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Ep. 32 - Aloe is a game changer!
Episode 3220th November 2023 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:09:14

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The Miraculous Benefits of Aloe and Aloe Life Products

I have no affiliation to Aloe Life...

In this episode, I passionately discuss the benefits of aloe vera, with a particular emphasis on products from the Aloe Life brand. While acknowledging the well-known benefits of aloe vera for burns and sunburn, I stress how these benefits represent only a fraction of the healing properties of aloe. Aloe Life products play a significant role in improving digestion, eliminating yeast, supporting the immune system, balancing blood sugar, and alleviating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. I can attest to long-term personal use of Aloe Life products and highly recommends them to the audience.

00:00 Introduction to Aloe Vera

00:29 The Power of Aloe Life Products

01:31 Benefits of Aloe for Digestion

02:19 Comparing Aloe Life to Other Brands

04:30 The Versatility of Aloe Life Products

06:52 The Power of Aloe Vera Tablets

07:31 The Unmatched Benefits of Aloe

08:19 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

If you choose to purchase AloeLife you can use my link to amazon, I get a super small affiliate percentage...


Aloe Vera

: [:

Yeah. Yeah. We've heard about aloe Vera, our whole lives. No. You don't understand. There are aloe products and then there's aloe products. My absolute favorite. Product for aloe is Aloe life. That's a brand.

Most people have never experienced what aloe can actually do for them. And I'm telling you. I am absolutely telling you, this is one of those products that once you experience. Yeah, there's no going back. You will always want to have. Any of their products in your arsenal?

I absolutely love.

With this company does.

I have [:



So let's get right into it. Aloe is. More beneficial than you even know. I know we've always heard of how, if you burn yourself, put aloe on it, or if you get a sunburn put aloe on it. That is just a small portion of what aloe can do for you. What I'm going to bring you is much deeper.

Okay. So the first thing it can do for you is digestion. So if you do the liquid version, which I love so much, that's called Aloe Gold. It improves your digestion. Now, when you take it internally, This is like a multivitamin multimineral type of a product it's loaded with nutrition. And the main thing that you want from aloe is what's called Mucopolysaccharides.

And this brand [:

I just know. Karen's products. From all these years. She makes the best aloe you can get bar none, fully organic, non GMO. Super nutrient dense, extremely powerful.

The liquid, like I said, digestion. Gets rid of yeast. Improves.

Your immune system, it helps with. Blood sugar.

Allergies. Internally helps to support things with your skin, like eczema and psoriasis, this kind of thing.


I think this is one of the best things that you can have in your life. Why would you not want something in a liquid?

From a plant.

That you know is safe. That heels just about every single thing you can possibly think of in your body. Or at least supports you in healing.

I have personally given this product to, I don't even know hundreds of people. I can't even count at this point. It's been 30 years since I've recommended this product.

Other aloes are not the same. Those are just.

Super weak, ineffective.

A little tiny bit. It's not [:

Good aloe to begin with. Let alone. Being anything effective. I'm talking about something that, you know, when you taste it, you who know it's got aloe in it. When you look at it, you can see it's brown.

When you use it, you can tell it's a little bit sticky.

Safe to say.

If you can't tell there's aloe in it probably isn't aloe. Any of Karen's products.

Which are aloe life brand. I have real aloe in them.

I use and recommend the juice. Non sweetened. I also love. Her aloe Vera gel.

It's called skin gel.

That's the most. Intensely. Nutritive.

y're still in bed. Mind you. [:

Daily. Skin nutrition. Like get out of the shower. Put a little dollop in your hand, rub it into your face in top. See your hands. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Awesome product. I have been using. Her face and body lotion. I don't even know how long, 30 years. Use it every single day on my face. And then I rub it into my hands. People say at a time. I can't believe how old you are. I think that's a good thing.

Not only does it smell fantastic. Smells like orange blossoms, but the most nutrient dense. Lotion you can use and you can use it on every area of your body. Doesn't even matter what it is. You could use it. On your scalp. You could use it on your face, on your heels. Anywhere you want.

To actually [:

My niece even do a whole episode on her products in the future.

She even has things like. Um, Intimate moisturizers. For you ladies.

She has. The most.

Effective products. Topically. I've ever seen. Internally. The most effective.

Plant based. Overall health supplement that you can ingest.

I would say. Ginger. Aloe life's liquid. Aloe Vera. Internally.

Are the two most powerful things that you can put into your body.

And if you want serious power.

And I mean, serious power. You go with her. Alovera tablets.

Mind you.

ree times more powerful than [:

So really good. Super powerful, highly concentrated aloe. We'll do. So many more things for you.

Then you've ever thought of. Increase your digestion. It helps intake water. It gives you tons of nutrition. It'll help your blood. Get rid of constipation. Boosts. Your immune system, like crazy and will absolutely help balance blood sugar. If you think that. There's anything else? Plant-based, that's more powerful than aloe.

I can tell you. There isn't. Outside of ginger. Not even tumeric, Aloe Vera. Organic non GMO. By this company.

Or ginger. Are the two most powerful plant-based things you can put in your body.

lose to what you might think.[:

Let me tell you. If you think you've experienced benefits from Alovera, you probably didn't experience them from actual Alovera. You experienced them from something else that was in that product. I'm telling you right now, you. Use aloe life products. .

These are game changers.

shout. Take care of yourself.[:




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