,
Speaker:back and forth in the room. And I asked him a question, I asked his mom,
Speaker:what is it that he can do for hours nonstop without the hyperactivity?
Speaker:And she says,
Speaker:put a model train together or read some magazine on a train or something.
Speaker:And I said, what's the longest train you've ever seen in your life to the kid?
Speaker:He stopped his running and he said 300 and something cars.
Speaker:What was the ratio of the different types of flatbed cars or box cars
Speaker:or tanker cars and stuff like that. And he started to get a an idea.
Speaker:And the second I got him engaged in something that was important to him,
Speaker:all of his hyperactivity symptoms disappeared. He was literally calm,
Speaker:centered and answering questions. So watch out for labels.
Speaker:I procrastinate, hesitate and frustrate anything that's not important to me.
Speaker:That's not a mistake, that's not a weakness.
Speaker:But people who don't know what their hierarchy values are,
Speaker:don't know what's really highest on their values and then they say,
Speaker:well I will do this, they're going to procrastinate,
Speaker:hesitate and frustrated because it's not really important to them.
Speaker:And sometimes they minimize themselves to other people and think,
Speaker:I don't want to let them down so I will go ahead and say yes to them because I
Speaker:don't want to be rejected. And then they'll put themselves in this trap,
Speaker:which is a self-defeating cycle.
Speaker:Because now they've committed to something that's not really important to them
Speaker:that they're not getting around spontaneously doing,
Speaker:and then they now feel beat up about it,
Speaker:which then makes them go further into their amygdala,
Speaker:which further focuses them on pleasure over pain and then they end up
Speaker:getting into this label and then feeling self depreciated.
Speaker:Anytime you're not focusing and taking action on the highest priority actions,
Speaker:and not pursuing what's really important to you,
Speaker:you're designed to beat yourself up. You're designed to have those symptoms.
Speaker:Put your hierarchy values together, highest to lowest, in the highest values,
Speaker:you're discipline, reliable and focused, in the lower values you procrastinate,
Speaker:hesitate, frustrate.
Speaker:So you'll spontaneously take action in your highest value if you're setting a
Speaker:goal that's really congruent with who you are.
Speaker:But you will hesitate and not take action and come up with excuses,
Speaker:because you're not willing to embrace the pains and pleasures in the pursuit of
Speaker:something that's not really important to you.
Speaker:So I'm clear on this process,
Speaker:I watch people beat themselves up constantly,
Speaker:and then we find out what really is important to them and then they go,
Speaker:well I don't procrastinate there, I'm reliable there. Exactly.
Speaker:I have a former girlfriend that loves working out,
Speaker:she was involved in sports from a young age and
Speaker:doesn't miss a day working out. She will find,
Speaker:even if it's only 30 minutes during a lunch period,
Speaker:she'll go find out how to go run 30 minutes and come back
Speaker:because it's highest on her value, her fitness.
Speaker:But something really low on her values, not going to do it.
Speaker:I have another friend who's involved in singing and acting and she's amazing,
Speaker:and she doesn't procrastinate when it comes to the the gig that she's about to
Speaker:do. She's there on time, she's there, she takes action,
Speaker:she makes it happen and amazing skills in a short period of time just turns on.
Speaker:But things that aren't really important to her,
Speaker:you can't rely on her to be there. You can't rely on her to be on time.
Speaker:And that's not because there's some flaw in her, that's because it's her values.
Speaker:So beware of the labels that you put on yourself and other people put on
Speaker:you because people project their values onto you and then they
Speaker:expect you to live in their values and then they label you when what they
Speaker:think should be important isn't important to you.
Speaker:And they'll come up to you and said, you should be doing this,
Speaker:you ought to be doing this, you need to be doing this,
Speaker:you're supposed to be doing this.
Speaker:Anytime you hear yourself saying I got to do this, I have to do this,
Speaker:I must do this, I should do this, I ought to do this, I'm supposed to do this,
Speaker:I need to do this - it ain't you.
Speaker:You're expecting yourself to do something that's not important to you and you're
Speaker:injecting some value of some authority, some super ego as Freud called,
Speaker:and you're now expecting yourself to live outside what your values
Speaker:are, which is self-defeating. Now you're going to label yourself,
Speaker:now you're going to beat yourself up. Now you're going to hesitate.
Speaker:So don't waste your time on goals that aren't really important.
Speaker:This happens every New Year's.
Speaker:People end up overeating during Christmas and overspending during Christmas and
Speaker:then set this New Year's resolution,
Speaker:I'm going to eat less and I'm going to save my money.
Speaker:And all it is is they just for a couple weeks overspend and over ate.
Speaker:And so in a couple weeks,
Speaker:once you go back to your normal routine and you start to lose your weight and
Speaker:you start regaining your income,
Speaker:you peter out on the the objective because it's not really important to you,
Speaker:it just temporarily looked like it was because you felt,
Speaker:you looked in the mirror and you kind of pigged out and you overspent.
Speaker:So you had a temporary value system.
Speaker:If you don't know the difference between a real core value that's really
Speaker:important to you and some temporary little value that pops up and disappears,
Speaker:then you're going to end up labeling yourself again.
Speaker:So just know that if you are really, really serious about achieving something,
Speaker:don't waste your time on things that aren't really important to you. You know,
Speaker:when it comes to writing or researching or teaching,
Speaker:I do it no matter what the strange hours are. I sometimes,
Speaker:just finished doing one this morning, it came in,
Speaker:I finished at eight o'clock this morning, I spoke all night.
Speaker:And then I'm back up today doing new things and I'm doing it this evening.
Speaker:I will do strange hours because I love teaching,
Speaker:and so I take action.
Speaker:Anything that's really high on your values, you'll take action,
Speaker:you'll be spontaneous with it. Anything that's low on your values, you won't.
Speaker:Anytime you expect yourself to do something that's low on your values,
Speaker:you're going to beat yourself up.
Speaker:Anytime you expect yourself to do something that's high on your values,
Speaker:you're going to build yourself,
Speaker:you're going to build incremental momentum and achievement.
Speaker:You're going to be confident in yourself. Your self confidence,
Speaker:your belief in yourself,
Speaker:your walking of your talk occurs in your highest values,
Speaker:your self-worth goes down, your confidence,
Speaker:belief in yourself and now you're limping your life down below.
Speaker:So if it asks, if not now, when?
Speaker:You're not going to take action.
Speaker:So the reason why people aren't taking action has nothing to do really with
Speaker:their weakness, it has everything to do with their values.
Speaker:So that's why you had to start with the value systems in your life.
Speaker:What's really important to you. If you look carefully and identify what that is,
Speaker:if you go on my website and take the time to find out what you really value,
Speaker:it's to your advantage.
Speaker:If you set goals that are aligned and congruent with what you really value,
Speaker:you will not label yourself procrastinated, because you'll act.
Speaker:Every week In the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I have people that have these distorted and I help them sort that out.
Speaker:And then the moment they see what their real values are and see what's really
Speaker:important, they go, no wonder I don't act on those.
Speaker:No wonder I'm procrastinating,
Speaker:no wander I'm labeling myself and self depreciative. And they realize that,
Speaker:the hierarchy of your values dictate your destiny.
Speaker:And if you're not setting goals that are aligned with the highest values,
Speaker:you're going to end up having a a brake on. We have a gas pedal and a brake.
Speaker:When you're setting goals on your highest values, you have a gas pedal.
Speaker:When you try to go down the list of values your brake goes on.
Speaker:That's not really rocket science, pretty straightforward.
Speaker:So watch out for the labels and don't pursue
Speaker:goals that aren't really important to you.
Speaker:I have a formula I teach in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:a Manifestation Formula. And one of the principles that I say in there,
Speaker:the secret behind the secret left out of the movie, The Secret is,
Speaker:don't waste your time on something that's not really truly important to you.
Speaker:You won't do it. And then you'll end up labeling yourself.
Speaker:So give yourself permission to go after what's really important.
Speaker:Give yourself permission to structure your life and organize your life
Speaker:by delegating lower priority things and getting on with higher priority things.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience, many people have all kind of emotional baggage,
Speaker:judging themselves because they keep procrastinating,
Speaker:hesitating and frustrating. And when they get back onto priority,
Speaker:their life changes, the label starts to lift, and they start realizing,
Speaker:no, that was a false label I bought into,
Speaker:because I subordinated to a projected value of some outside individual.
Speaker:I've seen people in the self-help industry and I've been involved in, you know,
Speaker:personal development for 50 years,
Speaker:and I've seen even coaches and teachers saying, in my opinion,
Speaker:foolish things to people and labeling people.
Speaker:I saw a coach go and tell somebody, you know, you're just a lazy person.
Speaker:And I thought, that man is dedicated to his family,
Speaker:his highest value is family, the man who's the coach is focused on business.
Speaker:He doesn't do things, he procrastinates on family stuff,
Speaker:but he's focused on business. But the other one has a high value on family,
Speaker:not business. And so this guy's projecting his values onto him,
Speaker:the guy is feeling beat up by this coach,
Speaker:he's infatuated with his coach because he's done so much in business.
Speaker:The guy's living in a delusion that he's supposed to be doing something in
Speaker:business, I should be doing that, ought to be doing that.
Speaker:But the real frigging truth is he's got a value on his family and he's basically
Speaker:there with his kids every single night.
Speaker:He's basically doing the homework every night. He is not procrastinating,
Speaker:hesitating and frustrating there.
Speaker:But he doesn't have as high a value on business as this other guy.
Speaker:And so he is beating himself up thinking there's something wrong with him.
Speaker:And I watched this,
Speaker:do not let somebody project their values onto you and label you and buy into it
Speaker:and subordinate to them.
Speaker:Stand strong enough to be your authentic self and give yourself permission to
Speaker:pursue what's really meaningful to you and discover what that is,
Speaker:because otherwise you're going to have a bunch of emotions.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience program that I've been teaching for 34 years
Speaker:I help people identify what their values are so they can start structuring their
Speaker:life so they can build momentum and start,
Speaker:their confidence and self-worth goes up.
Speaker:And then I've also got a tool in there called the Demartini Method on dissolving
Speaker:past baggage from all the labels you put on yourself, all the things, see,
Speaker:you don't make a mistake in your own values. And that's a hard thing to grasp.
Speaker:There are no mistakes when you compare your actions to your own values.
Speaker:You only think you're making mistakes when you're comparing your actions to
Speaker:somebody else's and you only think somebody else is making a mistake when you
Speaker:comparing their actions to your values.
Speaker:Watch out for the injection of other people's values and the projection of your
Speaker:values onto other people. If you try to get them to live in your values,
Speaker:you'll have futility and frustration. Your life will be frustrated and anger,
Speaker:you'll have anger and aggression and blame and betrayal and criticism and
Speaker:challenge and all the ABCDs of negativity.
Speaker:And if you sit and put people on pedestals and inject their values,
Speaker:you're going to beat yourself up. This is not a mistake,
Speaker:this is the way human behavior works.
Speaker:It's letting you know when you're projecting a value on others, that's not,
Speaker:they're not going to do it.
Speaker:When you hire somebody in a job and you don't know what their values are,
Speaker:you're almost crazy because you're going to automatically run the risk of hiring
Speaker:someone that's not inspired to do that job.
Speaker:And then you're going to micromanage them and push them uphill and label them
Speaker:and all kind of stuff and say they're not productive in there,
Speaker:but in another setting in their values, they're incredibly productive.
Speaker:So a lot of labels are thrown out there and a lot of people are hesitating.
Speaker:But in the Breakthrough Experience, I show them how, with the Demartini Method,
Speaker:how to dissolve all those labels on yourself and dissolve all those
Speaker:infatuations with others and all the resentments to yourself and all the
Speaker:resentments to others and all the infatuation with self,
Speaker:all the pride and shame and all the infatuation resentments,
Speaker:which stop you from being in equanimity and authenticity and stop you from
Speaker:being able to love and appreciate people.
Speaker:That's why I tell people to go to the Breakthrough Experience because the
Speaker:Breakthrough Experience dissolves the baggage and gets them focused on what
Speaker:makes them work. And the second they do, their self-confidence starts to go up.
Speaker:And setting goals that are really authentically yours,
Speaker:makes a huge difference in your life. So that's why, if not now,
Speaker:when will you take action? No doubt,
Speaker:the second you set goals that are congruent and you start taking actions,
Speaker:you achieve more. You know,
Speaker:it's not just visualizing things and making a dream come true.
Speaker:It's not just affirmations and everything else, it's also the actions.
Speaker:See you spontaneously see in your mind's eye what's highest on your value.
Speaker:You spontaneously internal dialogue, the internal affirmations,
Speaker:when it's highest on your value. You spontaneously take action,
Speaker:it's called an spontaneous potential in the brain,
Speaker:the second you're congruent.
Speaker:So the degree of your congruency will be the degree that you actually transcend
Speaker:the labels, and you take action automatically.
Speaker:I automatically take action every day on my teaching, researching, and writing.
Speaker:I don't have to be motivated to do it. Like I say,
Speaker:I'm not a motivational speaker.
Speaker:I have no interest in motivating you to do something that's not inspiring.
Speaker:I'm interested in helping you live an inspired life by finding out what's really
Speaker:important to you and start structuring your life according to what's authentic,
Speaker:instead of what you think it should be.
Speaker:And then a lot of people end up with all kinds of labels and beating themselves
Speaker:up and the whole self-help movement preys on that.
Speaker:It goes in there and grabs all those self-depreciating experiences
Speaker:and then they sell them some good and then they project this idea onto it,
Speaker:and I see it, and it's only because people don't know their values.
Speaker:So I'm interested in you identifying what that is.
Speaker:I'm interested in you dissolving the baggage. You dissolve the baggage,
Speaker:anything that you are not able to love yourself for is stored in your
Speaker:subconscious mind and becomes baggage and weighs you down.
Speaker:Anything that you actually are able to do what you say and walk your talk and
Speaker:appreciate and build momentum and self-worth in your highest values,
Speaker:you build momentum. Incremental momentum is an unstoppable game.
Speaker:You can turn whatever your label is on yourself into something extraordinary by
Speaker:simply prioritizing your life and start changing your perspective of what's
Speaker:important. And by doing the Demartini Method and clearing it,
Speaker:which is why I tell people, come to the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:what you will learn in the Breakthrough Experience is gold.
Speaker:You will be able to take it and apply it for the rest of your life on anything
Speaker:you're judging in yourself.
Speaker:And the reason why you end up injecting these values of outer authorities,
Speaker:because you put them on pedestals, nobody's worth
Speaker:They're all worth putting in your hearts.
Speaker:But the second you put somebody on a pedestal and minimize yourself,
Speaker:you just self depreciated yourself. I'm not interested in you self depreciating,
Speaker:I'm not interested in you exaggerating yourself.
Speaker:I'm interested in you being yourself.
Speaker:The magnificence of who are is far greater than any fantasies you'll impose on
Speaker:yourself or on others. So come to the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:let me help you organize and prioritize your values so you can set goals that
Speaker:are congruent.
Speaker:And I talk about a love list in there and how to set real goals and real
Speaker:objectives and not fantasies. 99% I've been doing,
Speaker:watching people and consulting for 41 years and one thing I've watched is
Speaker:thousands and thousands of people are setting goals that aren't really important
Speaker:to them. They're setting incongruent, non,
Speaker:contradictory goals that are fantasies and beating themselves up,
Speaker:and then they wonder why they're not taking action.
Speaker:I want to have a million dollar practice and I want to work four days a week and
Speaker:then I make this amount per office visit. And they,
Speaker:all these things are contradictory and the math doesn't work and what they say,
Speaker:and so they never even worked through their goals.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I show people how to set congruent goals that are not contradictory,
Speaker:that are aligned with your values and show you how to dissolve the baggage of
Speaker:the past, which creates wounds that hold you back from acting.
Speaker:There's no reason why you can't do something extraordinary. So this topic,
Speaker:if not now, when will you take action?
Speaker:Hopefully that's just a mind thought.
Speaker:I hope you got just some stimulation and thinking about what I've just been
Speaker:addressing. But if you want to know more about it,
Speaker:if you want to learn how to set real goals in real time, real objectives,
Speaker:not fantasies,
Speaker:you want to learn how to set goals that you build momentum where you got the gas
Speaker:pedal on,
Speaker:not the break and you want to be able to be grateful for yourself and achieve
Speaker:what you said so you're not limping your life and you're taking action.
Speaker:All we have to do is identify what those values are and help you start
Speaker:structuring your life according and giving yourself permission to do it.
Speaker:And through delegation and dissolving it with the Demartini Method,
Speaker:I guarantee you can make amazing changes in your life and the trajectory of life
Speaker:can change. So you want to be able to love yourself.
Speaker:If you're not grateful for your life, you're not loving what you're doing,
Speaker:you're not inspired by the vision you hold, you're not enthusiastically working,
Speaker:you're not certain about your skills and you're not present while you do it,
Speaker:somehow you're trying to live in somebody else's life.
Speaker:So if you'd like to get outta somebody else's life and get onto what's really
Speaker:the magnificence of that is far greater than all those other delusions.
Speaker:So I just want to share that,
Speaker:spend a few moments on that and I want you to come to the Breakthrough
Speaker:Experience so I can spend 24 hours with you and give you just gold of
Speaker:information on how to do something extraordinary with your life.
Speaker:So it's time to take action,
Speaker:but make sure it's really truly what you are inspired to do.
Speaker:I can help you do that. I look forward to it at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:So enjoy. I'll see you next week. Thank you for being with me today.
Speaker:Go down and just sign up for the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:I promise I've been doing it for 34 years almost,
Speaker:over a hundred thousand people have been to the program and I guarantee you I've
Speaker:got thousands of letters from people around the world from this.
Speaker:If you would like to take command of your life, come, join me,