Today, we will have Tim Johnson, the founder of Cannabis Safety First, industry safety and security specialist, providing biometric security systems, custom vaults, safety training, consulting, and legislative lobbyists. Let's sit down and gain insights from Tim with his call to change the stigma against cannabis, especially in the veteran's industry and community. Packed so much wisdom into the cannabis industry, let's sit down and gain insight from Tim with his call to change the stigma against cannabis, especially in the veteran's community.
Episode Highlights:
- 01:12- Tim Johnson's journey in the law enforcement
- 05:00- What led to Tim's enhanced involvement in cannabis?
- 06:36- Problems with the justice system involving cannabis
- 09:41- Adult-use cannabis program
- 12:22- The drive of determination, commitment, and self-respect
- 18:52- Getting veterans more involved in the cannabis space
- 19:55- A push for veteran rights when it comes to cannabis
- 24:50- A call to change the stigma against cannabis
Key Points:
- There are so many opportunities for veterans in the cannabis industry
- Use leadership skills and influence to call for a change for the cannabis stigma
- There's a huge problem with the current justice system involving cannabis that needs to change
- “Cannabis is everywhere, it's kinda like chocolate in a candy store.”- Tim Johnson
- “The military teaches you discipline, and discipline leads you to set a goal. Once you set the goal, commit to following through with that goal and have self-respect.”- Tim Johnson
- “My passion is to correct that wrong, to get rid of that stigma, to take care of our veterans, stop killing us, give us our rights when it comes to employment and continuing educations”- Tim Johnson
- “My goal is to reach out and educate all walks of life because educational awareness is the key to success.”- Tim Johnson
- “Be active, contact lawmakers, and demand for a change.”- Tim Johnson
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