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Urgency & Scarcity in Marketing
19th May 2021 • Breakthrough Marketing Secrets • Roy Furr
00:00:00 00:15:22

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I’ve seen a lot of BAD urgency and scarcity in marketing and copywriting…

I’ve also used urgency and scarcity in ways that create big sales windfalls.

Today, I share a couple of success stories…

Some of my first big successes in adding urgency and scarcity — and radically increasing the sales of a product I was selling.

Plus, I share tips for how to create real urgency and scarcity…

Different contexts for where it is believable.

Including how to create urgency and scarcity in situations where it’s not so obvious.

Considering that you can double sales by adding real urgency or scarcity to your marketing campaign, this is worth paying close attention to.

Check today’s episode for the right way to do urgency & scarcity in your marketing...

Yours for bigger breakthroughs,

Roy Furr



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