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B-#8 - Interview with Naomi Or: The Truth about Israel
Bonus Episode22nd November 2023 • Lost in the Groove • Dave Lennon
00:00:00 01:25:30

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The current situation the state of israel is questionable. What I mean is everyone has the option and the side there choosing to be on. The reality is, over there civilians citizens of Palestinian authority and Israel. Its chaos, watching the whole world think this a game of chess.

Today I brought on a friend, citizen and currently living on the israeli side. She has worked with Palestinians and Israelis. We need to stop pointing the finger and understand this. This war is about civilians their families, jobs and land. This is not about who is right here.

If you care about humanity, and want to help the situation. Stop pointing the finger and help out all the people that are there right now are dealing with there loss.

A big thank you to Naomi or and execeptional human being, that has done so much for all walks of people in Israel. Together with this episode we can help raise awarness and the actual truth of what is going on both sides.

If you want to check Naomi's Or work, use the link below:

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