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TAP 114. Most Agents Doing Video Wrong. An interview with Real Estate's video king... 2.6 million views and rising!
26th April 2018 • Top Agents Playbook • Ray Wood
00:00:00 00:34:24

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I believe most agents are doing videos WRONG! … and today, I think I can prove it and show you how you can leverage the power of video by adopting a brand new approach.

So if you’re doing videos, I’ve got a question for you. Are they working? Do you have a strong, steady and reliable flow of great listing leads you’re converting to sales while building your brand and local authority with property owners in your area? Or are you looking under rocks for listings?

If your video marketing is not giving you the ROI you were hoping for, m aybe you should think about shooting videos with a difference and really getting noticed!

I’ve noticed some pretty cool real estate videos lately.

The production is amazing and these must cost a few hundred dollars each at least… if not more

But every time I see one, I have to wonder how many people actually watch it?

So I look at the number of views on YouTube and they are normally less than a few hundred… and the views don’t lie

So, you have to wonder if there might be a better way to attract more eyeballs and my only conclusion is It all comes back to content.

After all, if you’re going to the trouble and expense of making a video, why wouldn’t you want the world to see it?

About four years ago, Scott Lachmund started promoting local businesses and people in his area on the sunshine coast on his own video channel and website.

Four years later he’s had more than 2.6 million views.

He profiles business leaders, local identities and sports people and has played a leading role in promoting a large number of charities and local causes.

In fact these days, he is in so deep with his community, that people come to him.

There is no way this could be done by promoting videos of houses for sale.

The professional following and personal authority Scott has built in the last four years with his regular video interviews is amazing.

He is now in the enviable position of being the vehicle that provides locals in his area with a voice. How many agents can say they do that?

By his own admittance, he can’t possibly imagine any other way he could have done this.

The main issue I have with self-promotion and traditional real estate videos is that they are all about the agent, which totally defies the first rule of marketing… Make your content all about your target market.. NOT yourself.

If you know anything about me, you’ll know I’m a fan of pointing the camera or the microphone at someone else and letting them be the hero. That’s when the magic happens because suddenly they are sharing it with their friends and putting you in front of an audience you don’t even know yet.

Here’s the thing; there are too many real estate agents but not enough marketers. Take look around you… Most real estate agents all look the same. They make the same offers in the same way.

Do you think people in their community really notice? Or perhaps I should ask, do you think people in their community really care? What are you doing to be different? What are you doing to stand out in your community and why not use video and engage your community before someone else does.

Since I started talking about this a few weeks ago, I’ve had quite a few approaches from agents looking to be coached on the topic and how to get set up.

We get into the specifics around the best equipment, choosing the best people in your community to work with, how to approach them, what questions your should be asking and the best formula and platforms to promote your video and have your interviewee share them too.

If you’d like to know more, head over to and send me a message and by this time next month, your message could be in front of more community influencers than you could have possibly imagined while your competition are still looking under rocks for listings.

I think you’ll enjoy this interview with Scott. It’s a couple of years since we last spoke and this time Scott shares everything he’s learned and how his local popularity and notoriety is helping him get noticed while he helps so many others in his community.

All that and more… coming up!


I’m not that big on gambling, but I’d like to make a wager with you.

I bet that right now, there are people in your community who looking for a local platform just like Scott is doing in his community.

I bet there are businesses, sports people, civic leaders, and local charities who would jump down the phone and say yes to a short video interview if you approach them correctly.

But getting the formula right is important. In fact it’s critical so if you’d like to know more, email me now and let me know.

It doesn't matter where you are or what your local market is like. This formula works anywhere.

By the way, if you’re listening to this before Monday April 30 2018, make sure you join Glenn Twiddle and I for four days in a row of Facebook live. We’re kicking off for 30 minutes at 7 am next Monday to Thursday so if we’re not connected on FB yet, send me a request at so you’ll notified when we go live!

We’re going to be sharing some career changing ideas and have a little bit of fun and we’re looking forward to helping you get each day next week off to a flying start!

Until then, Dream Big and take names




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