A Spoonful of Courage
Dr. Charles Page pt 2
In this day and age in which we live, medical advancements are coming on us a rapid pace. Faster and more detailed. Because of this, medical facilities run sort of a “production line” of people in and out of the offices and hospitals.
Gone are the days when doctors actually “knew ”their patients. And the patients trusted the doctor because they believed he understood them and did not treat them as line item on a spreadsheet.
Now, there are doctors out there that do have those kinds of relationships with their patients. I’ve been fortunate to find one where I live that I’ve been with for 20+ years. Amen.
Our guest today is one that has made it his specialty to treat his patients with kindness, respect and dignity. If I lived in East Texas – HE would be my doctor. Praise God.
Dr. Charles Page has been practicing surgery for over 25 years and has journeyed with thousands of patients. He is also the author of “A Spoonful of Courage for the Sick and Suffering” – which is an absolutely fabulous book! And the book, , “Spoonful of Courage: Equations to Find Grace in Life’s Challenges.” His ministry is also called, “Spoonful of Courage,” which we will be getting into today as well.
As an ER Physician, Dr. Charles Page has seen a lot of things happen to people over the years. He is know as the “best guy to see on the worst day of your life!” AMEN!
This is part two of fabulous two part conversation with Dr. Charles Page!
You emphasize that people are not alone. When facing medical challenges, is it normal for people to feel alone? Like, nobody cares?
If you could pick one story from your book that inspired you the most, which story would it be?
I do remember one story that I still remember to this day. Can you share the story about the old farmer that would give himself an electric shock to get his heart beating right?
I found out you also have your own TV program now? Congratulations! Share a little about that?
Dr. Chuck, we are almost out of time. But you shared with me you have a special offer for our listeners today. Can you take this moment to share about that offer?
I do appreciate that. Amen.
Folks, I’ve read “A Spoonful of Courage” through – a couple of times. It is, not just a good book, this is GREAT BOOK. Amen! You really, really need to get a copy of this book in your hands. In fact, order two or three. I guarantee, once you read it – you will want to share it. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you will not want to give it to someone you know. It’s that good. Amen!
Be sure to click the link for “Spoonful of Courage: Equations to Find Grace in Life’s Challenges.”
Share the story in this book about pulling the nail out of a man’s neck that you experienced…
Drop down into the show notes, reach out to Dr. Charles Page at the links provided. Be sure to take him up on this free offer. Praise God! But also, click the link and order a complete copy of “A Spoonful of Courage” and “Spoonful of Courage: Equations to Find Grace in Life’s Challenges.” After you read them – pass them along and make somebody else’s day. Amen!
Dr. Chuck, I do appreciate you taking time from your medical practice to sit down with us and tell us all about your great books! Let’s not wait five years until we do it again!
Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Dr. Charles Page and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Email: Cwpagemd@yahoo.com
Website: https://www.spoonfulofcourage.com/
Book: “Spoonful of Courage” on – Amazon

Book: “Spoonful of Courage: Equations for Finding Grace in Life’s Challenges” – on Amazon
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