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Money? Ick! (Episode 23)
16th February 2021 • [un]phased podcast • [un]phased podcast
00:00:00 00:38:30

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Most women struggle to charge based on their worth for the services they offer. On this week’s podcast, Shaunna and Lisa break down what this is about and how we can address it. Shaunna’s friend, Shun Strickland calls this feeling “money ick.” It is not an uncommon feeling. Many of us find it difficult to discuss our monetary worth when asked to provide a service for an organization or individual client. Whether the services are coaching, DEI consulting, or educating, this value-laden work is typically undervalued. There is an expectation that folks in those fields are “good people” who will do the work for less money -- or even for free -- because they are doing it for the greater good. The people most often saddled with this expectation are women and people of color. The feelings of discomfort we have around discussing money matters can also be related to our socialization. Whether this is your socialization as a woman, a person of color, or the way that money was (not) discussed in your family or career field, overcoming our socialization around money and worth can be a difficult barrier to cross. Women are much more likely to undervalue their skill sets and charge less for their work. Lisa and Shaunna discuss how we can promote woman-to-woman allyship in the context of charging what we are worth for our work. We hope our listeners continue to remind each other as women, it is acceptable, even imperative, to ask for compensation that reflects all of the education, expertise, and experience we have. Sign up for the Feisty Team at !





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