Artwork for podcast The Online Hustle with Jake Hower
How To Build A Successful Webinar Campaign with Jamie McKean
Episode 2830th August 2023 • The Online Hustle with Jake Hower • Jake Hower
00:00:00 00:28:44

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Jake Hower:

In today's show.

Jake Hower:

We're speaking with Jamie McKean from technology for coaches, a company, which

Jake Hower:

as the title suggests, provides technology assistance for business coaches.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So in today's show, we're speaking about how Jamie.

Jake Hower:

Has helped his clients to automate webinars, to improve the sales

Jake Hower:

for his customers and clients.

Jake Hower:

And of course, to provide a better solution for all webinar attendees.

Jake Hower:

So let's get stuck straight into today's episode and welcome back to the show.

Jake Hower:

Listen, as discussed at the top of the episode, we've got Jamie McKean

Jake Hower:

from technology for coaches on a line.

Jake Hower:

Jamie, how are you?

Jamie McKean:

Yeah, I'm good today.

Jamie McKean:

So yeah,

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

It's a nice Melbourne morning brisk and the middle of

Jake Hower:

winter, but I certainly can't

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

You're probably in shorts and a t shirt whereas we're in New Zealand,

Jamie McKean:

it's just damp and all the gray.

Jamie McKean:

And anyway, carry on.

Jake Hower:

That's interesting.

Jake Hower:

Cause you're obviously a Pom and you've moved to New Zealand.

Jake Hower:

I would have thought you would have gone somewhere tropical or something like that.

Jamie McKean:

How long have we got on the call?

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So in today's episode, the reason we've got Jamie on the line listener is that

Jake Hower:

Jamie's an expert in providing technology for coaches and around automation.

Jake Hower:

So we're going to delve into a little bit about Jamie and look at how

Jake Hower:

he goes about automating webinars.

Jake Hower:

So Jamie, why don't you kick off by telling us exactly who you are,

Jake Hower:

where you've been and what you're

Jamie McKean:

doing now.

Jamie McKean:

Hi, my name's Jamie.

Jamie McKean:

I feel like I'm stood up in a room with a circle of people.

Jamie McKean:

My name's Jamie and I have a problem.

Jamie McKean:

No, I don't really.

Jamie McKean:

Not many times of the day.

Jamie McKean:

Jamie, as you say, a palm in New Zealand there's a whole story on

Jamie McKean:

my about page on jamie mckean.

Jamie McKean:

com of how I got drunk one night and woke up in New Zealand.

Jamie McKean:

But my background for the past probably past five or six years has been helping

Jamie McKean:

entrepreneurs with marketing and for the past 15 years, self taught technologist.

Jamie McKean:

So when you then put those two together.

Jamie McKean:

I've been told there's not many people in the world who can do both at an

Jamie McKean:

expert level, so that's what I do, and the reason why there's a focus on

Jamie McKean:

coaches is because as an ex business consultant and coach myself, the more

Jamie McKean:

coaches I can help on a technology front.

Jamie McKean:

The more they can help other people, so it's the, paying it forward or

Jamie McKean:

helping multiply whatever the term is, which is why the focus on coaches and

Jamie McKean:

technology for coaches dot com was born and my team of 12 today and growing.

Jamie McKean:

Dedicated to helping coaches worldwide get ahead with technology.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, that's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

I guess the coaching industry, it's the reason that we're talking now is the fact

Jake Hower:

that you and your clients do a lot of webinars and I guess the coaching niche

Jake Hower:

is one where you are generating a lot of leads and holding a lot of webinars.

Jake Hower:

So what have you found, from your large suite of clients, what's

Jake Hower:

generally their biggest issue around technology and marketing?

Jamie McKean:

How long have we got again?

Jamie McKean:

Let's go back to the first question.

Jamie McKean:

It was easier.

Jamie McKean:

I guess there's different types of coaches and there's coaches who just

Jamie McKean:

don't want to know about technology.

Jamie McKean:

They're very good at what they do, but technology is just too hard.

Jamie McKean:

Don't want to know about it versus the other scale where there's coaches who are

Jamie McKean:

trying to get ahead with technology and trying to put the right things in place.

Jamie McKean:

Now, when we apply this to your webinars and the marketing side of things.

Jamie McKean:

Most people out there don't realize in a simple sense, how long it

Jamie McKean:

takes to do a really good webinar.

Jamie McKean:

Some people think I'll just whack a webinar together and just deliver it.

Jamie McKean:

And then they look at some of the top performers out there and think,

Jamie McKean:

why are they making so much money and how come they're doing so well?

Jamie McKean:

And that's because those top performers have looked at a webinar as a

Jamie McKean:

whole system and they've built it.

Jamie McKean:

With a view for a medium to long term view that they're not just building as

Jamie McKean:

a one off the building it to repeat it because you probably had and quite a lot

Jamie McKean:

of the listeners will probably know that it takes two or three or four webinars

Jamie McKean:

to get in a really good flow delivering a webinar which means you really good

Jamie McKean:

delivering it you get better responses of the attendees and assuming it's a sales

Jamie McKean:

webinar you gonna get higher conversion because it takes those two to three to

Jamie McKean:

get those good results the longer term.

Jamie McKean:

So the thought leaders in the space know that actually, how do I

Jamie McKean:

build a system around this webinar?

Jamie McKean:

How can I plug in the right emails at the front?

Jamie McKean:

How can I plug in the right sets of emails and sequences off the back to

Jamie McKean:

then make sure that when I deliver it next time, the second and the third and

Jamie McKean:

the fourth time it's left less effort.

Jamie McKean:

Building those mechanics around it and more focusing on the pure delivery to

Jamie McKean:

get the better performance results.

Jamie McKean:

Yeah, sure.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So it does.

Jake Hower:

It makes a lot of sense.

Jake Hower:

So I guess saying that there'll be a number of components that

Jake Hower:

you could look at when looking at a webinar and a webinar series.

Jake Hower:

Would I be close in saying that.

Jake Hower:

You'd almost say it's pre webinar, during webinar and after webinar

Jake Hower:

as the three main components.

Jake Hower:


Jamie McKean:

probably add another one up the front, which is to get

Jamie McKean:

people to sign up to the webinar.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

So to promote the webinar.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

And then that, they would be the four, yes.

Jamie McKean:

All right.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

How about we go through all of those stages and we'll focus mainly in

Jake Hower:

this interview on the pre webinar, like in terms of the automation

Jake Hower:

and again, the post webinar, but we'll touch off on all four stages.

Jake Hower:

So let's start with stage one, getting people onto a

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

So I guess the, and some of this is borrowed from my

Jamie McKean:

friend Taki Moore by the way.

Jamie McKean:

So I'll give credit where credit's due up the front, and that's how

Jamie McKean:

you and I met with doing some of the automation on Taki's side of things.

Jamie McKean:

But from a front end, we have the promote of getting people to

Jamie McKean:

actually sign up to the webinar.

Jamie McKean:

So that's a probably two or three email campaign going out to your

Jamie McKean:

existing list, whether it's to your existing list or via JVs.

Jamie McKean:

To get people to sign up, how detailed do we want to get here on the technology?

Jamie McKean:

By the way,

Jake Hower:

I don't think we need to go too detailed on the technology.

Jake Hower:

I think there are solutions that you can probably brush over as to how you

Jake Hower:

can connect everything and whatever, not, it's probably more the actual

Jake Hower:

meat in terms of the flow of emails, et cetera, or how you actually go about

Jake Hower:

attracting and encouraging people to sign up and then join in on the webinar.

Jake Hower:

I think that's the real

Jamie McKean:

key takeaway.

Jamie McKean:

Okay, cool.

Jamie McKean:

Like as well, probably from an overview, I did this recently with one coach

Jamie McKean:

and we mapped out all of these stages.

Jamie McKean:

And I think from memory, those 19 emails across the whole campaign.

Jamie McKean:

So straight away, that gives you an indication of how much there

Jamie McKean:

is going on in the background.

Jamie McKean:

So you have your first two or three emails to get people to sign up and at the sign

Jamie McKean:

up I've seen on your blog, you've had clay Collins on lead pages, great tool.

Jamie McKean:

You want to use it this is assuming that you're using either office autopilot or

Jamie McKean:

infusion soft and you're looking to use go to webinar so lead pages is a great

Jamie McKean:

fit for that get them to sign up lead pages and then in your office autopilot

Jamie McKean:

let's just focus on office autopilot from a conversation you don't have a number

Jamie McKean:

of it's called stick emails or show up emails to get someone to show up because.

Jamie McKean:

People may get a hundred people sign up and then wonder why only 15 people show up

Jamie McKean:

so it's having two to three emails talking about the benefits and the best things

Jamie McKean:

that they're going to get out of this to make them want to take that emotional

Jamie McKean:

leap in a sense and the commitment to spend the time with you on the webinar.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

so in those emails you actually including the link

Jake Hower:

to join in each one or is it more just building up to it and as you

Jake Hower:

get closer you start including

Jamie McKean:

the link.

Jamie McKean:

You'd probably put once they've registered you put a link to join in all of them.

Jamie McKean:

Just because that someone may think when they come to attend, I'll

Jamie McKean:

just search for such and such, and they just want to find it easily.

Jamie McKean:

So you put the link in everyone now, how to do that with, if we were

Jamie McKean:

using go to webinar, when people sign up, go to webinar, normally

Jamie McKean:

sends out their own emails and quite a lot of people just rely on those.

Jamie McKean:

Whereas what you want to do, especially with our new ability via

Jamie McKean:

fused, which is a great little tool.

Jamie McKean:

Is allow that when they sign up fused can put the actual join URL into their

Jamie McKean:

contact record in office autopilot and therefore you can write the emails

Jamie McKean:

to three or four emails with their unique link inside of their email.

Jamie McKean:

So that's what I do.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And I guess so I'm looking at it from the bias perspective as the the founder

Jake Hower:

refused, but certainly this was a feature request requested by Taki himself.

Jake Hower:

And prior to that, I would have personally just been using the

Jake Hower:

go to webinar reminder email.

Jake Hower:

So what is, the one key.

Jake Hower:

Component of what would you want to be sending out your own email?

Jake Hower:

So it's against letting go to webinar handle that for you.

Jake Hower:

That's a

Jamie McKean:

great question.

Jamie McKean:

Now, as a listener, if you're listening to this and all you do is let go to webinar

Jamie McKean:

go out, imagine for the person receiving those, if they go to a few webinars and

Jamie McKean:

that's all they get is those standard go to webinars, it just washes over them.

Jamie McKean:

It's the same as getting junk mail.

Jamie McKean:

It just washes over them.

Jamie McKean:

There's nothing different.

Jamie McKean:

Whereas if you write your own.

Jamie McKean:

Then you can really be talking to their emotional hot buttons.

Jamie McKean:

You can really be getting them excited about the event.

Jamie McKean:

You can be delivering them some pre event information.

Jamie McKean:

You can be just talking about scarcity.

Jamie McKean:

You can be talking about all the different things you'd use in

Jamie McKean:

copywriting to get someone to attend.

Jamie McKean:

That's why you'd move away from the go to.

Jamie McKean:

Meeting and go to webinar ones and do your own.

Jamie McKean:

Okay, that's

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So you've got, did you say four or five

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

Yeah, it depends on the time timeframe.

Jamie McKean:

You probably want to send one every couple of days.

Jamie McKean:

And then when you get closer, you start doing a countdown.

Jamie McKean:

So you'd say it's on tomorrow and then four hours to go and then one hour to go.

Jamie McKean:

And if you've set it up, you can even send SMS as a reminder, which

Jamie McKean:

we've had great success with because SMS has such a good open rate.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And is that using something like a call loop dot

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

That could be.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

There's a few different systems out there that you connect

Jamie McKean:

either OAP or Infusionsoft to.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

Listener, I'm just going to get a little bit

Jake Hower:

meta here just for a second.

Jake Hower:

So bear with, I think this is important.

Jake Hower:

So building out this campaign sequence, you talk about doing a bit of a countdown.

Jake Hower:

Let's for against maintaining office autopilot through the conversation, the

Jake Hower:

emails, do you have them timed to send out a certain amount of time before a.

Jake Hower:

Specific date and time or is that based on whenever the user

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

No, great question.

Jamie McKean:

There's two questions that are probably in people's head.

Jamie McKean:

One question will be, how come you send in so many bloody emails?

Jamie McKean:

Number one.

Jamie McKean:

And the second question is exactly what you've just said.

Jamie McKean:

How would you do it to make sure it's right?

Jamie McKean:

I'll do the, I'll do them in order.

Jamie McKean:

My answer, my own questions in order.

Jamie McKean:

The first one is.

Jamie McKean:

You have to remember from a marketing perspective that

Jamie McKean:

they've asked to be there.

Jamie McKean:

So really you're doing a reminder service to help them get there.

Jamie McKean:

You're not spamming them.

Jamie McKean:

You're not bugging them.

Jamie McKean:

It's really interesting that when you look at campaigns that might send four, five,

Jamie McKean:

six messages to remind someone, there's very small amounts of unsubscribes.

Jamie McKean:

And if any, usually zero complaints because people have asked to be

Jamie McKean:

there and that you reminding them.

Jamie McKean:

So that's number one, you're doing them a service.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

The second one is using office autopilot.

Jamie McKean:

We use a date sequence versus a step sequence and what we need to create.

Jamie McKean:

And we'll add a feature request after this interfused, but what you need to

Jamie McKean:

create to start is a rule inside of office autopilot, which says when someone

Jamie McKean:

subscribes to this, then, and you have a, an event, you add the events inside

Jamie McKean:

of office autopilot of the day and the time of the webinar as an event, and

Jamie McKean:

then you add a rule to say when they sign up on this form at this event,

Jamie McKean:

timestamp to their contact record, and then that event Stamp is used in the

Jamie McKean:

date sequence to count them down from the event so that means everyone gets

Jamie McKean:

the same four days to go three days to go one day to go four hours to go

Jamie McKean:

and it's all timed correctly fantastic

Jake Hower:

and that makes a lot of sense i can see exactly

Jake Hower:

where you're coming from there.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

So that's fantastic.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So from sign up leading up to, let's say, do you start sending

Jake Hower:

emails two weeks prior a week prior?

Jake Hower:

How frequent are they leading up to the webinar?

Jamie McKean:

Yeah, again it's more if someone's that if planned it

Jamie McKean:

that far ahead, there's very rarely do we get people going, yes, I've

Jamie McKean:

thought about this four weeks out.

Jamie McKean:

Normally they're like, I want to do a webinar next week.

Jamie McKean:

Let's go.

Jamie McKean:

But if you do, it's, you would likely have.

Jamie McKean:

I call it a keep in touch or a longterm nurture.

Jamie McKean:

You'd likely be sending them emails once a week anyway for your normal marketing.

Jamie McKean:

So what you'd want to do is have a blackout window and then

Jamie McKean:

start marketing your events.

Jamie McKean:

And so you'd start saying, sign up for the webinar when they sign up.

Jamie McKean:

You've turned every other sequence off and then you just remind them to

Jamie McKean:

attend you don't send anything else with that in mind then you probably

Jamie McKean:

want to start marketing about 10 days before because two weeks might be a

Jamie McKean:

bit too far out but 10 days before you do a 10 day than a 7 day than a.

Jamie McKean:

Five then a three, then a two, one half a day, et cetera, countdown, depending

Jamie McKean:

on, I said, an SMS ID before, depending on where people are in the world, some

Jamie McKean:

people may have signed up just to do the replay and then you text them at one in

Jamie McKean:

the morning might not go down so well.

Jamie McKean:

Just keep that in mind for your own audience.

Jamie McKean:

That's a very

Jake Hower:

good point.

Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Moving on, we're looking at the actual webinar component.

Jake Hower:

I don't think we should focus a lot on this because there's a lot

Jake Hower:

of information already out there on how to run a good webinar.

Jake Hower:

Someone like a Lewis Howes, some of the information he provides is fantastic.

Jake Hower:

That's probably where you go to look for that information.

Jake Hower:

Do you have anything to add that's contextually relevant to

Jake Hower:

our conversation here, Jamie?

Jamie McKean:

Not specifically apart from within the coaching

Jamie McKean:

space Taki has a fantastic webinar training specifically for coaches.

Jamie McKean:

That's probably to add value.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

We'll include that in the show notes as well.

Jake Hower:

One thing I think we should probably do is the type of webinar that we're.

Jake Hower:

Building out this campaign for, I guess is, it's a sales

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

Definitely a sales webinar.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

And a sales webinar, whether you say it's a, whether you know that you've

Jamie McKean:

done a full pitch in it and you've, you worked through a product near the

Jamie McKean:

end, or whether it's a really soft pitch that you just add massive value.

Jamie McKean:

And then at the very end you say, by the way, if you wanna talk to me

Jamie McKean:

about this, just give me a call or go to ask for information.

Jamie McKean:

That URL's not mine, by the way, so don't go there, . But the If it's something that

Jamie McKean:

you're going to repeat and it's going to make you revenue, then yes, you're going

Jamie McKean:

to want to going back to what I said near the beginning, you're going to want to do

Jamie McKean:

this two or three times to get the flow.

Jamie McKean:

And also when we start moving to automation and evergreen to record

Jamie McKean:

it, which we'll talk about in a little

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Okay, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Let's move on and speed through the actual webinar itself and let's start looking at.

Jake Hower:

Post webinar, what's the, best practice for following a post webinar.

Jake Hower:

So what's typical for you and your customers?

Jamie McKean:

There's three types of people you want to think about

Jamie McKean:

from your webinar perspective, there's people who attended and

Jamie McKean:

watched it pretty much all of it.

Jamie McKean:

The key thing we're trying to do, especially if it's a sales webinar,

Jamie McKean:

did they get to the point where I started talking about the product?

Jamie McKean:

Yes or no.

Jamie McKean:

So number one, did they attend and did they watch it?

Jamie McKean:

Number two, they didn't show up.

Jamie McKean:

Or number three, they attended, but they left early.

Jamie McKean:

So there's those three types of people.

Jamie McKean:

And what we want to be able to do is then market differently after

Jamie McKean:

the webinar to those three different types of people, because you'd

Jamie McKean:

use slightly different language.

Jamie McKean:

And you'd probably have, you'd have to, if we're sticking with office autopilot,

Jamie McKean:

you'd have three different sequences for the technologists in the room.

Jamie McKean:

It's a step sequence, by the way.

Jamie McKean:

But you would have one for attended one for no show and then one

Jamie McKean:

for left halfway or left early.

Jamie McKean:

Let's say you have four emails in each one of those total 12 emails.

Jamie McKean:

I need one of those emails talks about a talk about a special offer and there's a

Jamie McKean:

time frame on it and it's the countdown of the time frame which is standard for

Jamie McKean:

the end of a webinar email number one.

Jamie McKean:

You would change specific to each of those people where is you could likely leave

Jamie McKean:

emails to three and four to be the same.

Jamie McKean:

For those three streams gotcha that makes sense yep it does so the first one

Jamie McKean:

would say hey thanks for attending really hope you enjoyed a promise that i'd give

Jamie McKean:

you a replay if you wanted to look at it here's the link or the links coming

Jamie McKean:

soon i'll send it to you tomorrow etc.

Jamie McKean:

Someone who didn't attend said, sorry, you missed it.

Jamie McKean:

It was the best thing ever since sliced bread.

Jamie McKean:

The replay I'll be out tomorrow.

Jamie McKean:

And then the left early is sorry.

Jamie McKean:

I had to leave early.

Jamie McKean:

Those things happen.

Jamie McKean:

Here's the replay I'll be out tomorrow, just in case to make sure you get a

Jamie McKean:

chance to see the special offer talked about at the end, help you get it in

Jamie McKean:

your business or something like that.

Jamie McKean:

That's off the top of my head.

Jake Hower:

Okay, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

So I guess it's really just to be contextually relevant to your webinar

Jake Hower:

attendees, is that essentially all we're

Jamie McKean:

trying to do here?

Jamie McKean:

That's exactly right.

Jamie McKean:

And that's the perfect marketing of talking the language that's right for the

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Yeah, fantastic.

Jake Hower:

So would you almost then just have the three step sequences with that initial

Jake Hower:

email in it and then migrate them all back into the one step sequence

Jamie McKean:

after that?

Jamie McKean:

No, I wouldn't.

Jamie McKean:

All I'd do is, I just have the you'd use an office autopilot as an example,

Jamie McKean:

you just have the message and just.

Jamie McKean:

Pull that into the sequence, it doesn't take five minutes to do that.

Jamie McKean:

And then you can just track how many people go through it.

Jamie McKean:

So that's, I just leave it like that.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And then, so typically you're still providing the same content in terms

Jake Hower:

of your, you're always going to offer the webinar replay, regardless

Jake Hower:

of if someone attended or attended

Jamie McKean:

to the end.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

Cause some people might, if you think about it from an attendees

Jamie McKean:

perspective, they may have watched it and thought that was bloody brilliant.

Jamie McKean:

I'd love to watch that again.

Jamie McKean:

I want to show my wife or yeah, I'm about to spend the 2000, but I really need to

Jamie McKean:

let my wife give me my credit card back.

Jamie McKean:

Something like that.

Jamie McKean:

To most people will be thinking that

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So now with the replay, I guess with a sales type webinar, you're actually

Jake Hower:

trying to have people take action.

Jake Hower:

So I would assume and you're obviously going to tell us now that you're only

Jake Hower:

going to keep that webinar replay up for a certain amount of time.

Jake Hower:


Jamie McKean:

there's different schools of thought.

Jamie McKean:

Some people say don't even give a replay.

Jamie McKean:

So they have to turn up and they have to take action there.

Jamie McKean:

That's more of a gun to the head type approach and not my style.

Jamie McKean:

Definitely having a replay because things get in the way in life, but the whole

Jamie McKean:

aim as someone delivering that webinar is to get the other person to consume it.

Jamie McKean:

And if they consume it and take action, you've done your job.

Jamie McKean:

If they consume it and not take action, either they're not right

Jamie McKean:

for you, or you didn't do your job properly in terms of delivery.

Jamie McKean:

Putting that together, but the whole aim for us is delivering

Jamie McKean:

webinars is that they consume

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Okay, so let's again, get a little bit meta in terms of how

Jake Hower:

you host that webinar replay.

Jake Hower:

Is it literally is it like a replay of the webinar or is

Jake Hower:

it you just hosting the video

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

There's a couple of things you could do here.

Jamie McKean:

If you delivered it and you thought you did really crappy,

Jamie McKean:

you could deliver it again a few days later and call it an encore.

Jamie McKean:

And because you haven't sent the emails out yet, you could quickly

Jamie McKean:

go in and adapt those emails that are probably ready to go.

Jamie McKean:

If you just come off and your head's down and you think, I really wish

Jamie McKean:

I did this differently and did this differently and change that around.

Jamie McKean:

So I've had that happen with a couple of clients.

Jamie McKean:

And so they've switched it to an encore versus a replay, whereas other

Jamie McKean:

clients who are really comfortable on webinars will deliver it.

Jamie McKean:

They'll record it.

Jamie McKean:

That's the most important bit.

Jamie McKean:

By the way, press record.

Jamie McKean:

Real technical thing.

Jamie McKean:

Red button.

Jamie McKean:

But the in the replay, what we want to do then is have a page.

Jamie McKean:

We'll call it a sales page with the replay on, and then likely a timed

Jamie McKean:

button that would appear, which would be either a link to another sales page

Jamie McKean:

or a link to the cart, depending on what the call to action is at the end.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

And again, to stay consistent, probably the easiest solution

Jake Hower:

for that is, is again, lead

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

It can be, yeah, because they have a good links through the lead pages.

Jamie McKean:

I don't think timer recording has a buy now button on them just

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

They do some of them and you can

Jamie McKean:

time them in as well.

Jamie McKean:

Oh, okay.

Jamie McKean:

Then thank you for educating me.

Jamie McKean:

I'll go update myself on that one.

Jamie McKean:

I haven't looked at it in a few weeks.

Jamie McKean:

Yes, then that's the best answer.

Jamie McKean:

Good job.

Jamie McKean:

Well done.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

All right.

Jake Hower:

Let's look at some of the the other options.

Jake Hower:

So you were hosting those videos like in just like a video player, like a

Jake Hower:

YouTube or something, or is it a specific set of software that you're using

Jamie McKean:

for webinars?

Jamie McKean:

It depends.

Jamie McKean:

Going down the path of Office Autopilot and go to where we started this whole

Jamie McKean:

process with GoToWebinar and Office Autopilot and that's what you do at the

Jamie McKean:

beginning of anything, though actually one of my clients did record it on his

Jamie McKean:

computer with Camtasia and then plugged that straight into Stealth Seminar without

Jamie McKean:

having an audience and that's still converting and that's a 2, 000 ticket

Jamie McKean:

item, but assuming that you go through with GoToWebinar and you do that then once

Jamie McKean:

you've recorded it, The next steps are one of probably two or three different steps.

Jamie McKean:

One would be use Wistia and then you could have the same type of logic of

Jamie McKean:

they watched it halfway through or not and then use Fused to flick them into

Jamie McKean:

different extra sequences if you want.

Jamie McKean:

AP, that's one way to do it.

Jamie McKean:

The other way to do it would just be to have a a YouTube video for them

Jamie McKean:

to watch and just hope it works, but that's called hope marketing.

Jamie McKean:

So that's probably at the bottom.

Jamie McKean:

It's quickest way to do it, but that'd be the bottom.

Jamie McKean:

The third one as well could be to plug it into stealth seminar

Jamie McKean:

and I'm a fan of stealth seminar.

Jamie McKean:

Some people aren't, and then use stealth seminar and integrate stealth

Jamie McKean:

seminar back with office autopilot.

Jamie McKean:

To give you the same type of function as in how far did they go through?

Jamie McKean:

Did they get to call to action one?

Jamie McKean:

Did they get to call to action two and then potentially kick off

Jamie McKean:

different sequences and stealth seminar integrates beautifully with office

Jamie McKean:

autopilot to be able to do those

Jake Hower:

things as well.

Jake Hower:

And the difference between stealth seminar and go to webinar, what's

Jake Hower:

the main point of difference there?

Jamie McKean:

The, I guess the look and feel if your market is

Jamie McKean:

experienced with webinars, they're probably quite used to seeing.

Jamie McKean:

Go to webinars so it's more of a comfort thing for them where is stealth seminar

Jamie McKean:

and yes you can deliver live through stealth though if your markets not to

Jamie McKean:

open webinars then i really like stealth seminar in terms of it's it literally

Jamie McKean:

is a set and forget i got one client who loves his cricket and he's sitting

Jamie McKean:

there watching cricket is two thousand dollars orders are coming through.

Jamie McKean:

And when people are typing in the comments box, answering his questions, they just

Jamie McKean:

come to his email and then he responds.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

So it is personal preference.

Jamie McKean:

I've got other clients who just love go to webinar and would rather be there live.

Jamie McKean:

And I've got other clients who use go to webinar, have a recording and then

Jamie McKean:

get another team to press play on the recording through the go to webinars.

Jamie McKean:

So it looks live.

Jamie McKean:

So there's a few.

Jamie McKean:

Different things you can do behind the scenes.

Jamie McKean:

All right.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

Now, one

Jake Hower:

thing that is, really interests me is that from a logistics

Jake Hower:

point of view, when you're holding multiple webinars, how are you

Jake Hower:

handling the sequences, other sequences evergreen, where you can reuse them

Jake Hower:

and just plug in the webinar you're using, or are you building out a

Jake Hower:

set of sequences for every single

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

The former, the evergreen, so the only, the little trick I told you before

Jamie McKean:

about the rule, which plugs in the date stamp for the event, that would

Jamie McKean:

be the only thing you need to tweak.

Jamie McKean:

And from our experience, a little thing infused quick change of the

Jamie McKean:

actual webinar that it's pointing to, and then everything else is set

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

So I guess that's a consideration when building out your sequence is to keep

Jake Hower:

it, generic enough that it can be reused.

Jamie McKean:

When I say I guess when you say generic and when I say reused,

Jamie McKean:

I'm assuming that what you mean is that you're delivering the same webinar.

Jamie McKean:

Ah, gotcha.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

same title, different day.

Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:


Jamie McKean:

If you're going to do a different webinar, then what you can do is lift.

Jamie McKean:

Cause if you remember at the beginning, I said there was about 19 emails

Jamie McKean:

in that whole process, if not more.

Jamie McKean:

And so you want to try and reuse that.

Jamie McKean:

whole machine.

Jamie McKean:

And you want to try and use that two or three times.

Jamie McKean:

And it might be, you say, I shall run that every three months.

Jamie McKean:

But then next time I run it's easy it's just some promotion and the rest of it

Jamie McKean:

just kicks off or you can automate it like a number of my clients do and one of

Jamie McKean:

my clients has it run twice a week so at certain times for time zone it's connected

Jamie McKean:

to stealth he does nothing and the 2, 000 ticket items sell every single webinar.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

That's fantastic.

Jake Hower:

Jamie, I think that's a whole heap of awesome information.

Jake Hower:

Before we hit record, we were just going down the path of some

Jake Hower:

of the different automation tools we're using, and we thought it'd

Jake Hower:

be interesting to include here.

Jake Hower:

So Jamie, you've mentioned you, you've just gone across to

Jake Hower:

HubSpot as an automation tool.

Jake Hower:

What advantages and benefits have you seen of going across to HubSpot?

Jamie McKean:

The thing I love about HubSpot, there's a few different things.

Jamie McKean:

When I work with my top end clients, One of the biggest challenges

Jamie McKean:

anyone has in the online space is the tracking and measuring.

Jamie McKean:

So yes, we can set up Google Analytics, Google Goals, we can have conversion

Jamie McKean:

on all the different website pieces.

Jamie McKean:

And if you understand what I'm saying there, you'll understand the

Jamie McKean:

effort that's needed for each one.

Jamie McKean:

And probably three or four different tools you need to talk to each other.

Jamie McKean:

Whereas HubSpot just does it all for you.

Jamie McKean:

So it just has its...

Jamie McKean:

In HubSpot's language, it's called closed loop analytics.

Jamie McKean:

And the whole premise of HubSpot is inbound marketing, which

Jamie McKean:

is a recently new term to me.

Jamie McKean:

Inbound marketing, but it's the thing I've been doing for many years.

Jamie McKean:

I just didn't know it was called a name and that's all about putting

Jamie McKean:

yourself out there, putting out your help, really offering help to people.

Jamie McKean:

So when they go looking, they find you and then they're attracted

Jamie McKean:

to you and what you offer.

Jamie McKean:

So the inbound is people coming towards you, which is great for

Jamie McKean:

people who don't like selling.

Jamie McKean:

So I'm not a big salesperson, but I love the marketing.

Jamie McKean:

And then you have a queue of people saying, Jamie, I want to do what you do.

Jamie McKean:

Teach me how to do that and show me how to do the behind the scenes stuff.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

things that really attract me to HubSpot are things like their

Jake Hower:

smart call to actions, where you can, it'll change up the call to actions

Jake Hower:

on your site, dependent on what the viewer has actually subscribed to

Jake Hower:

already or has already redeemed.

Jake Hower:

Once that viewer is known and they've given you your email

Jake Hower:

address, how does it compare to an Infusionsoft or an Office Autopilot?

Jake Hower:

Is it as feature rich on that

Jamie McKean:

side of it?

Jamie McKean:

It's a great question but I don't think it's apples for apples comparison I've got

Jamie McKean:

I ran off a sort of pilot for a number of years in my business I had to switch just

Jamie McKean:

because they didn't have a payment gateway in New Zealand so I went to infusionsoft

Jamie McKean:

and I've been running infusionsoft for a of which my team support for other

Jamie McKean:

people now HubSpot doesn't do e commerce so that's it's not like for but the

Jamie McKean:

reporting that I can get out of HubSpot blows the other two out of the water.

Jamie McKean:

Yes, you can get granular tracking.

Jamie McKean:

Inside of infusion soft when you add the web tracker to a website or the

Jamie McKean:

same with infusion OAP and you've got the plug in the same type of plug in

Jamie McKean:

into your Gmail and you can see people on your site played with all of those,

Jamie McKean:

but with HubSpot you can see, okay, this is how many people went to that site.

Jamie McKean:

This is how many people converted at this percentage.

Jamie McKean:

This is how many call to actions were viewed.

Jamie McKean:

This is how many call to actions were clicked.

Jamie McKean:

This is how many then converted on this landing page.

Jamie McKean:

It's all on a dashboard that I can just look at and within seconds make decisions

Jamie McKean:

from a business and my top end clients are moving the same way as well because

Jamie McKean:

they come to me saying, Jamie, I've just spent 8, 000 last month, four grand on

Jamie McKean:

Google AdWords and three grand on SEO.

Jamie McKean:

I said, great, what results have you got?

Jamie McKean:

And they said, we don't know.

Jamie McKean:

So you don't know.

Jamie McKean:

Okay why don't we find out by adding tracking and closed loop analytics?

Jamie McKean:

And that's what HubSpot does.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

you're then using it concurrently still with Infusionsoft.

Jamie McKean:

Correct, at this point though I'm also beta testing nanocast

Jamie McKean:

over here in New Zealand, they're launching with a payment gateway.

Jamie McKean:

And so there's plans for me to start using the e commerce on nanocast once

Jamie McKean:

that's up and running over here in NZ.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:

Which is a conversation for another time.

Jake Hower:

. Jamie McKean: It is.

Jake Hower:

We, yeah, we still have the first question.

Jake Hower:

How come you're in New Zealand?

Jake Hower:

We'll add them to the list.

Jake Hower:

Yeah, absolutely.

Jake Hower:

Alright Jane, thanks very much for your time.

Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

I know you'd probably, some of our listeners would benefit from knowing

Jake Hower:

a little bit more about your services.

Jake Hower:

So where can they find a little bit of information about you and what you offer?

Jamie McKean:

Yeah, no worries.

Jamie McKean:

If you're a coach, then that's easy.

Jamie McKean:

Go to technology for

Jamie McKean:

It's in the name we do that and if you're looking for help on the automation side

Jamie McKean:

of things, then there's a website called automating you dot com and that was built

Jamie McKean:

with a view to show people what automation can do, and there's something they

Jamie McKean:

call an awesome automation experience.

Jamie McKean:

I think it had a drink when I came up with that name.

Jamie McKean:

But you go in there.

Jamie McKean:

Put your details in and it just walks you through the whole sets of automation from

Jamie McKean:

email, SMS, voice broadcasting, et cetera.

Jamie McKean:

So you can actually see how it works.

Jamie McKean:

Technology for coaches.

Jamie McKean:

com or automating you.

Jamie McKean:


Jake Hower:


Jake Hower:

Jamie, thanks very much for your time.

Jake Hower:

I really appreciate it.

Jake Hower:

I know our listener out there is a certainly also probably gotten

Jake Hower:

a whole heap of benefit from this.

Jake Hower:

So thanks very much for

Jamie McKean:

coming on.

Jamie McKean:

No worries.




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