Living an inspired life requires mastering some skills. In this episode Dr Demartini shares 6 powerful life lessons that will help you lead a life of inspiration.
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Don't waste your time on low priority things,
Speaker:only go after things that are truly, deeply meaningful and inspiring to you.
Speaker:So you'll walk your talk and achieve things and build momentum.
Speaker:I have been involved in,
Speaker:I guess you could say the pursuit of self mastery since I was 18,
Speaker:and I'm 68 just in a few weeks. And so I've been doing it a bit.
Speaker:50 years. And there are certain principles,
Speaker:certain actions that I feel very confidently
Speaker:in saying will help you do something extraordinary with your life,
Speaker:help you master your life. I don't know about you,
Speaker:but I'm assuming you would love to master your life.
Speaker:I certainly wanted to do mine.
Speaker:I wanted to empower all of the seven areas of my life, my spiritual quest,
Speaker:my mind development, my career, my wealth,
Speaker:my family dynamic, social leadership, physical fitness, everything.
Speaker:So whatever your goals are,
Speaker:whatever your intentions are based on what you value, one
Speaker:thing for the last 45 years that I learned is,
Speaker:you want to start with something that you're certain about,
Speaker:when you're shooting for goals and objectives to achieve something in life.
Speaker:You don't want to just go after,
Speaker:sometimes we go and we compare ourselves to other people.
Speaker:We meet somebody and we go, Wow, they're amazing.
Speaker:They've done something amazing. And they go, Oh, I would like to do that.
Speaker:And we get kind of distracted and scattered.
Speaker:I just had a client yesterday who said that they went off on another wild
Speaker:goose chase,
Speaker:and they constantly go off on these wild goose chases and we traced it down to
Speaker:the moment they see something,
Speaker:read something or meet somebody that they look up to,
Speaker:and then they tend to infiltrate some of the values of those people and they
Speaker:tend to sidetrack trying to be somebody they're not.
Speaker:And they keep defaulting back to who they are.
Speaker:And a lot of times you think that there's something wrong with you.
Speaker:You think that there's a weakness or there's a, you know,
Speaker:a sabotage or a limiting belief or whatever but really
Speaker:distractions from what's really important to you.
Speaker:And you had to go learn to not put people on pedestals.
Speaker:And that's the lesson. You know,
Speaker:instead of putting them on a pedestal and minimizing yourself,
Speaker:it's wiser to go find out what you see in them,
Speaker:find out where you have that same ability and trait already demonstrated in your
Speaker:values, and stay focused.
Speaker:But the first principle that I want you to write down is that it's really wise
Speaker:to determine what you really value.
Speaker:What's really your life is demonstrating you're committed to. Now,
Speaker:if I look at my life over the last 50 years,
Speaker:it's not hard to see that I've been consistently,
Speaker:spontaneously doing something.
Speaker:And that is learning everything I can get my hands on and sharing it with
Speaker:everybody I can get my outreach to.
Speaker:And that's something that I've been doing since I was 18 years old.
Speaker:So if I look at what my life demonstrates as what's really important to me,
Speaker:it shows up.
Speaker:And I've been for the last 45 years helping people determine what they value.
Speaker:And I slowly but surely developed a methodology to assist people in doing
Speaker:that. And you know, I've mentioned it in some of my presentations,
Speaker:and it's the Demartini Value Determination process. It's free,
Speaker:it's complimentary, it's private, on my website,
Speaker:Please take the time to just go and take 30 minutes of your
Speaker:time and fill it out. It'll be eye-opening. You can print it out,
Speaker:you can store it, it's private, you can look at it again, do it again in a week,
Speaker:a month, every quarter,
Speaker:just to see what your values are demonstrating as really priority to you.
Speaker:Because anytime you're setting goals and objectives that are congruent and
Speaker:aligned with what you value most, you increase the probability of achievement,
Speaker:and you walk your talk, you wake up your leadership, you grow your self-worth,
Speaker:you expand your horizons, you tend to do what you say,
Speaker:you're not limping your life.
Speaker:And so finding out what you really value and what your life is demonstrating it
Speaker:as important, that's the first thing.
Speaker:So the first step is determining what you really value and not let the outer
Speaker:influences distract you from what that is.
Speaker:All along my journey in my twenties,
Speaker:I started speaking sometimes at conferences.
Speaker:I was 23, 24 when I, no, pardon me,
Speaker:at 28 when I first did my larger conference.
Speaker:And there were thousands of people there,
Speaker:and I noticed there were other speakers there and I was sometimes enamored with
Speaker:them and putting them up on pedestals and kind of comparing myself to them.
Speaker:And I remember having this lunch with one of the speakers and I said, You know,
Speaker:I feel a little bit like an imposter here because
Speaker:some of you guys have done something more than I've done and you know,
Speaker:I haven't achieved that, but I'm working towards that.
Speaker:And he looked at me and he said, It's interesting that you're saying that,
Speaker:I was actually intimidated talking to you. And I said, Really? And he said,
Speaker:Yeah. He says,
Speaker:Because you are so articulate and you know how to share and teach,
Speaker:and I wish I had that skill. And you may think, Oh,
Speaker:I wish I had that skill to go and do the clinical, you know,
Speaker:management of a practice, but is that really what you're wanting to do?
Speaker:And I go, No, I want to share and teach. He says, Well, stick to what it is.
Speaker:And the guy gave me the feedback. And I said,
Speaker:I realized that I was sitting there envying somebody else,
Speaker:trying to imitate somebody else and injecting his values and trying to be
Speaker:somebody I wasn't and distracting myself from my confidence of where I was.
Speaker:That's why I tell people the magnificence of who you are is far greater than all
Speaker:those injected values and fantasies you might inject.
Speaker:So instead of getting distracted by enamoring with my colleagues,
Speaker:I just kept focused and I built momentum.
Speaker:And then I found out that they looked up to me for my skill,
Speaker:I looked up to them for their skill and we all honored each other's skills and
Speaker:it was such a big relief. So first, determine what you value.
Speaker:Go online and do the Value Determination process. Do it again.
Speaker:You'll probably distort it at first.
Speaker:You'll probably write down what you think it should be, ought to be,
Speaker:supposed to be, got to be, have to be, what you wish it would be,
Speaker:what it used to be, instead of write down what your life demonstrates. You know,
Speaker:if you're watching from a drone up above,
Speaker:looking down in your life and watching what you actually do and how you spend
Speaker:your time and what you fill your space with and how you're, you know,
Speaker:what you're inspired by and what you really disciplined to do every day,
Speaker:what you spontaneously do every day,
Speaker:it will give you a revelation of what it really is important to you.
Speaker:And a lot of times we are afraid to admit it.
Speaker:I'm certain that a great majority of people are afraid to admit what's true.
Speaker:They want to live in a fantasy and they're not going to do anything except beat
Speaker:themselves up doing it.
Speaker:You're designed to beat yourself up when you're trying to be somebody you're not
Speaker:because it's trying to get you,
Speaker:your own physiology is trying to get you back to be who you are.
Speaker:So number one is determine what your values are.
Speaker:Go online and take advantage of that. That's why in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:every time I do the Breakthrough Experience I make sure that's done,
Speaker:because I don't want them wasting time on goals that aren't congruent with that.
Speaker:Don't waste your time on low priority things.
Speaker:Only go after things that are truly, deeply meaningful and inspiring to you.
Speaker:So you'll walk your talk and achieve things and build momentum.
Speaker:That's number one. Number two, ask yourself,
Speaker:how can I get handsomely or beautifully paid to do that?
Speaker:Whatever that top value is. Mine's teaching.
Speaker:So I asked myself many years ago, I mean, this is very young,
Speaker:how can I get handsomely and beautifully paid to teach?
Speaker:Because if I don't find a way of doing what I love and getting paid for it,
Speaker:I'm going to have a Monday morning blues, a Wednesday hump days,
Speaker:a thank god it's Fridays, and a week frigging end.
Speaker:And I'm going to be working doing something I don't love, to make money,
Speaker:so I can then blow it and spend it on dissociating from that
Speaker:unfulfillment by immediate gratifying consumables and depreciable's and never
Speaker:get around to do what I really love to do, except as a hobby. Now,
Speaker:if that's really what you want to do and only as a hobby, then fine.
Speaker:But every day that you go to work that you're not inspired by,
Speaker:your cytokines and your immune system and your autonomic nervous system is going
Speaker:to let you know it with signs and symptoms,
Speaker:and you're going to be less than inspired,
Speaker:you're going to have friction and not fuel.
Speaker:You're not going to be getting up in the morning and go,
Speaker:I can't wait to tap dance to work as Warren Buffet says. Warren Buffet, I mean,
Speaker:even though he hasn't been eating the healthiest foods and everything else,
Speaker:but he is in his nineties. Him and, you know,
Speaker:his partner basically been doing a long, Charlie Munger,
Speaker:they've been doing this for a long time.
Speaker:And that's because they love what they do. And that's important.
Speaker:To get to do what you're really inspired to do. So ask,
Speaker:how can I get handsomely and beautifully paid to do it? I ask that,
Speaker:how do I get handsomely and beautifully paid to teach?
Speaker:How do I get handsomely and beautiful paid to write?
Speaker:How do I get handsomely and beautifully paid to travel the world? I found a way.
Speaker:I'm doing those things today and I'm getting paid to do those things,
Speaker:but that meant that I had service to do.
Speaker:You're not going to get paid to do it unless you're serving somebody,
Speaker:and you got two ways of serving somebody. You may want to write these,
Speaker:you'll laugh probably.
Speaker:You either go out and directly go out and serve customers, clients,
Speaker:attendees, with some sort of a value by doing it.
Speaker:Or you serve a partner in a marriage,
Speaker:who will then go out and make the income so you can do what you love and they're
Speaker:taking care of it. If you want to raise beautiful children,
Speaker:then your number one customer may be your spouse.
Speaker:If you're not working in a normal format and you're basically a stay home mom or
Speaker:whatever, then you're, and you love that and that's your mission then ask,
Speaker:how do I get paid to do that? Well, you take one client,
Speaker:called a husband or spouse, wife, who's working,
Speaker:and you go and dedicate your life to fulfilling the service of that individual
Speaker:enough for them they want to go and pay for all your what you want to do.
Speaker:That's still a customer, it's still a business, it's a family business.
Speaker:but what you want to do is you want to make sure that you're being of service
Speaker:because you're not going to generate an income unless you're serving somebody's
Speaker:needs. And if you're not generating an income doing what you love,
Speaker:you've got a Monday morning blues, Wednesday hump days,
Speaker:week frigging ends environment.
Speaker:And then you're going to have to escape what you're,
Speaker:that you have the doldrums for to go and escape and make it a vacation kind of
Speaker:and escape and blow all your money on doing those things instead of making your
Speaker:money doing what you love and building momentum and valuing yourself.
Speaker:So I ask whatever I do in business, anytime I'm doing
Speaker:I ask, how could I get handsomely paid to do the next step?
Speaker:How can I get handsomely paid to do that? I don't ask how can I afford to do it?
Speaker:Where I get in debt, I ask, how do I get paid to do it so I go move forward.
Speaker:And then I save and invest and I make my money work for me. So it's,
Speaker:I'm doing what I want to do, not because I really have to,
Speaker:but because I love to do it. And there's a freedom in that.
Speaker:So number two is, you know, go and ask yourself;
Speaker:how can you get handsomely and beautifully paid to do it,
Speaker:where you're working and doing what you really love to do?
Speaker:The third one is the highest priority action steps daily.
Speaker:What are the highest priority action steps you can do today that will help you
Speaker:fulfill that dream? And you want to ask yourself,
Speaker:what are the highest priority actions I can do today that can help me fulfill
Speaker:that dream? Help me go and do exactly what I love doing?
Speaker:And if you do that every single day,
Speaker:you'll get the highest priorities of the highest priorities,
Speaker:of the highest priorities and you'll end up manifesting momentum building
Speaker:achievements towards that objective. So ask yourself that,
Speaker:what is the highest priority action I can do today that can help me fulfill what
Speaker:is most important and what I would love to do and what I want to get paid for?
Speaker:If you ask what are the highest priority actions I can do today,
Speaker:and do that every single day, you'll find a pattern.
Speaker:And if you go and find out what's the highest priority of those priorities,
Speaker:that keep repeating and the highest priority of the highest priorities,
Speaker:the highest priority, the highest priorities, the highest priorities,
Speaker:you'll narrow down and distill down what is the absolute most important thing
Speaker:to be focusing on. Then once you narrow that down,
Speaker:I found mine is teach, research, write, travel. Teach, research, write,
Speaker:travel. I have delegated the rest. The third one,
Speaker:the fourth one pardon me,
Speaker:is to make sure that you delegate the lower priority things.
Speaker:And you maybe think, Well, I can't, I can't delegate everything. Well,
Speaker:there is absolutely,
Speaker:if you're going out and generating some income doing what you really love to do,
Speaker:you can afford to delegate lower priority things
Speaker:so you can do more of that to generate more income.
Speaker:The cost of what you pay for the delegation will be
Speaker:what you can generate if you get onto high priority things.
Speaker:I learned that when I was 27 years old, 28 years old,
Speaker:and it made a huge difference in my life. And people say,
Speaker:Well that's because you can afford it. You're wealthy. No,
Speaker:I became wealthy and I afforded it because I did it.
Speaker:I want everybody to get that. Because I did that is I got wealthy.
Speaker:I just did a podcast the other day and it was the second time I did this lady's
Speaker:podcast and I guess it was maybe six months or seven months ago,
Speaker:we did it again. And she got the idea of delegating.
Speaker:She started implementing it and she said, when we did the second one, she said,
Speaker:That was a gold mine. Once I did that, my business had gone up,
Speaker:my income's gone up.
Speaker:I'm actually doing more of what I really love to do and less of the things that
Speaker:I thought I had to do.
Speaker:And I've got people now doing it and it's freeing me up and it's grown my
Speaker:business and I'm actually freer and more creative and more inspired and less
Speaker:weighed down. That's it.
Speaker:Give people the opportunity to do what they love by you delegating what you
Speaker:don't. And it's freeing, it's amazing.
Speaker:So you want to delegate all lower priority activities to somebody who would have
Speaker:it high on their priority list,
Speaker:something that they value more than you do that they would be inspired to do.
Speaker:Get it off your plate. Do what you love, love what you do,
Speaker:delegate the rest away. That is a huge freedom and action step.
Speaker:And again, my business started at 27. Well, I was teaching before that,
Speaker:but I started formally a clinical practice at that time and 18 months later
Speaker:massively grown because I learned to delegate.
Speaker:Because otherwise I was going to bog myself down doing
Speaker:else, you know,
Speaker:that I thought I had to do and I thought I would be better at it.
Speaker:I had all these excuses, you know, by the time I do it,
Speaker:or by the time I ask somebody to do it, I could have done it,
Speaker:the way they do it is not as good as me, I could do it better.
Speaker:All these ego trips that we get trapped in that hold us back.
Speaker:And the cost of it's not worth it, et cetera.
Speaker:But if you're not abnegating those things and actually going on to do higher
Speaker:priority things that pays, it doesn't cost to delegate properly. Now,
Speaker:you may want to make sure you hire somebody that's
Speaker:hire somebody just to save money. Hire somebody that can get the job done.
Speaker:And that frees you up to do what you really want to do.
Speaker:The next thing is to metric your achievements.
Speaker:To actually metric what you're doing. Number five.
Speaker:What are you actually monitoring on a daily basis or weekly basis,
Speaker:what you're actually achieving? When I put metrics into my practice,
Speaker:my practice grew.
Speaker:When I put metrics in my day planning and goal planning and my things I
Speaker:noticed I achieved more.
Speaker:What the metrics were is actually documenting are
Speaker:did? I put a checklist together, a daily checklist, I called a 'Did I' list,
Speaker:did I do all the action steps that have proven to achieve my outcome?
Speaker:I put down the strategy, I wrote out the action steps,
Speaker:I put a checklist together. Did I do those every single day?
Speaker:In the morning I would check it, read it. At the afternoon,
Speaker:I would knock it out and check it off.
Speaker:And then next morning I'd look at it again. Anything
Speaker:I linked higher to my values or I delegate it to somebody else.
Speaker:And then I freed myself up and refined it and found out if I just make this
Speaker:habit out of this, I'm going to get my achievements.
Speaker:And I metriced things to find out what worked, what didn't work,
Speaker:and how do I do it more effectively and efficiently tomorrow? And as I did that,
Speaker:I keep now records. If I said that I wanted to go and write books,
Speaker:I remember I wrote when I was 21 years old that I wanted to do enough
Speaker:influence in the world to be written about in a thousand books.
Speaker:We're broke the 700 book just recently, just like the other day,
Speaker:700 books have got some sort of reference to the work ,and I'm still working on
Speaker:that. I've got 10 more years I figured I'd have that accomplished. And I said,
Speaker:I want to write a certain number of books and in a certain number of languages
Speaker:and I wrote and I'm metricing it and I've got those books coming out and I've
Speaker:got the languages that are manifesting. I'm 10 languages away from the goal.
Speaker:And I write them out, I metric them,
Speaker:it keeps me focused and it allows me to find out what's working and not working
Speaker:and metric it and keep records of it. And it's really making you accountable.
Speaker:Are you really serious? You know,
Speaker:if you're having people in a company and you metric their results,
Speaker:they tend to get more done. And you can do the same for yourself.
Speaker:And what I mean by that is a KPI they used to call them, you know,
Speaker:key performance indicator or some sort of stat on what you're actually
Speaker:accomplishing. I love doing it.
Speaker:I have a whole Master Planning for Life book that I do and I teach
Speaker:people in Breakthrough how to start that, in the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:How to begin that so you can start to organize and take command of your life.
Speaker:If you don't take command of your life,
Speaker:everybody else is going to promote their stuff onto you and expect you to live
Speaker:in their values, and you're not going to be as fulfilled doing that.
Speaker:So I basically go through there, I metric what I'm doing,
Speaker:and I am certain that that pays off.
Speaker:And then you refine what you do and every day you look at what worked and what
Speaker:didn't work and keep refining it. And ask yourself, what else can I delegate?
Speaker:What else can I refine? How can I do it more effectively and efficiently?
Speaker:What's working, what's not working?
Speaker:These are the things you just keep asking yourself. And lo and behold,
Speaker:as you do, you build momentum and you got achievement and you got the facts.
Speaker:And by having the metrics you get to actually see what you've achieved and
Speaker:that's incentivizing for yourself and other people who know about that.
Speaker:A lot of people, if I go, my students sometimes look at my book, they go,
Speaker:My God, you actually have got all that documented? I said, Yeah. They say,
Speaker:that's amazing because now I can see that you're really serious about a goal.
Speaker:I said, I am serious about an objective.
Speaker:Why would you want a goal that you're not serious about?
Speaker:Why would you want to fill your day with something that's not really meaningful
Speaker:and important to you? That doesn't make any sense.
Speaker:So you want to prioritize your life, as I said. So again,
Speaker:I'm going to go through these again. Determine what your hierarchy values are.
Speaker:Ask specifically how do you get handsomely paid to do it?
Speaker:What are the highest priority actions steps I can do daily?
Speaker:How do I delegate lower priority things to get somebody who would love to do
Speaker:that to free yourself up?
Speaker:And how to metric the achievements that you do to make sure you're on track
Speaker:and to keep refining what you're doing. And the sixth one on these six steps,
Speaker:the six most powerful life lessons is to document what you're grateful for.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:when you got the metrics there and you're getting to see what you're doing,
Speaker:one thing will happen.
Speaker:You'll either find out that months and months and months go by and you're not
Speaker:doing it. If so, you get feedback to either go and delete the goal,
Speaker:refine the goal, or delegate the goal. Because if it's not happening,
Speaker:it must not be important enough to you.
Speaker:Or it may be the timeframe you put on is unrealistic.
Speaker:And anytime you set a too big a goal in too short a timeframe,
Speaker:you'll beat yourself up. So why would you want those in place?
Speaker:Either readjust the time, set reasonable timeframes on it,
Speaker:or delegate it more or put a higher value on it by linking whatever the action
Speaker:steps are to whatever's highest on your value to increase the probability of
Speaker:achieving it,
Speaker:or delete it and quit living in a fantasy that's really important to you.
Speaker:I have deleted some goals in my,
Speaker:I had some lofty goals when I started out that weren't real,
Speaker:that I wasn't seeing evidence of doing in two, three years in.
Speaker:And I finally just realized,
Speaker:is that really important to me or is that something I picked up as a whim?
Speaker:And I finally deleted a few of them.
Speaker:And some of them I refined and some of them I updated.
Speaker:So if I don't see some sort of results based on what I really want,
Speaker:I'm not going to be grateful,
Speaker:and I want my gratitude to go up because when you're gra grateful,
Speaker:it kind of window washes the mind and opens the heart and allows love to come
Speaker:which then clears the mind and inspires you and then brings enthusiasm and then
Speaker:more certainty and presence in your life and you have more transcendental
Speaker:awareness and a function,
Speaker:and you're less likely to be amygdala based and volatile and distracted by
Speaker:external circumstances and you're more focused within. So that's the key,
Speaker:to document and incentivize yourself with gratitudes.
Speaker:I've the largest gratitude list of anybody I've ever met on the planet.
Speaker:And on the podcast yesterday, the lady said, I told her, I said,
Speaker:I've already got you on the podcast, the gratitude list. And she goes, You do?
Speaker:And I said, I've already typed it in. I said, I'll share it with you.
Speaker:And I pulled it up on Zoom and I showed it to her and she said,
Speaker:I'm actually in your gratitude book. I said,
Speaker:You're in my gratitude book and I've got you twice because we did that interview
Speaker:six months or so ago. And she said, That was very nice, thank you for that.
Speaker:And I said, Well, I'm grateful for what you're doing.
Speaker:You helped me reach another million people today and every time I get to reach
Speaker:the people that I'm setting out to reach, I mean, why not be thankful?
Speaker:And she goes, Good point.
Speaker:I'm thankful to have you on a guest because our last time we did it,
Speaker:it was a great received interview. I said, thank you,
Speaker:we were helping each other get our goals. What can we say?
Speaker:That's how you want to spend your day, doing something that serves other people.
Speaker:If you look really careful at the moments you've had the most inspiration,
Speaker:most fulfillment in your life,
Speaker:it's going to be the moments that you did something that made a difference in
Speaker:people's lives that you're grateful for.
Speaker:And so you want to make sure that you have it where these things are in fair
Speaker:exchange with people and have gratitude in life.
Speaker:So if you document what you're grateful for and you are basically you know,
Speaker:doing the sixth step as I mentioned, when you're grateful for what you got,
Speaker:you get more to be grateful for.
Speaker:And that's something that's going to be worth something in the long run in your
Speaker:momentum building achievements in life.
Speaker:So these are six steps that I know can make a difference.
Speaker:Six action steps or life lessons if you will,
Speaker:that I've incorporated into my life that are just standard for me.
Speaker:And I just know that they'll make a difference in yours if you put them into
Speaker:That's why I teach them in the Breakthrough Experience
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience I have people go through and actually identify
Speaker:what they're grateful for and write a gratitude thing after they do the
Speaker:Demartini Method,
Speaker:they take something that they've never appreciated and they're resentful to,
Speaker:and then I show them how to do certain action steps to balance out their
Speaker:perception and go in there and be grateful for it.
Speaker:And the moment they're grateful for it and I ask them to write a gratitude
Speaker:letter to the person. So they're basically re neuroplastically
Speaker:myelinating their pathways in their brain. In the process of doing that,
Speaker:you grow your potential in life. And so I think that's a great starting point,
Speaker:every day you want to review in the morning when you
Speaker:grateful for when you went to bed and document them down on piece of paper.
Speaker:I have thousands and thousands and thousands of pages
Speaker:daily basis. And when I go and read back, it brings tears to my eyes.
Speaker:Why not fill your day with tears of inspiration? Why not,
Speaker:they're moments of gratitude, moments of authenticity, moments of transcendence.
Speaker:That's the reason I teach the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:to help people get that lifestyle, to get at a habit of doing it,
Speaker:to help them dissolve all the baggage,
Speaker:to help them get clear about what their values are,
Speaker:to help them prioritize their life,
Speaker:to help them plan out their strategies and to help them achieve what it is that
Speaker:they want to achieve. I don't know if that's something you want,
Speaker:but that's something I definitely wanted and I just as I learned what was
Speaker:working and not working,
Speaker:I started sharing it with people and I found out that when I did and I started
Speaker:getting letters. In a weekly basis, I could get 20,
Speaker:30 letters sometimes coming in from people around the world that are just
Speaker:extraordinary letters that brings tears to my eyes reading them,
Speaker:who attended the Breakthrough Experience and learned from these principles and
Speaker:put it in operation. And it's amazing. And the longer they go,
Speaker:the more impactful that becomes.
Speaker:So please take the time to go through these six steps and consider joining me at
Speaker:the Breakthrough Experience where I can actually make you do it.
Speaker:It's one thing to hear it, it's another thing to do it,
Speaker:and put them into operation and make a habit out of it,
Speaker:and clear the baggage that's sitting there weighing you down and the illusions
Speaker:and start owning the traits of the greats in the Breakthrough Experience where
Speaker:you're not subordinating to people which distracts you.
Speaker:And give yourself permission to go after what's really meaningful,
Speaker:according to your values as I've stated in this presentation today.
Speaker:So that way you can master your mind and master your life and basically have a
Speaker:gratitude attitude in your life and do something extraordinary life.
Speaker:If you'd like to join me for doing that,
Speaker:I would like to do what I can to make a difference in your life and share these
Speaker:principles and allow you to learn how to apply them so you've got them for life.
Speaker:So join me at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:I know that if you take these principles that I've outlined today and others
Speaker:that are there, because it's loaded with information for two days.
Speaker:It's 24 hours of me,
Speaker:you got 30 minutes with me today but imagine 24 hours of going through the most
Speaker:important principles and practical tools you can to master your life.
Speaker:I look forward to seeing you at the Breakthrough Experience.