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#4—The Perfect Cocktail
Episode 430th June 2020 • Exploring Kodawari • Exploring Kodawari
00:00:00 01:30:52

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In this episode, we were joined by our good friend Kevin. Kevin is one of those people that gets good at pretty much whatever he puts his mind too. He's an amazing jazz saxophone player, he roasts and sells coffee from his garage, and he cooks insanely delicious food.

But his main endeavor for the past number of years has been craft cocktails, and he's become quite the expert at it. So we picked his brain about how cocktails work. What makes craft cocktails special? What kinds of details go into building a recipe and keeping it consistent? And how do you infuse liquor with things like jalapeno, pineapple, mint, or whatever else, in order to get even more unique flavors out of your recipes.

And since we are all musicians, we kind of connected the flavor balance from the cocktail world to the balance of musical harmony. We talked about the main notes, or flavors, in a cocktail that work in harmony to create a delicious drink. Seriously, before I had a fancy cocktail, I had no idea what went into it and how amazing they could be. The intensity of flavors and the way they can achieve balance is both scientific and artistic.

Enjoy the episode, and get in touch if you need any tips on how to get started with craft cocktails at home!


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