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Era 1 Episode 9
Episode 93rd May 2022 • The Bible Breakthrough • The Breakthrough Media Network with Breakthrough Ministries
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The Bible Breakthrough Era 1, Episode 9. In this episode we read Genesis 8, the floodwaters recede and Noah builds an altar, then makes sacrifices to God. God is pleased and makes a new covenant with mankind to never again wipe out the population on the earth. In this "double" episode, we also explore the parallels between Noah and Jesus.


00; 00; 03; 20 - 00; 00; 23; 22


You are listening to the Bible Breakthrough with Pastor David Engman and Scott Brekke. In this study, we will break down the Bible from B.C. to A.D. chronologically while offering historical context and real life application for today. This series is brought to you by the Breakthrough Media Network.

00; 00; 27; 29 - 00; 00; 41; 16

Pastor Dave

Hi, my name is Pastor Dave Engman, and this is my co-host, Scott. Brekke. He is sitting in here with us as he always is, and we are excited for this next episode.

00; 00; 42; 10 - 00; 00; 53; 26

Pastor Dave

Welcome to the Bible Breakthrough. We want to thank you for joining us. Ultimately, our goal, of course, is to lead you into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus.

00; 00; 55; 05 - 00; 01; 15; 17


Yeah. So we're going to try something a little different today and we're interested in your feedback. So please be sure to comment on the change. So typically we conduct a bonus video to this episode and we discuss various topics that come up because of the Scripture. But today we will cover that in this episode.

00; 01; 16; 11 - 00; 01; 32; 20

Pastor Dave

All right. So in the last episode, we read Genesis seven, one through 24. And we learned about the flood that covered the Earth. The scripture that we're going to cover today is Genesis eight, one through 22, and we're going to learn about the receding flood, and the new covenant.

00; 01; 32; 20 - 00; 01; 38; 27

Pastor Dave

The questions that you should be asking yourself as you listen are: What does this mean? And how can I apply what I'm learning in my life?

00; 01; 39; 13 - 00; 01; 59; 14


Yeah. So before we open and read the Bible, let's pray. Lord, in your word, it says to teach this to people, so help me and Dave Lord, and help our audience to open their ears to be able to hear Lord, and open their minds to understand in their hearts, to receive, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!

00; 02; 01; 17 - 00; 02; 02; 21

Pastor Dave

Amen. All right.

00; 02; 03; 12 - 00; 02; 15; 17

Pastor Dave

All right. So let's open up and read the Bible. Today we're going to read the passage of Genesis. It’s going to be Genesis 8:1 through 22. All right?

00; 02; 20; 18 - 00; 02; 22; 22


All right. (long pause) You there? Say amen when you're there. (laughter)

00; 02; 26; 03 - 00; 02; 29; 15


All right. Chapter eight, verse one through 22.

00; 02; 30; 09 - 00; 02; 30; 19

Pastor Dave


00; 02; 32; 02 - 00; 02; 57; 27


Okay! But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat. He sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the flood waters began to recede. The underground water stopped flowing, and the torrential rains from the sky were stopped. So the flood waters gradually receded from the earth. After 150 days, exactly five months from the time the flood began, the boat came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

00; 02; 58; 09 - 00; 03; 21; 12


Two and a half months later, as the waters continued to go down, other mountain peaks became visible. After another 40 days, Noah opened the window he had made in the boat and released a raven. The bird flew back and forth until the flood waters on the earth had dried up.

00; 03; 22; 00 - 00; 03; 43; 25


He also released a dove to see if the water had receded and it could find dry ground. But the dove could find no place to land because the water still covered the ground. So it returned to the boat and Noah held out his hand and drew the dove back inside. After waiting another seven days, Noah released the dove again.

00; 03; 44; 08 - 00; 04; 05; 22


This time, the dove returned to him in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Then Noah knew that the flood waters were almost gone. He waited another seven days and then released the dove again. This time it did not come back. Noah was now 601 years old.

00; 04; 05; 23 - 00; 04; 29; 16


On the first day of the New Year, ten and a half months after the flood began, the flood waters had almost dried up from the earth. Noah lifted back the covering of the boat and saw the surface of the ground was drying. Two more months went by and at last the earth was dry. Then God said to Noah, leave the boat, all of you. You and your wife and your sons and their wives.

00; 04; 30; 00 - 00; 04; 59; 06


Release all the animals, the birds, the livestock, and the small animals that scurry along the ground so they can be fruitful and multiply throughout the earth. So Noah, his wife and his sons and their wives left the boat, and all the large and small animals and birds came out of the boat, pair by pair. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and there he sacrificed as burnt offerings, the animals and birds that had been approved for that purpose.

00; 04; 59; 22 - 00; 05; 25; 04


And the Lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice and said to himself, I will never again curse the ground because of the human race. Even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood, I will never again destroy all living things. As long as the Earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night. The Word of God.

00; 05; 25; 24 - 00; 05; 30; 18

Pastor Dave


00; 05; 32; 03 - 00; 05; 34; 17


All right. So, Pastor, give me the facts of the Scripture.

00; 05; 36; 02 - 00; 05; 57; 05

Pastor Dave

Well, up until this point, of course, what we see is that God is willing to contend for man for a long time. But we also know that he won't contend forever. Right? He'll pour out his wrath, but he will not pour out his wrath forever either.

00; 05; 58; 09 - 00; 06; 23; 28

Pastor Dave

At this point, we can see that the consequences of his wrath, as the world is laying in ruins. And now what we see as the Earth is made new by the recess of the waters and the appearing of the dry land. Now, really for a second time, we see God doing something new with the earth.

00; 06; 24; 23 - 00; 06; 40; 18

Pastor Dave

And so we see this… in verse one and two, what do we see? We see in verses one and two the increase of the waters. And then in verse three, we see that the waters begin to recede. And then, after 16 days of receding the ark comes to a rest.

00; 06; 41; 11 - 00; 07; 06; 04

Pastor Dave

After 60 days of receding, the tops of the mountains, begin to appear above the water. And then after 40 days of receding, and 20 days before the mountains actually appeared, Noah began to send out these spies, as I like to call them. The spies! Like Joshua sent out the spies into the Promised Land. Noah was sending out his version of the spies.

00; 07; 06; 20 - 00; 07; 18; 14

Pastor Dave

He sent out a raven, and then he sent out a dove. Mm hmm. And basically their job was to gain intelligence and bring back information. Yup!

00; 07; 20; 01 - 00; 07; 36; 25

Pastor Dave

Two months after the appearing of the tops of the mountains, we see that the waters have gone and the face of the earth was dry. Though it would be another two months before man could actually walk on the water. I mean, walk on the dry land. Mm hmm. And then…

00; 07; 37; 03 - 00; 07; 38; 15


Walk on the water? Like Jesus? (laughter)

00; 07; 40; 08 - 00; 07; 59; 11

Pastor Dave

Yeah. Well, then and man placed upon the new earth. God told him to come out. He came out. And then we see that Noah dispatched again, or discharged or sent out and departed the animals from the ark.

00; 08; 02; 27 - 00; 08; 17; 29

Pastor Dave

Noah's sacrifice and praise to the Lord, which he offered to God is in verse 20. And then we finally see God's acceptance of this sacrifice, and how God responded to that sacrifice, that he was pleased by it.

00; 08; 18; 23 - 00; 08; 33; 29

Pastor Dave

And then made that promise that he would not drown out the world ever again. Thus the length… at length… mercy rejoices against judgement. That’s what I wrote down in regards to the facts.

00; 08; 33; 29 - 00; 08; 38; 12

Pastor Dave

Scott, did you see any other facts that I didn’t mention there?

00; 08; 39; 05 - 00; 08; 50; 23


This is what I love about… so, I do have my own facts here, but this is what I love about just being with other believers because especially someone who… How long have you been a believer for?

00; 08; 53; 17 - 00; 09; 03; 19

Pastor Dave

Close to 20 years, as a born again believer. I think believed most of my life, but really until I had my encounter with God, almost 20 years ago.

00; 09; 04; 03 - 00; 09; 26; 15


OK, so I would say that I'm around seven years, so when I see… you know, I asked you the question, what are the facts, and you go into all this depth, I just go, wow! That just shows me, you know, a mature man of God just how much you pull out of it. So it helps me to learn because I'm going to read through my facts.

00; 09; 26; 15 - 00; 09; 55; 25


And they're pretty, uh… they're pretty simple. But like we had talked about a lot of times our audience, it's all over the place. I mean, we have people that are brand new that are there listening or watching, and then maybe people who have been in the word for many years. So, these are just my six facts. So first fact is that God remembers Noah. The second one is the flood begins to recede and the ark rests on Mount Ararat, which is our modern day turkey.

00; 09; 56; 20 - 00; 10; 18; 24


Third is, Noah uses birds to see what the condition of the earth is like. He sends them out, you had said “the little spies,” to see what's going on and bring it back. And four, Noah, his family, and the animals leave the ark. Then five, Noah builds an altar and makes a sacrifice to the Lord. And then six God makes a promise to all mankind.

00; 10; 19; 24 - 00; 10; 28; 15


So those are kind of my facts. Are there any, like, key points that stand out to you, or what are your key points?

00; 10; 30; 02 - 00; 10; 47; 10

Pastor Dave

Well, you know the facts are the facts. Right? I mean at least this is what I've come to learn. I going to look at something, I’m going to read it and I’m going to say, that appears, according to what I’m reading, the facts. And then from that, I work to try and discern what I would say are key points. And so, the key points that I see here…

00; 10; 47; 11 - 00; 11; 10; 02

Pastor Dave

Number one, what we're seeing here is the pinnacle of God's wrath subside as the waters begin to recede. And when I think about the pinnacle of God's wrath, we know that God made a promise here, that he would never do it again, that he would never do… he would never destroy earth by a flood, ever again.

00; 11; 11; 15 - 00; 11; 38; 04

Pastor Dave

And so, what other event in all of history was as significant as the event of the flood that happened as a result of man's disobedience and forgetting God. Right? So to me, this is a key point. We see the pinnacle of God’s wrath subsiding as the waters begin to recede.

00; 11; 38; 05 - 00; 12; 12; 22

Pastor Dave

Number two, my second key point… Humanity is saved through the obedience of one man. And I say that humanity, because it was because of Noah's obedience that his family was saved. That was eight people. But there was only one mentioned that was righteous, and that was Noah. Prior to Noah, there was only one other mentioned as righteous, and that was Enoch. And he didn’t have to die, God took him, right? We already talked about that. Yeah

00; 12; 13; 11 - 00; 12; 47; 17

Pastor Dave

So we see that humanity is saved through the obedience of one man. Another point here is… Noah sends out the spies on a new earth. And we'll talk more about that in our discussion. Mm hmm. Noah leaving the place of safety. That's another key point. You know, here Noah had spent, with his family, almost 100 years or so building this amazing ark and of course, he lived ....right? And we know he was 500 years old, roughly, when, according to the word, when he started this.

00; 12; 47; 18 - 00; 13; 33; 19

Pastor Dave

So, a hundred additional years, he’s in a place of safety building this ark. And now he's about to leave this place of safety. And have to depend and trust in the… trust in God’s faithfulness. And then I notice Noah building an altar of sacrifice. This is a definite key point, and I think, and you and I had kind of talked about this in the past. You know if this piece of scripture that we've read here today would be like a meal. I personally feel as though everything leading up to Noah building this altar and then sacrificing…

00; 13; 33; 29 - 00; 14; 09; 16

Pastor Dave

Everything prior to that is like the appetizers and the salad. But I sense this to be like, the steak and potatoes. This is like the main course of Noah building this altar of sacrifice. And I say that because I also recognize in my final point that God accepts this sacrifice and is pleased by it. And because God's accepting and pleased by this sacrifice, he makes this new covenant. This new promise. Yeah.

00; 14; 09; 27 - 00; 14; 14; 10

Pastor Dave

So those are my key points, Scott. What about you? Did you have a few others?

00; 14; 15; 26 - 00; 14; 36; 08


Yeah, I just like that God remembers Noah. Of course, I put myself a lot of times in these positions of, all right, if I'm called by God to build this ark, and now I'm on there with my family. And what stood out to me was, you know, he really just… he… God told me what to do, how to do it.

00; 14; 36; 08 - 00; 14; 57; 10


But then he never told me like, in this case, the scenario is… he never told me when the waters were going to go down, or how long that was going to take. So, but God was remembering him. And then the waters became… started to go down. So, God remembering Noah, He didn’t forget about him. God doesn't forget any of us.

00; 14; 57; 11 - 00; 15; 27; 01


So, God remembering Noah, is a key point for me. And then also on that same aspect, almost of like, God… God knows everything that's good for us to know. So I think when he does not give us certain things, I think that's for our benefit. So he only tells us what's necessary for us to know. And he also, which is good, he doesn't tell us what we don't need to know, because I think sometimes if we knew almost too much, then that's just not good for us.

00; 15; 27; 01 - 00; 15; 47; 28


So God ultimately knows that. And then I'd like to talk more about the birds, because that just seemed like almost like he was testing. He wasn't sure. So it was like it was his form way of like testing of… okay, when am I supposed to get out of here? I haven't heard anything from God. What am I supposed to do?

00; 15; 48; 06 - 00; 16; 06; 07


You know? So it's like sending all these birds. So that's one we'll dive deeper into. And then, of course, like you said, the sacrifice to the Lord. This was something new. And that was the fourth one, so sacrificing to the Lord. I think we'll go we'll go deeper into those. So…

00; 16; 06; 19 - 00; 16; 43; 22

Pastor Dave

All right. So here's about… so when we're reading the scriptures, what we're seeing is what God wants us to see. He’s revealing things to us. So the revelation, if you will, that God has given to us, is the revelation that human beings are bent toward evil from youth. What are the implications? From your perspective, Scott, what are the implications of this revelation for us?

00; 16; 45; 00 - 00; 16; 49; 23


That we're bent towards youth? Or I mean, we're bent towards evil from youth?

00; 16; 50; 02 - 00; 16; 55; 01

Pastor Dave

Yeah, what are the implications of that revelation? What are the implications to it?

00; 16; 56; 05 - 00; 17; 28; 09


Well, that… that I just think of the verse that comes to mind is that we're like we're born sinful people. So the implications of it is that God's wrath is poured out on us because of that very reason. But then I love that we see the nature of God that he's always going to save those who are righteous. So, yes, all our evil from the beginning, we see that even like… you know I have kids and we've all maybe even heard this many times I've heard this even from other pastors. Right?

00; 17; 28; 17 - 00; 17; 51; 00


You have the two kids who are arguing over this toy or something like that. And one of the kids ends up hitting him. And we're just like we're sinful! Or they take something that they know they're not supposed to take, or they do something. You can see that from a very early age, even I have children… that we are bent towards evil.

00; 17; 51; 14 - 00; 18; 00; 27


And I just think that there's obviously consequences. Just like in that story of the two kids fighting over something, there's consequences to our actions. So…

00; 18; 02; 10 - 00; 18; 10; 08

Pastor Dave

OK, so let me let ask you this; what are the implications of this revelation for God?

00; 18; 20; 18 - 00; 18; 23; 20


Hmm… (long pause) That he's going to do something? I mean, I guess I don't know.

00; 18; 24; 16 - 00; 18; 57; 00

Pastor Dave

So God's making… God’s revealing a fact that human beings are bent toward evil from youth. Right. The implications of that are that a holy God now has a whole bunch of kids that aren't holy. He's got a few… a couple that we know of that are that are righteous. Yeah. The rest of them aren't. And there are some implications for God there. He can't be in the presence of evil!

00; 18; 57; 17 - 00; 19; 34; 05

Pastor Dave

He didn't create us so that we would spend eternity burning in the lake fire… in hell! That wasn't his intention for anybody! No. His intention of creating us was to give us free will so that we would choose to love him. And want to be with him. And now he is in a precarious position as God. As we read. And that's what I see as we read, God’s in this precarious position and something has to be done. He's given us life span of 900 years, essentially, on average.

00; 19; 34; 22 - 00; 20; 09; 05

Pastor Dave

And he's watching all of these people live that 900 years and they're not getting closer to God… they’re not… They're going farther away from him. So the implication here is something must be done. So, here's the question that I'd like to throw out… Does this mean that human beings can ever be good enough without God? Can we ever be good enough, or do enough good, on our own, to ever be able to be in his presence, the presence of a Holy God?

00; 20; 09; 21 - 00; 20; 30; 13


Yeah, the answer is no, we can't. We can't work our way to it. There's nothing that we can do if we are truly, from the beginning, bent towards evil. So I think that God is about to do something or does something about that for us. Right! Maybe that’s where I’m supposed to go with that! Yeah.

00; 20; 30; 24 - 00; 20; 58; 07

Pastor Dave

No, I agree with you. You know, the inclination seems to affect the relationship God has with us, human beings, in this story. And so I think that's what we're seeing played out. The implications of what's going on and the inclination of God to do something about it. Because at this stage of the game, it's not looking real good!

00; 20; 58; 08 - 00; 21; 15; 17


So he just sees us as people who have fallen away from God. And because we've done that, he has to do something! Right? He wants to do something. He doesn't want us to be stuck in that for our life, our entire life. Right. OK. All right.

00; 21; 17; 06 - 00; 21; 21; 14

Pastor Dave

Yeah. And so that's the reality, of what I think we're seeing here.

00; 21; 22; 10 - 00; 21; 43; 22

Pastor Dave

Hmm. You know, in the story of the flood. Because God's like, I've got plenty of time for them. I've given them plenty of time. But I also know that 900 years?! If they haven’t started to want to turn back to me by then?! The chances are they never will. It’s never going to happen! Yeah.

00; 21; 43; 25 - 00; 22; 03; 23

Pastor Dave

So God is showing us that there is a limit to how much time. Of course, we talked about that in previous episodes. You know, he's like, that's it! (book slams shut) I'm going to give them 125 years! Or, 120 years! OK? That's, that's all I'm going to give them because, you know… And I want to tell him that! And he does tell us that.

00; 22; 04; 20 - 00; 22; 15; 22

Pastor Dave

Then he has to do something about it. And he gives us a fresh... you know, a fresh start. So… yeah, so… you got a question? You want to…

00; 22; 16; 25 - 00; 22; 44; 01


Yeah, sure. I'll lay one on you. All right. So verse one says, that God had remembered Noah. Does that mean that he… yeah, that God had remembered Noah? So in that, does that mean that he had forgot about Noah for a time? Like, does God not remember someone I mean, why does it say that he remembered him?

00; 22; 44; 01 - 00; 23; 02; 14


Did he forget about him for that time? Or, or yeah. Does God forget people? Does God forget that he oh, it's just like. Oh, that's right, Noah! He comes back to Noah, so…

00; 23; 02; 25 - 00; 23; 15; 26

Pastor Dave

Yeah, because God remembered Noah. And all the wild animals, and livestock with him on the boat. It says here and the floodwaters began to recede. So…

00; 23; 16; 19 - 00; 23; 28; 29


Because obviously he didn't forget about him! I mean, it's God here! You know, like, oh, that's right! I forgot my… that guy… and that righteous guy, Noah! I forgot about him.

00; 23; 28; 29 - 00; 23; 49; 10

Pastor Dave

I don't know that it's necessarily, you know and this is speculation. I think what God is saying… but we can say things in a different way. It might mean one thing if you read it one way, but if you read it a different way… different tone, inflection, and so forth it could mean something else. You know? Mm, hmm.

00; 23; 49; 10 - 00; 24; 08; 09

Pastor Dave

But God remembered! God remembered Noah. In other words, God never forgets! Yeah. But God remembered Noah and all these wild animals, right? Of course God doesn't forget. First of all, you know, let’s establish this… God is perfect!

00; 24; 08; 23 - 00; 24; 09; 02

Pastor Dave


00; 24; 09; 06 - 00; 24; 20; 21

Pastor Dave

There is never an instance in which God hasn’t been absolutely right, absolutely perfect. So of course, God didn't forget Noah. I think He's showing us that, you know, but I remember my son, Noah.

00; 24; 21; 04 - 00; 24; 29; 03


Yeah. Yeah. Good answer! (laughter)

00; 24; 30; 01 - 00; 24; 43; 16

Pastor Dave

So what was interesting here is that, you know, we really don't have… because it picks up right there. We really don't have a record of God speaking to Noah while he's on that boat. Do we? At this point?

00; 24; 43; 17 - 00; 24; 51; 05


No, he just doing what God told him to do. He’s sitting in there taking care of his family and taking care of those animals. And, that’s it!

00; 24; 51; 19 - 00; 24; 59; 11

Pastor Dave

So with no record of God speaking to Noah during that year or so that they were adrift. Do you ever wonder if Noah or his family felt kind of abandoned?

00; 24; 59; 12 - 00; 25; 09; 03

Pastor Dave

Was that? Yes. Right? And maybe that's where your question about God remembering him? Right. Yeah. Comes… maybe that's the stem of it.

00; 25; 10; 16 - 00; 25; 47; 04


Yeah, absolutely. So who hasn't? Who hasn't felt like, at least some point in their life, like they're just not here in something or I'm just not getting it or what's going on, Lord, are you really there? And that's part of the waiting process. And it's tough! I mean, it's actually very tough! It’s speaking to me right now, like, you know, but what helps me is to remind myself of what God's told me. Because what God tells you is going to happen, then that's what… remember.

00; 25; 47; 16 - 00; 26; 00; 05


God had previously told Noah that, you know, he's the one that's, you know, going to be saved his family. And then through him, he's made this promise to him. So, then what about you?

00; 26; 00; 26 - 00; 26; 13; 10

Pastor Dave

Well, I think, I was thinking about how, you know, God could have just said (snaps fingers) and, you know, and everyone would have been gone, and Noah and all his family could have been there, and the animals could have been there and… Right? Yeah. He just could have done it all without this flood.

00; 26; 14; 00 - 00; 26; 40; 00

Pastor Dave

You know, the flood represents something significant that we don’t really get to see until later on. You know, when Jesus eventually comes on the scene… right? What happens is he gets into that river, He tells John Baptist, you got to baptize me... Right. What?! Yeah, you got to baptize me! No, no… you got to do this! And what does he do? He puts him…

00; 26; 40; 25 - 00; 26; 41; 07


Under the water!

00; 26; 41; 07 - 00; 27; 14; 19

Pastor Dave

Under the water, and then going under the water represents death. And then when Jesus comes out of the water, it... Even though I know the people that are listening can't see this, but I'm taking my arm and I'm just kind of in a horizontal point, you know? Jesus goes under the water, now horizontal, and then I'm raising my hand back up which is a… it represents new life!

00; 27; 14; 29 - 00; 27; 17; 08

Pastor Dave

Yeah. Raising.

00; 27; 17; 09 - 00; 27; 31; 28

Pastor Dave

You know, raising something from the dead. Yeah. Water is a part of it. Water is signified in this case as representing death. Doesn't it represent death in this scripture?

00; 27; 32; 03 - 00; 27; 33; 18

Pastor Dave

The water come in and is kills!

00; 27; 34; 02 - 00; 27; 35; 01


Drowns everybody.

00; 27; 35; 02 - 00; 27; 49; 10

Pastor Dave

It drowns everybody and everything that was breathing air, and it died! And, you know, it doesn't… this is a big earth! And, I mean, it takes a while to flood it. And it takes a while to drain it.

00; 27; 50; 03 - 00; 27; 50; 20


Yeah! I’d say, sure.

00; 27; 50; 26 - 00; 28; 14; 18

Pastor Dave

And so it's a lot like life. It takes a while to… you know, it's hard to come into the world, it takes a while to learn and live. And then it takes, you know, and then it's hard die. And it's the same. I mean, there’s all these metaphors you can draw against. And I'm not I'm not going to go down that path too far, because it lends itself to a lot of speculation. But, I see the significance of water here.

00; 28; 15; 07 - 00; 28; 39; 11

Pastor Dave

And I also see the significance of Noah, like us, having to be patient. Yeah. And having to learn to trust God even if God isn't speaking to us. If God said he was going to do something, we can see enough now that he's going to fulfill whatever it was he said he was going to do. And we get to see the story at the end, when God does that.

00; 28; 40; 13 - 00; 29; 01; 00


Why do you think that, I don't have tis on here, but like, why do you think that God didn't tell him… in his instruction of building the ark, getting on the boat, animals coming and stuff, why didn't say hey? And then in what, how many days it was? Yeah, 150 days. And I'm telling you, Noah, in 150 days...

00; 29; 01; 10 - 00; 29; 08; 11


OK, I want you to want to let you know that it's going to start to recede and then that will take a little while and then. And then get off. Then get off.

00; 29; 08; 11 - 00; 29; 13; 03

Pastor Dave

Yeah. For the same reason he doesn't appear to us right now. And just stand here and talk to us.

00; 29; 13; 03 - 00; 29; 16; 06

Pastor Dave

Faith! It has everything to do with faith!

00; 29; 16; 12 - 00; 29; 16; 28


OK. (laughter) Yeah, I like that!

00; 29; 17; 14 - 00; 29; 38; 11

Pastor Dave

You need. You need faith. That's what we live in. Right. That's the world we live in. And Noah needed to develop that faith over that year, and God took that time to strengthen his faith. It was a test. We're always being tested by God and for the reason of our development… our character development. Right? So, um…

00; 29; 39; 14 - 00; 30; 21; 09


And I think, too, waiting that year and seeing the waters start to recede and stuff. And then when God spoke and said, get off the boat, I think he… it made it even more clear for him to go through that waiting, developing that character. And then maybe even for me, like in the waiting area, it's helping me recognize God's voice even stronger to know that… if that didn't take place, it just helps me to recognize God's voice a little bit better in that having to go through that waiting. And then when it when it comes like, (hands clap) that's it, I'm getting off the boat

00; 30; 22; 16 - 00; 30; 47; 23

Pastor Dave

Well, and think about God for a minute. It took Noah 100 years to build that ark. You got to imagine God’s like… come on Noah! It shouldn't take a hundred years! Right? Right. But God was patient with Noah. And now Noah needed to be patient with God. (long pause) Got any the other questions?

00; 30; 50; 09 - 00; 30; 54; 24


Let's see. Well, do you want to move into the sacrifice? Let's jump into that!

00; 30; 55; 14 - 00; 31; 18; 22


So, it talks about the sacrifice. He builds an altar, puts the animals that are made for that purpose… slaughters them, and then basically lights it on fire. And this smell is going up towards heaven. But, you know, I just wrote down like, I'm not going to do that! I'm not! I'm not I'm not going to.

00; 31; 19; 02 - 00; 31; 33; 29


This is what I think an altar would look like back in the day. Right? They put stones… I didn't do research on this, but they put stones up and make it a certain size. And then they put the wood on, then the animal, and then they light that thing on fire. You know, I'm just not going to do that today.

00; 31; 33; 29 - 00; 32; 02; 06


So, what is something that's more of a modern-day sacrifice that we do to the Lord, or we give to the Lord? Because, I mean, we talk about sacrifice, and I just… I don't know, like, this is so old to me, right? The old covenant part. So, what is something that we sacrifice to God, and I actually have that, if you don't have thing for it? (laughter)

00; 32; 03; 01 - 00; 32; 04; 21

Pastor Dave

Well, I do, but if you’d like to go ahead and…

00; 32; 05; 03 - 00; 32; 10; 10


Well, go ahead! I ask the question, so what's a modern-day sacrifice that we give to God?

00; 32; 10; 15 - 00; 32; 10; 21

Pastor Dave

Our life.

00; 32; 11; 08 - 00; 32; 13; 25


Amen! And that's exactly where I was going.

00; 32; 15; 01 - 00; 32; 27; 05

Pastor Dave

I mean, we are literally sacrificing death for new life when we receive the gift that was given to us. That's my answer.

00; 32; 27; 20 - 00; 32; 48; 23


And this is the verse that… I mean, you hit it right on the head, ROMANS 12:1 says, and so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he's done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship God.

00; 32; 49; 29 - 00; 33; 06; 22


So, the way that we live our lives, right? The way we give our life to the Lord, because of what He's already done for us. I mean, we live our life because that Scripture can't remember the address, but you know, we love Him because He first loved us. He did it. He did it all! So…

00; 33; 07; 03 - 00; 33; 08; 15

Pastor Dave

All right, so let's go back on that topic.

00; 33; 08; 24 - 00; 33; 09; 23


Sacrifices. Yeah.

00; 33; 09; 26 - 00; 33; 28; 02

Pastor Dave

So, let's go back on this, and just think about this. Does the act of sacrifice take on a different meaning after the flood? And before I ask you to actually answer that, I just want to set it up by saying this… you know, I don't… and up until this point we don't read about sacrifice. Yeah. Sacrificing animals.

00; 33; 30; 05 - 00; 33; 30; 27


Animals, yup.

00; 33; 30; 27 - 00; 33; 57; 27

Pastor Dave

OK? And in our very next episode we'll talk about… a little bit more specifically, God saying, now you guys can start eating some animals, OK? So, we don't see sacrifice up until this point of animals… of living things. People ate vegetables. That's what they… they were all vegetarians. Right? Until this point. So, does the act of sacrifice take on a different meaning after the flood?

00; 33; 57; 27 - 00; 34; 05; 12

Pastor Dave

What that question would suggest is another question… What were the sacrifices before the flood?

00; 34; 06; 06 - 00; 34; 06; 12



00; 34; 09; 23 - 00; 34; 13; 13

Pastor Dave

And was there any kind… anything? What was the sacrifice?

00; 34; 13; 27 - 00; 34; 16; 11


Even like before… like are you specifically…

00; 34; 16; 11 - 00; 34; 19; 08

Pastor Dave

From Adam to… up to Noah.

00; 34; 20; 10 - 00; 34; 22; 24


Were there any animal sacrifices or any type?

00; 34; 22; 24 - 00; 34; 24; 02

Pastor Dave

No, I'm not saying we know there wasn’t any animals.

00; 34; 24; 02 - 00; 34; 25; 07


Oh, yeah, yeah!

00; 34; 25; 07 - 00; 34; 36; 24

Pastor Dave

So, (long pause) what were the sacrifices to God if it wasn't animals, and burning them, and so forth? Were there any sacrifices prior?

00; 34; 40; 02 - 00; 34; 41; 17


(long pause) I don't know. It doesn't say, does it?

00; 34; 43; 22 - 00; 34; 46; 15

Pastor Dave

Right. That's my point. I don't know.

00; 34; 46; 15 - 00; 35; 17; 21

Pastor Dave

OK, so with that being the case… with this question, is the act of sacrifice take on a different meaning after the flood? How did Noah even know what to do, in terms of sacrifice? We see that God told them to take seven pairs of animals that would be approved, if you will, or suitable would be the word, for eating and sacrifice.

00; 35; 17; 21 - 00; 35; 29; 28

Pastor Dave

Now, we don't know if he ate those animals, do we? On the ark, but we do know what it says here is after they exited… What is the first thing that happens?

00; 35; 30; 07 - 00; 35; 30; 27


He sacrifices.

00; 35; 30; 27 - 00; 35; 54; 01

Pastor Dave

He builds an altar and sacrifices and burns these sacrifices that create this aroma. Mm hmm. So, is the statement… is it a statement or a suggestion of what God desires? Or what Noah understands God to desire?

00; 35; 54; 24 - 00; 36; 03; 10

Pastor Dave

Is it a statement, or a suggestion? In other words, did God tell him to do it, or did Noah just come up with it?

00; 36; 03; 15 - 00; 36; 32; 09


I think Noah, just did it. I think he recognized that… Man, God saved me! So now I’m going to sacrifice. It wasn't like I mean; it doesn't say in here... I don't know. It doesn't say that God told him to now sacrifice. It just… he just did it. He just did it because… I mean, (long pause) because… he felt as if he should do that.

00; 36; 33; 01 - 00; 36; 33; 29

Pastor Dave

So, we don't see God telling Noah to do this.

00; 36; 33; 29 - 00; 36; 39; 18


No, no! Yet he does.

00; 36; 39; 18 - 00; 36; 42; 10

Pastor Dave

Although he did say that these animals are going to be for sacrifice.

00; 36; 42; 10 - 00; 36; 45; 20


For sacrifice. Right. Didn't tell him how to do it.

00; 36; 46; 03 - 00; 36; 59; 29

Pastor Dave

Right. So, this must be, Noah, understanding God's desire for that sacrifice and his desire to want to please God. And when he does it, we see it does.

00; 36; 59; 29 - 00; 37; 01; 06

Pastor Dave

It was then, at that point where we see God said he was pleased.

00; 37; 01; 21 - 00; 37; 08; 15


Mm, hmm!

00; 37; 09; 20 - 00; 37; 10; 17

Pastor Dave


00; 37; 11; 03 - 00; 37; 12; 10


(laughing) He’s pleased!

00; 37; 12; 19 - 00; 37; 13; 05

Pastor Dave

Right? Pleased!

00; 37; 13; 27 - 00; 37; 17; 05

Pastor Dave

He said… let me see, where is that verse is?

00; 37; 19; 16 - 00; 37; 26; 22


Is towards the end. It's like 20, 20, uh… I think it's 19 or 20.

00; 37; 27; 00 - 00; 37; 56; 27

Pastor Dave

It’s 20. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and there he sacrificed his burnt offerings, the animals, and birds, that had been approved for that purpose. Mm hmm. And the, and the Lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice. And said to himself, I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things.

00; 37; 59; 05 - 00; 38; 14; 14

Pastor Dave

It was then that we get… because Noah sacrificed something, in this case, the animals. God was pleased. And God therefore made the New Covenant. Mm, hmm. A new covenant! And so…

00; 38; 14; 24 - 00; 39; 19; 27


Do you think it was OK? So going back to the actual aroma of… I mean, just imagine this, right? You got these… the dead animals and the birds that are on that altar and he basically lights them on fire. And this… this smell is coming. I generally wouldn't think, to me, that would be a great smelling…. I mean, that just I'd be like, oh, that is terrible! Like that to me doesn't seem like something that you that you would do. Like, I'd think of taking something anything, besides the animals, and lighting on fire you know? So, was it the actual smell of that, that please God or was it the act of Noah doing this, that pleased God? Like, the act of him appreciating or coming to God and, and making that sacrifice, the act of him doing it?

00; 39; 19; 27 - 00; 39; 27; 27


Was that what was pleased? Or was it actually the aroma of the nasty animals being burned up?

00; 39; 28; 11 - 00; 39; 30; 00

Pastor Dave

First of all, I don't know that they were nasty! (laughter)

00; 39; 30; 08 - 00; 39; 38; 01

Pastor Dave

When I walk into a steakhouse, I'm telling you, that's a pleasing aroma!

00; 39; 38; 13 - 00; 39; 39; 10


Well, yeah, if you look at it that way.

00; 39; 39; 26 - 00; 39; 41; 27

Pastor Dave

But to answer that, at least from my perspective, what I think, is… you know, the aroma was a fact of the sacrifice.

00; 39; 41; 27 - 00; 39; 48; 25


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00; 39; 48; 25 - 00; 40; 02; 21

Pastor Dave

And it was something that… it did please God! It’s a sacrifice. So, what… So, here's the question. Does the sacrifice express anything else besides gratitude? Noah did it.

00; 40; 05; 02 - 00; 40; 07; 22


Mm, hmm.

00; 40; 07; 22 - 00; 40; 16; 26

Pastor Dave

He did it because he was expressing gratitude, because he just spent a year on a boat... He probably seen dead bodies floating everywhere. He probably saw, you know, big sharks eating them. Who knows?!

00; 40; 17; 05 - 00; 40; 19; 18


Who knows? Yeah.

00; 40; 20; 01 - 00; 40; 32; 24

Pastor Dave

But his family was spared. As he was. And so, he gets out of the boat finally, and he's like, the first thing he does, he’s got to build that altar… sacrifices. As in… and it really was an expression of gratitude.

00; 40; 32; 24 - 00; 40; 34; 13



00; 40; 34; 19 - 00; 40; 37; 28

Pastor Dave

So, but… was there anything else besides gratitude that it expressed? (long pause)

00; 40; 41; 25 - 00; 40; 55; 03


Well, more obedience? Because, I mean, God said that he was going to sacrifice these certain animals. So yeah, obedience is what I think. Is there, what? Was there something else here thinking of? Other than that?

00; 40; 55; 07 - 00; 40; 56; 17

Pastor Dave

No. I was just curious.

00; 40; 56; 22 - 00; 40; 56; 28



00; 40; 57; 19 - 00; 41; 32; 02

Pastor Dave

You know, these are… these are the things that make me wonder, right? Miracle signs and wonders. Right? I wonder about these things. And these are the types of questions that… that when they come to my mind, I ponder or I meditate on… they, you know, then I start doing a little research in the Bible, I start digging deeper, you know. And what I've learned is… is that we never seen to get all the answers.

00; 41; 32; 02 - 00; 42; 03; 06

Pastor Dave

Only we seem to get a lot more questions. We always get a lot more questions that come. You know? In the eighth… in chapter… I mean, in the 21st verse, God says, and the Lord was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice. And He said to himself… and to me, I'm just wondering why does God, or why might God speak silently to himself?

00; 42; 03; 06 - 00; 42; 05; 29

Pastor Dave

And why would God feel that's important for us?

00; 42; 06; 20 - 00; 42; 12; 08

Pastor Dave

Yeah. So what do you think about that? Why did God talk to himself?!

00; 42; 13; 08 - 00; 42; 36; 15


Well, when you first asked me this question before… we got into this, I had no idea. You made the point of it being able to relate with our own ways, that how we function and how we think? Because haven't we all been in that position of thinking to myself, like, how many days do we do that?

00; 42; 37; 06 - 00; 42; 58; 13


Or how many times do we do that in a day? We think to ourselves, oh, I should slow down, I'm speeding. Oh, I should… I'm hungry. Oh, I should “this.” “Oh, I should that.” Oh, I should… so, it's a more of a relatability, I guess, to know that, well, according to this scripture, it does make me think of other questions.

00; 42; 58; 26 - 00; 43; 12; 18


But God says to himself, so God says to himself, well, man, I think of things to myself quite a bit. So I'm again, it's just confirming we are like God in that fact.

00; 43; 12; 21 - 00; 43; 13; 10

Pastor Dave

We were made in God’s image.

00; 43; 13; 10 - 00; 43; 14; 01



00; 43; 14; 15 - 00; 43; 42; 18

Pastor Dave

And so we get to see that God… what we experience all the time, God is saying, look, it's a reminder. I think part of it is the fact that it's a reminder. The other part, I think, is it shows us the heart of the father. Yeah. Right? Like when you read that… (pause) you can't help but notice how that entire flood affected him.

00; 43; 42; 28 - 00; 43; 50; 13


Mm hmm.

00; 43; 51; 06 - 00; 44; 28; 18

Pastor Dave

He didn't create humans to destroy them. And really, we know that it was sin, and the consequences of sin that destroys human beings. And this really shows us the heart of our Father. You know, he knew there's another way without sacrificing our free will. He knew there was another way, and he was preparing us for the other way. The only other way. Right? Yeah.

00; 44; 30; 06 - 00; 45; 00; 25


I want to say, like, before you go on like that, you found that… like when I read through this a couple of times, I never picked that up. But when you picked it up, it just speaks to… you know, when… this maybe for our audience, like when you're reading through the Bible, those are those little highlights that I think are really neat. Because you wouldn’t generally go to Genesis eight verse 21, the last part, and he said to himself, and preach or teach about that.

00; 45; 01; 08 - 00; 45; 25; 09


But you even can! Because those are the little, little things that you can pick up in God's Word and he can start to show you. And I think it's great because you picked up on it and then guess what? Now I'm seeing it. So I'm learning from it as well. So it's just a way that, you know, a lot of times we'll read a big chunk of a story, but sometimes it can be a sentence in the Bible.

00; 45; 25; 14 - 00; 45; 40; 08


Or in this case, it could actually be just one word or a few words. Right? “He said to himself,” which I think is just so neat about the Bible because we know that what we read is living and active. I mean, there's no other book that's like this, you know.

00; 45; 40; 08 - 00; 46; 12; 26

Pastor Dave

And here's the thing that, you know, God doesn't hide things from us, In the Bible, he hides things for us. Mm, hmm. And when we are invested in the Father, in his presence, like when we invest our time to want and desire to be in his presence; both in prayer and in study, God’s like, OK, I can’t wait to show you! (laughter) Yeah!

00; 46; 12; 28 - 00; 46; 41; 12

Pastor Dave

This is where, you know, the greatest scholars, the greatest philosophers of humanity, in all time, have tried to get to the bottom of this. And you can't, they couldn't, you know? There's so much gold in them hills, right? And in the Bible, you know, and we get to go mine it! Yeah. And we enjoy doing it, at least I enjoy doing it

00; 46; 41; 23 - 00; 46; 44; 02


Yeah. Right? And I do!

00; 46; 45; 17 - 00; 46; 49; 18


Well, shall we move on to application or do you want… you got a few other things?

00; 46; 49; 18 - 00; 47; 14; 08

Pastor Dave

No, I want to talk about something else here, I want to talk about the parallels that I see, between Noah and Jesus. Yeah. You know, we're at a certain point where we haven’t, obviously, we’re at the beginning… we haven't got to Jesus yet in the Bible… I've seen some incredible parallels!

00; 47; 15; 04 - 00; 47; 27; 04

Pastor Dave

I just thought we would kind of go over some of them, the ones that kind of stood out to me. So, I noticed that Noah and Jesus both were preachers of righteousness.

00; 47; 27; 04 - 00; 47; 51; 02

Pastor Dave

Now we don't see Jesus, I mean, Noah here preaching. Right! First of all, Jesus wasn't even here yet. And he wasn't preaching Jesus… But we know Enoch was a man of righteousness… We know Noah was a man of righteousness… And because of the righteousness, we know that God saved them.

00; 47; 52; 08 - 00; 48; 36; 04

Pastor Dave

And we know that Jesus eventually, when we get to this dispensation period of Christ, we know when Jesus comes, Jesus is righteous, and we are saved because of the sacrifice that He made. And because of that sacrifice, we are made righteous by the blood that covers us. Right? So, they were both, in essence, preachers of righteousness. And both men… Jesus thought righteousness comes through his sacrifice and through it we will enter heaven. And Noah taught righteousness in order to save people. And in this case, from the big flood, he saved his family. Right.

00; 48; 37; 14 - 00; 48; 57; 00

Pastor Dave

And then another parallel walk. They… both men… both Noah and Jesus walked faithfully with God. Noah walked faithfully and found favor in the sight of the Lord. Jesus only did what he saw his father do. And he walked faithfully! Both men walked faithfully with God!

00; 48; 58; 04 - 00; 49; 17; 17

Pastor Dave

And this third point… This is one of those, too, that I don’t know, I… salvation of the family came as a result of the righteousness of, in this case, Noah, and eventually, Jesus. In other Words, God saved Noah's family from the flood due to his righteousness, and that’s in Genesis 7:1.

00; 49; 20; 17 - 00; 49; 35; 20

Pastor Dave

h of God. And that is Matthew:

00; 49; 38; 13 - 00; 49; 41; 11

Pastor Dave

Do you see any parallels between Noah and Jesus?

00; 49; 43; 05 - 00; 50; 17; 26


Well, I mean, both were… both were blameless in God's sight, you know, both Noah and Jesus basically… I mean, they're blameless in God's sight. So both are blameless. There's also, I like the idea of they both had flocks. So Jesus, obviously, he referred to the children of Israel as a Sheepfold. You know. So...

00; 50; 18; 06 - 00; 50; 23; 02


And then, of course, Noah had his flock, his family. So both...

00; 50; 24; 03 - 00; 50; 24; 16

Pastor Dave

Flocks of animals?

00; 50; 25; 09 - 00; 50; 29; 16


Yeah, right! Flocks of animals on the ark. Yeah, those are just a few.

00; 50; 29; 16 - 00; 50; 38; 07

Pastor Dave

Both established a new covenant. God used both of them to establish a new covenant, right?

00; 50; 38; 28 - 00; 50; 39; 09



00; 50; 39; 29 - 00; 50; 49; 05

Pastor Dave

God established a new covenant with Noah by making that promise, he'd never flood the earth again. And he gave us the rainbow as a sign to remember that he would never do that.

00; 50; 49; 17 - 00; 50; 56; 00

Pastor Dave

Then God established a new covenant through Jesus. The promise that anyone who truly believes in him, follows him, will have eternal life.

00; 50; 56; 00 - 00; 51; 12; 05

Pastor Dave

And so… (pause) both were humiliated by their own people or, you know, Noah was humiliated by his own son, which we haven't got to yet, but…

00; 51; 12; 05 - 00; 51; 14; 15


Then in the people that we're coming by him, right?

00; 51; 14; 20 - 00; 51; 15; 16

Pastor Dave

Noah, when he's building the ark.

00; 51; 15; 16 - 00; 51; 46; 17


The accusations! It never rained before, you're nuts! I can't even imagine being in that position. And then Christ with, you know, spit on, beaten, ridiculed, called names, and I don't know about… maybe you would know this, but even when Christ went to the cross, I want to say he was… they generally, when you see him in the movies, they got like that little robe is on his midsection to cover his private areas.

00; 51; 46; 17 - 00; 52; 06; 29


But, do you think Christ was humiliated even in the worst way of him being nailed to the cross naked? Because I’ve heard that before, but I mean, I could see that as well, like if you were.... because remember, he took on the like the worst of the worst, the sin of the world. I mean, that would almost make sense that he was even humiliated in that way.

00; 52; 07; 18 - 00; 52; 09; 11


So do you think Christ was?

00; 52; 09; 26 - 00; 52; 20; 22

Pastor Dave

I don't know. No? I don't know. It's something that came in. Both men. Both men had something to do with doves. Yeah. (laughter)

00; 52; 21; 22 - 00; 52; 26; 19


You had doves, too! Right? Actually, yeah. We both have stories!

00; 52; 27; 20 - 00; 52; 33; 05

Pastor Dave

A couple of them, pure white doves just coming by, at my house almost every morning.

00; 52; 34; 12 - 00; 52; 45; 19


, September or October of:

00; 52; 46; 16 - 00; 53; 03; 09

Pastor Dave

So we know that Noah sent out the dove… the dove came back. Until it didn’t. And then Jesus said, of course Jesus, when he was baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a dove. Descended from Heaven.

00; 53; 05; 20 - 00; 53; 25; 29

Pastor Dave

Yeah. So, I mean, those were some of the things that I, at least I… There's a lot more I'm not, you know, these… this is what’s so fun about it, you know? You can get into the Word! So finally, I think what we should do is just discuss the application element, here.

00; 53; 25; 29 - 00; 53; 35; 04

Pastor Dave

As we always like to say, what is the good of having knowledge if you don’t do something about it?

00; 53; 35; 07 - 00; 53; 37; 28


Yeah, no, that's my thing.

00; 53; 38; 03 - 00; 53; 42; 25

Pastor Dave

Do you ever wonder if you're good enough? You ever wonder if you're good enough.

00; 53; 43; 13 - 00; 53; 56; 26

Pastor Dave

And that's the question… at least from application perspective. I'm asking, you know, what has this taught you about whether or not you're good enough? We talked about that earlier here in this segment.

00; 53; 56; 26 - 00; 54; 24; 23

Pastor Dave

So, can you ever do enough good? Can you ever be good enough? And what we learned was this... God said every human being is inclined to evil from their childhood. Yeah. So no, we are never able to be good enough, which means that we need that sacrifice of Christ.

00; 54; 25; 01 - 00; 54; 25; 10



00; 54; 25; 22 - 00; 54; 27; 06

Pastor Dave

To help us cover.

00; 54; 28; 22 - 00; 54; 55; 07


And then one of the things for me was the question of do you feel forgotten by God? Because He hasn't! You know, you may feel that way, but he hasn't just like he remembered, Noah, he’ll remember you. And then the last thing for me, the, the application part for me, this is what drove home… was the timing of everything for Noah.

00; 54; 55; 23 - 00; 55; 19; 01


So I just wrote this thing, you know, he didn't leave the ark until God told him. There's 150 days, and then the ark was resting on the mountain. Another two and a half months before other peaks became visible. 40 days, he released… 40 days later he released the dove and the raven. Seven days after that, he releases the dove without nothing.

00; 55; 19; 01 - 00; 55; 43; 10


Seven days later, it comes back so just like you know, his being patient, God's timing, waiting on God until God tells him clearly, now's the time to get off. Because if you… I mean, think if he would have gotten off at the wrong time, I mean, if he would have jumped off and the water is still there, he could have drown.

00; 55; 43; 10 - 00; 55; 47; 23


So, just waiting on God's timing. Timing is so important!

00; 55; 47; 29 - 00; 55; 48; 06

Pastor Dave

You know.

00; 55; 48; 23 - 00; 55; 55; 28


So how about you, our audience? What can you apply to your life? How is God speaking to you?

00; 55; 57; 01 - 00; 56; 08; 02

Pastor Dave

And, you know, look, if you’re struggling with any of these discussion topics, I just want you to know you're not alone. We all get to… it’s wrestle! It’s Wrestle Mania, almost! So, let’s wrestle with this stuff!

00; 56; 08; 08 - 00; 56; 09; 05

Pastor Dave


00; 56; 10; 03 - 00; 56; 28; 12

Pastor Dave

You know, Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord and didn't give up. And as a result was given the name Israel. You know, by God. And we know about how important Israel is, to the Lord. So, yeah, a lot of people wrestle, a lot of people struggle.

00; 56; 28; 12 - 00; 56; 45; 17


And let me just add like, don't feel bad if you're wrestling. Don't feel like, oh, what am I doing wrong here? Sometimes the greatest increase or just the greatest way that you will see something shift in your life happens during that time. Who doesn't? Who doesn't?

00; 56; 45; 20 - 00; 56; 51; 10

Pastor Dave

So we just want to encourage you to keep coming back we want to thank you for being a part of this. Scott, thank you.

00; 56; 51; 10 - 00; 56; 51; 21



00; 56; 52; 01 - 00; 56; 54; 14

Pastor Dave

I appreciate you being a part of this.

00; 56; 54; 14 - 00; 56; 55; 03


I appreciate you, too.

00; 56; 55; 03 - 00; 56; 55; 18

Pastor Dave

Thank you.

00; 56; 56; 02 - 00; 57; 08; 06

Pastor Dave

We look forward to seeing you in our next meeting together as we discuss how God repopulates the earth, and then confirms this new covenant we've been talking about in our ongoing study of the greatest story ever told.

00; 57; 08; 06 - 00; 57; 10; 26

Pastor Dave

Now in this first era, Beginnings

00; 57; 10; 26 - 00; 57; 15; 11

Pastor Dave

I want to thank you and God bless you.

00; 57; 15; 23 - 00; 57; 58; 00


Thank you for tuning in to the Bible Breakthrough with Pastor David Engman and Scott Brekke. We hope you enjoyed today's episode and will join us again for more of the Bible from B.C to A.D. We are a volunteer driven ministry and rely on you to help us get the word out to the world. Please, like this podcast on Facebook, share it to your page and continue to listen on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or anywhere you find your favorite podcasts. This has been a broadcast of the Breakthrough Media Network.



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