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Hilary’s Top 10 Takeaways from Her Best-Selling Book
Episode 1762nd August 2023 • The ReLaunch Podcast • Hilary DeCesare
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Join Hilary as she shares her top ten takeaways from the game-changing book, Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life. Tap into the power of her revolutionary 3HQ™ method, meticulously crafted to unlock your fullest potential as a business entrepreneur. Prepare to ignite your purpose, master transformative habits, and cultivate impactful relationships. Ready to level up your entrepreneurial game? Tune in now and let Hilary ignite the spark that propels your business success!

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Hilary DeCesare:

You're listening to the ReLaunch podcast and I'm your host Hillary DeCeasre, best selling author, speaker and transformational coach widely recognized in the worlds of neuro psychology and business launches, which cultivated the one and only three HQ method, helping midlife women. Yep, that's me to rebuild a life of purpose, possibility and inspiring business ventures. Each week, we'll be diving into the stories that brought upon the most inspirational relaunches while sharing the methods and the secrets that they learned along the way, so that you too, can have not just an ordinary relaunch, but an extraordinary relaunch.

Hilary DeCesare:

Hey, welcome, everybody, this is going to be quite the show. Now why do I say that? It's because you know, what very, very few times am I given the mic for the duration of this show? And I can literally talk about anything that is coming up for me, and what did I choose today, I chose the book, relaunch spark your heart to ignite your life. And I thought, You know what, we have had it out for one year now. And I know we all remember. And for those that don't, I'm going to share the story of what happened at the end when it was being launched. But we're gonna go into, it's like the cliff note version, the spark version of what I think if you were to look at the top 10, what would I want you to take away from it. So I'm just going to like, give it to you so that this is going to be an hour of inspiration, an hour of what if we were sitting doing a little one on one coaching, what I would really want you to be focused on. Now there's that F word. So I do want to share, some of this will be brand new. Some of this will be insights into what I have garnered since writing it. And there's going to be some new content as well. So for those of you that haven't read it, and you're going to be zipping on over to Amazon and getting the books so that you get the full stories. I appreciate you. Thank you. And you might say But where's that story? Well, that's why we do the relaunch podcast, so that I can actually give you the things that I believe are coming up for people and their relaunch journeys. And it can really be anything between personal relaunches that are happening, professional relaunches that are happening or world re launches. But when I first decided to actually set the date of when this book was going to come out, I really thought long and hard about it. And I wanted it to be something available for people that really could leverage it the second half of the year. And even obviously, the first part wherever whenever you're going to listen to this. But I gotta tell you, there is something that gets missed.

Hilary DeCesare:

When we start to talk about halfway points in the year. This is the best opportunity to go ahead and relaunch yourself into that next best better version of you, and the next better version of your business. All right. So let's just all think about that. Now, when I launched this. We had been thinking long and hard about the type of book launch that we wanted. And we were going to have a course around it. We were going to have all of these, you know workshops and things like that, well, life and the relaunches that are associated with that really got in the way. And yet another relaunch happened to myself and my family. And that was about six weeks before my dad, God loved him. He started to fail. And he started to get pretty like we knew the end was coming. And I was asked at that time, you know, when do you think we should launch Should we go forward because I was going back from Boulder to Northern California where I had lived forever right up the Straight from him. And I really wanted to spend as much time with him. So what I did was I started to go back about every other week, and I'd spend time with him. And he'd be in bed. And I would read, I'd read the chapters to him. And I can still write this guy chills, because I know he's, he's listening him here right now. But I can still remember, as I was finishing the different chapters, and kind of putting it all together his comments like, wow, I didn't even know that. And there were moments of time where he smiled at me. He gave me what I needed so desperately as a daughter to hear. And although we did not get through the entire book, we got through about halfway. One of his final comments was, wow, Hillary, this is going to impact the world. So the launch was set for June 8. And on June 6, I was biocide when he passed away. Now, why this is so significant, is that again, we never know when relaunches are going to happen. And the premise of why I even wrote the book was my mom's passing. And so all of a sudden, I'm like, Oh, this is like book ends. This is this is heavy duty stuff. But then I had this piece come over, because of what I describe in the book as three h q, which is the H is our head, heart and higher self. And it was so comforting knowing that there is this connection, there's a connection between the thoughts that you have energetically, everything, everything has a vibrational level, the thoughts you think, then there's the emotional connection, and that has that also has vibrational levels, those emotions, and then you've got your energy across everything at your higher self. And the way I describe in the book, higher self is that best version of you? The best version of you. So I chose that eighth of June, I chose to go forward with a very intimate book launch. And it was zoom, and there were people in our house. And I felt more love from those that showed up.

Hilary DeCesare:

And as I want to go into the first of the time I'm going to be talking about many times we think about transitions, and I have been called the relaunch Queen because there have been so many relaunches, but I chose about six months ago, I decided you know what, that's not my name. I do not want that name. That just means there's going to be more of these things. And I'm like, okay, universe, Okay, God, okay, everyone on the other side, you know, give a girl a bow and like, like, let's make sure that I get you know, I need a little help here. And so I decided that at that point, I would rather become the relaunch energy queen, right? If I'm going to be a CEO, I want to be the chief energy officer. Because that's what everything is. When you can create your own energy on demand, which I'm going to be walking you through I got you. That's when you rise to the occasion. That's when the sadness, although it doesn't necessarily go away. You can see it in a different light. You can experience it and be able to understand that a transition to a transformation is what it's really about. We often talk about an end result, right? Is there an end result? When we lose somebody? Is there really an end result? The transformation continues. I continue to evolve. I continue to want to share more stories, not just my own stories, but stories of my clients of what they're now out learning through three HQ. And I realized that there has to be, there has to be a moment in our lives, where we're not anticipating the next relaunch, like, Oh, God, it's common. It's around the next corner. What's gonna happen tomorrow? What's gonna happen today? And that whole thing about like, things come in threes? Can we just stop that? Where did that come from? Because when we think that way, guess what, that's what we get. So there is a point in the book. And I had, I had so much fun going through this and really like thinking about what I wanted to share. And I'm going to be flipping through. And if you're watching on the video, if you're watching, because in the show notes over in the relaunch, live, know the relaunch podcast over on Apple, you will get all the show notes. And a lot of times, we have some pretty cool things that we're doing that you don't want to miss on. So please go over there. And at this point, I got it, I gotta plug it to thank you for those that threw out the 170 I think 7475. Now episodes, you've gone over to Apple, you've searched out the relaunch podcast, and you left a five star review. People don't realize how much that matters. And I am so grateful. I am we're going to talk later about the G Zone, part of the G Zone in higher self is gratitude zone. The G zone is your grade zone. It is your energy zone. It is your gratitude upon like everything, and I'm so grateful. So if you haven't done it, please go over there five star review none of this for nonsense. And this is something that as we continue, I want you to realize that when you give you get an I have always wanted this podcast, to be a give a gift to each and every person that's listening, whether it is business, and how to be able to scale your sales, whether it is how to elevate yourself through some really challenging times, I have had some of the most incredible stories, journeys with people that have come on the show and a shout out to all of you for being vulnerable.

Hilary DeCesare:

So many times people have said, well, we've gotten off like I've never shared that. That was my intention. Because on the outside, on the outside things can really look good. You can look at social media, you can look at all the things that you know people are posting. But on the inside, sometimes we don't even realize how people are breaking how they're crumbling. And there is a paragraph in the book that says shout out to the little girl who chased fireflies and had dreams. It's time to release your fireflies and let them glow in the fresh air of the real you. The woman you have grown up to become maybe they've been bottled up in the jar with the air holes poked through the lid. That was your old self. They been inside the entire time knocking on the glass gasping for air. Now it's time to relaunch. We want to relaunch them and let them fly. With the guidance of this book. What I'm going to share today the support the sisterhood of our entire collective relaunch community. I invite every woman who has a dream to relaunch to learn how to activate your three HQ to share how others have achieved their own success to create that dream and to take it to the next level and beyond. That's what relaunch is all about transition to transformation. I can 100% tell you, you will have relaunches you could be going through one of the biggest ones you've ever had right now. But I feel like my purpose why I am here why I am sharing this why I do the courses. Why I decided that this was my path is because I know that there is more and it is really hard sometimes to get off the floor to get off the bed. As I explained in the book, it's hard. And I want to let you know that there is an answer for each and every one of you three HQ, you got to learn it. But there's a very simple, simple process called Tune in the tuning process that we're also going to be talking about today. And so as we move into the second, all right, we've got transitions, transitions lead to transformation, I am here to let you know, even with my mom passing, I thought for sure, she was going to live into her early hundreds, like my grandma 105, like my great grandmother, 106, like my great great grandmother, into her hundreds. But it didn't happen. It didn't happen. And I was left with an identity that didn't match my reality. How many of you right now are feeling that same way? Wow. I never thought that this could be my reality, holy moly. Like what? But here's the best part.

Hilary DeCesare:

You've got, you've got this. And I am here as your CEO, as that Chief energy officer. And we're going to do this together. All right. So now there's the second part of this. And the second one is a story that I share about painting the house. And painting the house was something that I can't even tell you. I'm embarrassed to share it. But there's a reason I do. When I was in my teens, we lived in Bellaire, California. And it was it was so everything that you would think about. And one day I came around the corner. And I heard my mom and my stepdad talking, and my mom was asking if she could could hire people to paint the house. And my stepdad who had just had a terrible situation where he got fired from not just one bank, but two, because you will see are both he said, Judy, no, we can't. We don't have the money. I remember thinking, we don't have the money, the money to paid the house, like what is going on. Now remember, I'm I think I'm in high school at that point. And I was just like, wow, this is bad. Well, I left for the summer. And when I came back, I remember driving up the driveway and I saw a ladder, a ladder sitting there and there was a paint can and a brush. I'm like hallelujah, we're painting the house. And my mom looked at me and said, We're not painting it. I am. And that was moment in time where I was just like, there were so many things going through my head like what? And again, embarrassed to say, I was thinking all in my head. Oh my god, what are the neighbors gonna think? What are my friends gonna think? What How could my mom do this? Well, when we come back, I'm going to share with you what my mom actually said to me that changed my life. We'll be right back.

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally and personally. Get your copy today at www dot the relaunch

Hilary DeCesare:

Welcome back everyone. And I am right now sharing one of the most impactful story that changed my life. And it was all around my mom's decision to paint our house in Bel Air California, because we didn't have the money to hire anyone and she was going to take it on herself. And this is what ended up happening. Not over a year. But it took this woman two years to paint the house two years and Any day that she could be out there she was. And I said in the book, I have never respected my mom more. She didn't care what her friends at the road thought about her status in the community. Even though she was the former president of the women's auxilary. at the country club, she did not feel anything was beneath her. I had no idea the strength my mom had until she painted the house. It was her Mount Everest, and she ascended on her own by mastering the flip of the story, the concept of flipping the story from negative to positive, which I first saw in action with my mom, that has stayed with me as a pillar of the relaunch process. And is the genesis of the relaunch, flip, flip the script, and watch what happens. So I'm going to ask each and every one of you. What is your Mount Everest? What are you going through that if you were able to flip the script, like a relaunch flip, which is what we call it, which is where this all came from? What could you be thinking about a situation in your life? And how could you reframe it? How could you think about it differently? Because when I changed my thoughts around what my mom was doing, to wow, she is a powerhouse of possibility. This woman is think she is somebody that I want, when I'm when I'm older, I want to grow up to be just like her. Is there something that you could be thinking about? Is there something from your past that's holding you back? Because now's the time, now's the time to look at things differently. And watch what's going to happen to you. All right, I gotta keep moving. Number three, perception is reality. We talk about this, and it has a lot to do as we move forward with the relaunch flip. And there's a story that I talked about in the book, and it was how we each show up with our own belief systems. And our beliefs are always right. For us, they're always right. The limiting beliefs that we so called can identify later, we'll talk about those, and your empowering beliefs. They're all believable to you, 100%, they're your reality. But let me share with you a story. When I was a senior in high school, I was talking to what would be like the head principal of the school when I was with one of my absolute best friends. And we had decided that we were going to go to University of Colorado Boulder. And the basic, the principal says, Wow, I've never known anyone to actually graduate from that school.

Hilary DeCesare:

Well, I took it as let me show you. Well, my friend took it as oh my god, I'm I'm going to a bad school. I'm not good enough. I should have gone to a better school really took it negatively to the point where she looked at this guy and was like, as you can imagine, the voice in her head was saying, you know, the those bad words that are coming off. This is still a clean show today. But you can imagine what was going through her mind. Well, that became traumatic, traumatic to hurt, but not to me. We were there. You've heard of people that had been through traumatic events, and one person sees it very different than another. Well, that's what happened here. She was triggered. I wasn't. I didn't even remember this until she shared it with me. And the greatest part about it, that this started to come out when she was being nice. saw something in social media that she's like, what's Hillary doing these days? Oh my gosh, I'll support her. Oh, go and sign up for one of her launches. Her challenges her her accelerated programs. And she ended up finding clearly what she was looking for. Her business took off. Her life has taken off. She has embodied three h To the head, the heart, the higher self. And she now has not only done a relaunch flip, she has changed everything around perception is reality of when things happen, asking that important question, why is this triggering me? Why is this happening? So we can go back to the relaunch flip. Right? And the relaunch flip says, Okay, how could she, how can she look at this differently? Well, she ended up going, she has, you know, she became a very successful attorney, then she turned into an entrepreneur, she's launched this very successful business. And in doing so, she's taken something that's in the book called bugs. And we all have bugs, beliefs, underground surfacing. And these beliefs that I talk about are, they can be positive, or they can be negative, they can be empowering, or they can be downright limiting to our success. Have you ever thought that when you were young, your belief system was created by your parents, your friends, your family, teachers, even, and we just accepted it, I once heard this really great kind of connection to it's like a dog and you start to train the dog, and you condition them. And we've all heard of like, you know, Pavlov on, you know, when something ends up getting dropped in, like, you know, some type of food, we automatically go to it, then hit the bell, and let's have another piece of food. Well, that's what was happening to us. But the greatest part is an understanding bugs, beliefs underground, you can start to identify what are the good bugs, right, we all have seen good bugs, there are lots of good bugs out there. And the ones that are like, not so great, not so great. And when you think about this, when you are in the kitchen, and you see an ant, right, and you're like, you just squash it, but you don't take care of like, where did that ant come from. And then the next morning, you come into the kitchen, and you have like ants everywhere. There was something there, there was something sweet, there was something that you know, they needed to eat, there was something Well, one of the one of the things that I talk about is the hell in the hallway, in the book. And a lot of times, we have a lot of things from our past that were just closing the door on hell in the hallway, I don't want to deal with that right now. Babies aren't just a door, maybe in front of the door, you've even put a gigantic brick wall up. And you're just like to building it up. I don't want to go there. I don't want to that's way too much to unpack. But yet, what happens is those darn bugs climb underneath the doorway, they climb through the hole of where the key goes, they can crawl the cracks in the wall. And they always come out. They come out at the most inopportune times.

Hilary DeCesare:

And there's a great, great process that I learned from John Gray, who's now written I believe, 25 books on topics like this. And we modified and I remember when I told him, I did this, he's like, that's brilliant. That's so good. And then you go into after you release, you go into really documenting your relaunch, flip, really putting down, we talk about affirmations, and people are like, Oh, God, affirmations? Well, guess what affirmations work. Because they're affirming what you really want in your life. They're affirming the good things. And then the last one is the rewiring of the brain, that 67 day process. So it's so incredible to know that there is something that actually works. And the best part is, some people are like, hey, I need a quick fix. And that quick fix, I don't want to wait 67 days, I want to get started right now I wanted to help me with business, I want to scale my sales right now I want better leads coming in, I want you know, to hit the seven figure mark, I want to hit the six figure mark. That's where we can get into the tuning process. And that is a very short, simple process that you can actually learn about right now by going over to our website,, the And you can actually take a quiz that will tell you where you are, are you operating from your head, your heart, your higher self, take the quiz, and then it will literally let you know where you are, and all of these different categories. And then it will help you understand that there is a pocket tool that will be instantaneous for you that you can access it at any time. Tune in not tune out.

Hilary DeCesare:

Okay, so let's keep going. Now. Another one that I absolutely love. In the book. I call it the relaunch mantra. And this is another one when you you can give yourself love, right? And there are times everybody, I did not love myself, I would even say on the verge of hating myself. I couldn't go from that self sabotage to love. I couldn't do that, like, you know, Evil Knievel jump over the canyon. So I created a process, a process that actually helps you get to the initial part of loving yourself. And how do you do that it is literally a mantra that you can say every single morning. And the best part, it takes 30 seconds or less. I love short, sweet, make it happen. And the mantra is this. You say your name by saying I love you, Hillary, I love you, Laura, I love you, Mark, whatever it is, then the next part is be me. Do me, have me back, be me. Whoever that highest version of me is supposed to be? Maybe we don't know it right now, as you're saying it. Do me. Do me again. Not everybody else, not the limiting beliefs that everyone else has created inside of me. And then have me back somehow. And maybe you've had this too, you feel like you've lost your sense of direction. You feel like you're you've lost your sense of who you are. And then the last is, I love me. And you say it three times. I love me. So here it is in its entirety. I love you, Hillary. Be Me. Do me. Have me back. I love me. I love me. I love me. That didn't take long. I know it. And here's the thing. There are hands. There are hand like signals that basically you're creating the heart. As you're saying, Be Me do me how me back and at the end. It's like a vessel, you're opening it up to that higher self. So you can check it out in the book. You'll see the the way you can start this right, the second started tomorrow, it will change everything. All right, we got to take a quick break. And then I'm going to come back and give you one of my favorite that has impacted more entrepreneurs than anything else. We'll be right back.

Hilary DeCesare:

This episode is brought to you by my very own labor of love my most recent book relaunch. This book is a collection of my stories, other stories and is a motivational guide to living a new three h q lifestyle, sparking your heart to ignite your life. It's available for purchase via Amazon, get ready to try on the three HQ method that I've been using for years throughout my entire life reaching the next level in all areas, both professionally. And personally. Get your copy today at

Hilary DeCesare:

Hey everyone, so excited to share this next, this next tip this next massive life changing type of have, you know the top 10 in the book. And this one is the most critical when it has to do with three HQ head heart Higher Self Higher Self, energy, energy, energy. And when you think about your energy, there are very few things that we can actually change. If you really think about that, and the one that I know we can change is our energy. But how right people are like, that's great Hillary, but you know, how do you actually do it? So when you think about your thoughts, and I've already said everything has an energy to it when you think about your thoughts. It has energy. So words have energy, how you're talking to yourself has energy, the good, the bad, the ugly, we've got to be thinking about that. And your thoughts then create the emotions, sometimes the emotion you know, we feel like it sparks first and then a thought, but majority of the time it's your thoughts and then an emotion comes out of it. When you repeat a thought and an emotion repetitively, like continuously, that creates your beliefs. Everything is energy. So it starts with the thoughts with how you're looking at thing with your with your relaunch, flip. And here's the most important part, your beliefs keep you stuck at your identity. So if you don't have what you have always wanted, you don't have that, that business that's bringing in the 678 figures or more, if you don't have the relationship with your family with another significant other, if you don't have these things showing up in your life, what we have to be looking at, is your belief system, because that's creating your identity. And we can't ever be at a higher level than our identity. Now, you've heard me say our beliefs are our reality. We believe what we believe if you've tried to change someone's beliefs, that the weather, whatever it is, you know how difficult it is. But from there, your questions that you ask, are based around your beliefs, you're not going to go any higher, so you're not going to get any answers that are higher. So again, when you're thinking about scaling your business, and I often called gates, where you have certain levels of business that you try to get through. And when you break through gates, it just cracks open the code. It's so amazing when it happens. And I love this probably one of my favorite things to see clients do break through the gates. So then once you're able to do this, then you start to ask better questions, get better answers, make better decisions. And then you start to take better actions. And all of this is like a pyramid going up to this level of energy when you are operating as your best version of you. How good does that feel? I mean, it is empowering, you're like you can take on the world. But when we slip off, then when things don't keep working for us, or we have yet another relaunch, we have a tendency to always go back to our beliefs. So we got to change the beliefs, which you heard or your bugs, which you heard through the belief system, which you've heard through the relaunch flip. And so your energy, your energy, I know scientifically I have studied this, that music, music will allow you to elevate your energy. And so again, I want you to go over to the relaunch, website, the relaunch website, so WWW dot the And take the three HQ quiz. Understand that there is a pocket tool that's available for you right now that you have to be using. It's so incredible. And again, it will change everything for you so that you can do energy on demand you can like instantaneously. And I think we're even having coming up here shortly we're going to have a workshop that's going to I'm gonna walk through everyone this quick and dirty, how amazing it's gonna be. So here's the thing. Energy, you're controlling your energy is so important when you go into a room, and the energy is bad. You just know it's like, Oh, what happened in here. But the greatest part is that neuroscience shares with us that we have these mirror neurons, and that you can change the outcome in a room. So cool. So now I gotta keep going.

Hilary DeCesare:

Manifestation magnet, this is number eight, manifestation magnet. There's a great there's this great process where I talk about manifesting and everyone I have been able to manifest the craziest things instantaneously, like things that you would be like, I don't know, she's magic. She's got like, you know, she's a witch. She How does she do it? I'm no different than you. I'm just accessing my three HQ. And when you realize the power behind it, when you realize that there's a process a step by step process that you could do for relaunching your life and relaunching your business. It's kind of like Why wouldn't you? So in terms of relaunching and manifestation, what did I do? I went from a divorce with three young kids, to literally my soulmate with my husband II, I have manifested the craziest thing I just got back from Japan. And there was something on the wall that said, this is a greatest thing. Today is a good day. And it was in calligraphy and it was kanji and had all these amazing things around it. And I thought before I left that room, I'm like, I want that to be what I take home. And I had like a day before I left, and I didn't think about how it was going to happen. Within an hour, I meet one of the top calligraphers in the entire country of Japan, and he does exactly what I wanted. And he gave it to me as a gift. And then there is when my kids for able to use the process as well, and be able to manifest be able to create, being invited to meet that the full cast have some of the most incredible movies, some of the most like the hardest things like that. It's like the best ticket in the planet. And so I want you to realize that and people have been able to manifest the best, like most incredible job that they've never dreamed even in, even in like downturn where there are no jobs, this industry is cratered. They've been able to get that job, they've been able to break through the gate of 250,000. And now they're at seven figures. It's so powerful, so powerful, how you can do this yourself three h Q. There's another area. And this is I believe this is number 10. But if I kept going, and then I gave a little bit extra, which I know, you know, it does happen. Maybe I've done too many, but I'm gonna give this one also, I want you to all realize that we are in a time when everybody is pushing us to be visible. Get out there, do this, do that. And I'm going to share with you right now, they are all wrong. They are advising you in the worst way. And I have been coaching for 23 years, I have been the CEO in Silicon Valley of multiple companies, I've worked at high tech, or called giant for almost 10 years in corporate that is wrong. What you really have to do is you got to do the invisible, the invisible things of three HQ, like your thoughts, like elevating your emotions, like elevating your energy, in order to see the visible on the outside, then it starts to show up for you in crazy ways.

Hilary DeCesare:

I mean, we talk about like, micro actions, I often say and this is like the best MBA, because it's micro business actions. That's what you need to be doing in order to have the success, the lifestyle of success that you want. be invisible. Go down that invisible, start working on again, that like to love of what's going on inside of you start evaluating everything and start like really positioning it, you're not going to have just that like one little boost, right? Like all of a sudden it's like, wow, this worked. I got the one thing and then what happened? No, it builds on it. It builds on each and every level. So when you think about it, does it take long? No, it doesn't. But it does take a commitment. It does take commitment takes a commitment to not get pulled down by other people's energy. That if you are wanting to create a new reality, and we need to start, we need to start looking at what's going on inside of you. And repositioning it, looking at it from the head and the identity of where you're going. Looking at it from your heart. You have this amazing, amazing heart source for those that are out there and they're like God, I don't have the passion. I don't have the purpose. that I can't find it. Where is it? It let me tell you, it's just waiting for you to crack open that invisible part. And the floodgates will open, they will totally open.

Hilary DeCesare:

So, as I am wrapping this up, there's one more story I've got to share. And it was one day where I was looking out the window. It was a weekend, and I worked on a lot of weekends, writing the book, and I. And by the way, it was a very hard challenging process for me to write the book because one, it was very emotionally charged with the stories. But also, I am a big time extrovert and sitting in my chair, like even right now I'm kind of moving back and forth. sitting in my chair is difficult. And so I was sitting looking out the window, and there were these two big deer bucks that walked by, and I was like, Wow, so cool. And it made me pause principle. And that's yet another thing in the book, the PAs principle is like taking the moment. And at that exact moment that I was doing that my husband II walks down towards my office, and he has this plate. And on it is this hot melted Panini with grilled vegetables. And I think they were they were sweet potato fries, like everything. And normally, when I was in kind of that mode of writing, I would just be like, you know, I'm continuing for it, I don't want to break, I don't want to break the level of where I am. And all of a sudden just turned around, and I looked at him. And there was this moment of such gratitude. I mentioned the G Zone. such gratitude for him being so sweet, to make me this to have it. And how many of us how many of us are like looking at this saying, you know, oh, that's coming my way. But I'm not appreciating it. I gave him such appreciation. And it's called, it's now called the Panini principle. Taking a moment to appreciate what you actually have right now, even the little things like a hot piping, gooey, gooey panini. So at this point, those are my biggest takeaways. Those are the ones go buy the book, Amazon relaunch, spark your heart to ignite your life. Go to the relaunch podcast, listen to other stories other and share, please share what we're trying to do, because it is a movement. It would mean the world. Again, if you go over to Apple podcast look, my you know, look up the relaunch and give us a five star review. Well, I think I just asked you to do three things, five star review, and please share it. And then last but not least, start using these things. And so again, thank you for everything that you've done for me. And at this point, relaunch is now something that you have direct access to. We'll see you next time.




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