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Episode 21 – The Importance of Science and Data in the Cannabis Industry
7th April 2020 • Cannabis Tech Talks • Cannabis & Tech Today
00:00:00 00:50:55

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Why does science research and data matter so much in this day and age? And more importantly who are our sources from the information and data we get? Not all data is the same. In this episode of Cannabis Tech Talks, Editor-in-Chief Charles Warner talks with cannabis advocate, entrepreneur, and researcher, and founder of Aunt Zelda's and Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. Mara Gordon. Mara and Charles talk about how the cannabis industry has evolved and changed in such a short period of time and what data is the right data. Zelira Therapeutics Ltd (formerly Zelda Therapeutics) is a leading global therapeutic medicinal cannabis company with access to the world’s largest and fastest growing cannabis markets. Visit to learn more! Today’s Cannabis Tech Talks is brought to you by Surna Inc. - Indoor Cultivation HVAC Equipment and MEP Engineers Visit to learn more!



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