Today: Leadership - Quadrant 1
Episode 48th January 2025 • This Week Health: Newsroom • This Week Health
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 Today in health, it we're going to talk about leadership. And the next three episodes. I'm going to share with you a bit about how I've built a team of leaders, not leaders by role or title. Those are a dime, a dozen, but real leaders who can move mountains. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health set of channels and events dedicated to transform healthcare.

One connection at a time. Today's episode. It's brought to you by chromo S imagine a healthcare system where technology works seamlessly in the background, keeping your data secure your teams. Connected. And your slash Google dash Chrome O S to learn more.

Hey, we're excited about that golf tournament that you heard about love for you.

If you're going to be at hymns, even if you're not, if you can fly in for Sunday, your presence will make it a great event and help us to raise money for childhood cancer. Love to see you there. All right. One last thing, share this podcast with a friend or colleague, you said as foundation for daily or weekly discussions on topics that are relevant to you in the industry, they can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. All right, let's get to it. So my team and I went to Chattanooga, Tennessee, we went to a studio and we filmed a series of courses and. We did a three courses around. Sales, excellence. Selling into healthcare. MI direction, Sarah. And then Megan and I got together and did a three courses on. Essentially. What healthcare technology managers. Need to understand in order to build great teams. Okay. And I did, the first course was on leadership.

A mega did a second one and it's exceptional on culture. And then the third course was on teams. And we see this coming together in a certification. So stay tuned for that sometime in the spring. April timeframe. That's what we're thinking. And I'm going to give you a little taste of some of the things we talked about. I'm going to talk about leadership specifically. And one of the things that has struck me over the years is the number of people that ride the title. I have the title of CIO. Therefore I am the leader. And by default, the role does bring about some leadership to it. But the reality is that you can put a non-leader in a leadership role and they will gravitate towards being a non-leader. There's a big difference between being a leader and being a non-leader. And what I want to talk about today is really defining what a leader is. And actually over the next couple of days. And what we have is a quadrant and I've used this quadrant over the years. The and I believe that being a leader falls into four categories. And there really should be gates in each one of these.

There should be like, you have to do the first one. There should be a gate go to the second one and it has to be gay code a third one has to be caked, go to the fourth one. There is not. And as you would imagine, we have people skip. From one to the next, all the time. And you don't notice it until you actually put them in those leadership roles. And it's prevalent.

It's prevalent in health. It's prevalent in healthcare. We promote people all the time for the wrong reasons. We promote them. Because they did a good job on a project. We promote them because of their skills. Technical skills or those kinds of things, but leading people, leading teams is completely different skillset. And you have to look for different things.

If you are going to put people into roles. Where they lead people. And so let me talk, you talk to you a little bit about the four quadrants. Then I'm going to go into the first one. The first quadrant is leadership of self. This is your ability to lead yourself. And we're going to go into more detail. That in a minute. And you have to develop those skills. Over time and those skills can start develop when you're four years old for heaven sake.

You can. Start to develop that. The accountability and discipline, you give kids chores for a reason. They develop some of those leadership of SEL skills. The next one is a leadership of others. This is this is more one-on-one kind of thing. So this is things like listening to people and empathy and whatnot.

So we lead ourself. We lead others in a one-on-one capacity. And then the third is leadership of team. And by the way you could see this, if you can't lead yourself, you really shouldn't be going. The one-on-one leadership is not in your wheelhouse yet. But if you develop selfies, develop your one-on-one skills, then leading a team is a natural progression for somebody. And there's a set of characteristics around that.

And then there's leader, there's leaders of leaders. And the leaders of leaders and Megan, we'll talk about this as team of teams, but I this is where the magic happens. When you learn to lead leaders, the sky's the limit. You can do amazing things. So today we're going to start with leadership itself.

And what I have is I have these four quadrants and I have characteristics I'm looking for in each one. The characters. Are the ones that I use. You might put other words in here and that's fine. And determine which ones are the most important for you and the role you're looking to fill.

But when I look at a leadership of self. Has somebody developed in leadership yourself and by the way, when they don't progress through these gates and you put somebody in that leadership team and they don't have good one-on-one or good leadership of self skills, these. These end in tragedy. It's a human tragedy when we do this and we do it all the time. You have teams that are. That are backbiting and strife and whatever, and they can't figure out how to get those teams back online. And the reason is a lot of times because they haven't developed these skills, themselves leadership, self leadership of others. I have to put them into those kinds of environments. Let's talk about self.

So leadership, self integrity. Obviously you need somebody who has integrity. They build trust. They they have credibility because of integrity because you can trust their word. You can trust who they are. As a person. And again, you can see why you can start developing this early on. In your life, but before I'm thinking even remotely of putting somebody in a leadership of teams kind of capacity, I want them to have integrity.

I am want them to have all of these things actually. The next one is discipline. They are able to invest today for future results. That's a discipline is denying yourself today for future return. It's studying. For a test to learn the material so that in 10 years, when you're sitting in a boardroom, you actually understand accounting and you can have those conversations, but you're investing today.

You're doing things today for a future return. That's discipline. You could see that in the gym as well, and those kinds of things, but integrity, discipline. The next one is self-awareness. Know yourself know thyself. It's amazing to me. How many. People are. Over teams and they just have these huge blind spots.

And you're like, do you not see this? And a lot of times they don't. And they don't have self-awareness. Now I'm not saying that people don't apply in spots. They absolutely do. But people who develop with humility over time. We'll ask other people to identify their weaknesses so that they know them that are not a surprise to someone else. They're not as surprised to them anymore when someone says, Hey you don't see this really well.

And and that is an ex. Humility should be on there. I don't have humility on here now. I think about it. But the certain sense of which you need someone else. Utility would be a good one to add here. Growth mindset. Desire to be better. So if somebody has this in themselves, they want to be better.

They, their readers, they are. People who seek out mentors, there are people who are trading off a short-term gain for long-term. Long-term returns. They have a growth mindset. They want to be better. They're going to, they're going to apply that to their team as well. So you want those kinds of things. As I apologized as we were recording in the studio, I realized how many times I finished a sentence with, right? You start to you, you start to realize all your ums, AHS, and rights and all those things. As you're trying to record it more professionally. So I apologize for by five years of doing this show and all my idiosyncrasies. Growth mindset, accountability. You want somebody who is responsible for their own personal actions, by the way, that is going to be applied later, we're going to want accountability. Somebody who's going to take accountability, not only for themselves, but for their entire team. Great leaders, essentially.

They don't think twice about the fact that I am responsible for everyone in my charge. If they make a mistake, it is my mistake. So the you build on this accountability of self becomes accountability for my team. And then leadership of self resilience. It's the ability to bounce back. It's being able to be motivated through your setbacks and there will be setbacks there's setbacks, personally.

There's setbacks. In relationships in your team. In your organization and you want somebody that can bounce back. And so I'm looking for those kinds of characteristics. And I I have developed questions over the years. That I asked people in interviews just to identify. Just to have them tell me stories.

And I find that when they tell me stories, especially from their past. They can build on these things. They can tell me stories and I'll be listening for integrity, discipline self-awareness I guess now utility growth mindset, accountability, resilience. If you start to hear those things in self in them talking about the things that they have done. You likely have somebody that if they're not already a leader of teams, They have the capacity. And that's one of the things that has marked my leadership.

It's having conversations with people who aren't necessarily in the pecking order for that next role. But as you have that conversation, You realize now this is a leader. I don't care if they're 24 years old. I don't care if they're 62 years old. This is a leader and if I put them in that role, they are going to be effective. Because leaders of people aren't necessarily the ones. With the best AI skills and the best. Technology skills, they are leaders.

And I find these people to be more valuable than anything else because they can get the most out of many people instead of just themselves. All right. So leadership itself is first thing we look for. And the next couple of episodes, we will go through some of the others. And hopefully what's the, so what on this?

The, so what on this is, you're either a desire to be a leader of leaders. Or you're looking to build your team of leader of leaders. It starts with leadership of self. And so identify that today in yourself, identify that today. In your team. And that is going to take you take you far. So that's all for today.

Don't forget to share this podcast with a friend or colleague. And you said as a foundation for mentoring, we want to thank our partner group Google chromo, S who tried to put those two things together there, Google chromo S who's investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health.

It leaders. 📍 Check them out this week. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.



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