Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
In this episode of “
Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan welcome Nancy Minicozzi as a guest cohost as we discuss those important beginning of the school year conversations that are necessary in the life of a tech coach.
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5 Important Conversations To Have Before School Starts
Conversations with Administrators
- Important to understand that teachers are coming back traumatized just like students. They can have high expectations for teachers but need to temper them with understanding
- Set vision and expectations for the year. Get familiar with the overall vision of the administrator for the district as a whole or for the specific building.
- Conversation Goals:
- Establish Building Goals based on District Goals
- Establish Rules of Engagement with Teachers and how they want you to work with or approach them
- “What are your goals and how can I help you meet those goals”
- “What grades should I focus on and concentrate on?”
- “How will the coach be introduced and empowered to perform the tasks that are expected of them?”
Conversations with other Tech Coaches
- PLN meetings and conversations for learning and professional development
- You need to prep yourself as a coach by collaborating with people in your field
- Important Tech Coaching Hashtags
- #AskTheTechCoach
- #TechCoachEDU
- #ETCoaches
- #InstructionalCoach
- #TechCoach
- #EDUCoach
- #EdTech
- #EdTechChat
- #TechCoachEDU
- #ETCoach
- #EDUCoach
- #Coaching
- #TechCoach
- #KyGoDigital
- #KyDLC
- #GoogleEC
- #CoachEDU
- Important Tech Coaching Groups
Conversations with other role models
- Either inside or outside of education that give you motivation
- Soak up learning for yourself that you are passionate about whether it is learning more about technology or something else totally outside of the world of education. You have to refresh and let your mind focus on other things to help you be relevant all around and ultimately be an effective coach to your teachers.
Conversation with Teachers
- Let them know that you know their job is going to be tough this year and if they aren’t ready to work with you yet on a specific issue that you will still be there to support them as needed
Conversations with other role models
- Either inside or outside of education that give you motivation
- Soak up learning for yourself that you are passionate about whether it is learning more about technology or something else totally outside of the world of education. You have to refresh and let your mind focus on other things to help you be relevant all around and ultimately be an effective coach to your teachers.
Conversations with yourself
- Recognize that this year is going to be different and be understanding with yourself.
About our Guest: Nancy Minicozzi
Nancy’s bio (wasn’t sure where you wanted it – edit if needed for space): Nancy Minicozzi is an instructional technology coach in the Beverly Hills Unified School District. An ISTE Certified Educator, Google Certified Innovator, Trainer, and Coach, and one of the hosts of the TLC Ninja podcast, she is passionate about helping other educators innovate and refine their practices to benefit all students. Find her online at and
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