Hello and welcome to number 50! To celebrate this milestone, Mark Tisshaw, a well known journalist in the car industry and a friend of mine for 20+ years joins me to talk about some of our epic trips. We concentrate on three big trips which have a sporting twinge to them.
We talk about our first long haul trip to Australia to watch The Ashes in 2010/11. Then we move on to our road trip from London to Ukraine for Euro 2012. Then we delve into the 2014 trip to Brazil for the FIFA World Cup. We briefly cover trips to the West Indies, France, Russia and of course some quick fire questions.
This is not only an episode about sport, we also talk about how you plan trips like this, how you figure things out without a smartphone, the beauty of unfiltered travel as well as sharing some stories from those trips. The journey always seemed to be better than the actual sporting event we watched. You don't want to miss this episode, this really was fun to record.