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True Peace Is Given By God
Episode 40414th September 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:03:13

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"Peace that surpasses human understanding is not dependent on external circumstances but is a profound inner calm that remains despite life's storms."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."-John 14:27 (NIV)


In this episode, we explore the concept of peace from a spiritual perspective.

We would explore the difference between worldly peace—tied to external factors like financial stability or harmonious relationships—and the deeper, more profound peace that comes from God.

This inner peace, as described by Jesus in John 14:27, transcends human understanding and remains unshaken regardless of external circumstances.

True peace is a gift from God, marked by an inner calm and freedom from fear and anxiety, despite the storms of life.


- True peace is not based on external circumstances but is an inner calm given by God.

- Worldly peace often depends on factors like financial stability or personal success, while divine peace transcends these conditions.

- The peace from God allows believers to remain calm and untroubled, regardless of the storms they face.

- Understanding and embracing this divine peace can help overcome fear and anxiety.


  • 00:00 -Introduction to Divine Peace
  • 00:58 -Distinguishing Between Worldly Peace and Divine Peace
  • 03:18 -Embracing Inner Peace Through God's Promise
  • 05:11 -Living Out Divine Peace in Daily Life

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Be sure to stay tuned for more episodes and continue exploring the peace that surpasses all understanding.

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Wesleyne (:

Peace. What is your definition of peace? For me, it is this feeling that I'm calm, that there may be storms raging outside of my body, outside of my home, that there may be storms that are happening within my relationships, but I have this peace. And I often say it is peace.

that surpasses human understanding. Because when I sit down and I'm speaking to someone and I'm telling them about what I have encountered or what I have going on, and then I say, despite all of that, I'm at peace. I feel calm. I don't feel anxious. And they don't understand. In John 14 verses 27, it says, peace I leave with you.

My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. And this text is written in red. So these are Jesus's words. The peace that we get from God is not like peace the world has. Peace the world has is my bank account is full so I'm not stressing about money. All of my kids are

doing everything that I've asked them to do. And so I am not worried about my kids. My marriage is just, we're not having too many conflicts. So I feel good about that. I feel at peace. That peace is based on what they see. That peace is based on the external things that are swirling around them. But the peace that God gives us, this is inner peace.

He says, not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. So when your heart isn't troubled, when you don't have fear, when you don't have anxiety, whether things are good or whether things are bad, so you could say, I'm at peace because God has blessed me with six months of savings in my bank account. And so that brings me peace.

Wesleyne (:

I'm at peace because I am praying for my children and I'm praying for their hearts and their salvation. And I know that these are God's children. So I have nothing to stress about. I have nothing to worry about. So when you talk about how you feel, what's on your mind, remember you want to ensure that your peace is from God, that it is inner peace that flows as outer peace.

Be blessed.




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