Artwork for podcast Saint Louis In Tune
Pre-Juneteenth Celebration 2023
5th June 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:58:08

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When you think of a community what do you see? Need a community event to kick off your family's Juneteenth Celebration? The Pre-Juneteenth Celebration 2023 in the East Delmar Loop will be an active community gathering celebrating Juneteenth with music, food, art, health assistance, and just an old fashion sit down and talk.

The date is Saturday, June 10 from Noon to 6 PM at Delmar & Hamilton (5900 Delmar) and St. Louis Artworks (5959 Delmar). Celeste Grayer, event manager for the celebration discussed the specifics of what to expect and what she does to help the community through social work and art.

[00:24] Introduction

[01:13] Return to Civility-John Sweeney, The Speed of Laughter Project

[03:55] Interview with Celest Grayer

[23:04] St Louis In Tune Update

[24:43] Dred Scott Stamp Initiative

[26:15] Words, horses, coffin bones

[31:18] Juneteenth Flag

[31:27] History of Juneteenth

[40:31] Left Every Voice and Sing

[49:22] Events in St. Louis

[52:30] Word for the Day

[54:43] 20 Truths About Life

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

#juneteenth #delmarloop #stlouis #lifteveryvoiceandsing #galvestontx



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