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Filling The Earth With His Glory (S1 E3)
Episode 421st October 2019 • The Kingdom Corner with Matt Geib • The Kingdom Corner : MATT GEIB
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For those saints of God out there that sometimes feel like they struggle in their Christian walk, they struggle to know how to do the works of the Kingdom, do the tasks that God would want them to do, to be the witness that God would desire them to do. I believe today's podcast will give you a key in how to begin to do that where it won't be a struggle for you anymore as we get into episode three of filling the earth with God's glory, episode three of filling the earth with God's glory or the glory of God.

Recap: Now in the last two episodes, these are some of the things when we began to look at: we started in Habakkuk 2:1-2, and Isaiah 6:1-4.

In both scriptures, there is the phrase, "the whole earth will be filled with the glory of God." In Habakkuk, it says the Glory of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. And that's what we've used as a premise begin. Then we began to look at the word glory, what does glory mean? And we found out; basically, there are a lot of beautiful meanings like honor and reverence and goodness. The one thing that caught my eye was the glory is not a passive word; it's an active word. It means that there's action involved, and it has to do with production or making or a manifestation of a commodity and that commodity is the glory or the presence of God.

This process begins in the Heavenly realm when God created all the angels to praise them and to give Him glory.

In Isaiah, where we started, Isaiah was commissioned to his ministry. Then, from there, we began to get into the idea that this mandate of producing or making or manifesting God's glory was passed on to the saints of God.

We also saw that God never works outside of or apart from His glory. There's always glory involved when the works of God or the working of God is manifested.

John 7:37-39, that's a key verse that Jesus spoke prophetically of being filled with the Holy Spirit and that would be like rivers of living water that flowed out of each person, not a creek or a stream, but we have the potential to flow out with rivers of living water.

In episode two we discussed the Prophet like Isaiah was Ezekiel. Ezekiel 43 & 47, we read a lot about Ezekiel's temple or tabernacle, and it was all about how the water was flowing out from there. The water is a metaphor for the glory of God. You know, Habakkuk talked about the waters covering, the glory of God would cover the earth as the waters covered the sea.

And we began to look at the progression: First, there was water from that temple that Ezekiel was in or saw, it was ankle-deep. Then it was knee-deep, and then it was to his loins, and then it was so much that he could only swim in it; he couldn't stand it anymore. And I remember relating how I had seen on TV in the last two weeks, all the floods that were engulfing the city of Houston right now because of all the rain they had. That's what it will be like spiritually speaking when the glory of God covers the earth, and we're in that time now that it is beginning to take place. So that is where we left off the last time.

Being a Transformer Being a transformer, being a Heavenly transformer on earth as it is in Heaven to bring the glory of God, how that works. We're going to look at that today.

Bill Johnson said the focus of repentance, which means it's just a change of mind to change our way of thinking.

We want to change our way of thinking today. There is living water inside of us where we can begin to bring and flow with the glory of God in Heaven from Heaven to earth.

There's a very interesting, powerful Greek word here that's carried in these passages, that it's mentioned four times in the scripture, and it's the only four times this Hebrew word is used. The word is metamorphoo, or we get our word metamorphosis from it.

Paul said in Romans 12:1-2 , be transformed, be metamorphoo by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the Goodwill of God, the acceptable will of God, and the perfect will of God is. Be transformed, be metamorphoo, have a metamorphosis.

2 Corinthians 3:18, we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror or glass the glory, (remember this study is about the glory filling your earth), the glory of the Lord.

Transformed or metamorphosed into the same image from glory to glory. Remember when I was going up in the mountains, was going from a higher pond and higher dam to have the next higher, the water was clearer and clearer, so there's a progression. We go up in a progression in the glory of God, and we're transformed.

Then the English word changes from transformed to these next two scriptures that are parallel scriptures are Matthew and Mark, the word used and you all know it, is transfigured. When Jesus was transfigured, six days later, it says in Matthew 17:1 & 2: Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, his brother, let them up on a high mountain by themselves, and he was transfigured or metamorphoo before them.

His face shone like the sun, and his garments became as white as light. Mark 9:1-8, it says, and I'll paraphrase this a little bit or go down to the second verse here: And he was metamorphoo, that is Jesus was metamorphoo before Peter, James, and John. Mark says, his garments became radiant and exceedingly white as no launderer on earth can whiten them. In other words, whiter than any white could be on earth, bright like probably blinding, it was blinding. And Peter wrote years later, and he says kind of the same thing, he says in 2 Peter 1-16-18 : He was metamorphoo or transfigured before them. His garments became radiant, exceeding white as no launderer on earth can whiten them. It sounds like he was quoting Mark, he's recalling and writing that down that he was there, he was a living testimony, and witness of what happened to Jesus.

Let's look a little bit then at this word, metamorphoo. It means to change from one form to another — kind of like a butterfly.

Our English word, it's a scientific word. Another scholar says it's a complete change that comes from the power of God and finds some expression in character and conduct. Morph, which is part of the word as the stresses on inward change, and the next part of the word stresses the outward change and the action that takes place, and we can think of that Jesus there.

metamorphoo, to change or morph into another or a different form, to become altered, become different, to manifest something different. Matthew states Jesus' face shone like the sun; His garments were like white light. And then I liked what Mark says, and Peter quoted him or recalled it again, talked about Jesus looking exceeding white as no launderer on earth could whiten the garment, I mean it was blinding. Discover we say of the transfiguration, this is a Greek word derived to two words: the first refers to an outward expression one gives to what his innermost nature or being is inside of him, the change of activity. The phrase should or could be translated: his mode of expression was changed before them from something on the outward to a true, authentic showing of what was on the inward.

I like to say this is me, an outward expression of Jesus true inward nature was being manifested before them, and that's the key. We talked about the question at the beginning of the show here, that's the key to walking in a victorious Christian life and being the testimony and the witness that Jesus you want us to be.

John 7:37-29, you have the spirit inside of you or not to let it out like a creek, a stream, but we're to bust those damns wide open.

Good works are what we're going to talk about next, and transformation of the glory of God through us as the vessel will turn into a tangible commodity.

We're not talking about something you do in your flesh or works that you're trying to accomplish. We're talking about doing the works of the glory of God that's inspired by his glory flowing through as much the same way water flows through a transformer.

Light is produced that and electricity was produced, and I was told on that tour that it took care of covering 80% of the city of Seattle, those three dams by the water, and the power that came through those transformers. And so that's our first scripture. Let's look at our first scripture when we're talking about doing good works produced by glory.

Jesus said, Matthew 5:14, you are the light of the world. Remember light, transformer, water, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. No one puts a light under a basket, but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house. Matthew 5:16, the end of the passage here: let your light so shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, (you'll do good works and then what will happen?). They will glorify the Father, who is in heaven. Remember our tagline for our episode, our message, and our series is filling the earth was God's glory. Good works that are inspired by the glory of God will bring him further glory. Our model, of course, is Jesus Christ.

Acts 10:38: God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, who went about doing good, and he wasn't just a good guy saying nice things to people, out of that came good works; he healed all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him. Now let's hone in on this, doing the good works increases God's glory.

He did all those wonderful miracles, and it brought glory to the Father. They came from miles around, and the glory of God was multiplying. Let's read some other passages that will nail this point.

Mark 2:1-12, and I'm just going to paraphrase: a man was lowered through the roof of a house, they broke up the ceiling. He was lowered down because he was crippled to Jesus, who was teaching down there. Jesus healed him, and the crowd was amazed, and they glorified God.

The next one, Luke 4:13-15: Jesus taught in their synagogues, and the people were in awe, and they glorified God. Luke, chapter seven, verses twelve to sixteen: a dead man was raised, fear and awe came on everyone, and they glorified God. Luke chapter seventeen verses eleven to fifteen: 10 lepers were healed. One turned back. Jesus said, where are the others? He says I don't know. I alone have come comeback. And he said Jesus to him, this day, your faith has made you whole, you are saved and healed, and the man with a loud voice then glorified God. Luke, chapter eleven, read that whole chapter: it's all about the situation where Lazarus was brought back to life. Even before Jesus got there, one of the sisters came to him and said, our brother is sick. And Jesus said, that's okay, this is for the glory of God. This is that the son of man might be glorified. And so by now, you're getting the idea that these works inspired by the spirit and the presence of God that comes into us through the spirit of God and then the workflow back out of us, glorify God.

Let's go into that verse next week, come back, and let's dissect that verse and look into what it means. Thank you for being a part of the kingdom corner. Thank you for being here. Please subscribe to this podcast at the kingdom corner. You can do that by going to iTunes and punching the subscribe button or Google play doing the same thing. I'm so appreciative that you were able to join me today on the kingdom corner. Remember to let God's glory out, let it flow through you, and these works of the Kingdom will come naturally. Take care.




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