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Unpacking Truths: Politics, Ice Cream & Spiritualism Unite!
Episode 1106th January 2024 • Stillness in the Storms • Steven Webb
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Title: Unpacking Truths: Politics, Ice Cream & Spiritualism Unite!

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Summary: Dive into our first 2024 episode, "Stillness in the Storms," where politics meets spirituality and opinions clash with facts. Discover how embracing multiple truths can offer peace amidst chaos, as we explore perspectives from mountaintops to ice cream flavors!

Key Points

  • Multiple truths vs. hard facts
  • Opinions shape our "concrete town"
  • Engaging across the aisle
  • Consequences of echo chambers
  • A spiritual journey among various truths

Best Quotes by Steven Webb

  • "The problem is when we play back information, we add information to it."
  • "Both sides of the aisle care. They care deeply what they care about. And when we realized that, you know, some people just care about their parking spot, some people don't."
  • "But the truth is, we've gotta engage in life."


Steven Webb


Storms, the first podcast of:

Steven Webb


There are multiple truths. And I don't mean alternative facts. I mean there's different truths. There's my truth, there's opinions and there's truths. And when we start talking about our opinions as facts, and I think I'm seeing that everywhere right now. People will talk about this list, they'll talk about politics, they'll talk about the opposition as if it's fact like they know they're doing this, they know they're guilty. And when someone challenges them and says, well, have you got the evidence of that? Well, I don't need evidence because I know now then that isn't evidence. That isn't fact that isn't truth. But I can have a different truth to you and I'll prove it because I think literally the best ice cream in the world is mint chocolate chip. My regular listeners will know that I love it. That is my go-to one. And I think that's the best ice scream in the world. But that's my truth. It doesn't mean it's true, it's true for me. But I'm okay with someone else saying No, I think caramel or I think vanilla is the best ice cream in the world. And that's okay 'cause that's their truth. And I think one thing that about 10 years ago when I started studying Ken Wilbur levels of consciousness in a superhuman oss,

Steven Webb


Such a strange name to call it that. But I, there was the selling, the marketing was become the best version of yourself. And it really did help me to do that because it told me that everybody is where they are and anything about it and every perspective is from where they are. So if you take a mountain and you are climbing up the side of a mountain and you ask you shout down to someone lower on the mountain, what can you see? Well, they're gonna tell you what they can see. I cannot then go, no, you are wrong because I can see this. We're both right but we both have a different answer. And especially if one person's the other side of the mountain and now add the complexity of growing up and different perspectives, different ways of seeing things, different groups in society, different sides of politics, different teachers, different ways that we feel things and different things that energize us emotionally.

Steven Webb


All those kind of things all drive us to different conclusions and different opinions. And you know, I wrote in my book The Moving Road that I wrote, God, I wrote that seven, eight years ago. Now you can find it on Amazon, just type in the moving road on Amazon. And it's only on Kindle I think. But I, I explained in there that when you're born you have, your mind is like a big fertile field. And every, every time you have a conversation, every person that talks in front of you, you build a little, I dunno, a little tent and then the tent becomes bigger. And then you have the discussions. And as you get to a teenage years, you've built these houses and all that and your opinions and beliefs and what you believe to be true has now got quite a rigid concrete town.

Steven Webb


Someone else comes along and says, well from my perspective you've got it wrong. And you're like, no I haven't. Here's my town. And they go, no, here's my town. So instead of trying to listen to the other person and go, oh, maybe I'm a bit wrong and maybe they're a bit right or maybe there's some truth in between, which we fundamentally deep down know that nobody I talk to says no, my truth is the only truth. But it's whether or not we're really engaging that in conversation and especially when we're talking to people across the aisle. And I don't just mean politics. I'm here. I mean anybody, maybe my sister comes in and we disagree on something or we argue and they would say, I didn't say that. And I go, you did say that and vice versa. And it would become quite ingrained. Whereas now I'll go, well I think that's what you said, but I might have misheard. It's a possibility.

Steven Webb


And the problem is when we play back information, we add information to it. So if I told you that one of your really close friends said this sentence to you and you kept repeating it in your mind, you could actually hear them say it in your mind. If I turn around and said to you, imagine a flying gorilla with pink wings. Well clearly that doesn't exist or they haven't found it yet anywhere on earth, but you're imagining it. If I said to you it was wearing a duffle coat and it had a hat on, you've now added that to the image as well. And that's what we do in conversation. So we're in conversation with a group of friends in the echo chamber. We're adding to our truth, adding to our belief and opinion. And just 'cause you believe it to be true doesn't make it true.

Steven Webb


And the reason why I share this on this podcast, the first one of year it seems a bit, I dunno, it's not very heavy, it's not very deep. It's a bit spam, bit spam, not spam is because I think in this year I think it's going to get really messy. And I think that the wiser amongst us, not putting me there, trust me, but I think there's the, there's a wiser group amongst us that have to sift through this mess that it's gonna become. And when someone says, I was looking at podcasts today on YouTube and people were saying yes, he would definitely do that. I know for a fact it's like, well you don't know them, you've never met them. You are going by someone else's hearsay. But you say it in such a way that it becomes fact. And I guess if this podcast leaves you of anything, it's take notice to the language.

Steven Webb


Are they talking Well that might happen or it's possible. Or are they talking factually like as if they absolutely know and they won't move from it? The problem is when we challenge people, and I know I do it, if someone challenges me, someone comes up to me and goes, mint chocolate chip ice cream isn't the best in the world. My immediate body reaction is like it is. And I'll prove it. You know that that's our immediate, we don't like to be wrong, we don't like to be questioned. It annoys the heck out of us. So I understand it. But the problem is when we are found to be wrong, we learn something. You know, I've got 23 other council members and I'd like sitting down with the ones on the opposite side to me. And simply because we're getting a conversation and it'll get a little bit heated debate because we'll disagree and I can leave there with either them learning something or me learning something normally both.

Steven Webb


If I'm just sat down with people all the time that I agree with, well that's just like sitting down with me like reading the same book. It's a bit boring. It's lovely to sit down with people that I find comfortable and I find really, I know an echo chamber of me, but sometimes I, I wanna be challenged and I want to have the conversation that we can go a little bit deeper and go, you know, okay, let's break this apart. And I think we are not doing this enough. And I think if we did do this enough, we'd realize that our truths are not that far apart.

Steven Webb


You know, both sides of the aisle care. They care deeply what they care about. It might not be what you care about, but it's what they care about. And when we realized that, you know, some people just care about their parking spot, some people don't, some people care about their clothes, some people don't. It doesn't make it wrong, it just means they care about something. And you know, I got, I got a friend that keeps snakes. I've got nothing against snakes, but I don't think about snakes most of the day. It's not something I'd ever go, yeah, let's get a snake. But hey, it's their own. It's allowing that. I think when we approach life that we're all different and we know this fundamentally, I, you know, it's like I'm not teaching you anything new 'cause you know all this.

Steven Webb


But when we really grasp that and we have the conversation with that light that you know, just 'cause it's my belief and their belief and their two different beliefs, it doesn't mean either one's wrong and it doesn't mean either one's right, one doesn't cancel out the other. You know, there's two people up the mountain, one at the top can see the shed in the distance. One halfway up can only see the trees. What can you see? I can only see trees. That's what I can see. The other one I said, well you are lying because you're wrong because there's a shed in the distance. It's a simple example. But with all the complexities of society and communities and our upbringing and the way we see things, just because we have an opinion on somebody and we think they are guilty of something doesn't mean they are.

Steven Webb


And I think guilty by association is a real worrying thing. I have 23 other counselors that I have cups of tea with quite regularly, most of them. And if one of them turned out to be, I dunno, some criminal, mass criminal or something, I doesn't mean I am as well just 'cause there's loads of photographs. And I, and I know I'm hitting on a particular poignant topic, but it's really hit the UK at the moment and over in America and I, and I think it's just tearing us all apart. There's one camp that yes, I know what goes on, yet they've never been there, they've never had anything to do with it. And you've got the other camp trying to go, well wait a minute, let's step back and look at this.

Steven Webb


And it seems to be one half can see the world view, the bigger picture and one half wants to see a certain image just 'cause you wanna see it, it doesn't mean it's true or right. So yeah, I, I've kind of got sucked into this today and I I, I'm not gonna apologize for this podcast not being too spiritual or anything like that because I think the spiritual journey is about embracing multiple truths and I think it's really important. And when you do that, you'll have a lot more peace, you'll have a lot more, ah, it's okay, it's okay to disagree. It's okay to have their truth and my truth and you know, they're not mutually exclusive. You cannot change facts, you cannot change those things, you know, although I think many people would like to do that even now. Sometimes I would, but you can't do that.

Steven Webb


Let's just face it. Look at religious beliefs. You've got all different kinds of religious beliefs and that's okay. I like why Ken Wilbur says nobody's 100% wrong. Even if it's just their belief. Doesn't mean it's a hundred percent right though. That's a different story. That's a whole, that's a whole seismic shift between nobody is 100% wrong too. Well that means everyone's right because they're not, you know, we, we have to have some kind of fact checking and evidence, but we have to be practical about it as well. And we have to learn to step back. And I think this is part of the spiritual journey. And I often talk about not dropping negative people and not running away from life and spending a time on retreat or out in nature. You know, if we could spend the rest of our life sat next to a river, just going home with some music and some cool stuff in the background with a nice fire and marshmallows, hey, no one would ever need a spiritual practice.

Steven Webb


No one would ever need, would they? That's the reality. But the truth is, we've gotta engage in life. The truth is, we've got lives and we've got jobs and we have to speak to these people, speak to these people like as if they're something different to us. We, we have to engage with our friends and family and our work colleagues and people we know. And in doing that it's understanding that they may not be wrong and it's okay for them not to be a hundred percent right as well. And and for us, I don't know if I've got what I'm trying to say over in this podcast at all, let me know in the reflections. Let me know. Drop me an email on Steven Webb uk over there. There's just a little button that says Message me, drop me that message. Sometimes I take two or three days to get back to you, but I will get back to you.

Steven Webb


I promise you guys are awesome. Thank you for bearing with me every day. I'm getting stronger every day. I'm doing better. I'm going now, whole days without taking painkillers, which is just like, I haven't been doing that in two years. I've been living off komal, which is, I dunno if you know what that is, but it's like paracetamol with codeine in it or something. I literally six eight of them a day for the last two years and now I'm not having to take them. So it's like brilliant. You know, I've got energy. I'm not falling asleep saying that I did fall asleep earlier. But that's, that's a different story. Some days you can, can you, I'm going off topic now. Look, thank you guys. Thank you for your coffees, thank you for your donations. Thank you to everybody that shares this and thank you for bearing my bearing with me on this podcast because I know it's a little bit different, but it's important, it's really important that we understand different people have different perspectives.

Steven Webb


There is multiple truths, even if it's just relative to us. That's the point. It's relative. Two people can be in the same room, one can be hot and one can be cold. Doesn't mean the room is a particular temperature. Well that doesn't make no sense at all. Maybe it does, I dunno. Anyway, leave a review, give a, give a bookmark to this podcast or anything like that. That all helps. If you are unable to donate a coffee, just, you know, leave a review or do anything or just listen. Be there, stay. Awesome. Thanks guys. I love you.



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