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How We Turned 1 Product Into $2.4million
Episode 2309th October 2024 • The Email Marketing Show • Email Marketing Heroes
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We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and this week, we’re going to take you behind the scenes of how we transformed a single product here at Email Marketing Heroes, into a massive $2.4 million in revenue.

PLUS – we’ll break down each of the core principles we used too so that you can use these to scale your business, using strategic email marketing, all while maintaining work-life balance.

Let’s get into it!

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FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

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This week's episode is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

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Want more? Let's say you're a course creator, membership site owner, coach, author, or expert and want to learn about the ethical psychology-based email marketing that turns 60-80% more of your newsletter subscribers into customers (within 60 days). If that's you, then The Email Hero Blueprint is for you.

This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.

Want to connect with Fifi?

Fifi is a personal brand and visibility coach who works primarily with introverted coaches and impact makers. She helps quieter people – those who have ideas they want to share with the world but struggle to put them out there. Fifi empowers them to find a way to share in a way that aligns with who they are. You can find Fifi on her website.

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How did we turn one product into 2.4 million dollars? Big number, sounds crazy. I'm going to unpack the whole thing in today's episode. Oh yeah, it's Email Marketing Wednesday.

You ready heroes? And this is the Email Marketing Show. It's time for a no bullshit look at how to make more sales from that email list of yours. Let's do it.

Hello and welcome to the show. I am Fifi Mason from And I'm Kennedy from Now, what we want you to do is take what we're going to share with you in today's episode, the principles, the pillars, and the ideas. And we want you to implement them.

And one of the things that stops anybody from implementing anything is those little roadblock questions. How does that apply to me? How do I do it in my platform? And that's why we created a free Facebook community to make sure you get unblocked from your questions. And also hear what's working right now in all of email marketing.

So if you want to come and join our free community, it's over on Facebook. Just search for the Email Marketing Show community in that little Facebook search bar. And we are going to see you in there.

So Fifi, what you been up to recently? What have I been up to? I am currently planning a mastermind or a masterclass, should I say, which I'm really excited for. So that's all I'm really thinking about at the moment. Have you decided on a topic of it? Or are you still in the sort of picking a topic and getting it nailed in? Yeah, no, I have the topic.

I know exactly what it's going to be. It's going to be how to shift from the mentality of an expert and coach to becoming more of an impact maker and a visionary. So how you actually make that shift.

Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay, that sounds interesting.

I guess it does sound quite different. I'm going to be curious to talk to you about that a little bit later. I want to know more about it.

What about you? What are you up to? I feel like all I'm doing is running around and going to different things. Like I've been speaking at some events, which I love. I've been speaking and sharing at some like intimate mastermind groups of like 15-20 people.

Sharing with those groups, which I'm loving doing, by the way. So if I've met you at one of those, hello. I know a bunch of you have decided to listen to the show, which is great.

And then also speaking at some larger events and booking in, speaking at some events. Plus, I've been attending a mastermind that I'm a member of as well, because I think it's important to continue to raise your glass ceilings. Like we all have these invisible ceilings in our thinking of what we think is possible.

Like the numbers or the possibilities or the impact you can make. You have your own limiting beliefs that you don't even know about. And I think the most dangerous limiting beliefs are the ones we don't even know we have, because we can't be working on them.

So I think a mastermind and being as part of something like that is hugely valuable for making you go, oh my God, there are so many bigger possibilities than I ever thought about. Speaking of big possibilities, that's what we're talking about on the show. And we're going to talk about how we, email marketing heroes, took one product to 2.4, almost two and a half million dollars.

And here's the thing, this is only to act as inspiration. And this is not saying, hey, do these steps and you'll definitely make this amount of money. That's not going to happen.

Your results are definitely going to be different. You might do better. Like, you know, I'm not the best at every single one of these pieces of this thing.

And I've got lots of other things going on. So yeah, I'm really interested to peel back the curtain on what the hell we've been doing. I love the idea of this topic because, I mean, it's a big number.

And for me, big numbers, like, they terrify me. So when I see that, I'm like, ah, I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to make that amount of money from a product or a service or anything. And it just, it's quite daunting.

So I'm really curious to hear where we're going to go with this and what we're going to talk about. Yeah, and I think one of the things that a lot of people get daunted by, certainly when I hear large numbers, is that sounds like a shit ton of work. Like, you're going to earn all of that.

But like, at what cost? Like, at what level of sacrifice to your personal life, to your time and stuff like that? Let me tell you something really interesting. Is when I was really pushing and aggressively growing at that level, I was only working three days a week. I had Tuesdays off.

I called them Tuesdays, as in all about you. And I, as the day I went, I had my personal training session during the day. I saw my therapist, like all these things.

I just had a slower start, had a nice breakfast. Like, I was not working at all on Tuesdays. And Thursdays, I was just kind of completely off.

I would sit and watch episodes of CSI and other terrible crime drama. So it's not about sacrificing. It's really about making sure you put the right stuff in place, not all of the stuff in place.

There's so many things you could do. You don't have to do all of them. That's really, really important, right? The thing that you have to think about is how good is the actual offer, right? Because the method that we use to build the business to this level is really about reinforcing your offer, okay? That's what it's really about.

I think there's two ways of doing it. There's one with a high-priced offer at lower volume, which means you're really good at converting people at a higher price. You don't need as many people.

Or are you really good at volume? Are you really good at getting lots of people onto something, which means you can charge smaller amounts? So you could either, you know, $2.4 million from 2.4 million people and charge them a dollar each, or somewhere in that extreme. Or you could sell one thing for $2.4 million. Now, of course, I didn't do either of those two extremes, but it was somewhere in the middle.

This is like high-volume, low-volume, isn't it? It's like thinking of where you're going to price your offer and being sure that you're actually going to be able to reach that many people, in essence. Yeah. Yeah.

And if you're really good at volume, then great. If you're really good at driving traffic, getting engagement on social, building a following, then you can put lower-priced offers out there. I think you should always have a higher ticket back end to it.

We'll definitely get into that. But the first thing I think you have to do is decide on what we call the Roam Offer, the All Roads Lead to Roam Offer, your main headline flagship offer. So, in our business, we decided on a thing called the Email Hero Blueprint, okay? That's our main offer that we want to tell everybody about.

And when you put your flag in the sand and say, this is our main thing, then you can make some much better decisions. I was just actually on someone's livestream show just before we started talking today, and I was talking about this concept of the Roam Offer, because when you decide on that Roam Offer, you realize that everything you do just needs to be ultimately leading people to that thing. So, it might be a lead magnet, a free lead magnet, and they come in and they go to a webinar, and you tell them about the Roam Offer.

But sometimes it might be, hey, come and buy my small offer. So, you peak their interest, it's lower risk for them, it's an introduction to you. And then on the back of that, you tell them about your Roam Offer.

What that means is if everything is pointing towards your Roam Offer, you're compounding the costs that you're putting in into getting one solid outcome of getting more people into your Roam Offer. At the end of the day, if you spend 10 hours, and all those 10 hours ultimately lead to people to buying your Roam Offer or hearing about your Roam Offer, you've invested all 10 hours into the Roam Offer. Whereas if you're busy promoting things that are unrelated, you might be only spending one hour on each of those things.

You're never going to have the same level of impact. So, the big important piece of this is having one central offer that everything leads to, with maybe other offers around it. Yeah, and this is what you talk about all the time, because I even say this to my clients now, all roads should lead to Roam.

And I do say that it's from you, I do say that. I'm copying this from Kennedy. But it's true, like, we've got to be building out the path for our clients to lead them towards working with us in the way that we want them to.

And basically what this is, is being intentional and putting out these freebies, these lead magnets, these products, smaller ticket, lower priced things that are going to be things that the people we want to work with on that Roam Offer, that higher ticket item, is going to lead them there, because it's exactly what they need to actually start working on the next stage. Exactly. And the key to this, and the way that we get to reinforce our Roam Offer, is that every single time you turn up to your audience, I'm talking about email, but of course this applies to social and on your YouTube channel or your podcast, whatever.

You want to be presenting this Roam Offer in a new and different way. And different ways that get different people to pay attention and buy. So for example, do two extreme broad examples.

One way you might present your offer is based on what somebody will gain, how their life will improve, or their business will improve, or their relationship, or their dating, or their weight, or their fitness will improve. You will feel better, this will be easier, you will get more, you will be more muscly, all this stuff. The second extreme to that is loss and fear.

You will lose weight, you will stop risk of heart attack and diabetes, you will stop worrying about when the next penny is going to come from in your business. You will no longer be single and have repetitive strain injury from swiping, like all these things. This is escaping, this is getting away from the things they don't want.

Now, they're just two examples. But some people are going to buy this, say, dating course about how to get better quality dates or something. Some of them are going to do it because they want to gain the love of their life, the forever person, the person they're going to settle down with.

And some people, different people will buy it because they are sick of terrible dates and they want to move away from terrible dates. And at different times, depending on where you are in your life, you will change your buying thing. You might start this dating thing by looking for the love of your life.

It might start off as a positive thing, but after a while, you might become the, I'm fucking sick of all these dunces who I keep going on dates with. So the same person is going to change their motivator over time based on different stimulus and sometimes the stimulus is time, sometimes it's condition, sometimes it's based on other things they've tried. But at different times, each of us will buy different things for different reasons.

And that's why we keep showing up to our email. That's one of the main two things that we did to take our business with our main room offer up to that level of $2.4 million of that same product because we kept showing up saying, hey, do you want to buy our course for this reason? And some people will go, yeah, and a bunch of people will go not interesting. And then the next week or next month or a few weeks later, we'd show up and go, hey, do you want to buy it for this reason? And different people will go, yeah, and a bunch of people will say no.

And if you keep doing exactly that, presenting the offer in different ways, I'll highlight this feature. I'll highlight this kind of result. I'll highlight that kind of result.

This other feature, you've got so many things you can talk about from your offer, but the problem is most people talk about that offer on the same point of view over and over again, disengages your list, doesn't make you more sales because you're saying the same thing. Yeah, it sounded like you were talking about me there. I am! It's not even a podcast! Honestly, honestly, but I see this.

I see what you mean. And this is exactly what you teach. So I know this, but sometimes you've got to hear it in a different way.

And it's the same thing, isn't it? That's it! It's being told the same thing from a different point of view, a different positioning, a different reason. And that means that different people are compelled to take action in different ways because that's exactly where they're at. And everyone's at a different stage.

Everyone's got a different perspective, background, however you want to phrase it. Everyone has a different motivator that's going to get them to that point. But ultimately, what you offer helps everyone because it's all in there and the solution is everything they need.

They just don't realize it until you've put the right reason in front of them. Exactly. And it's the right reason in that moment as well.

Like, so for example, if I show up to you and say, hey, I've got this really cool way of re-engaging your email list. If you're a bit down in the dumps about your open rate and how people are not really engaging with your emails, you're going to buy when I tell you about that. But if you're not, if that's not a problem you're currently facing, a thing you're thinking about, then you're not going to buy right now.

Whereas if in a couple of weeks time, I show up and say, do you find it really hard to come up with ideas for what to put in your emails? Do you feel like your emails are always the same? I've got a library of 46 different email sequences that you could show up and get people excited to buy from you. You might go, oh shit, I'm going to buy that. It's the same product because it contains all of these things, right? So as you say, it's just repackaging it.

It's representing it. An old-fashioned direct response marketing, it's called re-leading. And that means the lead, the beginning bit, the thing that you lead with is different.

And sometimes it'll be positive, sometimes it'll be negative. Sometimes it might be a bit of a story. Sometimes it might be really straight into what the problem they've got, or the solution you're sort of offering.

But here's the big thing, on the back of every one of those things, there is your Rome offer. Always, always, always is your Rome offer. Yeah.

I'm a very visual person. So I've sat down and I've worked out how I'm getting people from social media, from my content, all the way to my Rome offer, and how I actually do that through different things. So it could be signing up to my email, then the emails that lead them there, then there's masterclasses, then there's actual social media posts, and all of the different things.

So I kind of mapped out and I see it all visually. But I think after this conversation, I'm even at a point where I'm like, I could get more specific and add more to do with even just the content of how you lead into it as well, I think. You made me just think of something I've never thought of before as well, which is when you're mapping those things out and going, cool, they're going to go from an ad to a lead magnet, from a lead magnet to a thank you page with like a micro offer on it.

And then off the end of that micro offer, I'm going to make them my main Rome offer. But how many times, like at each stage in that, you're going to get a percentage drop off, right? And sometimes that's okay, because you're making some money on the front or you're making some money on the micro offers. But actually, if you can reduce the number of stages, you're going to end up with more people seeing the Rome offer.

So sometimes you might go add straight to your Rome offer. Sometimes you might put one step between. Sometimes you might change what that one step is.

But I see a lot of people have all these, like the person needs to get through six steps. And I'm like, if each piece converts a 10% or something, you're going to have to have a lot of volume at the front. And we go back around to that volume problem again.

This is a trap that I've fallen into recently when I created a membership, but thinking that that would lead, it's like a mini membership, very low ticket cost. And we've talked about this, but I thought that would then lead to them working with me. But realistically, it got them to a point where they were like, oh, I've got all this stuff to do.

And until I took action on it, I don't need the next step. And then they would never do it. So I was creating this, yeah, I don't know what the word is, but I was creating something that got in the way of them actually taking the next step to work with me one-to-one.

So here's a question for you. I'm just wondering this. Do we then think, as a summation of that, that anything that's before your Rome offer should be more head stuff rather than action stuff? Yes.

Because if your Rome offers the action stuff, if we're giving people actions that they're expected to do before they get into the Rome offer, then as you say, they're gonna be like, well, wait till I've done this. Whereas if all your lead magnets and your splinter offers, all these micro-offers that lead into it, if they don't have any actions in them, they're going to learn a thing, they're going to whatever, therefore we're not going to have that barrier? What do you think of that? Yeah, yeah, totally. And this is why I've changed my masterclass to what I'm going to do it on, because I just, in that masterclass, want them to just have a realization that they need to make a shift.

Not to actually go and do it or figure out how or take some action. It's just to have that realization that there is something that needs to be done. And that's a new way of approaching it for me as well.

So I am excited to launch it. But yeah. I love that, I love that.

The other thing we did to make this level of income was we then added something on the back of the Rome offer. Just because all roads lead to Rome doesn't mean that's the end, right? You can have high ticket or recurring items on the back of that to do what I call profit maximization. Once somebody is your buyer, they are statistically speaking 50% more likely to buy from you again.

That's statistics from clever people, not from me, right? So if that's the case, what can we do to do that? So in our case, we added an accelerator on the back of our program. And that was all about taking the core program and helping people to implement it. Not just on their own, but with guidance.

So think about the back of your Rome offer. What could you add in to help it be easier to do or faster? So in our case, it was easier and faster. And the third element, so it's easier, faster, or more likely to be successful.

That's what we're looking for in a profit maximizer that complements and adds to your core Rome offer. So it's easier, faster, more likely to be successful. In our case, it was an accelerator because we wanted to satisfy all three of those because the more of those things you can satisfy, the easier it is to sell and the better results you're going to get for people.

So it was easier because we gave people these worksheets to really work through this methodology. Faster, well, it was an eight-week program. You're going to do it in eight weeks when most people take a year, right? And more likely to be successful, we're like, how do we make it more likely to be successful? We're like, what if they have a coach who coaches them through the best stuff that they can put in those emails? So the more of those easier, faster, more likely to be successful you can have in, the better results you're going to get for people and the easier it is going to be to sell.

So remember, when people get to the Rome offer, a big misconception people have when I talk about the Rome offer is that that's it. You can have stuff on the back. That could be an accelerator.

It could be an intensive group coaching program. It could be a sprint. It could be a challenge.

It could be a mastermind. It could be any of these things to help people to take it to the next level. Yeah.

So in essence, it's like your Rome offer is the middle offer potentially because that is the one that is, I suppose, priced around the price where they might take action without having a conversation with you, even though that's a really good thing to do. But then if they want to go to the next level with it to get more hands-on help as you say, to do it faster, and maybe you have like an option of it's done for them as well. Yeah, done for you is another great maximizer on the back.

Absolutely. Yeah, there's so many ways that you can add to that existing offer to make it better. Technology is another great one.

Is there some technology you could offer, especially nowadays when you can create technology with no code these days using AI. I mean, I don't know how to do that. I haven't looked into it, but I hear people talk about it all the bloody time.

No, you know, no code technology. Again, tech is another way you can leverage that, I guess. Yeah, there's just so much scope to it.

But then every person who is going to that middle offer, your Rome offer, is in the right, if they want more, if they want to have those benefits, then they're going to take the even higher ticket offer. Exactly, exactly. Yeah, and remember this all means that it's all built around the Rome offer.

Everything leads into that offer and the things on the back of it are ways of helping people get easier, faster or better results from it. So, but until you've picked that core nucleus of the offer, nothing else can come out of it. And it makes it simpler.

Yeah, that was just the right thing. And it makes it simpler. It makes it so easy because everything just goes towards that one thing.

And like, who wants a hard life when you can make it easy? Yeah, and it means you can spend more time making that main thing better. Yes. And you get the compound effect of all the other things.

So that's how we took that one offer and we took it to that level. And it really is a blueprint for how to structure businesses. In our masterminds and in our other programs, this is one of the big moments that we really get people to sit down and go, the only way this is going to work without an unlimited traffic budget is to have this Rome offer and let's really delve into making that killer.

So yeah. Yeah, I have one question that I think people might be thinking though, is the big number the 2.4 million, how long did it take you with this offer to make that? I think two and a half years, something like that. Yeah.

So it's not like overnight. Yeah, but it's not it's not years and years and years. So it's doable.

And remember and I'm not an outcome focused person. So I was just enjoying putting all the pieces in place and making it better and and really being product focused. Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Cool. Yeah.

Love it. Love it. Love it.

Okay. Now this week's subject line of the week. Okay, I like this one.

It's the MIA email. The MIA email. That's the subject line.

Missing in action email. And I just think there's something, something funny about that. Here's the thing that you didn't get.

Like, oh, another email could be like, I'm just making this one up now, but like, because I'm not tested this one, but the MIA email did very well. But imagine if like, I'm not sending this email. Yeah.

This is, I've got a book called, This is not a book. Just being very, what is the word for that? There's got to be a word. It's like an anti-inception kind of thing.

It's like saying this thing is not the thing it is. Yeah. Or anti-meta.

I don't even know. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. It's a bit like a friend of mine, John, but he has a sales video on his page and underneath it from the beginning, you know, I normally on a sales video, the button won't appear until like you've told the person the price or whatever.

He has a button from the beginning that says, do not press this button. It doesn't work. I love that.

I'm like, dude, I'm going to use that. It's brilliant. And literally they click it and it pops up.

It says, Oh, you cheeky sock. You know, whatever. Like I told you not to press it.

And then a different button appears later. All right. You give the call to action during the video or whatever.

But I'm like, that is so fun. Like, yeah, that's John van Berthy. Shout out with me a couple of weeks ago.

It's really, really cool. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this. I really, really hope you have.

We have got this free class that we have running. If you go to email marketing heroes dot com slash free class, I'll show you exactly the methods we use and how to implement a lot of the stuff we talked about. What kind of emails to send to move your product and how to represent it in different unique ways.

So if you go to email marketing heroes dot com slash free class, it's on demand so you can just watch it at your leisure rather than having to wait and register and all that sort of stuff where you get busy. Watch it at your leisure and it's completely free. Email marketing heroes dot com slash free class.

I've really loved this episode as well. You're really in love with me? No, I really love you. I did you ever call a teacher like dad or something? I did.

Did you ever do? Dad, I mean, sir. You probably have. Yes, but if you've loved it too, thank you for tuning in and being here and do come back to listen to our next episode next week.

See you then. It's the podcast voice guy again. Yes, that that would be me, which means it's the end of the show already.

Holy crap. Look, we make this show every week for you for free. So make sure you hit subscribe on your podcast player so you don't miss the next episode and we will speak to you next email marketing Wednesday.



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